Problems deleting files/folders with AFP or SMBHi,I have recently purchased QNAP TS- 1. I know, it is the cheapo low- end model, but when your budget is limited then it is limited..: -/)I recently copied a chunk of files to NAS sharepoint (using AFP) and after few minutes I cancelled the copy. After cancelling the file transfer I tried to remove some leftovers from the sharepoint and now there are couple of directories with some files I cannot remove.

This is the easiest method to delete files and folders in Windows. You can use either Windows Explorer or My Computer to navigate to the file or folder you wish to.
I had occasion to open the C:Windows folder on my old XP machine, and was immediately struck by the number of folders whose names began '$NtUninstall. 'DelinvFile.exe' is a Windows program that provides a convenient User Interface for selecting the file that you need to delete and provides for a choice of two delete. Software Distribution folders are those containing the Windows Update installation files. These folders, along with the folder contents, may be deleted using Windows.
I have tried to shutdown the QNAP and then restart it and still cannot remove those stuck files. I have logged in to that sharepoint using AFP or SMB/CIFS protocol but still cannot remove those files. I have verified the same error using Mac OS X 1. Mac OS X 1. 0. 5. I am getting the following error message in Mac OS X Finder when trying to remove those files: Sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occurred(Error code - 5. I tried to find an explanation for this error code but found only this: error in user parameter list(Not very enlighting bit of info..)Using a terminal command rm - rf gives an error: Invalid argument. My sharepoint has full read/write permissions for the user account I am using accessing it.
FreeFileSync is a free open source backup software which helps you compare and synchronize files and folders on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Home >> File Manager: File Manager This document provides information about DirectAdmin's built in file manager.
AFP and SMB are both enabled for this sharepoint. Could somebody please help me with this issue. The correct answer is NOT that I should reformat internal hard drive on my NAS. The system should work with AFP and SMB features as it is advertized and preferably straight out of package. And I would really like to keep using AFP as my connection protocol as it seems to log in much more faster compared to SMB on my Macs. Hope someone has some reasonable solution to this. If not then I have to return this product as incompatible for the use it has been advertized ###After doing some investigation I found a quickfix for this problem.
And behold, the troubled directory with stuck files is gone forever. This is however not the best way for removing those problematic items as: a) It is probably too.
So if you like to live dangerously: I logged in to QNAP NAS using Mac OS X Terminal. Code: Select all telnet 1. Login: administrator. Password: xxxxxxxx. I listed contents of my sharepoint directory: Code: Select all ls - la /share/HDA_DATA/SHAREPOINT(Replace SHAREPOINT with your own sharepoint directory name)And found out that there is this strange : 2e. DS_Store file (I read that it has been causing problems for other users somewhere in these forums): Code: Select all /share/HDA_DATA/SHAREPOINT/: 2e. DS_Store. Then I thought that here goes nothing and removed that file: Code: Select all rm - f /share/HDA_DATA/SHAREPOINT/: 2e.
DS_Store. I found out that the directory was in /share/HDA_DATA/SHAREPOINT/STUBBORN_DIR. Code: Select all ls - la /share/HDA_DATA/SHAREPOINT/STUBBORN_DIRAnd found out that administrator has full read- write access to it.
Then I used: Code: Select all rm - rf /share/HDA_DATA/SHAREPOINT/STUBBORN_DIRand behold, the troubled directory with stuck files is gone forever. This is however not the best way for removing those problematic items as: a) It is probably too difficult for a person who is not a poweruser or sysadmin by nature. As some of you know (by experience) that using rm it is possible to remove important items accidentally. And when using command line there is no undo. And recovering files from backup (if you had one) is time- consuming.
It seems that administrator has full seek- and- destroy permissions (like root on POSIX systems) for all disk contents.###Is this related somehow to SMB config on my NAS system? I saw some other user's SMB config at: viewtopic. My SMB config's global settings: Code: Select all[global]Workgroup = NASsecurity=userserver string = NAS- QNAPencrypt passwords = Yesusername level = 8 map to guest = Bad Usernull passwords = yesmax log size = 1. TCP_NODELAY SO_KEEPALIVE SO_SNDBUF=3. SO_RCVBUF=3. 27. 68os level = 3.
Yesdns proxy = Noconfig file = /etc/config/smb. UTF8force directory security mode = 0. Apple. DB/. Apple.
Double/. Apple. Desktop/: 2e. DS_Store/Network Trash Folder/Temporary Items/The.
Volume. Settings. Folder/.@__thumb/.@__desc/delete veto files = yesuse sendfile = yeswins support = no. It has a line: Code: Select all veto files = /. Apple. DB/. Apple. Double/. Apple. Desktop/: 2e. DS_Store/Network Trash Folder/Temporary Items/The.
Volume. Settings. Folder/.@__thumb/.@__desc/This is like it should be I guess..
But this I am not sure of: Also on my smb. On that other user's smb. Maybe this SMB locking is causing the problem?
I have used only AFP for file copying. I used SMB only when I tried to remove those stubborn files.###And is there a possibility to use ssh commands for administering TS- 1. NAS? Like restarting/enabling/disabling services on the fly?###BTW, my Terminal window replaces brackets [ ] with strange Scandinavian/German symbols. I tried using Character Set Encodings: UTF- 8 and some other different Western Latin encodings, did not change anything.###Thanks to QNAP for a promising product, hope this TS- 1.
Utility for Deleting Invalid Files and Folders. Utility for Deleting Invalid Filesfrom the author of. Purge Cache, Cookies and Tracks for Internet Explorer. Delinv. File 5. 0. VISTA, Win- 7. thru Win- 1. The price for the single- user license. Delinv. File is $3.
USD). Beginning with version 5. Delinv. File includes Uni. Code logic to enable processing of file and folder names.
Bulk. Delete", "Multi- select" and a new method for. Even though Delinv. File may not have handled your invalid files in the past, give. Windows allows the creation of file names and folder names. Windows Explorer. This includes names with invalid characters and.
The current version of Delinv. File includes a function to. Delinv. File has been converted to a limited trial.
However, this includes the capability for testing to verify that the program can access and process your problem files and folders. With this change, registration now includes a 3. Delinv. File. fails to delete your problem files. Delinv. File. has a function for reporting such a problem when requesting a refund. Some windows functions allow creation of folder paths such that. The current limit is 2.
In other words, windows can create. Windows Explorer to delete. The. Windows Explorer. NOTE - Delinv. File. Locked) files. However, Delinv.
File. does provide functions for deleting or renaming files and folders at the next. Boot. Too many invalid names to handle manually? Have thousands of files to import to Share. Point? See Share. Prep below for renaming. This page describes "Delinv. File. exe". which is a Utility that. Windows Delete function. You could use the phrase 'delete.
Most file delete problems can be. DOS or Command window to: 1. Execute a Delete. Short File. Name or 2. Execute a Delete.
UNC form of the File. Name. However, it is quite difficult to. Most of the relatively new. DOS commands. The current version of Delinv. File is 5. 0. 1. Delinv.
File supports Windows VISTA,Win- 7 thru Win- 1. Beginning with version 3. Delinv. File includes a function to.
Delinv. File was converted to a commercial version with the. Site Licenses or Multiple- use Licenses for businesses are.
An additional 2. 5%. Site Licenses for educational institutions. Request. Quote]Note - the Short Filenames are the shortened. Long Filenames that are created to fit the 8. That is, the. name is only 8 characters and the extension is only 3 characters. The. UNC is an acronym for Universal Naming.
Convention. By example, the Filename "C: \temp\test. C: \temp\test. doc"."Delinv. File. exe" is a Windows program. User Interface for selecting the file that you need. You use the standard controls for Drives, Folders. Files to navigate to the Folder and Select the file to be deleted.
Note that Filenames are. Short Filename and Long Filename as a convenience for. Once a Filename is selected (highlighted), you. Delete button to try to delete the file. The current version of Delinv. File combines both the Short.
Name. functions with the UNC functions. That is, for Delete, a Delete via. Short. Name is tried. Should that fail, a Delete via UNC name is.
Similarly, for Rename, a Rename via Short. Name is tried and a Rename via. UNC name is tried if necessary. Announcement - "Share. Prep". released for Sharepoint. Share. Prep is. a utility program for Share. Point administrators.
Microsoft's Share. Point or. to Microsoft's One. Drive for Business. The file and folder names within Share. Point and One. Drive have more. Windows operation.
Share. Prep has scan. Abbreviation of common words in file names is supported. See - http: //www. Share. Prep is not just for Share.
Point. Some are using. Share. Prepto bulk rename files and folders. Purge. IE Home Page]. Purge. IE Home Page.
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