Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories takes place directly after the ending of the first game, Kingdom Hearts. [20] [21] The game is set in Castle Oblivion, a mysterious. For Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days on the DS, Game Script by DJ Firewolf.
Kingdom Hearts (Franchise) - TV Tropes. Keys to the Kingdom. From left to right: Top: Xemnas, Master Xehanort, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.
Game Hearts Kingdom Through Walker
Middle: Mickey Mouse, Ventus, Aqua, Terra, Data- Sora, Data- Riku. Bottom: Roxas, Sora, Goofy, Donald Duck"There are many worlds, but they share the same sky— one sky, one destiny."— Opening Credits. For the first game in the series, see Kingdom Hearts I. So Square Enix and Disney walk into a bar..
A series of Action RPG games, co- produced by Squaresoft (now Square Enix) and Disney, directed by Final Fantasy character designer Tetsuya Nomura, and starring characters from both companies. It's basically FF meets Disney (with some of The World Ends with You and The Bouncer thrown into the mix). Kingdom Hearts started out as the ultimate crossover game: a fun, dynamic game with platforming elements and a solid plot. The first installment was followed by a number of sequels, all of which provided retcon moments for previous games and added Loads and Loads of Characters.
- For Kingdom Hearts on the PlayStation 2, FAQ/Walkthrough by A 2 1.
- The music of the Kingdom Hearts video game series was composed by Yoko Shimomura with orchestral music arranged by Kaoru Wada. [1] [2] The original soundtracks of the.

Kingdom Hearts (2002, PlayStation 2): The first game in the series, detailing the adventures of Sora, Donald and Goofy as they search for their missing friends. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep is a prequel to the Kingdom Hearts series set 10 years before Kingdom Hearts I. Terra, Ven and Aqua are three young friends who are.
The series is known for its memorable scenes, its Disney and Square fanservice, its elegant fighting system and its balanced difficulty level. At the same time, more recent installments are infamous for having one hell of an intertwined plot, spread across many different games on six (soon to be eight) different consoles..
Sora is a young boy living a peaceful but boring life on an island with his best friends Riku and Kairi. This is until the day his world is engulfed by The Heartless, an eldritch species that feed on the hearts of innocent people and literally consume entire worlds. Sora is sucked through a portal and winds up in Traverse Town, a crossroads world that has become the refuge of those who have lost their worlds to the Heartless. As he begins to search for his missing friends, Sora is granted the mysterious Keyblade: the only thing capable of closing the gaps that the Heartless are using to invade the worlds.
With the aid of Donald Duck and Goofy, two royal knights searching for their missing king, Sora must travel to all of the different worlds in The Multiverse and use the Keyblade to lock them safely away from the Heartless and those who plot to use the Heartless to further their own ends. Meanwhile Riku, having also ended up in Traverse Town, becomes obsessed with rescuing Kairi at all costs and is tempted by the same power of darkness that Sora is trying to seal, setting up the two best friends for a fateful confrontation. As Sora and Riku grapple with their newfound powers and responsibilities, an ever- expanding mythology begins to unfold around the legendary Kingdom Hearts: the source of all hearts and the goal of many an antagonist. open/close all folders Games In Series Kingdom Hearts (2.

Play. Station 2): The first game in the series, detailing the adventures of Sora, Donald and Goofy as they search for their missing friends. Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (2. Play. Station 2): Kingdom Heart's updated rerelease, adding a lot of new content. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (2. Game Boy Advance): The sequel to Kingdom Hearts, following Sora as he descends into the mysterious Castle Oblivion and comes into conflict with a mysterious Organization of hostile, black- hooded men and women.
Game Hearts Kingdom Through Walk Through
Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories (2. Play. Station 2, part of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+) A remake of Chain of Memories, made on the PS2 and released with Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. Kingdom Hearts II (2.
Play. Station 2): The third game in the series. The story follows Sora once again as he comes into a much grander conflict with what is left of the Organization, now known as Organization XIII, that he seems to have a mysterious connection to and struggles with confusing memories of a mysterious individual known as Roxas. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix (2. Play. Station 2, part of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+) Kingdom Hearts II's updated rerelease. Kingdom Hearts coded (2. A mobile phone game taking place immediately after Kingdom Hearts II, following King Mickey as he attempts to decode a mysterious message left in Jimminy Crickets journal. Kingdom Hearts: 3.
Days (2. 00. 9, Nintendo DS): A side- story centered around Roxas, Organization XIII, his friends Axel and Xion, and the internal conflict Roxas experiences while spending time in the organization's ranks. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (2.
Play. Station Portable): A prequel that takes place 1. Keyblade wielders, Ventus, Terra and Aqua as their lives spiral into chaos, and the origins of the main antagonist of the previous games comes to light. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix (2. Play. Station Portable) a remake, much like the previous Final Mixes. Kingdom Hearts 3. D: Dream Drop Distance (2. Nintendo 3. DS): A sequel to Kingdom Hearts II.
Sora and Riku take their mark of mastery exam to become keyblade masters, but sinister forces attempt to manipulate the boys for their own nefarious purposes. Kingdom Hearts X [chi] (2.
PC): A Web Game set during the Keyblade War, using the same graphical system as Final Fantasy Brigade and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. Kingdom Hearts HD I. Remix (2. 01. 3, Play.
Station 3): An Updated Re- release collection containing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Re: Chain of Memories, and the cutscenes of 3. Days, all remade and remastered in HD. Kingdom Hearts HD II. Remix (2. 01. 4, Play.
Station 3): A second Updated Re- release collection containing HD remasters of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Birth by Sleep Final Mix, and the cutscenes of Re: coded. Kingdom Hearts HD II. Final Chapter Prologue (2. Play. Station 4): An Updated Re- release of Dream Drop Distance, also featuring brand new stories Kingdom Hearts 0. Birth By Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage- , a new playable episode starring Aqua prior to the events of III, and Kingdom Hearts X [chi] Back Cover, a movie that will tell the story of the Foretellers from X [chi]. Kingdom Hearts III (TBA, Play. Station 4 and Xbox One): The next in the main series and conclusion of the "Dark Seeker Saga".
The series contains appearances by characters and locations from the following games, films and franchises. Labeled after each is which game it appears in, abbreviated, and its role. Disney Aladdin — KH (w), KHCOM (w), KH2 (w), KHcoded (w), KH3. Days (w)Alice in Wonderland — KH (w), KHCOM (w), KHcoded (w), KH3.
Days (w), KH3. D (r)Bambi — KH (c), KH: COM (c)Beauty and the Beast — KH (c), KH: COM (c), KH2 (w), KH3. Days (w)Big Hero 6 — KH3 (w)Chicken Little — KH2 (c)Cinderella — KH (c), KHBBS (w)Classic Disney Shorts — KH (c), KHCOM (c), KH2 (w), KH3.
Days (c), KHBBS (w), KHrecoded (c), KH3. D (c)Disney Theme Parks — KH3 (r)Duck. Tales — KH2 (c), KHBBS (c)Dumbo — KH (c), KHCOM (c)Fantasia — KH (c), KH2 (c), KHBBS (c), KHrecoded (c), KH3. D (w)Hercules — KH (w), KHCOM (w), KH2 (w), KHcoded (w), KH3.
Days (w), KHBBS (w), KH3 (w)The Hunchback of Notre Dame — KH3. D (w)Lady and the Tramp — KH (r), KH3. D (r)Lilo & Stitch — KH2 (c), KHBBS (w)The Lion King — KH (c), KHCOM (c), KH2 (w)The Little Mermaid — KH (w), KHCOM (w), KH2 (w), KH3. D (c)Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers — KH3. D (w)Mulan — KH (c), KHCOM (c), KH2 (w)The Nightmare Before Christmas — KH (w), KHCOM (w), KH2 (w), KH3. Days (w)1. 01 Dalmatians — KH (c)Peter Pan — KH (w), KHCOM (w), KH2 (c), KH3.
Days (w), KHBBS (w)Pinocchio — KH (w), KHCOM (w), KH2 (c), KHcoded (c), KHBBS: FM (c)Pirates of the Caribbean — KH2 (w)Runaway Brain — KH3. D (c)Sleeping Beauty — KH (c), KHCOM (c), KH2 (c), KHcoded (c), KHBBS (w), KH3. D (c)Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs — KH (c), KHBBS (w)The Sword in the Stone — KH (c), KH2 (c), KHBBS (c), KH3. D (r)Tarzan — KH (w)Tangled — KH3 (w)TRON — KH2 (w)TRON: Legacy — KH3.
D (w)Winnie- the- Pooh — KH (w), KHCOM (w), KH2 (w), KHBBS (r) Square- Enix Final Fantasy VI — KH2 (c)Final Fantasy VII — KH (c), KHCOM (c), KH2 (c), KHcoded (c), KHBBS (c)Final Fantasy VIII — KH (c), KHCOM (c), KH2 (c), KHcoded (c)Final Fantasy IX — KH2 (c)Final Fantasy X — KH (c), KHCOM (c), KH2 (c), KHcoded (c)Final Fantasy X- 2 — KH2 (c)The World Ends with You — KH3. D (c)The Bouncer — KH2 (r) A - F Aborted Arc: One of the main concepts of the first game was that Sora, Donald, and Goofy cannot interfere with the affairs of other worlds, since they're outsiders.
This hasn't been brought up again since the first game and is mostly ignored now. It was recycled and used in Days, where Roxas and the other members of Organization XIII cannot interfere to avoid blowing their cover (at the time they were still covert and not ready to expose themselves). Birth by Sleep adds on that Keyblade wielders are free to travel between worlds, but are not to tell their inhabitants about the existences of worlds besides their own. However by the time of Kingdom Hearts worlds are being destroyed left and right and their inhabitants are taking refuge in Traverse Town, so this isn't an issue for Sora. Even in Birth By Sleep's timeframe though, many other characters are already aware of other worlds and can travel between them in their own ways. As far as an actual installment goes, a sequel to Birth By Sleep was planned, (most likely revolving around Aqua, King Mickey, and Riku's journey through the Realm Of Darkness) and a trailer was even included in the Final Mix version of the game. However, the executives at Square and Disney decided that having another portable game would detract from resources going towards Kingdom Hearts III and cancelled the project.
Thankfully, pieces of the planned story were implemented into Dream Drop Distance, and additional elements will likely be used in III. Nomura has stated in an interview that Volume 2 is still a possibility in the future, but as of right now, Kingdom Hearts III is his and the company's primary focus. According to the new trailer for HD II. Birth By Sleep Volume 2 appears to finally be in production under the title "Birth By Sleep 0. A Fragmentary Passage." Riku's implied feelings for Kairi from Kingdom Hearts.
It was one of the main reasons he turned on Sora in the first game and for his descent to darkness. It may just count as Character Development, but the way all the Ship Tease was just completely dropped was a bit extreme. II likewise had Ship Tease for Roxas and Namin� that hinted they had a history together. Days instead made Roxas' Implied Love Interest Xion.
He and Namin� never even meet in Days. Though, Namin� worked with Xion in her final days, to help her return to Sora (through Roxas) - and when Xion disappeared, all sense of knowing was likely transferred to Roxas. Absurdly High Level Cap: All games in the series let you level to Level 9.
Level 4. 0- 5. 0 range. Bonus Bosses need more level grinding, but probably not to the Level 9. This trope is particularly bad in Chain of Memories, where there are no Bonus Bosses or any other post- game challenges, so other than getting trophies in the 1. Achilles' Heel: Sora, Sa�x, Marluxia, and Roxas may be extremely powerful, but depriving them of their weapons would render them almost powerless.
Later on, Roxas, in his battle against Sora, is seen to have outgrown his problem by becoming a very powerful mage. If Sora is without his Keyblade, it would take many hits to take down even the weakest of enemies, although using magic is still as effective as if you still had the Keyblade. With that said, given the nature of Keyblades, disarming their wielders is incredibly difficult. Action Girl: Numerous ones throughout the series, thanks to an assortment of both Disney and Final Fantasy party members. For the original generation we have Aqua, and Kairi is looking to grow into the role after II once she got her own Keyblade. Adorable Evil Minions: The Heartless are the well- deserved page picture. Some of them are just so darn cute!
Adorably Precocious Child: Ienzo, who follows around his mentor in an oversized labcoat, and Young Riku, who is abnormally serious and mature for his tender years. Both are definitely played for cute. Adult Fear: Imagine this: It's stormy outside - really stormy. Your child has been in his room all evening.
You go upstairs to call him in for dinner.. He doesn't come back for years - during which you have no idea where he is, or if he's safe, or if he can ever come back. The parents of the main characters never get more than a shadow in a doorway..) On the other hand, Word of God states that a world remains frozen in time once it is swallowed by the darkness. Also, due to events of Chain of Memories, the parents forget about their son until Namine restored Sora's memories, which means that they only started worrying at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II. Which might make it worse for them once they realize they completely forgot of their missing son's existence.
Aerith and Bob: You've got Sora, Kairi and Riku (distinctly Japanese names), amongst mainly English or more standard names (and the trio of Birth By Sleep have Latin names). In some cases it's understandable, though, such as with some Disney villains or Organization XIII. Alas, Poor Villain: Clayton was technically controlled by the Heartless through his heart's obvious darkness, and Sora, Tarzan, and co. Alien Geometries: Castle Oblivion. It exists at the very edge of light and darkness, it's far larger than it looks, its layout/inhabitants change to match the memories of an occupant, and it somehow forces whomever enters to play a card game.
Alien Non- Interference Clause: Very early on in Kingdom Hearts, it's stated that Sora and co. Sora quickly decides to ignore that rule when he sees Alice in trouble on their visit to Wonderland, and the scope of the villains' plans eventually make it impossible to not meddle anyway. All There in the Manual: Many of the explanations for the Kingdom Hearts mysteries are in the Ultimania guides which, surprise surprise, will never see the light of day outside of Japan. Alpha Bitch: Larxene in Chain of Memories thinks nothing of sadism and meanness towards enemy and ally (the Organization) alike. Alternate Continuity: All characters from previous works are subject to Broad Strokes regarding which of their adventures from their original films have happened. For instance, Jack seems to have caused trouble in Christmas Town before Kingdom Hearts II, yet Oogie Boogie is still around.
And of course, it's highly unlikely the Final Fantasy cast members are from the same continuities as in that series. Ambition Is Evil: Every character who has sought to further their own power or knowledge, no matter how just their cause is, ends up either being a villain or aligned with one. This also extends to simply having the ambition to leave their home.
The main character, Sora, is notably lacking in ambition. Anachronic Order: The Reports in any given game. You never collect them in numerical order, leaving holes in the story for other entries to fill in. However, they're usually written in a way to tease you with what's in those other entries, and usually explain some plot revelation that just happened. The Ansem Reports from the first game deserve special mention.
They were given to you in such a way to still paint Ansem as a Big Good protagonist, but after The Reveal late in the first stage of the Hollow Bastion level, Aerith gives you the pages Maleficent had in her possession, which radically chance the way the player interprets those early report pages. The games themselves. The first three games were released in chronological order, but 3. Days takes place before II (with the first part of the story taking place during. Chain of Memories) and Birth by Sleep takes place before all of them, while Coded takes place before The Stinger of Kingdom Hearts II, but the stinger pretty much took place awhile after Xemnas's defeat so it kinda got things moving forward.
D finally got things completely moving forward again. Anatomy of the Soul: Everyone has a Heart, Soul, and Body. Well, every normal person. Individual worlds also have Hearts, and in- game text alludes to them being somewhat sentient.
Memory is also part of the equation, hinted to be another aspect of the Heart. Hearts contain the emotions and identity of an individual, and are made up of light and darkness.
If the Heart is overcome by Darkness, it can separate itself from the Body and Soul and become a Heartless. It's accepted by most characters that a person without a Heart isn't really a person at all. The reality is slightly less complex; anyone or anything that wants to think of itself as a person can likely generate a Heart.
The Soul is seemingly simple—it's the animating force that gives life and movement to a body and heart. It's also translated as "Spirit" and synonymous with "Will" later in the series. Theoretically, if you somehow give or transplant a soul to an object, that object will gain a mind of its own and move around. In extreme circumstances, the Soul by itself could be enough to keep a Body moving.
When a Heartless is formed, the Body and Soul left behind may reanimate into a Nobody, if the individual was particularly strong- willed. The Body is Exactly What It Says on the Tin—the thing that holds the Heart and is animated by the Soul. Memory is hinted to be similar to one's Mind, and is critical to the function of a Heart but not entirely the same. Nobodies have no Hearts but retain Memory to teach them how to fake emotions, Replicas are Artificial Humans made of Memory, and Memory can be used to strengthen or weaken one's Heart. Additionally, Chain of Memories says memories of different people can be connected, like links in a chain, and that chain can be broken, mended or reorganized. This means that as Sora forgets people as he proceeds through Castle Oblivion, the people he forgets about forget him, too. And I Must Scream: The Birth by Sleep video at the end of KHII Final Mix shows Ventus being frozen completely and thrown off a cliff, and still conscious at the end of it (you can see his eyes moving).
Animated Armor: There are numerous Heartless modelled after suits of armor. Guard Armor in the first game and 3. Days is the most prominent. The latter game also has a Palette Swap called the "Powered Armor". In Birth By Sleep and KHIIFM+ the Lingering Will is another one.
Birth By Sleep: Final Mix add Eraqus' and Master Xehanort's empty armor as a pair of Bonus Bosses, Armor of the Master and No Heart. The living suits of armor in Beast's Castle.
Anti- Villain: The Nobodies and Organization XIII only want to become whole beings again, and they antagonize the heroes due to their unscrupulous methods. Except Xemnas and Xigbar, they just want Kingdom Hearts for its power. Arc Number: The numbers 3, 7, and 1. To recap some of the most prominent ways; 3 — three party members at a time, the many Power Trios in the series and the associated Trinity motif, three realms (Light, Darkness, Nothingness), three aspects of being (Heart, Body, Soul), three types of Keyblades (Heart, Light, Darkness). Seven Princesses of Heart, seven Organization members left remaining in II (not counting Roxas), seven Orichalcum+ for the Ultima Weapon in II, seven days left in Roxas's vacation, Ansem and his six apprentices, seven letters in "Xehanort" minus the "X".
Organization XIII, the "XIII Blades" attack in II, thirteen letters in "Kingdom Hearts", usually 1. Castle Oblivion), 1. Mirage Arena (not counting the Final Mix additions), and several of the mentioned trios of characters have 1. Sora, Riku, Kairi). This trope comes to its head in 3. D; There are three Xehanorts (Ansem, Xemnas, Young Xehanort) acting to revive Master Xehanort, and the true χ- blade is made up of seven Hearts of Light and thirteen Hearts of Darkness. Arc Words: "We'll go together." Also, "Reconnect" has been showing up in the secret endings since Birth by Sleep.
Arc Symbol: The Recusant's Sigil, which happens to be the letter "X". This is due to Xehanort's fascination with the χ- blade. Art Evolution: The hand- drawn artwork has gotten much more anime- influenced, angular, and thick- lined over time, but this is less an aspect of this series and more one of Tetsuya Nomura himself. There's also a good deal of evolution in the character models, but that makes sense due to better technology. Even so, it's hard to tell Aurora from KH1 and Aurora from Birth by Sleep are the same person. The Artifact: The Final Fantasy elements have become this.
After being important to the plots of the first three games, 3. Days didn't include them at all, coded saw their presence reduced, Birth By Sleep was limited to Zack (though there were aborted plans for other inclusions), and 3.
D went for The World Ends With You characters instead of Final Fantasy. While the series began as a Disney and Final Fantasy crossover, its focus has shifted much more to the Disney and original characters. Art Shift: In Kingdom Hearts III, a new Kingdom Shader is used, which basically has the characters changing appearance depending on the world they are in. I. E. If Sora and co. Port Royal, they themselves would look more realistic like Jack Sparrow and the others were in II.
In the other titles, the art style of the game will typically shift between worlds to something appropriate to that world. Characters traveling from one world or another may or may not get altered appearances. This leads to some weird dissonance, especially in the worlds based on live- action films when you see more "realistic" characters like Jack Sparrow standing next to Goofy in Port Royal, or when you see the obviously more stylized Sora standing next to the Flynns in The Grid. Halloween Town is probably the most obvious example, as even the Heartless get tons of added detail so that they look closer to the style of Tim Burton's puppets (Shadows have a grainy skin texture, Soldiers' armor is stitched up and rusted, Wight Knights' bandages are given a darkened guaze look, Emerald Blues' body looks like a strange button- up coat, etc.)As You Know: Yen Sid: If one such as you, Donald, yields to the Darkness in their heart, they too will become a Heartless. But you know this.
Also, recapping the end of the first game.. Sora: Then I guess we better go find the King first! Donald: But where could he be? Goofy: Well, we won't know 'til we look. Sora: Yeah. And the King must know where Riku is, 'cause the two of them were together in the Realm of Darkness when we closed the door. You know, after defeating Ansem. Also seen in Re: Chain of Memories multiple times, though justified there, since Sora, Donald and Goofy knew they were losing their memories and wanted to make sure they still remembered what they were doing there.
Ascended Extra: Surprisingly enough, Cerberus. In the original movie, he shows up in the background for all of five seconds and only interacts with the hero near the climax. Despite this, he has been a recurring boss throughout the series. Yen Sid was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II as Mickey's old mentor, and he only showed up to deliver some exposition at the start of the game.
Birth By Sleep revealed he's a Keyblade Master, and as of coded he's effectively the Big Good. As Long as There Is Evil: As long as darkness exists within the hearts of sapient entities, the Heartless (and Nobodies) will continue to spawn. Attack Its Weak Point: A staple of bosses in this series, most of whom can only be damaged if attacked in one specific part of their body. Much of the game's difficulty comes from the fact that these are often either hard to reach or are where the boss deals the majority of its damage from. Award Bait Song: Well, it's based off Disney movies isn't it?
Protip: Search i. Tunes for Utada, the singer, to score the Japanese- lyric versions of both songsnote The Japanese version of "Simple and Clean" is called "Hikari", and "Sanctuary" is "Passion". And yes, the same singer (Utada Hikaru) wrote and sang both versions of both songs.
Awesomeness by Analysis: Sora's universe saving feats and daring swordplay are made even more impressive when you realize that unlike his predecessors, he is completely self- taught, his fighting style developing itself over the course of the series from his sparring with wooden swords at home. This shows when you compare him to Terra, Aqua, and Ven. They all fight in their own individual styles that show they have familiarity and training with their Keyblades. Sora wields his like a club or a baseball bat, and shows little finesse. This changes in Kingdom Hearts II, where he's a bit more experienced. The year of training Roxas had that Sora absorbed probably helped.
A Wizard Did It: The reason casting fire spells works in Atlantica, or how casting electricity- based spells doesn't completely fry Sora, Donald, Goofy, or Ariel. Back from the Dead: Kill a Heartless and then the Nobody, and the original person comes back to life. Master Xehanort, Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus, Ienzo, Isa, and Lea have all been revived in this manner. The only known exceptions to this rule are Sora and Kairi; various odd circumstances surrounding the losses of their hearts and the births of their Nobodies allowed for both of them to exist as normal humans alongside their Nobodies until both pairs went for Split Personality Merges.
Maleficent also counts. Killed off near the end of the first game, and then brought back to life through rather vague means (that are implied to have involved the fairies from Sleeping Beauty remembering her) in II. Bag of Spilling: Every single game does this, and every single one justifies it, at least regarding their skills and abilities (but not their weapons and items): In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Sora and co. Castle Oblivion of all places, and lose their memories so that they must learn their skills back. In Kingdom Hearts II, they get "restored", meaning restored back to zero, erasing their memories from the previous game and with that, most of the skills they learned throughout. Also, Sora, Donald, and Goofy spent a year in a coma, making it impressive that they could even walk at the start of the game. They weren't in stasis, either, as Sora actually hit a growth spurt during that time.
In Kingdom Hearts coded you play as Data- Sora, a digital copy of Sora, thus starting from scratch with a different character. In Kingdom Hearts: 3. Days you play as Roxas, Sora's Nobody, thus starting from scratch with a different character. The fact that Roxas gets his memory erased by the game finale also justifies the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II. In Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, which takes place ten years before the original game, you play as three completely new characters, Aqua, Ventus and Terra, all fresh rookies considerably Doomed by Canon. D has Yen Sid Hand Wave that the self- taught Keyblade skills of Sora and Riku are impressive, but for the purposes of the Mark of Mastery exam, they'll start fresh and prove themselves anew within the rules of the exam.
This example does lead into Gameplay and Story Segregation though, since a good portion of the attacks they learn during the game are ones they had before. The fact that they are in the Realm of Sleep (i. Every game includes minor aversions.
In Chain of Memories, Sora keeps a few of his old abilities (e. Aerial Sweep) and his magic has taken a level in Badass. In Kingdom Hearts II he is faster and more technical from the start, retains Blitz, and immediately outstrips the previous games very early on in magic and weapon skills. It's similar in 3. D, where he has slide- dash from KH2 as part of his combo and is relatively fast and strong (though granted, never as much as in KH2), and also starts with more movement options. In all cases, Sora has never had to relearn the Guard ability (and usually the Dodge Roll too). Batman Can Breathe in Space: Arguably, this is the case of all the heroes and villains in the series, considering every major Final Boss takes place in the middle of space.
Beehive Barrier: Seen in protective spells and in boss fights or event battles, locking you in the area. Big Bad: Master Xehanort is the overarching antagonist of the series, acting through various alternate incarnations. Everything wrong in the game universe can be blamed on him or his allies directly or indirectly. In order: Kingdom Hearts I: Ansem, Seeker of Darkness and Maleficent. Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories: Marluxia for Sora's story and Ansem for Riku's plotline. Kingdom Hearts II: Xemnas. Kingdom Hearts 3.
Days: Saix. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep: Master Xehanort and Vanitas. Kingdom Hearts coded: Data- Sora's Heartless. Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance: Master Xehanort again or more specifically his time traveling teenage self. Big Damn Heroes: Maleficent and Pete decide to fight the Heartless by themselves while Sora and friends battle Xemnas. In Birth by Sleep, Ven is menaced by someone he trusted, and from his POV, Terra comes out of absolutely nowhere to save him. Ven gets to pull one as a disembodied heart no less when in 3. D he gives his Keyblade Armor to Sora to protect his heart.
Big Door: The Door to Darkness and the door to Xemnas's artificial Kingdom Hearts reality. The big door in Disney Castle has a smaller one built in. Big Good: Yen Sid was probably the closest thing to this during Kingdom Hearts II, but in later games, he's really stepped up to the plate. Ansem the Wise has shades of this as well. The series started this way by teasing Ansem and Mickey as the Big Good characters in the series. Mickey still shows shades of this as time goes on, but Ansem played the audience hard in the first game. Bishonen Line: Nobodies are stated to take forms closer to their original bodies as they grow more powerful, with the weakest looking like twitching white jumpsuits and the very strongest being physically indistinguishable from normal humans.
Can also apply to the Heartless as well, though only two examples exist: Xehanort's Heartless (which needed a body to remain stable, but changes the body to resemble Xehanort) and Scar (immediately after losing his heart and during the boss fight; the second visit ends with what is either the true form of Scar's Heartless or a One- Winged Angel form, the massive beastly Groundshaker). Bittersweet Ending: The standard kind of ending to the franchise, though they usually end on a high note for the most part. Exceptions to this rule include Kingdom Hearts: 3. Days and Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, which both Downer Endings when taken on their own but resemble Bittersweet Endings when one considers what happens later on on a chronological scale, and Kingdom Hearts II, which is unambiguously a case of Earn Your Happy Ending only hampered by the fact that it isn't the final chronological adventure.
Black Cloak: Comes complete with an In the Hood function! The cloaks themselves are stated by Word of God to be protection against the Realm of Darkness' corruption, but several people who wear them (namely the Organization XIII) don't really need that due to not having hearts to corrupt. It was said repeatedly that darkness always threatens to swallow up Nobodies because of their non- existence, so it's likely to stave it off.
D reveals that the Nobodies do have hearts, so Xemnas kept them in uniform to protect his potential vessels. Black Magic: The ever- vague 'darkness' everyone keeps talking about can be controlled by strong people, but for those who aren't.. Blessed with Suck: The Keyblades. All- powerful weapons that also look pretty dang neat, but no one we've seen who has been chosen to wield one has had a good life. Even freaking Mickey Mouse can't get away from it! The Heartless also constantly follow Keyblade wielders no matter where they go.
Bloodless Carnage: All over the place, but special mention goes to a scene early in the first game where a horde of Shadows and Soldiers cut down a civilian and tear his heart out and eat it. Zigzagged in the manga, where characters sometimes are visibly wounded, yet still bloodless. Blondes Are Evil: Namin�, Roxas (arguably), and Ventus subvert it in that they are on the side of good. Bonus Boss: This series loves this trope.
The most insane bonus bosses are usually an Early- Bird Cameo for plot- central characters. To clarify: Kingdom Hearts has Phantom, Kurt Zisa, Ice Titan, Sephiroth, and, in Final Mix, Xemnas. Kingdom Hearts II has Sephiroth again, Hades Paradox Cup Match 4.
Absent Silhouettes, Organization XIII Data, and Terra's Lingering Will (the last three only appear in Final Mix). Kingdom Hearts: 3. Days has Dustflier. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep has Vanitas Remnant and the time- travelling young Master Xehanort. The Mirage Arena has Mimic Master and four incarnations of the Iron Imprisoner.
The Final Mix re- release adds three more in the Mirage Arena - Monstro and the animated armors of Eraqus ("Armor of the Master") and Xehanort ("No Heart"). Kingdom Hearts 3. D: Dream Drop Distance gives us Julius from Runaway Brain, a boss fight NO ONE saw coming. Boring but Practical: Shadow Heartless can flatten themselves against the ground, making them invulnerable to attacks.
Boss Banter: Pretty much every single humanoid boss does this (and a few of the non- humanoid ones). Boss Remix: A lot of themes are remixed as boss themes sooner or later, particularly character themes, and many boss themes are themselves remixed, sometimes together, to make a new boss theme. One of the most striking examples is the final boss theme of Dream Drop Distance "Eye of Darkness", which is a remix of the Dive to the Heart theme, as Riku has had to dive into Sora's heart and fight him to free him from darkness. Broad Strokes: The events of the original Disney films are subject to this. Some worlds feature a retelling of the plot of the source franchise with Sora tagging along, others imply the events of the source franchise occurred before Sora visited, or haven't occurred yet, and many just have an original plot.
That said, the relationships of characters changes as well, and in coded and Chain of Memories when the worlds visited are composed of memories and data that aren't 1. Button Mashing: A common complaint about the series, and it's not unfounded. Arguably the worst offender of the series is KH II, where upon entering A Drive Form like Valor Form or Master Form, you basically hit X until there was nothing left to attack. The series is growing out of it though due to better integration of special attacks and enemies starting to require more strategy. In Birth By Sleep for example, relying on just mashing attack to win and not properly building a balanced deck will get you crushed. Call Forward: has its own page. Cerebus Syndrome: The first game was a lighthearted, episodic adventure quest, and didn't really get tense until the arrival of Maleficent and Ansem.
II and Chain of Memories began exploring the mysteries of the heart, soul and memories, the true value of human life, and had stronger overarcing stories, and then coded and 3. Days explored the same issues in- depth. Birth By Sleep took this trope and ran with it by introducing the most sinister villain and the highest- stakes story yet while also making the hero- villain dynamics more personal, and with 3. D the series shows little sign of stopping from getting even darker. Chained by Fashion: The Shadow Stalker/Dark Thorn boss. Chaos Architecture: The layout of various worlds changes between games, particularly between I and II.
Word of God is that Traverse Town and The World That Never Was are anomalies with canonically changing layouts, and sometimes it's merely visiting a different part of a world than what was seen in another game, but usually it's this trope. The Chick: Both Ariel and Mulan, the only two female guest party members in games I and II respectively, fill this role.
Ariel and Sora seem to form a True Companions bond, not to mention with a little flirting in the first game. And of all the new party members you meet in II, Mulan is among the closest allies. Also Kairi plays this role in the series overall. Tinker Bell is the only female summon in the games, being summonable in the first, and appearing alongside Peter Pan in the third. The Chosen Many: Keyblade wielders were a knighthood. Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Axel.
At one point in Chain of Memories, he betrays a senior member of the Organization, killing him, to get into the good graces of another faction betraying the main Organization. However, he's actually The Mole, set to betray that faction under Xemnas's orders, but then he kills a member particularly loyal to Xemnas because he's secretly planning to betray Xemnas alongside Sa�x, because Xemnas is betraying the whole Organization. And then later on, during Days, he betrays that alliance when he develops friendship with Roxas and Xion, and then inadvertently betrays them, too! You need a friggin' flowchart to keep track of this dude. Lexaeus said it best: "And then there is Axel.
Who knows what that one is thinking." The Organization's lack of discipline was lampshaded by Sora in a mocking way: Sora: "Not a very organized Organization". Clothes Make the Superman: Sora's drive forms in KH2 are a function of the new outfit he receives in the game, enchanted by the Good Fairies. Clueless Aesop: The series in general seems to be torn between two conflicting cultural beliefs.
Namely, it tries to adhere to both a Black and White Moralityand a Balance Between Good and Evil. In this story, Light Is Good and Dark Is Evil as far as both aesthetics and characterization goes, but the lore professes that too much of either side (light included) is a bad thing. This confused narrative was inevitable, because the story itself is the brainchild of both a Western company built on children's cartoons heaped with strong Christian values, as well as an Eastern company whose stories typically carry a strong Buddhist bent. Thus, KH tries to be all over the map with its themes, which can be very confusing.
Color- Coded for Your Convenience: The 2. Birth by Sleep is blue, Days is red, coded is yellow, and 3. D is pink. Combo Breaker: A rare non- Fighting Game example, starting from KH2 onwards, some bosses have a "revenge value," which causes them to instantly retaliate in a specific way if you hit them too many times in succession. Sephiroth, for instance, will teleport out of Sora's combo and attack from a safe distance.
The Payback moves in Birth By Sleep allow the player to do this, to some extent, by retaliating immediately after being knocked back by an enemy. Comic- Book Time: The only time that the in- game characters are portrayed as being of a different age between games is when it's plot- relevant.
Otherwise, they don't age. This wouldn't be that obvious if it wasn't for the fact that the earliest game in the franchise chronical- wise, Kingdom Hearts X, is set before the first keyblade war (an event that happened a long time before the Birth By Sleep, the next game in the series chronical- wise), and that several of the characters that appear in the game, like Snow White and Aladdin, apparently exist within that era as well. Even Mickey, Donald and Goofy can be encountered within that game within their modern- day Kingdom Hearts design. Their appearance within Kingdom Hearts X can be justified in that their worlds are simulated from the Book of Prophesy � la the Datascape from Kingdom Hearts Coded, essentially allowing a form of pseudo- time travel to occur for the player characters of that gamenote although this doesn't explain Mickey, Donald and Goofy appearing outside of the book within their standard garbs. Composite Character: This happens often in the Disney worlds, usually because some of the characters are absent in their video game counterparts. These roles are usually filled by one of the original Kingdom Hearts characters. For example: Continuity Lockout: You have to play all the previous games in the series, or at least know their stories, to understand any other given game.
Birth By Sleep tells its own story since it's a prequel, but a lot of references and foreshadowing to the rest of the series will be lost on newcomers. This trope is not helped by the Final Mix versions including cutscenes that later games treat as canon; the Final Mix versions were originally never released outside Japan. Thank goodness for the internet. Additionally, the series spans multiple consoles — PS2, PSP, GBA, DS, mobile phones, browser games, and 3.
DS. Anyone who does not own all those consoles is left out. As of 3. D and the PS3 era, the series is finally making an effort to avert this at make it easier for new players to catch up. D contains plot summaries of the past games with character bios and plot points recapped, and the entire series was ported to PS3, including the Final Mix versions at last. Thus, all you need is a PS3 to play most of the games, and the two left out (3. Days and coded were given cutscene plot summaries, not full ports) are still on the DS, so once you get a 3.
DS for 3. D, you can play those two as well. Cool Key: Keyblades. Doesn't get much cooler than a key that not only doubles as a sword, but can open literally any lock or barrier. Crazy Enough to Work: The series concept itself for starters. A Disney and Final Fantasy crossover where anime- esque heroes fights the forces of darkness with swords shaped like giant keys. Creature- Hunter Organization: Although not their original purpose.
The Keyblade Wielders in general are this given they're the ones with weapons capable of purging the various creatures of the dark. Critical Status Buff: Various abilities can boost the player's status at critical HP, like "Defender" and "Damage Control" for defense, "Berserker", "Striker", and "Grand Slam" for offense.
Cross Over: The Kingdom Hearts franchise is centered around characters of both the Final Fantasy franchise and Classic Disney Shorts / Disney Animated Canon frequently meeting and interacting. Cutscene Incompetence: Most of the heroes, particularly Sora. In- game the kid is a maelstrom of Keyblade- fueled Magic Knight chaos that can rip through the hordes of darkness for days on end. In cutscenes, expect to see him regularly tossed around, knocked down, taken by surprise, etc. Cutscene Power to the Max: Near the end of Kingdom Hearts II, Sora basically turns into an overpowered action movie character. Case in point: he carves his way through entire buildings using a key. Using cuts that travel the length of said buildings.
This may not count, however, depending on your definition of "cutscene". Heartless and Nobodies are disposed of in one hit during cutscenes, regardless if it's Sora, Mickey, or even Kairi who is attacking. Dark Is Not Evil: It doesn't have to be evil. It just happens to attract a lot of bad guys, is all. Darkness, itself, is neither good or evil, and neither is light. They're just sources of power. The difference is that abusing darkness can lead to Jumping Off the Slippery Slope, and you can lose your humanity if your heart is too weak or if you go too far.
Riku is the only main character (and implied to be the only character, ever) to be able to use darkness without the drawbacks, but it took him three games to master and to strengthen himself enough to do it, and it was not an easy journey. Not to mention, he still wouldn't have been able to entirely master the darkness without drawbacks had Ansem the Wise's Heart Codifier not blown up and destroyed the remains of Ansem in Riku and make him completely immune to corruption from the darkness, reverting him back to his original appearance. However, while darkness itself is not evil, most of the protagonists associate it with such, which is easy to do since they're beings from the Realm of Light, and all of the villains use Darkness to some degree as the source of their power. Due to the mentioned risk of going too far with it, it's also seen as evil for tempting others away from light and costing them their lives.
Both the heroes and villains ultimately agree that there will always be a Balance Between Light and Darkness, and the two cannot exist without the other. As Kingdom Hearts II phrases it, the heroes don't oppose darkness itself, they oppose those who abuse it for evil.
Xemnas: Denizens of light, answer this: Why do you hate the darkness? Mickey: Aw, we don't hate it. It's just kinda.. But the world's made of light and darkness. You can't have one without the other, 'cause darkness is half of everything. Sorta makes ya wonder why we are scared of the dark.
Riku: It's because of who's lurking inside it. This is even reflected when it comes to keyblade appearances - Riku's keyblade, Way To The Dawn, greatly resembles the Soul Eater blade Riku was often seen with beforehand. In spite of this, it's technically a Keyblade of Light. On the flip side, the only way to tell that Mickey Mouse's second keyblade, the Kingdom Key D, is a Keyblade of Darkness is the fact that its color scheme is the complete reverse of its Keyblade of Light counterpart that Sora wields. Otherwise, it doesn't appear to be affiliated with darkness at first glance. Dream Eaters, introduced within Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, are beings of darkness just like the Heartless.
There's two types of Dream Eaters: Nightmare Dream Eaters, which are evil, and Spirit Dream Eaters, which are benevolent and appose their Nightmare counterparts. In fact, Chirithy, the Exposition Fairy from Kingdom Hearts X given to each and every single player character, are actually Spirit Dream Eaters (as evident in the emblem that appears on their back), and Riku temporary becomes one during the events of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Deconstruction: Chain of Memories likely unintentionally deals with a Canon. Relationship Sue, while 3. Days likely intentionally deconstructs the Copycat Sue. The characters involved are canonically clones of some sort and are considered abominations in- universe.
Their Suish traits are actually plot- relevant and tend to be the reason the villains can make use of them. Death Is Cheap: Pretty much every single death has been, is, or will likely be undone by the end of the series.
According to Word of God, ".. KH.." This seems to translate to "Nomura hasn't established an afterlife in the KH- verse" and currently has no plans to. That and the majority of characters haven't "died" as defined in the Secret Ansem Reports, so much as that they've lost their hearts or something similar.
Does not apply to Disney villains, however, whether they have a Disney Death or they actually die, such as Clayton in KH1 or, in a shocking change from the usual Disneyfication, Lady Tremaine and the step- sisters in Birth By Sleep. Deus ex Machina: Usually at the end of the games, most notably Mickey and Riku's sudden appearance at the Door to Darkness in I and Riku randomly finding a flying motorcycle right as Xemnas summons his dragon- shaped ship in II. But Justified in Riku's case as his appearance at the DTD in I is explained in Final Mix, but as for Mickey, that has yet to be explained. As the series goes on, it becomes clear that it's not random serendipity so much as it is some really frantic teamwork on the side.
The flying motorcycle is a proper example, however. Developers' Foresight: Normally when one character heals another, the former shouts the latter's name. During the fight with the Guard Armor however, before they're properly introduced, Goofy shouts encouragingly to Sora "Don't give up!" instead. In the first game, they thought of what would happen if you engaged in a bit of Sequence Breaking. If you complete Deep Jungle before Wonderland, the scene replaces Alice with Snow White.
If you complete other worlds after completing Hollow Bastion, certain events with Maleficent will not play. Difficult but Awesome: Magic in most games. Most players often stick to the basic combos in most games with automatic finishers tagged on, and at most only use magic for healing. However, if used right, such as just before a combo finisher takes place, or at the end of a combo while the boss is stunned, magic attacks can take out large chunks of enemies HP and keep them stun- locked for longer. Additionally, most combo finishers that aren't automated. For those, especially those not good at fighting games, getting the timing down can be rather tricky, but once you do, much like magic, it can take out large chunks of the enemies HP, and keep them stun locked for longer than the basic combos can. In fact, combined with magic above, it's possible to keep any boss permenately stun locked for the entirety of their battle, provided the boss doesn't have a move that specifically gets them out of being permenately stun locked.
Diminishing Villain Threat: Poor Maleficent. She was a powerful, competent threat in Birth By Sleep and the original Kingdom Hearts.
Then she lost all her help and resources in Kingdom Hearts II, but still managed to hold her own against Xemnas and the Nobodies. Then came Coded and Dream Drop Distance, where she is now a failure with plans that no- one but her cares about. Disney Death: Well, Disney did help produce the game. It's even been stated by Tetsuya Nomura that there is no concept of death in the Kingdom Hearts universe, though it seems as though some of the villains from the Disney Animated Canon are exceptions to the rule. Doomed by Canon: As of Birth By Sleep and Coded's respective Secret endings, Aqua is very much still alive but stuck wandering the realm of darkness, Ventus is still in deep sleep, and Terra's status is unknown as his body is destroyed and part of him is still in his Armor. Also, Master Xehanort is revived and is coming back more dangerous than ever.
Doomy Dooms of Doom: A variation in that the series is known for throwing the word darkness around a bit too much. This is especially bad in Riku's story within Chain of Memories. Dub Name Change: Some Heartless got little renames. Bulk Vendor" to "Bulky Vendor". Flare Globe" to "Fiery Globe". Mad Dog" to "Rabid Dog". Gate Guardian" to "Thresholder" Conversely, very many Heartless were renamed in Days, and some renames are even inconsistent with previous renames (for example, a Heartless named "Loudness" in all Japanese games is called "Crescendo" in the English Chain of Memories but "Loudmouth" in the English Days).
Most of the Keyblades were renamed too, though not translated - aside from Oblivion (Sugisarishi Omoide - Passing Memories) and Oathkeeper (Yakusoku no Omamori - Oath's Charm), all the Keyblades had Gratuitous English names in the original. Some were minor changes ("Wish Star" to "Wishing Star", "Kingdom Chain" to "Kingdom Key", "Wishes Lamp" to "Wishing Lamp"), but some were changed more - "Power of Hero" to "Olympia", "Desire Lamp" to "Three Wishes", "Native Work" to "Jungle King". Early Installment Weirdness: The manga adaptation of the first game was notable for reading left- to- right like a Western book, despite being originally in Japanese. This was dropped for all the following manga, which read right- to- left like any other Japanese book. It was said within that only the Keyblade of Heart that appeared within Kingdom Hearts I could unlock or remove a person's heart.
This was retconned away within Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep whereabout not only did Maleficent managed to mind control Terra into removing Princess Aurora's heart using a standard keyblade, the climax of Terra's storyling involves Xehanort unlocking his own heart using his own keyblade just so that he could steal Terra's body. Earn Your Happy Ending: It takes three full games for everyone to reunite and return to their home safely. And even then, Sora's job isn't done. Evil Counterpart: Xehanort for Sora.
Xehanort steals the bodies of others to extend his life. Sora lets others share his body to extend their lives. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep goes even farther, revealing that the original Xehanort was not only a Keyblade Wielder but also from Destiny Islands. Enemy Scan: It only shows an HP bar, but it's on- off and will work on any enemy, including bosses.
Eldritch Abomination: The Heartless are some of the cutest ones ever, but it really depends on how you play them out to be. Shadow Heartless jumping around? Freaking adorable.
A Soldier Heartless ripping someone's heart out? Holy cow.. The Nobodies are worse.
Even by the cosmology of the series, it's stated that their existence simply doesn't make sense. It doesn't help that most of them look and move like animated clothing or that their movements look like a video playing in reverse. If you want a more specific and extreme example that doesn't involve heartless who are "cute eldritch abominations", World of Chaos fits. It's gigantic organic battleship that's as fugly as all hell with a fugly demonic face and is also a living thing, with an pretty much just as fugly upgraded version of Ansem's Guardian mounted on top, along with ugly colors. If you see a little tan dot, that's Ansem. Darkside is a much more minor example of this and is more like an ugly giant humanoid with a giant heart- shaped hole in the body and black tentacles covering/making up all of the head except for the eyes, but, like in the picture here, it's pretty unsettling. Elemental Powers: Organization XIII.
Most of them. Their individual powers are accurately "attributes", or themes to their abilities. This gets corrupted into "elements" by fans. Some of them aren't quite what they're made out to be anyway. For example: Xemnas has "Nothing" and Luxord has "Time", but they turn out to be more like "Yin- Yang Bomb" and "Timed Mission" in practice. Eleventh Hour Superpower: The Final Form transformation in Kingdom Hearts II. Granted, it's available for a while before the final boss, but it's hard to unlock quickly.
It's really, really broken too, seeing as how it automatically attacks with every movement, including flying or drinking potions. Evil Is Not a Toy: Anyone too cavalier about the power of darkness learns this the hard way; they tend to turn into Heartless or power- mad husks of their former selves. Flanderization: Now, while he was always a very positive kid, Sora was much more prone to negativity, anger, and doubt in Kingdom Hearts 1 compared to the rest of the series. In fact, his situation even caused him some stress in the first game.
By 3. D, he's gotten to the point where not even failing his mastery exam makes him even the least bit discouraged, and he very rarely if ever stays mad or sad about anything. Remember back in the first game when he and Donald had an argument and Sora actually held a grudge about it for awhile? Lampshaded by Ansem the Wise in KHII, when he's amused by Roxas's anger and tells him that he should lend Sora some of his anger, as he (Sora) is "far too nice for his own good." Also concerning Sora, his messiah status was greatly exaggerated over time. With how clearly it's been made lately that the entire universe rests on him and every single character is connected to him somehow, you'd almost forget that he's not even the universe's original Chosen One (he accidentally stole the job from Riku). Foreshadowing: The very nature of the "Dive to the Heart" location as a dreamworld located within one's Heart, encountered many times throughout the series by the games' various protagonists as a tutorial location, retroactively becomes this when Roxas is able to unwittingly visit it within Kingdom Hearts IIforeshadowing the fact that he had managed to develop a heart all on his own in spite of being a Nobody, a race of beings said to have no hearts.
Fragile Speedster: Ventus's fighting style centers around speed and agility, but he cannot take much punishment. G - O Gambit Roulette: Master Xehanort. He had been manipulating Terra and Ven for years to accomplish his goals.
In the end, Terra, Aqua, and Ven used The Power of Friendship to stop him, but not before getting totally screwed over in the process. And he had some backup plans just in case the first one would fail so..
And in Dream Drop Distance, we get a plan that involved all of the previous plans going off exactly as they did so that a crazily convoluted plan involving time travel and dreams to finish what every single game previous has set up can go off according to plan. Gameplay and Story Integration: On the one hand, the developers put a lot of thought into making the gameplay reinforce the idea of teamwork and friendship. By and large, it's not too Anvilicious and almost universally regarded as fun. You also have a lot of little tidbits highlighting Sora's growth in skill. Within Hollow Bastion from the first game, Belle conveniently becomes missing from the Princess of Hearts even when they're rescued just to give Beast the reason to still be with Sora and the gang.
Gameplay and Story Segregation: It is said many times that The Heartless can only be defeated with the Keyblade.. Donald and Goofy (and whatever guest character who happens to join for the level) can mow down tons of them by themselves. Days clarifies things: Heartless can be defeated by any weapon, but they'll just come back some time afterward. The Keyblade is the only weapon that can purify the hearts that make up the Heartless upon defeating them, vanquishing them for good.
Genre Blind: Increasingly so as the series has gone on, the heroes haven't yet clued in that listening to Xehanort is never a good idea, but they let him do in anyway instead of just summoning the Keyblade and lunging at him when he appears. D is particularly problematic about this, since of all people Sora and Riku should know better by now. Glass Cannon: Aqua in Birth By Sleep is a master mage, mastering every element and is incredibly agile and strong.
But she cannot take a hit early on in the game. Green Lantern Ring: Keyblades can be used as tradition swords (or clubs), channel magic, lock and unlock pretty much anything, teleport to their owner's hand at will, create portals to other worlds, generate armor, turn into personal hovercraft that are capable of intergalactic travel, morph into other weapons like cannons or whips with no known limit to the transformations, and create elaborate castles out of rubble. Halloween Town: "Halloween Town", a world based upon The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's named after the main area of the world which happens to be a town that houses the physical manifestation of Hallowen. Hammerspace: Where else do you think the Keyblade goes when Sora's not carrying it? The intelligent Nobodies can also call forth spiritual weapons at will, or at least most of them can. Birth by Sleep shows Donald and Goofy pull their weapons out thin air, complete with pretty lights.
Sure, Donald's a magician, but Goofy.. Ventus actually pulls a huge wooden keyblade from somewhere behind him during a cutscene in Neverland. Averted in the manga, where Sora carries the Keyblade on his person. Helpful Mook: The mushroom Heartless (with the exception of the Black Fungus) are the only Heartless that aren't inherently evil, rewarding Sora if they've been hit with the right spell, but running away if attacked a few times. Even Mushroom XIII, the Elite Mook variation of them, aren't evil - they just want to play combat- based minigames with Sora.
They even reward Sora with an extra Keyblade and a token of appreciation in a form of a crown saying thanks should you complete all 1. Hijacked by Ganon: In any given game, you can be sure that if some incarnation of Xehanort isn't behind everything, one of his subordinates is. The only game where this isn't true is coded, where the Big Bad is Sora's Heartless, but Xehanort still indirectly caused the being's creation.
HP to 1: Because of the Once More and Second Chance abilities, the developers have deigned it necessary to practically require the use of them in order to survive, especially on harder difficulties and with the later/bonus bosses. Thus, rather than having bosses with HP to One- type attacks, they simply have massive attack power which will always reduce you to within an inch of your life, regardless of your defense stat.
Perhaps a form of Fake Difficulty, some bosses degenerate into the pattern: attack —> get hit by one attack (hanging on with 1 HP) —> heal —> get hit by another attack —> dodge like crazy waiting for your magic to regenerate so you can heal again —> repeat. Humans Are White: The only non- white characters in the main cast are Xemnas, Ansem So. D, and Xehanort. And they're really all the same person.
Ice Magic Is Water: Water- themed monster as considered Ice- type. This trope creates a Guide Dang It on why the player should use Fire magic against, say, Demyx. Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels: Beginner, Standard, Hard, Proud, and Critical.
Impossibly Cool Clothes: Zippers galore, even on hats! Dusks actually have zippers for mouths. Impossibly Cool Weapon: Keyblades. While consistently referred to as swords and variably used in many varieties of fighting styles including mediums for channeling magic, at the end of the day, Keyblades are still just giant keys. How most of them can actually cut anything is a mystery since only a small handful have any sort of cutting edge or even points on the striking side. Improbable Weapon User: Sora's giant key, Goofy's shield, Demyx's sitar, Zexion's lexicon (a book)..
Inconsistent Dub: Renames to Heartless are occasionally inconsistent. All games prior to KH2 were dubbed into various European languages, but all games released afterwards only had English voice tracks for their Europe- wide releases (although text was still translated). Oddly enough, Quebecnote and the rest of Canada and the US too, but they don't care as much and aren't affected by the pseudo- law mentioned here only received games up to KH2 in English, and only started having French options for the gamenote on the same cartridge as English and other European languagesat the very point where they stopped providing French audio, which just happened to coincide with a pseudo- law requiring games to be released in French in the province. Infinity�1 Sword: The Oblivion keychain can be gotten in- game once you pass a certain event. While it's not Ultima, it's still pretty fantastic. Its attack power is outstripped only by Ultima and Fenrir, and doesn't have the latter's downgraded magic stats. Infinity+1 Sword: The Ultima Weapon.
Good luck hunting down all the synthesis items. Also, Final Form is an Infinity+1 Super Mode. Invisible Parents: Sora's mom gets a single line in Kingdom Hearts I and his dad gets mentioned by Riku in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, but they are otherwise completely absent.
Riku and Kairi are also implied to have parents, but they never get any mentions. I Want You to Meet an Old Friend of Mine: Sora's interactions with Beauty and the Beast characters, since Haley Joel Osment voiced Chip in one of the direct to video sequels. Also in the Japanese version of Birth by Sleep, Terra's seiyuu voiced Zero, and Master Xehanort's actor voiced Dr. Weil. And in Re: Chain of Memories, Kairi and Namin�, are respectively voiced by Alyson Stoner and Meghan Jette Martin who played archenemies in Camp Rock. Jigsaw Puzzle Plot: As Mickey says in Re: coded, "I should have known there were no coincidences—only links in a much larger chain of events." Looking at the series chronologically in- universe helps one make sense of it, but the mythos of the series is so deeply entwined that you need knowledge of the plot of every game to understand it; something not everyone can afford since the series is expanded through (so far) SIX different game platforms (but there are numerous remakes that mean you can disregard the mobile and Gameboy Advance titles). By this point it's pretty much impossible to follow the overarching story if you just pick a random game and dive in.
And as of Dream Drop Distance, on top of the Mind Screw, Mind Rape, human cloning, death and resurrection, alternate dimensions and Gambit Roulette games, we're adding time travel to the equation now. Late- Arrival Spoiler: Roxas is Sora's Nobody. Axel is the only Organization member to return from the Castle Oblivion mission. Auron is Dead All Along. The prologue to II spoils pretty much all of the original game and Chain Of Memories, including the endings to both games. Legacy Boss Battle: Sephiroth appears as a Bonus Boss in Kingdom Hearts I and Kingdom Hearts II.
The first one as one of the coliseum matches with no context except for one Final Mix exclusive cutscene, the latter game has him cameo during the 1. Heartless War where he asks where Cloud is, vanishes and then taunts Cloud a little bit later. The Absent Silhouettes in Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix are Bonus Bosses against the members of Organization XII that had "died" in Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories. Xehanort (or rather Xemnas and Young Xehanort) invert the trope, as they first appeared as Bonus Bosses in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, respectively, albeit with their identity hidden from the characters (and the audience). Legacy Character: Many games have new characters that physically resemble established characters and often have similar personalities and abilities. This is actually almost universally significant, as it means those characters are likely connected to each other in some manner.
The exception is Aqua and Kairi, whose connection (Aqua inadvertently named Kairi her successor as Master) is comparatively superficial, thus, Aqua looking like an older Kairi and happening to be friends with Legacy Characters of Sora and Riku, is just coincidence. Leitmotif: A very frequent musical inclusion. Kairi, Sora, Riku, Roxas, Namin�, Xion, Ventus, Aqua, and Terra all have their own theme tunes, although Xion's uses riffs from Kairi's, Ventus's is a combination of Roxas's and Sora's, and Aqua's and Terra's are lifted wholesale from "Fate of the Unknown" [Aqua's theme also has riffs from Castle Oblivion's world and battle themes]. Vanitas' battle themes, "Enter the Darkness" and "Unbreakable Chains," use an original riff for the first minute or so, before vaulting into Roxas' theme, then a Minor- key version of Sora's theme, and finally ending with Ventus' theme before looping back to the beginning. All of this because Vanitas is Ventus' darkness, and Ventus' heart had already bonded with Sora when they first met. Master Xehanort has a theme that appears first in Birth By Sleep, but was remixed and appears whenever he is present in 3. D. Battles against Riku and/or "Ansem" in the first two games open with identical organ chords, though all instances of fighting the latter used some portion of "Forze del Male" as his motif.
Also, every battle with Xemnas uses the same bits from "Darkness of the Unknown." However, anything involving past! Xehanort uses "Dark Impetus." A bonus battle in Birth By Sleep Final Mix even mixed the first two of them together. The vast majority of tunes related to Organization XIII use some part of "Another Side"'s melody (the exception being Xemnas, as he uses the themes noted above). Many late stages and some final boss battles use an arrangement of "Destati".
Several other themes also have riffs from "Dearly Beloved". All of the Nobodies' themes seem to be the normal characters' themes (for those that have them) slightly altered. Let's Get Dangerous: See, Demyx has all the work ethic of a bar of soap. He goes above and beyond the call of Dismotivation, running and hiding at the first sign of combat. Sa�x tries and fails to get Roxas to motivate him. But put a traitor in front of him, and you better run for your life.
Light 'em Up: Sora, Roxas, Xion, Ventus, Aqua and Mickey all have powerful light spells and/or abilities. Literal Split Personality: Sora's Nobody, Roxas and his replica, Xion.
They're put back together in one being by the end, but Roxas and Xion still exist somewhere in Sora, somehow - but the games never really explore any possible future consequences of that might have. However, Birth by Sleep and coded shows that part of Ventus's note who, in turn, may have Vanitas's heart was absorbed into Sora, and that all of the people in Sora will likely get their own bodies back in a future game. While Kingdom Hearts II put forth the idea that they should be re- absorbed with the original and don't have true identities of their own, coded seems to argue that copies who develop connections to others are deserving of their own identity. Dream Drop Distance shows that Sora thinks they deserve to be their own people, not just a part of him. If this means anything, it's that they will be back. Not counting the people Xehanort goes Grand Theft Me on, there's his Heartless Ansem, his Nobody Xemnas, and his younger self who all coexist with each other.
Loads and Loads of Characters: There are more than half a dozen Original Generation main heroes, various supporting characters, numerous villains from Disney's history or made just for this franchise, and a huge number Disney characters from a large pool of their animated and some live action movies that are sprinkled throughout the games. Lucky Seven: The Princesses of heart are seven human incarnations of Light.
D introduces the idea of seven guardians of light. Mac. Guffin Location: The titular Kingdom Hearts. It is said to be the ultimate source of knowledge and power, letting whoever controls it have dominion over the entire universe if they choose. The primary goal of the main antagonists is to obtain it. The Chamber of Waking, which houses a comatose Ventus, and is located in Castle Oblivion. Somewhere. Only Aqua (the person who created the Castle) is capable of finding it again.
Magic A Is Magic A: An underlying component, and one that may be surprising to newcomers or those merely scanning the plot, is that the series is internally consistent. Retcons exist, usually for the purpose of clarifying/simplifying the cosmology, and the first installment is often glossed over. Despite this, the myriad plot points all conform to what is an overarching storyline. Magitek: All over the place, most prominently the Gummi Ship and the Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden laboratories. When you're talking about a physical machine that subjects someone's heart to darkness in order to shatter their heart and turn them into a Heartless, it's hard to draw the line between science and magic in this series.
Malevolent Architecture: The Land of Departure lies directly between the light and dark realms. Word of God clarifies that the castle houses a mechanism that transforms it to invoke this trope should it fall into the wrong hands, and that's how Aqua made Castle Oblivion. Meaningful Name: Sora means sky, the "kai" in Kairi means sea, and Riku means land. Also, the Keyblade Knights in Birth by Sleep happen to be called Ven(tus), Aqua, and Terra.
Hmmmmm.) There's also Namin�. Nami" is a word for "ocean wave". Remember whose Nobody she is? The first part of Xion's name- "shio"- is the word for "tide".
Shion" is also the name of a plant associated with memories in Japan. Xion's name, sans the "X", is an anagram for "No i". For those who do not understand, "i" is a mathematical term for the square root of - 1, an imaginary number. To be specific, Ventus, Aqua, and Terra stand for wind, water, and earth respectively. Nomura really went all out with Vanitas. Not only does it mean "emptiness" in Latin and looks like Ventus, but the kanji for emptiness is the same one as the one for sky. His name is connected to a Biblical quote, as well — "all is vanity" and a striving after wind.
Now consider what he spent most of the game doing.. Metafiction: The series has acquired a surprising amount of meta subtext. Namin� and Xion deconstruct a lot of tropes associated with the Mary Sue/Self- Insert Fic tendencies of the fandom's fanfic writers, demonstrating that they're only useful because of their Common Mary Sue Traits and their presence generally just causes a lot more complications and problems for the heroes and the story than if they had never existed, as well as the contrivances and Retcons needed to make their existences plausible. Dream Drop Distance, without going into spoilers, makes reference to a group of 7 and a group of 1.
The series contains seven base games current — Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, coded, 3. Days, Birth By Sleep, and Dream Drop Distance. Add in the Updated Rereleases of all games except Dream Drop Distance and Days, and that's an additional 5, bringing the total to 1. Kingdom Hearts III makes thirteen. If Nomura really didn't have all this planned out from Day One, he is playing some mean Xanatos Speed Chess to make it all work together. The 7 and 1. 3 form the χ- blade, formerly attempted to be formed by Ventus and Vanitas, but they didn't form a complete union.
There's been two HD re- release bundles for the series that bring the first six games into HD, but they're missing 3. D and thus the series is not complete just with them. Museum Game: To varying degrees.
For example, the first and second main games in the series not only have you visiting different Disney movies and interacting with the characters, but there's even an information gallery with details about the characters (albeit their role in Kingdom Hearts rather than their own movies specifically), including details of when the character was first created, and occasionally trivia (e. Doorknob was the only character in Alice in Wonderland who wasn't in the original book").
Mushroom Man: The Mushroom Heartless family, which includes White Mushrooms, Black Fungi, Rare Truffles, and Pink Agaricuses. Mythology Gag: The victory poses the characters sometimes do is highly reminiscent of the victory poses Final Fantasy characters often do. The way Genie is summoned within the first game is highly reminiscent of the scene in the original Aladdin when the Genie's first summoned out of the lamp, only instead of the lamp that's reacting, it's Sora's keyblade. The theme song for Disney Castle/Disney Town, the home setting of the classic Disney characters like Mickey, Donald and Goofy, is an instrumental remix of the opening song to The Mickey Mouse Club. It's even credited within the credits as "Mickey Mouse March" whenever the song's featured in one form or another (practically any game that portrays events within Disney Castle or Disney Town), the same as any other songs that weren't specifically composed for the game.
Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: The progress the Organization has made with its plans is due to the unwitting help of Sora, Roxas and to a metaphysical extent, the player himself. According to coded, thanks to killing off Xehanort's Heartless and Xemnas, Sora and Riku ended up reviving Xehanort, and not long thereafter, Master Xehanort. Justified in that according to Yen Sid, they had no other choice - Xehanort's Heartless and Xemnas both posed as very serious threats and that their universe really would collapse if they weren't taken out beforehand. Non- Indicative Name: Starting with KH2, retroactive continuity establishes that the Heartless are actually hearts that have been consumed by darkness, and it's the Nobodies ("no body") who are actually the empty shell of the body left behind when a heart is thus consumed. Non- Lethal K. O.: Party members just get dazed when defeated. After a breather (or some healing) they'll be ready for action again. This doesn't apply to Sora unless it's a battle Mickey shows up in.
Non- Standard Character Design: Applies strongly to Shiro Amano's manga adaptation. While the originals and Square Enix carryovers use his native art style, Amano goes to great lengths to imitate the art style of every Disney character's individual movie. Non Standard Skill Learning: The series spreads learning abilities across various methods (level up, progress the plot, defeat a boss, or complete some other challenge), but that comes across as not having one "standard" method in the first place. Though stat boosts come primarily through level- ups, so that might create an expectation that most character growth is from experience points. Offscreen Moment of Awesome: In KH2, Kairi and Mickey get knocked outside the door to Kingdom Hearts as Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Riku go to fight Xemnas. But at the end of the battle, all six characters are shown facing Xemnas in fighting pose, as if they HAD been fighting. Then, Square Enix..
One Steve Limit: Riku and Rikku. Rikku was actually cut from the first game out of the fear that this would cause confusion, and her name is never actually spoken aloud when she appears in Kingdom Hearts II. Jack Sparrow and Jack Skellington. In the Japanese version, game interface calls the pirate "Sparrow" and the skeleton "Jack" to avoid confusion. In the US version, the game interface calls both of them 'Jack' but when you use an item on them (or cast cure on them) Sora will say "Jack!" for Skellington and "Captain!" for Sparrow. Only Friend: During Axel's death scene, he tells Sora that Roxas was the only one he liked, and basically his only friend.
Overrated And Underleveled: Zig- zagged. Sora restarts each game he stars in at level one when he was one- shotting enemies and soloing bosses in the previous game. However; it's explained in Chain of Memories as being forced to forget, and at the start of Kingdom Hearts II, he was spending the past year asleep, progress being hampered by Roxas and Xion.
In Kingdom Hearts 3. D: Dream Drop Distance, his and Riku's reversion back to Level 1 deals with them entering the Sleeping Worlds and losing all of their abilities to learn the proper techniques for Keyblade Masters. Sora then gets his heart temporarily shattered and goes comatose for a while at the end of that game, the damage and need to recover from which explains his drop back to level one for the next game. However, played completely straight with Donald and Goofy.
When the court mage and knight- captain join Sora, they're at the level he is and only have a fraction of their abilities. P - Z Paradox Person: Nobodies are the remains of a person's body and soul after they become a Heartless, animated by their strong will. They lack the ability to truly feel emotion due to the loss of their heart, but their memories allow them to act out the appropriate emotions in the right situations. They are said to defy the laws of the universe to the point that neither the Realm of Darkness nor the Realm of Light accept them, and thus don't truly exist. Parental Abandonment: Kairi's grandma, Ariel's father and Simba's dad are the only parental characters given any screentime. Of those three, Mufasa is dead and Kairi's grandma hasn't been seen since Radiant Garden fell. Sora's mom gets one line from offscreen near the start of the first game.
Anyone else's parents are either invisible, implied to be dead (Ienzo), or completely unmentioned. The Password Is Always Swordfish: Played embarrassingly straight in II on several occasions. The passwords were (the first two of these were correctly guessed on the first try): "Belle, Snow White, Aurora, Alice, Jasmine, Cinderella, Kairi," "Sea- salt ice cream," and "Sora, Donald, and Goofy". Pieces of God: In game mythology, "the light" was once whole; but was shattered; and the pieces survived in the hearts of children.
Pop- Star Composer: Utada Hikaru writes the theme music for the series. The Power of Friendship: This concept is key to the series, but it's usually done in such a well- executed manner as to still feel natural, despite being idealistic. Keyblades in particular appear to be drawn to individuals who have strong hearts, and thus, exemplify this trope. Power Trio: Sora! Donald! Goofy! Trinity Attack! Prolonged Prologue: The second game is notorious for this. The first game is no slouch in this department, either, though most of the stuff you can do on Destiny Islands is optional.
However, the spin- off games are typically a lot better at this. Birth by Sleep's prologue is both very brief and can be skipped on subsequent playthroughs (which is helpful since there are three separate storylines to get through), and Chain of Memories barely has a prologue at all. Ironically, the minute Ventus starts messing around for the tutorial, he stops and questions why he was doing all that when he was on his way to see the meteor shower."Wait.
What am I messing around here for?"Rainbow Pimp Gear: With space ships, no less. While the Gummi ship editor are clearly there with creativity in mind, more often than not you won't always have matching blocks to pull off a specific design. Similarly, a Gummi's HP is directly proportional to the amount of blocks it has. As a result, most Gummi ships will end up becoming literal Flying Bricks with miss- matching blocks with tons of guns attached to the front and the best engines in the back, with actual wings being considered a Dump Stat. Similarly, if you choose to go with the A. I. Breaker tactic, replace literal Flying Brick with a giant flying donut. Some Keyblade designs themselves can verge on this at times, being the only thing that averts No Cutscene Inventory Inertia.
Sure, Keyblades beyond the one you'll start out with will have vastly better stats, but it can occasionally make cutscenes look unintentionally narmish when Sora has something like Decisive Pumpkin◊ equipped. And considering it dishes out the highest physical damage in the game.. Recurring Element: It takes some from Final Fantasy, such as Moogles, summon monsters, and the magic system. Recurring Riff: No matter which series installment you're playing, the title screen will always have some variation of "Dearly Beloved". Another standout is "Destati", which has been left out of only two games. Red Oni, Blue Oni: Sora's Valor Form and Wisdom Form.
The former uses exclusively physical attacks, while the latter relies on magic. Donald would probably like to be this to Sora, but fails due to his own Greed. Refused by the Call: Sora at first. He wouldn't have gotten to be The Hero if Riku hadn't gotten impatient and used the darkness to leave Destiny Islands.
Retcon: Arguably the main reason why so many people have problems following the overarching story. The Big Bad's origin story is by far the worst offender, which seems to change with every major installment (read, the two numbered entries, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep and Kingdom Hearts 3.
D: Dream Drop Distance). Replay Mode: The series has a cutscene replay feature as an unlockable that can be viewed from the title screen (the feature's been there since the Updated Re- release of II). Ret Gone: while Sora is sleeping and Namin� is reconstructing his memories between Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts II, everyone who knew him forgets that he existed until he awakens again. Everyone had forgotten Xion when she died, which is devastating to watch after seeing the development in 3. Days. As of 3. D, she's being remembered more, by Sora, Riku, and possibly Roxas.
Rewatch Bonus: The revelation in Dream Drop Distance that Nobodies gradually grow hearts back and that Saix and Xigbar were possessed by Xehanort makes the personalities and actions of the Nobodies throughout the series come across very differently. Roaring Rampage of Revenge: For the player rather than anyone in the game. Seriously, name something from a Disney film that scared the bejeezus out of you as a kid.
Maleficent, Chernobog, Ursula, Oogie Boogie.. Also played in- universe during a scene on Hollow Bastion. After defeating Demyx, a rock falls toward King Mickey. Goofy shoves the King out of the way only to catch the rock dead on his head himself. For all appearances, Goofy is now dead. After a brief mourning scene, Mickey declares that "they'll pay for this", throwing off his cloak, revealing his Keyblade and leaping into the battle, followed by one pissed- off Donald!
Rule of Symbolism: There's a lot of Taoist symbolism, namely the themes of duality and how nothing can exist without its opposite to give it proper meaning; namely, yin and yang, neither of which is innately evil. This is seen in the series with the balance of light and darkness, the belief that Dark Is Not Evil, its just misused, and the existences of the Nobodies and Heartless. Furthermore, the three realms of Light, Darkness and Nothingness, tie into the "third" element of yin and yang, wuji, which symbolizes nothingness and limitlessness. Rule of Three: Three, thanks to the Trinity motif, is an Arc Number for the series.
There are three enemy types (Heartless, Nobody, Unversed), several trios of characters, the realms of Light, Darkness, and Nothingness, three paths at the start (Sword, Shield or Staff), three ways of levelling up (journey begins at dawn, midday or dusk), three party members at a time.. Sad Battle Music: A recurring trope. In II, "Darkness Of The Unknown" is at first fairly epic, but when it hits its third stage, it takes a turn for the somber. And in Final Mix+, you have "The Other Promise," Roxas' theme turned into a boss music.
It continues to play in the ensuing cutscenes. In 3. 58/2 Days', you have "Vector to the Heavens," full stop. In Dream Drop Distance, you have "Rinzler Recompiled."Say My Name: In the Secret End of Birth by Sleepregardless of their state of existence, Namin�, Roxas, Xion, Ven, Terra and Aqua pray to Sora's name across time and space. Kingdom Hearts II have Sora, Donald and Goofy referred to or greeted in that exact order almost 1. Science Fantasy: Due to being a crossover of various properties that are from different genres, the series contains many elements from fantasy and science fiction. Knights, sorcerers, spaceships, intergalactic travel, Cyberspace, Artificial Humans (and other artificial lifeforms like Artificial Intelligence), royalty, some Magitek, and Time Travel are just the tip of the iceberg. Second Hour Superpower: The Keyblade from the original.
Sora starts out with a wooden sword. Also, Roxas's keyblade. He starts with a struggle bat. Self- Insert Fic: Literally done with the 1.
Acre Wood, in which Sora inadvertently rewrites the story by finding the pages and interacting with the residents to include himself as a prominent character. It even includes him on the cover where Christopher Robin would've been when you clear the stage and find the keyhole. Sequel Hook: Most games have a secret ending movie that teases the next game. Sentient Cosmic Force: The Light; among other possibilities, this is the stuff of which worlds and people are made. It's apparently also the source and distributor of the Keyblades and Sora's initial visions.
Can also impart Mysterious Monologues with the best of them. Sequential Boss: No self- respecting final boss in this series would be caught dead without at least three forms. The Virus version of Data Roxas encountered in the 1. Sector in Hollow Bastion has four forms.
Shoo Out the Clowns: In the original game, played straight with the Hollow Bastion Climax Boss, but subverted in the final battle (in which Donald and Goofy rejoin you gradually). Played straight at the end of Kingdom Hearts II, in which Sora and Riku are the only heroes at the final battle, but that's because Donald and Goofy had just left earlier after everyone thought that Xemnas was dead already. Shout- Out: Shown Their Work: Repeatedly. The development staff has access to the whole of Disney canon to look at for concepts, and they go the extra mile to represent them well.
Numerous locations look just like they did in the films, and many voice actors return to reprise their roles. Sigil Spam: The Heartless emblem and the Nobody sigil both show up on pretty much anything connected to their groups. The Unversed sigil also get the same treatment, as well the Dreameaters. Significant Anagram: All of Organization XIII; each of their names is an anagram of the old selves' name with an added X. Leads to Epileptic Trees about the original names of the "other" members. Xehanort especially. Get rid of the X and we get both "No Heart" and "Another".
Nomura says both were entirely intentional. Eraqus can also be arranged as "Square." Almost a complete reversal of the name in fact, just with the "u" being placed after the "q" to follow English vocabulary rules. This is done to make him a counterpart to Yen Sid, which is "Disney" spelt backwards. Sliding Scale of Continuity: Level 5 (Full Lockout). From the second game onward the games head straight into Kudzu Plot with any detail potentially Foreshadowing future games (Xigbar's cryptic lines in II being an example). Dream Drop Distance has "memoirs" thought that record the plots of the preceeding games and unlocks them when a Continuity Nod/Call Back to the respective game first occurs. Making the games a Level 4 (Arc- Based Episodic) at least (though without that game it still remains at 5).
Birth By Sleep tones it down to a Level 3, with the story being self- contained and easy to understand if you've not played the other games, but there's a lot of Call Forwards and Foreshadowing for future games that will be lost on a new player. Sliding Scale of Silliness Versus Seriousness: Shifts from silliness towards seriousness within each game, and over the series as whole. Sound of No Damage: The games feature a rubbery bounce sound when an attack has no effect, accompanied by a ripple where the enemy was struck. Countering an enemy's physical attack with one of your own or guarding causes a high "ching" sound. The Stations of the Canon: Take a drink every time Sora and company intervene to make sure that the Stations of the Disney Canon happen properly. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories turns visiting the Stations of Kingdom Hearts into a plot point—The Important Promise is changed by Namine so that Sora remembers her as the one he made that promise to.
Stars Are Souls: Kingdom Hearts is a bit iffy on this one. Usually, the stars in the KH universe represent worlds as a whole and they disappear from the night sky when that particular world is submerged in darkness. Then, in Kingdom Hearts II, we have the Pride Lands as a world, which reaffirms the plot point that the old rulers of Pride Rock become stars in the sky upon death. This is also shown in Birth by Sleep, when, after Master Xehanort strikes down Master Eraqus in front of a horrified Terra, Yen Sid notes, "Eraqus's star has blinked out." The contradictions can just be chalked up to the world running on the Theory of Narrative Causality. Still Wearing the Old Colors: Neither Roxas nor Xion ditch their Organization XIII cloaks after they quit the organization. It's unlikely that Roxas had time to buy anything else to wear and Xion probably was wearing it to protect her heart from darkness, like Riku does. Story Difficulty Setting: A variant - Kingdom Hearts: 5.
Days and Kingdom Hearts: Re: coded were both re- released in HD as the 1. Remix and 2. 5 Remix, respectively. Each re- release featured cutscene- only versions of the game in question, removing all gameplay. Super Mode: Drive Forms: Valor Form cuts off magic, but grants Dual Wielding, Super Speed, and high jump. Wisdom Form turns the Keyblade into an extreme Magic Wand, gives a speed dash ability, and turns your attack into a Projectile Spell function.
And it floats. Master Form boosts attack and magic to a lesser degree than the previous Forms, but grants Dual Wielding and the ability to spam magic for as long as you have MP. Final Form is all of the above and cranks it Up to Eleven. Power Glows and Power Floats (and Dual Wields floating Keyblades). It can glide and high jump. Almost every action prompts rapid attacks from the Keyblades (including jumping, landing, and drinking a potion).
Every physical and magical attack is a Spam Attack, to say nothing of the finisher versions. The only thing it lacks is Master Form's unlimited casting ability, but that's not much of a loss. Subverted with Anti- Form, which raises attack to maximum, but lowers defense to minimum. If you're good at evasion, this can destroy most enemies and even bosses pretty quickly, but you will drop after taking a few hits which makes this a double- edged sword. Lastly, Limit Form, a Call Back to Kingdom Hearts 1. It emulates Sora's old moveset and grants him his old Limit attacks.
Surprise Creepy: Especially if all you saw before playing was the Disney element or hadn't actually watched some of the Disney films featured (did you think Pinnocchio portrayed being swallowed by a whale nicely?)Taken A Level In Badass: Mickey Mouse, in his cartoons sometimes goofy, overly polite but assertive. Now kicks all kind of ass in a Badass Longcoat to boot, and sometimes in KHII if Sora is losing in a boss fight, Mickey fights in his place, and is much more overpowered. Take Up My Sword: One way someone claims a Keyblade is by performing The Rite of Succession with a Keyblade Master. A Keyblade still has to choose them, though.
Teens Are Short: Sora, Riku, Kairi, Roxas, Namin�, etc. Shorter than some" would be understandable, as would "slightly shorter than most", but there is a significant height gap most of the way through, at least for the males.
Although Riku does hit a growth spurt after Chain of Memories and becomes "adult height" for Kingdom Hearts II. Sora's growth spurt was nothing to scoff at either. The pants that reached his ankles in the original didn't even pass his knees in the sequel.
Not really a teen, but seeing Goofy next to some of these other characters makes you realize that he's not so tall as much as all of his friends are just short. Gets really weird in 3. D when you see them interact with the cast of TRON: Legacy (which are portrayed are as real, detailed, and unsettling humans) and see them tower over Sora and Riku.
Terrible Artist: Namin�. Which may be forgivable as she is working in crayon then.
In pencil, of course, she's completely amazing. Theme Naming: The three major protagonists are named after the sky (Sora), land (Riku), and sea (Kairi). Their counterparts from Birth By Sleep match, being named after the wind (Ventus), earth (Terra), and water (Aqua).
Kairi and the two Nobodies born from her from her have a theme of a Japanese word related to the ocean with an extra mora at the end: Kairi (kai/ocean+ri), Namin� (nami/wave+n�), and Xion (shio/tide+n). All the names of the Organization XIII members are anagrams of the names they had before they became Nobodies with an "x" added in.
Some of the spinoff games have something of an internet theme (this is acknowledged by Nomura, mind): Co. M, coded, BBS. Theme Song Reveal: The series runs this trope as far as it can take it. Many themes are remixed and incorporated into other themes, and analysis of such can provide a glimpse into connections between characters when one of their themes incorporates snippets from the other's. There Are No Therapists: Especially for Ventus, Aqua and Terra in Birth By Sleep. Aqua winds up having to put down both Terra and Ventus, Terra loses his body and kills his master, and Ventus finds out he has to sacrifice himself.
Though some of Organization XIII could also use them. They're Called Personal Issues For A Reason: Played straight and deconstructed several times throughout the series. Cases in point: In Birth By Sleep, if Ven had told Terra and Aqua about Vanitas' warning, if Terra had told them about Master Xehanort's side teachings, basically if all three had just talked before things got out of hand Terra may still have his body, Ven wouldn't be in a coma after destroying his heart to defeat Vanitas, Aqua wouldn't be trapped in the Realm of Darkness, Eraqus may still be alive, and Xehanort's plans would have been either halted or siderailed.
Deconstructed and intended for the Nobodies of Organization XIII. By denying their emotions since they had no hearts, none of them progressed, and as revealed in Kingdom Hearts 3.
D [Dream Drop Distance], none of them could regain their hearts due to keeping those feelings locked up. Best part? This was Xehanort's plan from the start, so he could have vessels to put his heart in and create his Thirteen Seekers of Darkness.
Thirteen Is Unlucky: Organization XIII are the bad guys of KHII. Dream Drop Distance introduces another example with Xehanort's ultimate plot: creating thirteen human incarnations of darkness, the seekers of darkness, as a direct counterpoint to the guardians of light. Three Strike Combo: The protagonists typically start with a basic three point combo attack just by tapping to attack button. This can be lengthened, shortened or powered up depending on your abilities and keyblade. Thinking Up Portals: Corridors of Darkness are portals that a person can conjure up, and they effectively allow the conjurer to travel to from anywhere in the entire universe to anywhere else in an instant. However, doing so risks corruption by darkness. This explains why the villains can get anywhere in a flash, but the heroes always have to avoid these portals and take the slow way (with oneexception.)Title Drop: In every game so far (except within 3.
Days), the Kingdom Hearts, of which the series is named after, is referred to by at least one character. Took a Level in Badass: Mickey is shown to have been clumsy at wielding a Keyblade when training under Yen Sid in Birth by Sleep. In the present day, he's the most skilled Keyblade wielder of all. Roxas gains a level in badass when he absorbs Xion, gaining his signature power to dual- wield two Keyblades. Sora in Kingdom Hearts II not only gets Roxas's dual- wielding, but later on takes his own level in badass when he gets the power to use Drive Forms. Even not counting this, Sora's skill with the Keyblade drastically increases during the events of Kingdom Hearts I and Kingdom Hearts II.
Riku and Kairi both get their own Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts II. By Kingdom Hearts III, Not only did Sora learned to take advantage of the fact that the Keyblade's a Morph Weapon by turning them into guns (among other things), he can also summon various vehicles that resemble Disney Land rides to help him and his friends fight their enemies. Go- Karting with Bowser: Most bizarre in the original, where the Hades Cup is harmless. Well, as harmless as a 5. Heartless and a battle with Hades himself can be, anyway.)Trilogy Creep: By the time the prophesized "Kingdom Hearts III" comes out, there will be an impressive eight preceding games sans remakes, four of which (coded, 3. Days, Birth by Sleep, 3. D) have been released between II and III.
Tomes of Prophecy and Fate: The Book of Prophesies, introduced within Kingdom Hearts X, serve as this for the entire universe. It has information about things that was, things that is, and things that will be and, according to Maleficent via a retroactivelly added scene within Kingdom Hearts Coded, one can, among other things, create new worlds simply by adding onto it. The Unchosen One: Sora was not the initial choice for the Keyblade. Pretty much spelled out when Sora meets Terra, one of the previous Keybearers.
The latter flips out upon seeing the Keyblade in the hands of someone other than the one he chose. Cue Bonus Boss. This is subverted if you take into account that it was the keyblade that chose Sora. Not a keyblade wielder like Terra.
In contrast to Sora, both Riku and Kairi actually are. The Chosen One, selected by Terra and Aqua, respectively (Although in Kairi's case, it was accidental, and in Riku's case, as mentioned above, he lost his chosen right and had to work hard to eventually transform his sword into a Keyblade instead.) Mickey and Aqua are also unchosen ones, in a sense. The former is, well, Mickey Mouse, who became a Keyblade wielder just so he could help people with it, and Aqua is simply a highly- skilled Keyblade wielder with no great destiny set out for her like Terra or Ven. It doesn't stop either of them from derailing Xehanort's plans, serving vital roles on the side of the good guys, and generally being Badass the whole time. Uncommon Time: The Hollow Bastion theme is in 5/8.
Under the Sea: Atlantica. Uniqueness Decay: Over the course of the series, a surprising amount of Keyblades and Wielders have popped up with each passing game. In the first game, it's implied there's only one Keyblade and Keyblade Wielder, which is a major plot point when Sora has to earn it back and prove himself after Riku reveals his status as the real. Chosen One and promptly takes it from him. At the end of the game, there's also revealed to be a Keyblade for the Dark World as well, which isn't too unreasonable to believe because of it being the opposite of the realm of light. However, in the secret video unlocked in the very same game, there's shown to be a mysterious figure who can dual wield two Keyblades.
Then in Kingdom Hearts II, we find out that there's more Keyblades and Keyblade Wielders out there, but the amount is still rather reasonable come end game. That being Sora, Riku, Mickey, and Kairi, with everyone else being either a Nobody version of an existing Keyblade Wielder, retired like Yen Sid, or (at that point) being a massive Mind Screw like the Lingering Will.
Then the secret video in that game and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep reveals an entire war of nothing but Keyblade Wielders took place in the past, over what can be considered the ultimate and true. Legendary Weapon version of the Keyblade, and that there's an entire graveyard of the things now as a result. It's a fact that Braig in Birth By Sleeplampshades, ironically, given the games status as a prequel to the rest of the series.
Braig: It seems like these days, everybody's got one of those.. Unscaled Merfolk: While in Atlantica, Sora is half dolphin, Donald is half octopus, and Goofy is mostly turtle (only his head is still clearly him).
Unusually Uninteresting Sight: You'd think someone like Jack Sparrow would say something when faced with an anthropomorphic duck. Then again, considering this is Jack Sparrow's mind..) In fact, someone would probably comment on there being several people looking like they just stepped out of a cartoon in a place that clearly doesn't have that kind of stuff. Likewise, in the Mulan level, the Captain doesn't seem to notice that the three most powerful of the new recruits don't look Chinese, don't have Chinese names, and aren't wearing Chinese soldier armor. Updated Re- release: The Re: and Final Mix editions of each game as they come.
Kingdom Hearts I, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep all have Final Mix editions that include additional bosses, areas, weapons, minigames, cutscenes, powers, and items, but, until Kingdom Hearts 1. HD Remix was announced with the original game's Final Mix included, none of these were available outside of Japan, despite having some international voices. The Re: editions (of coded and Chain of Memories) have been available internationally, however, albeit in some changed format and minor changes to story elements in the process.
Unexpected Character: Chernabog shows up in Kingdom Hearts I as a surprise boss fight. One of the summons in Kingdom Hearts II is Chicken Little, a Disney character whose movie wasn't even out in Japan at the time. Dream Drop Distance one- ups them completely with The World Ends With You characters and a Bonus Boss fight against Julius from a single Mickey Mouse short, "Runaway Brain". The Usual Adversaries: While they are also obviously The Heartless, the Heartless and Nobodies are also this. Birth by Sleep brings the Unversed, and Dream Drop Distance introduces the Dream Eaters. Victory Pose: By Sora.
They're Mythology Gags toward Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and X. In 3. 58/2 Days everybody gets one for Mission Mode. Video Game Remake: The PS2's Re: Chain of Memories, a remake of the GBA's Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts Re: coded for the DS, a remake of the mobile game Kingdom Hearts coded. Viewers Are Morons: Yuffie's role was originally going to be filled by Rikku. But Nomura decided that it would be too confusing to have two characters with similar names, so Yuffie was substituted. With a Palette Swapped version of the clothes designed for Rikku. However, Rikku did make it into Kingdom Hearts II, though her name is never actually said in a voiced cutscene.
Villain- Based Franchise: Master Xehanort (or one component of him) managed to cause every single problem in the series in some manner. Nomura recently has basically stated that Kingdom Hearts I through III and the associated spinoffs will comprise the "Xehanort saga" of Kingdom Hearts. Yeah, all these games are just part of one villain- based saga. Weapon Jr.: Sora's wooden sword, Tidus's wooden pole, Selphie's jumprope, Ven's wooden keyblade, and Lea's frisbees.
Well- Intentioned Extremist: Xehanort believes himself to be this. Sure he's screwing over Eraqus and his pupils, but he's doing it to bring about cosmic balance. It's just that his idea of cosmic balance requires causing a war between Keyblade masters that will destroy the universe. Wham Episode: The Hollow Bastion visit of the first game caused lingering consequences for the rest of the series afterwards.
Birth by Sleep was one for the entire universe as well, as it featured the beginning of Master Xehanort's efforts to put his long plan into motion. Dream Drop Distance, being the penultimate game in the series before the Xehanort Saga's conclusion, ties story elements from practically the entire series and shows how it's all connected, as well as having some major reveals about the Heart, Xehanort, Nobodies, and Organization XIII. What Measure Is a Non- Human?: The Nobodies. Sora in particular sticks to his "You don't exist, you don't feel anything" mantra right until the end, even after one of them pulls a Heroic Sacrifice for his sake yet comes back to life as a human, because of it.. One might think he was speaking directly to Disney's censors. Meanwhile other, non- Nobody villains succumb to The Heartless, a Karmic Death, get One- Winged Angel enough to get covered by this trope or survive for a while.
To Sora's credit, once he actually gets some room to just process everything that went down in Kingdom Hearts II, he is the first to avert this trope and he isn't shy about calling himself and others out for their bullshit. To a further extent, Nobodies unlucky enough to not have a human appearance are treated less than the ones that do. Just imagine a Dusk in place of Roxas or Namine or any member of Organization XIII. Xanatos Gambit: As of Dream Drop Distance we have this predicament: Either The Keyblade wielders face Xehanort and forge the χ- blade in the process starting a new Keyblade War, or he attacks and takes the Princesses of Heart by force and creates it anyway.
Zipperiffic: Like you wouldn't friggin' believe. Pretty much the only things that don't have zippers in these games are the classic Disney designs (i. Donald, Goofy or even Mickey).
Kingdom Hearts 3. Days Game Script for DS by DJ Firewolf » FAQs. Would you recommend this. Recommend this FAQ? Yes. No. Kingdom Hearts 3. Days Script. Brought to you by DJ Firewolf, formerly of KH Impulse and KH Excursion. This script is written in the same detailed format as my KH2 script, with some.
On the corresponding days, the entries for Roxas's Diary and. Secret Reports will be added to bring more coherence to the storyline. Any Secret Reports that are deemed too revealing will be placed at the end of. Recon dialogue will be arranged. Alternate recon dialogue will be included at the end of the. Also, some Grey Area dialogue will be included for character. Enjoy! - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .
An introduction to Organization XIII- . Organization XIII's Leader. Through power over nothing.
Weapon: Ethereal Blades. No. II - Xigbar. Founding member. He keeps an. ear to the ground and a finger on. Manipulates space. Weapon: Arrowguns.
No. III - Xaldin. Founding member. A warrior with a. He carries six lances. Founding member. A brilliant.
No. V - Lexaeus. Founding member. Tremendously. strong, but surprisingly quiet- -. Weapon: Axe Sword. No. VI - Zexion. Founding member. An intellectual. with no room for feelings. He can. create illusions at will.
Weapon: Lexicon. Second- in- command who longs. Only the moon breaks his icy calm. Weapon: Claymore.
No. VIII - Axel. An assassin who puts his own. Wields fire. Weapon: Chakrams. Prefers to kick back with his sitar. Life, to him, is just a game to. No. XI - Marluxia. In the arc of his scythe, flowers.
His pretty face hides ugly motives. No. XII - Larxene. Wields sharp knives and a. Her lightning. strikes as quick as her temper. No. XIII - Roxas.
A boy, newly aware of himself. His light shines as bright and brief. Weapon: Keyblade. The organization is seated in the Round Room). Sa�x (voice): Pitiful Heartless, mindlessly collecting hearts. The rage of the. Keyblade releases those hearts. They gather in darkness, masterless and free..
Kingdom Hearts. And when that time comes, we. Axel and Roxas sit on the ledge of the clock tower). Axel: Roxas.. are you really sure that you don't have a heart? Roxas: I dunno. I can't.. But I figure.. if there is.
Axel: True enough. Axel hands Roxas a bar of sea- salt ice cream. Roxas is surprised. He chuckles. and takes the ice cream. They reminisce about the day Roxas was named. He. wakes up in front of The Old Mansion in Twilight Town. A figure in a black.
You seek answers. The man waves a cloaked arm between the two of them and the word 'SORA'.
I can give you purpose. The man waves his arm again and the letters swirl around Roxas, gaining. The man slams his fist into. Roxas to flinch. He. X hovering before him. The silver. letters rejoin with the X in their center forming a new word, turning fully. Xemnas: That is right- -the new you.
Later, Roxas walks through Twilight Town, seeing a group of kids eating ice. He stops and starts to turn around, when Axel places a hand on his. The flashback ends).
Axel: Man, I miss the old times. Still got it memorized? The day we met, when. I sat right here, just like this and watched. Why the Sun Sets Red~. Roxas sits alone on the clock tower).
Axel: You're early. Roxas looks up to see Axel standing at the corner entrance). Roxas: No, you're just late. Axel sits down next to Roxas and smiles. Some moments pass and they have ice.
Roxas: Today makes 2. Axel: What's that about? Roxas: It's been that many days since I first joined the Organization. Man. Axel: So, you got the number memorized, do ya? Roxas: Yeah. Have to hang onto something, right?
It's not like I have memories. Organization. Don't you remember? I acted like a zombie. Axel puts his hand on Roxas's shoulder). Axel: Right, that first week you could barely form a sentence.
But come on. you're still kind of a zombie. Axel gives him a playful pat on the back). Roxas: Oh, thanks! Axel: Hey, Roxas. Bet you don't know why the sun sets red.
You see, light is. And out of all those colors, red is the one that. Roxas elbows him).
Roxas: Like I asked! Know- it- all. (They laugh again.
More time passes and Roxas finishes his ice cream. Axel. rests on his back). Roxas: Seriously, where is she? He looks to the corner entrance, which is empty.
Axel's face turns serious. Roxas (narrating): You gotta figure, everything starts someplace. The closest. thing for me is when I was just seven days old, and I met her. The Castle That Never Was looms over the Dark City in the World That Never.
Was. Roxas awakes in his stale white room and walks to The Grey Area. Larxene. and Xigbar lounge on white chairs. Axel and Sa�x stand near the large window. The sky is blank outside). Larxene: Eww. You're awake? Xigbar: Hey, Roxas.
Welcome to the program, as they say. Roxas walks over to Axel).
Axel: Heya, Roxas. Roxas says nothing). Axel: Something I can help you with there, chatterbox? Roxas continues to say nothing. Axel crosses his arms in thought). Axel: Ah, I remember now. We were supposed to convene in the Round Room today.
Blegh, meetings.. Roxas (tilting his head): Round.. Room..? Axel: Yup. Apparently the boss man's got some big news.
Wanna head over there. Axel: Alrighty then. Follow me. Sa�x: Today's is an important meeting. I expect everyone to be on time.
They each gather in the Round Room, where Xemnas addresses them). Xemnas: Good tidings, friends. Today is a momentous day. Axel scratches his chin. Luxord sits back in his chair).
Xemnas: I am pleased to announce that a new comrade has been chosen to wear. Vexen smirks. Demyx adjusts his seat. Xemnas looks down toward the floor. A. small cloaked figure walks into the room and stands in the center with its. Xemnas: Number XIV. Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. Roxas blinks, remembering when he was brought before them.
Axel walks in. behind him and Roxas looks up. Xemnas holds his head up in boredom. The memory. ends and the figure looks toward Roxas, who gasps).
Roxas (narrating): After seven days of clinging to a number and a name, I had. I couldn't have told you who the people in. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 7- -.
It's been a week since I got here. Sa�x told me to keep a diary, but he said. What am I supposed to write about? Today they told us to go to the Round Room, where we met our new member.
No. XIV. Was I like that when I first got here? I think I was. But I don't.
The Icing on the Cake~. Roxas walks into The Grey Area and is greeted by Sa�x). Sa�x: Roxas, your work begins today.
I will issue missions, which the. Organization expects you to carry out. Roxas says nothing). Sa�x: Think of these early missions as exercises. You still have much to learn.
Roxas continues to say nothing. Sa�x looks over to Axel, leaning against the. Sa�x: Axel will be joining you your first time out.
Isn't that right, Axel? Axel stands up). Axel: Oh boy.. What, are you making me the kid's mentor now? Axel walks over and Sa�x turns to leave).
Sa�x: Surely you don't mind showing Roxas here the ropes? Roxas, come see me. Sa�x walks away). Axel: Well, you heard the man. Starting today, I'm your babysitter. Roxas says nothing).
Axel: Sheesh.. Quit acting like a zombie, and let's get this show on the. Just talk to Sa�x over there when you're set to go. Roxas walks over to Number XIV, but neither of them say anything. Zexion sits. on the couch nearby reading a book). Zexion: Number XIV's name.. I wonder if it bears some significance. Roxas walks over to Sa�x).
Sa�x: Are you ready to go? Axel walks over). Sa�x: Teach him well, Axel. Axel (smirking): Don't worry. I'll be sure he makes the grade. C'mon, Roxas. (Roxas stares at Number XIV).
Axel: Hey, what's wrong? You worried about the new kid? What was that name.
Sa�x: Number XIV, Xion. Axel: Right. I knew that. Axel: Got it memorized, Roxas?
Roxas: .. Yeah. Axel: You sure? How 'bout my name, then? Roxas: It's Axel. Axel: And our boss's name? Axel: Very good, Roxas!
No way you're gonna forget his name, right? Now, let's. (A corridor of darkness opens.
Axel walks inside, and Roxas follows. They. arrive in Twilight Town, in the Underground Passage). Axel: All right, let's start by talking about what we do on missions.
Ahem. Missions are.. They're, you know.. Hrm. (Roxas looks down and Axel scratches his head). Axel: You know what?
Talking is dumb. Let's just go ahead and get our hands. Follow me. (Axel walks up the stairs into an archway. Roxas follows after him). Axel: There ya go. Good job. Axel: But don't go thinking you can just run and jump your way through every.
You've gotta BE AWARE. Roxas: What.. what do you mean?
Axel: You hafta look around. Sometimes what you're after is sitting right. Got it memorized? Roxas: Y.. yeah, I think so. Axel: All right, then, time for a road test. There's a treasure chest. I want you to find it.
Roxas: That's all I have to do? Axel: I know, don't hurt yourself. Anyway, remember to look around. Roxas searches around the Underground Passage and passes a tunnel blocked by. Roxas: Axel.. What's this? Axel: A barricade. It means you're not supposed to go this way.
Roxas: You mean there's nothing down there? Axel: Yeah, that's the gist of it. They're set up to keep us on task.
That, or. out of trouble. I mean, hello, look at it. Big, menacing X? I'll take the. Roxas finds a chest near exit #5). Roxas: Is this the chest? Axel: Sure is! Well done.
Roxas says nothing). Axel: Um, what are you waiting for? Roxas: The mission was to find the chest. Aren't I done? Axel: Uh, Roxas.. There's this thing about chests.
They have stuff in them. Roxas: So I should open the chest? Axel: Yes, that is generally what we do. Roxas opens the chest). Axel: Good work! You can keep what you found. All right, time to RTC.
Axel: Return To the Castle. Go ahead, lead the way back to the dark corridor. Roxas nods and they make their way back through the Underground Passage. Once. they reach the dark corridor, Axel applauds).
Axel: Bravo. So whaddya think? Got the hang of this mission business? Axel: I'm sorry, speak up? Cooouldn't quite catch that. Roxas: I said.. (Roxas turns to look at him). Roxas: I could have done that blindfolded.
Axel: Ha ha! I dunno if I want a blindfolded zombie on the loose. All right. smart aleck, you did good. And no successful mission is complete without a. C'mon. (Axel starts to walk away). Roxas: But.. don't we have to RTC? Axel stops and turns toward Roxas).
Axel: Later. Don't you remember our hangout? They get ice cream and sit on the clock tower. Axel hands him a bar). Axel: Here ya go.
The icing on the cake. Roxas takes it, still silent. Axel takes a bite). Axel: You remember what this ice cream is called? Axel: It's sea- salt ice cream. C'mon, I already told you once.
Get it. memorized, man. Roxas: It's really salty.. Axel: Ha ha. Roxas, you said the same exact thing the other day. Roxas: I did? I don't remember that. Axel: Hey, what has it been, a week since you showed up? Axel: "Maybe"? C'mon, you must remember that much. Roxas says nothing).
Axel: Well, that's okay. Today's where it all really begins anyway. Axel: Sure! Here you are, out in the field, working for the Organization.. Today, you're one of us.
Roxas: I guess it's a start. Roxas takes a bite of his ice cream). Roxas (narrating): That was my first day working for the Organization. They. gave me missions, and I carried them out. But if you asked me what my job. I would've just stared at you. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 8- -.
Axel and I went to Twilight Town today. He taught me a lot.
Before we RTC'd (Returned To the Castle) we swung by the clock tower and had. Axel called it the "icing on the cake" after a. Well, except there was no cake�just the ice cream.
I don't know what to write in this thing! Secret Report: Axel- -. Seems like we're getting new members every day. No. XIII was a boy, Roxas. Now. we've got a No. XIV, Xion. Today's mission was to show Roxas the ropes.
I feel. like they've had me babysitting him since he got here. He's not a bad kid, but. Good fighter, though. At least I won't be bored. Roxas walks into The Grey Area and sees Sa�x and Marluxia).
Sa�x: Roxas, today you will be working with Marluxia. Come see me when you. Sa�x walks away). Marluxia: Well, there you have it. Welcome to the fold, Roxas. We'll set out. once you're ready.
Demyx sits in the couch nearby). Demyx: So, uh.. you play any instruments?
No? .. Never mind. Vexen spots him from a corner of the room).
Vexen: A Keyblade wielder.. This could prove quite enlightening. Roxas sets off with Marluxia to Twilight Town.
They arrive in the Sandlot). Marluxia: Roxas, was it?
I never properly introduced myself. I am Marluxia. (He brushes back a lock of hair). Roxas: Okay. So what do I have to do today? Marluxia: Today, your job is to collect hearts. Roxas: Um, how do I do that? Marluxia: Roxas, could you summon your Keyblade for me? Roxas: Well.. sure, all right.
The Keyblade flashes into his hand). Marluxia: Lucky Number XIII.. At last, a chosen wielder of the Keyblade. Several Shadow Heartless appear before them). Roxas: Whoa, what are those?
Marluxia: Hmph. Nothing to be feared. So, Roxas, shall we put that power of. Use your Keyblade.. Heartless. (Roxas does as he's told). Marluxia: Good. Those Heartless are called Shadows.
Roxas: But what are Heartless? Marluxia: Dark creatures who roam about, searching for hearts. They come in. two larger varieties. The ones you just defeated are known as Purebloods. Purebloods don't release any hearts when you defeat them. In other words. don't bother with them. Your mission is to collect hearts, after all.
The. other variety- -. Several Yellow Opera Heartless appear).
Marluxia: Hmph.. Is right over there. Forget about the Shadows. Take these. out, Roxas. They are your real targets. Roxas defeats them easily). Marluxia: Those were what we call Emblem Heartless. Roxas: Why are they so special?
Marluxia: Did you notice? Hearts appeared when you defeated them. Roxas: Right.. Marluxia: Your job is to collect those hearts. Roxas: Is there any trick to it? Marluxia: None. So long as the Heartless are felled by your weapon, the. Keyblade, the hearts will be captured.
Roxas: I see. And what happens to the hearts I collect? Marluxia: They will gather as one, and create an almighty force known as. Kingdom Hearts. Roxas: Which is.. Marluxia: Completing Kingdom Hearts is the Organization's primary objective. And to do that, we need all the hearts we can possibly find. Roxas: So that's what the Organization does?
Collect hearts? Marluxia: Actually, you are the first of us to accomplish it. Roxas: Wait, then- -. Marluxia: The rest of us can defeat Heartless, but we have no way of. Eventually, the hearts will turn right.
Heartless. You see, then, how special you are? Marluxia: With power like yours- -. Several more Yellow Opera Heartless appear). Marluxia: Heh. Here come more of them. Each one is a gift, Roxas. Squeeze. every last heart out of them!
Roxas defeats them). Marluxia: Excellent, Roxas. Your work today is done.
I am amazed. (He stares at Roxas's weapon). Marluxia: That Keyblade.. The things that could be done with that sort of. Marluxia: I have high hopes for you, Roxas- -as do we all. Defeat the Heartless. Organization reach our noble goal.
Roxas: Um, all right.. Marluxia: Shall we RTC, then? Roxas (narrating): And that was how I found out the Organization's goal. So. they wanted to collect these things called "hearts." I didn't know what a. But at least I knew what my part was. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 9- -. The past few days, the other members have been showing me how to fight and do.
They also told me more about the Organization, and about myself. I still don't really get what a "heart" is.
But apparently, it's a vital piece. I am- -so I've decided to cooperate. If I collect enough hearts, I can. Kingdom Hearts. Then I'll be whole.
Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Zexion: Good morning, Roxas. I shall be joining you on your mission today. Take. care of what you need to and then check in with Sa�x. I am all ready to go. Zexion turns and walks away. Lexaeus stands with his hands folded near one.
Marluxia stands near the window). Marluxia: The Keyblade wielder's power.. How fascinating. (He tucks back a lock of hair. Roxas walks over to Zexion, who is now sitting.
Lexicon). Zexion: If you've finished preparing, you need to report to Sa�x, not me. He turns a page. Roxas talks to Sa�x and they set out for Twilight Town. They. arrive in the Tram Common area of Market Street). Zexion: Your mission today is to eliminate a set quantity of Heartless. The. Organization may call upon you to meet other objectives- -perform recon, for. But regardless of the task you have been given, your primary orders.
You and that Keyblade of yours serve us best by collecting hearts. Roxas: So, even if I'm given another job, I should keep taking out Heartless. Zexion: Correct. Today, however, the two happily coincide. Roxas defeats seven Heartless as ordered). Roxas: All done. I defeated the number of Heartless you said. Now we get to. Zexion: Leave, already? I, for one, would apply myself a bit more.
Zexion: Yes, yes, you did as you were asked. Mission accomplished.. A Yellow Opera Heartless appears). Zexion: As you can plainly see, there are still Heartless wandering about. The Heartless vanishes).
Zexion: You don't have to eliminate them all. It's your choice. Just like I. don't have to respect you for slinking back to the castle while there's still. And if that doesn't matter to you, just remember the. Organization rewards those who make the extra effort. Roxas defeats the remaining Heartless in town). Zexion: Much better.
I trust you'll exhibit equal diligence in your missions. The corridor of darkness opens). Zexion: All right, now that the mission is over, do you have any questions? Roxas: Yeah, umm.. Just what is Kingdom Hearts? Marluxia said it was some. Zexion: Yes..? Roxas: And when I defeat the Heartless, those hearts pop out and become part.
Kingdom Hearts, right? But like, what's the point?
Zexion: Kingdom Hearts will complete us. That's the Organization's goal. Roxas: Complete us?
Complete us how? Zexion: Roxas, you and I and all the Organization's members are what we call. Roxas: Well, that's not very nice. Zexion: With a capital N.
It's a name, for those of us who are missing a vital. Roxas: I don't have a heart?
Zexion: Correct. Like all of us, you entered the world without one. But you. can help us get them. Kingdom Hearts is made of the very things we lack- -.
It has the power to complete us. Are you starting to. Each of us has a vital role in the Organization. Yours is collecting hearts.
Roxas: Yeah, I get it. Zexion: Well, I just hope we can count on you to "get it" done. Roxas says nothing). Zexion: Any more questions? Roxas: No.. Sorry.
Zexion: Then we should be getting back. Come on. Roxas (narrating): I found out I was a Nobody- -that I was incomplete. Just. like the rest of them, I came into the world without a heart. Would it have. made a difference? If I had a heart.. Roxas walks into The Grey Area and is greeted by Sa�x).
Sa�x: Roxas. Larxene will be your partner today. Roxas: Larxene.. right. Um.. (He looks over toward the couches, but the only one sitting there is Xigbar. Sa�x: She already left. Meet her on- site.
Roxas: Oh.. All right. Sa�x: This time, we expect you to try out magic for a change, instead of. Keyblade. Roxas: Magic? I know magic? Sa�x: Only if you arm yourself with some before you leave for the mission. See. me when you are ready. Sa�x leaves and stands by the window. Roxas walks over to Xigbar).
Xigbar: Get practicing so you can make yourself useful. Vexen: Hee hee.. Interesting.. So much to inspect.. To dissect.. (Roxas walks over to Sa�x). Sa�x: Are you ready to go?
Roxas leaves for Twilight Town, appearing in the Sandlot. Larxene walks over). Larxene: Nice of you to show up. Roxas: Umm, hi. Larxene: Ugh, this is the worst. Whose idea was it to send me along on your. Do I look like I run a nursery school?
Roxas says nothing). Larxene: Let Demyx handle this stuff. It's not like he's good at anything else.
Roxas still says nothing). Larxene: What? WHAT?
You got something to say? Larxene (looking away): Pfft, you'd be nothing without that Keyblade. She looks back at him). Larxene: .. Oh ho! I just got an idea. Roxas (thinking): Uh- oh. Larxene: You can do today's mission WITHOUT your Keyblade.
Roxas: What? Why!? Larxene: Because I said so, that's why! Sa�x told you to practice magic today. Well, sink or swim. Roxas: Yeah- -sink! I don't know how to use magic.
Larxene: Well, you're not gonna learn if you keep whipping around that. Roxas: Yeah, but.. A Dire Plant Heartless appears). Larxene: Ah, perfect.
There's a Heartless. Go on, take it out- -and you have to. I'll stand here and watch. Roxas (thinking): Thanks.. Roxas defeats the Dire Plant with a Fire spell. Several more Heartless appear).
Larxene: Ooh ooh, here come some more. Go on, wipe 'em out!
Roxas says nothing). Larxene (rolling her eyes): Ugh, at the speed you move, we'll be here all. Go ahead. You can use your Keyblade this time. Roxas: Wait, what happened to learning magic? Larxene: Do you want to finish this awful mission or don't you? Just get. Roxas (thinking): Well, since you asked so nicely..
Larxene: Oh, by the way, if you need to heal.. Roxas says nothing. He defeats the remaining Heartless with a mixture of. Fire spells and the Keyblade).
Larxene: Sheesh, about time. Worst. Mission. Ever..
Roxas looks toward the ground, saying nothing). Larxene: If you're our big- shot Keyblade wielder, then we're in deep doo- doo.
Roxas remains silent). Larxene: Ugh, can't you even hold up your end of a conversation?
Roxas still doesn't talk to her). Larxene: You'd better pull it together, or we'll never finish Kingdom Hearts. Unless, of course, we put somebody else on Keyblade duty..
Roxas: What? You have somebody else? Larxene: None of your beeswax. You just worry about defeating Heartless and.
Maybe, one day, you'll be almost mediocre at it. Larxene: Ugh, let's go- -before you kill any more of my brain cells. Roxas (narrating): They taught me that my Keyblade releases hearts.
But why. do I have it? How did I learn to use it? The more I learned, the less I seemed. A Closed World~. (Roxas walks into The Grey Area and meets Vexen). Vexen: You're mine today, Roxas.
Roxas: Uh, all right.. Vexen: Report to Sa�x when you're ready. Roxas walks over to Larxene, who is lounging on one of the couches). Larxene: What do you want?
I'm busy. Go hit your head against the glass. Roxas walks over to Demyx, who's playing his sitar across the room). Demyx: Man, why's Larxene gotta be such a witch all the time?
Vexen stands in his usual corner). Vexen: Hee hee.. It appears my conclusions were, once again, flawless. Roxas speaks with Sa�x, and he leaves with Vexen to Twilight Town.
They arrive in the Tram Common area of Market Street. The corridor closes. Vexen: Now, listen carefully. Your mission today is to perform reconnaissance. Roxas: Reconna- what? What about fighting Heartless and collecting hearts?
Vexen: Oh, there's far more to the Organization than that, boy. Our work. wouldn't go half as smoothly if we didn't gather the needed intelligence. Fortunately, you are in good hands.
I will be by your side today. First, take a look around.
And don't go. wandering too far until you've carefully examined the clues closest at hand. Roxas nods. He walks over to the accessory shop). Roxas: I think they sell jewelry here. Vexen (unamused): Anyone can see that. He walks over to a clothing store).
Roxas: I guess this place sells clothes? Vexen: You guess? Are you daft? What else would it be?
He walks over to a brick walkway). Roxas: This spot's paved with different tiles. It's like a road.. Vexen: Fascinating.. And? Vexen (very unamused): We'll never get anywhere with you simply stating the. He walks over to a decorative shop).
Roxas: Wow, what do they sell here? Vexen (extremely unamused): That's your job to find out, idiot.
The point. isn't to wander around gawking. Analyze what you see. Roxas: Umm.. It's a pretty big town. Vexen: Is that all? You should have figured out that much when you got here. Roxas: Well, there are a lot of shops.
Roxas: Uhh.. This could be the center of town? Vexen: Could be? Are you asking me or telling me? Vexen: Roxas, you are looking but not seeing.
Here's what I see: This whole. That's why the roads slope. They look toward Station Heights, where the streets move upward).
Vexen: Houses have been built along the terrace. And at the top is a station. The trains there are the town's primary system of transit. Up there, see that. That's the station building. Based on it's location, we know the.
And this must be downtown. All these shops in. Now what about this path you pointed out?
Trams must run here. See, look closer. There are marks. Roxas: You figured all that out just now? Vexen: But that's just it!
I only stated what I saw. There was no "figuring".
That's the next step: analyzing the data you find. The clothing and.
This whole town is a blueprint of. Roxas says nothing). Vexen: Distressing. Very distressing. Your mind wasn't made for this, was it? Well, you're not off the hook yet, boy. If I let you quit with these results.
I'll be the laughingstock of the castle. He looks toward the tram road). Vexen: Follow this path and investigate the remainder of the area.
And stay on. the path, if you please! Everything you need to know about this plaza lies.
They walk along the path and come to a grated archway). Roxas: An underground tunnel system? It's shuttered. Vexen: Note the number over the door. That's this gate's designation. Roxas: It says number four.
Vexen: Precisely. Four, not one. Which means there are multiple gates. They come upon a door near a large archway). Roxas: It's locked.
Vexen: You don't have to open every door we pass, you know. Try to remember. that we run a covert operation.
The town may be quiet, but it's not empty. If you allow yourself to be seen, YOU'LL become the target of investigation. They come upon a set of stairs). Roxas: Arches, staircases.. Seems like an easy town to get lost in.
Vexen: Easy to get lost? Your job is to be mentally mapping this place! Think. of this as a landmark.
Consider it a clue. They come to a large wall with a hole. A barricade is placed over the hole). Roxas: There's a big hole in the wall.
I can see some woods on the other side. Vexen: We're investigating the town now. Did they not teach you about these. Roxas: Yeah.. They did. They find another grated archway). Roxas: The entrance is shuttered. It looks like the road leads right into.
Vexen: Then you should have already pieced together what the entrance is for. They walk back around town). Roxas: We've been through the whole area.
Vexen: All right, then, what have you learned? Roxas: Well, umm..
The town has a lot of overpasses and. And the tram seems to circle the plaza. Oh, and there was that. Vexen: Anything else? Roxas: Huh? Oh, umm.. Err.. Vexen: Never mind. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.
You're showing some. Roxas says nothing).
Vexen: You're done, boy. Go ahead and RTC.
Vexen turns and walks toward the portal. Roxas looks toward the ground). Roxas: I could've figured it out if I had more time. Vexen (stopping): Oh? Is that so? Then take all the time you like. But don't. hold yourself up to my standards. Little steps for little minds.
They come across an empty lot). Roxas: This spot's out of the way and surrounded by buildings. Vexen: But why would they leave this space open? They must have a reason.
It's kept clean, which means what? Roxas: People pass through here a lot? Vexen: Precisely.
Finally, a glimmer of insight! Roxas finds a way around the building with the shuttered entrance). Roxas: That entrance with the shutter leads into this area, and then the road. We know this road is for the tram.. So this must be the tram yard. Vexen: At last, a modicum of intelligence.
My teaching is paying off! Roxas meets Vexen back on the tram road). Vexen: Hmm, not bad. You're finally starting to see the bigger picture. But while I applaud your effort, you need to be able to see these things at. Roxas: Oh.. right. Vexen: Your goal should be to gather the maximum amount of data in the.
Spend too much time dallying, and you risk being. Sometimes the locals will be wary. You need to be warier. Roxas: I understand. Vexen: Today's mission was just an exercise.
I am satisfied. Let's return. They return to the corridor entrance). Vexen: That concludes today's mission.
Any questions or concerns? Roxas: Umm.. How often do I have to do this? Vexen: Whenever the Organization needs to know more about a world, naturally. Every world is unique, with its own terrain, values, Heartless population- -. Roxas: Wait, "every world"?
You mean there's more than one? Vexen: Yes, boy. You didn't think you'd be mulling about here forever, did. You will visit many worlds for many reasons.. Roxas: Kingdom Hearts. Vexen: That's right. Now come along. (They walk into the corridor).
Roxas (narrating): Later on, I discovered the job was more than just a commute. The walls between worlds are steep, so we.
Deeds to Be Done~. Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Sa�x: Roxas, I have decided to pair you with Lexaeus for your mission today.
Come see me when you're ready. Sa�x walks away and Roxas looks toward Lexaeus.
Roxas walks over to Zexion). Zexion: Yes, what is it? Don't waste my time with idle chatter. Roxas speaks to Lexaeus). Lexaeus: I trust you're ready? They speak to Sa�x and enter Twilight Town, appearing in the Sandlot.
Lexaeus. Roxas: So, um- -. Lexaeus: Do you know what a Limit Break is? Lexaeus: It is the most powerful move at your disposal- -one that only works. A Mega- Shadow appears).
Roxas: A Heartless. Lexaeus: Time for some practical application. Lexaeus punches him hard). Roxas (breathing hard): Oww.. Mutt muzz zat for!? Nngh.. Lexaeus: There.
Now you're on your last legs. Let's see you use your Limit. Break and defeat that Heartless. Roxas does so, still breathing hard). Lexaeus: Well fought. Lexaeus: Organization members are often asked to conduct solo missions.
The. only person you can count on out here is yourself. Roxas: So I've noticed. Nngh.. Lexaeus: You and that Keyblade are invaluable to the Organization. With your. job, however, comes risk. Each mission will pit you against more and more. Roxas: And I have to face them if we're gonna complete Kingdom Hearts, right?
Lexaeus: Correct. Roxas: So what happens when Kingdom Hearts is finished?
What good does that. Lexaeus: We will unite with it.
You and I will gain hearts of our own. Roxas: I don't understand.. Lexaeus: When the time comes, you will.
In the meantime, there are deeds to. Roxas: So you need me. Roxas: Are they good deeds? Lexaeus: Good for the Organization. Roxas: Right.. Lexaeus (turning away): .. We should return. Roxas (narrating): Our group had its good apples, just like it has its bad.
But everybody wanted the same thing: to complete Kingdom Hearts. What is. Kingdom Hearts? What happens when we gather enough hearts and finish it? I. didn't know then.. But I'll fight for my chance to be someone.
Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Axel: Hey, Roxas. It's you and me again today. Axel: Check in with Sa�x when- - Well, you know the drill. I don't know what. Roxas (nodding): Right.
Axel: Oh, by the way, Roxas, today will be your first really- real mission. That means you should definitely prep your weapon beforehand. Oh, and if you. want to practice what you've learned so far, we've got the Holo- Missions all. Roxas: Holo- Missions? Axel: Yup. Basically, they're a way to re- experience missions you've already. Roxas walks over to Larxene). Larxene: What are you looking at?
Oh, dream on. It's not gonna happen. Here take this, and take a hike.
Larxene gives Roxas a Potion. Roxas walks over to Axel). Axel: Don't forget to prep your weapon.
Roxas walks over to Marluxia and Demyx). Demyx: You ever get the urge to just do something stupid..
AWESOME? Wait. wait.. I'm getting an idea.. Nope, it's gone. Marluxia: Your task is clear. Strike down the Heartless and collect hearts. Roxas speaks to Sa�x).
Sa�x: Today will be your first true mission. Roxas and Axel enter the Side Street of Twilight Town). Axel: Our second mission together. They remain silent. Axel scratches his head).
Axel: Sheesh, don't talk my ear off. You ready or what? Roxas: What? Oh.. The two defeat Heartless and collect hearts. When they're ready to leave. Axel sparks a conversation). Axel: So, got any plans?
Roxas: I was just gonna report to Sa�x and then go to my room like I always do. Axel: Go to your room!? Oh, Roxas, Roxas.. A blond boy rushes in and turns around). Hayner: Move it, Pence!
A girl and another boy rush in after him, out of breath). Pence: Hey, wait up!
Hayner: Last one there has to buy the winner an ice cream! Olette (shaking her head): Oh, sure, now you tell us! Pence (smiling): No fair, Hayner! Hayner: Better get flyin' if you don't wanna end up buyin'! Hayner runs to the Sandlot with Olette and Pence following him). Roxas: Who were they?
Axel: Hmm.. Must be some kids who live here. Roxas: Really? They sure acted weird. Axel: Yeah? How do you figure?
Roxas: Why did those last two seem to enjoy getting pushed around like that? They were even making those "ha ha" noises. Axel: You mean laughter? Sometimes people with hearts do that even when it.
Roxas: Oh.. Then I guess they're different from us. Axel: C'mon, let's get some ice cream. Axel: Whaddaya mean, why?
Because we're friends. Roxas: So.. friends are people who have ice cream together?
Axel: Sort of.. That, or laugh at stupid stuff that doesn't make any sense. Like those kids we just saw- -they were friends. C'mon, I'll show you how. Axel and Roxas walk to get some ice cream. Later, at the Station Plaza.
Hayner is running after Pence, with Olette running after both of them). Pence: I swear, Hayner, it wasn't my fault! Hayner: Yes it was!
I saw you drop it! You owe me an ice cream! Get back. Olette: Come on, Hayner! You can go one stinking day without ice cream! Roxas and Axel are sitting on the clock tower, biting into their ice cream).
Axel: Hey, Roxas. Let's meet up for ice cream again after your next mission. I mean, who wants to spend their days just bouncing between work, and the. Roxas: Ha ha, not me! Hey, I laughed.. I guess we really are friends.
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. Me and Axel went on a mission to Twilight Town. Afterwards, we went and had. He said friends do stuff like that. Or they laugh together. So does that mean.
Secret Report: Axel- -. Another mission with Roxas today. Is he seriously my responsibility?
At least. he's starting to talk like a normal person. Maybe that means his memory's. Still, this kid's supposed to be the Keyblade master's Nobody? I don't see it. (Roxas walks into The Grey Area.
Larxene, Luxord, and Zexion are sitting on. Marluxia stands near the window).
Luxord: We all need a little break every now and again. Zexion: Your work has been improving by leaps and bounds.
I hope you continue. Larxene: Is it true you're almost semi- competent now? Maybe we should've let. Nothing. Marluxia: If only we'd met sooner, Roxas.. You would have made a fine. Roxas walks over to Xion, who doesn't speak).
Sa�x: Roxas, I've assigned you another handful of missions. Some will be. mandatory, but beyond that, our policy is that you set your own workload. The order of execution is also for you to decide. Start with the missions. Roxas and Larxene go to Twilight Town and eliminate Watcher Heartless as. After work, Roxas and Axel share ice cream on the ledge of the.
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. The other members have been teaching me more about how to fight and stuff. It's going, I guess. Every day after work, I've been meeting Axel at the clock tower to have. It really is salty! But still sweet, too.
How come it. tastes so familiar? Secret Report: Larxene- -.
Ugh! How DARE they shut me out of monitoring the Keyblade master! And. then to send me off to teach that half- baked Nobody basic magic!? I. should've had him light ME on fire. It won't be long now, though. Once. I'm over at C.
O., our plan goes into action. No more playing nanny.
Ever. (Roxas enters The Grey Area). Sa�x: You should go into every mission prepared. He enters Twilight Town and collects hearts with Marluxia. After the. mission, Roxas and Axel have ice cream). Roxas is required to prove his endurance in a one- minute fight against. Dusks in the Hall of Empty Melodies to determine his fitness for future. After work, Roxas joins Axel on the clock tower).
Axel: How's work? Goin' okay? Roxas: Yeah, can't complain. Axel: That's good. Axel takes a bite out of his ice cream). Roxas enters The Grey Area. Luxord stands near Xaldin, who is reclining.
Axel leans against the window with his arms crossed). Axel: Hey, Roxas.
You and me and teamed up for today. Xigbar: It's nice in here with the loudmouths gone. Luxord: What shall I do without half the poker league?
Roxas looks confused). Xaldin: Just go about your mission. Nothing else need concern you. Roxas talks to Sa�x). Sa�x: Roxas, today's mission is mandatory.
I've assigned Axel to assist you. Roxas and Axel arrive in Twilight Town at the Station Plaza). Axel: Okay, let's get this done fast.
What was today's target again? Roxas: Huh? Oh, yeah. I think so. (Axel turns to Roxas). Axel: You are such a zombie. Want me to go have all the fun while you. C'mon. (They traverse the Underground Passage and open a grate to Side Street).
Axel: Up this way, Roxas. From Side Street, they enter the Sandlot where a Guardian Heartless appears. Watchers). Axel: There's our target. He summons his chakrams). Axel: Here we go, Roxas! Keep your head out of the clouds!
Roxas summons his Keyblade). They defeat the Guardian). Axel: Mission accomplished. Heh, gotta say, man, you've come a long way in.
You ready to head back? They have ice cream on the clock tower). Axel: I'm gonna miss this ice cream thing we do. Roxas: Huh? Why? Axel: Starting tomorrow, I'm gonna be away. Axel: Since you're my buddy, I guess I can fill you in.
I'm gonna be at. Castle Oblivion for a while. Roxas: What's that? Axel: The Organization's got a second castle situated in the world between. It's called Castle Oblivion. Got it memorized? Roxas: Yeah. I wish people told me these things. Axel stands up after a second).
Axel: Well, I gotta head back and get ready. Fun, fun, fun.. Anyway. Axel leaves. Roxas looks toward the ground and takes a few bites of his. When all that's left is the popsicle stick, he sees the word. WINNER" written on it and gasps). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2.
Axel is going to some place called Castle Oblivion. He told me because. He had to go home early to get ready, and after he left I noticed the. WINNER on my ice cream stick. I wonder what I won..
I'll ask him. when I see him tomorrow. Secret Report: Axel- -. They pushed up the Castle Oblivion plan.
Our little hero with the key. Me and his Nobody have been meeting up for ice cream. Not the best conversationalist, but at least he's.
I told him about. Castle Oblivion, but he didn't seem to follow. Guess that's understandable. Silent Companion~. Axel walks through Nothing's Call and sees Sa�x).
Sa�x: Axel. I have a message from Lord Xemnas. We have reason to believe that.
Castle Oblivion intend to betray us. Find them, and dispose of them. Axel: And I take it that's straight from Lord Xemnas's lips, huh? Roxas wakes up and enters The Grey Area).
He looks around, but only sees Demyx and Xion in the room. Sa�x walks in). Sa�x: Axel already left. Sa�x walks to the window). Roxas: But.. this ice cream stick that says WINNER.. I have to ask him what. Roxas stares at the popsicle stick).
Demyx: Wonder what it's like there, anyway. I've never been. Sa�x: Roxas, starting today you will be executing missions alongside Xion.
Pay extra attention to the intel I've prepared for you in the mission briefs. Use the data on your targets to decide which panels you should take into. Roxas and Xion get ready to leave). Sa�x: Today marks your first time out on a mission together. We need you to. eliminate a specific Heartless. Roxas, you are in charge.
Roxas: Me? Oh.. okay. Roxas looks over to Xion and then enters the dark corridor, Xion following. They arrive in the Sandlot of Twilight Town). Roxas: Let's go. (Xion says nothing).
Roxas (thinking): I'm in charge, huh? They find the Poison Plant in the Underground Tunnel and defeat it). Roxas: I've got someplace to be. You go ahead and RTC without me. Xion says nothing and enters the dark corridor. Roxas has ice cream on the.
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. Axel left before I woke up this morning. I never got to ask him about the ice.
I was partnered up with No. XIV for today's mission. Xion wore a hood the. Come to think of it, I didn't have.
Afterwards I went and had ice cream by myself. Silence Broken~. (Roxas walks into The Grey Area and sees Demyx, Xigbar, and Xion talking). Demyx: This place is, like, a hundred times better minus all the bossy. I right? (Xion says nothing).
Roxas: Bossy coworkers? Demyx: Yeah, the "dream team" that got shipped off to Castle Oblivion. Dreamy for me, because they're gone! Xigbar: Too bad you and Poppet didn't get to spend more quality time with them. Roxas: Poppet? Who's that? Xigbar: Xion, of course.
Who else, kiddo? Roxas: My name's not "kiddo.". They look up to see Sa�x enter). Sa�x: Roxas, get to work. The group separates and Xigbar sits in the chair near Luxord). Xigbar: We sent a total of six members over to Castle Oblivion. That's about. half our number. Luxord: No use fretting the absence of others.
They simply lose this round by. Demyx sits on a separate couch playing his sitar, while Sa�x stands at. Demyx: I love days when Larxene is out. I can sit around playing sitar..
Sa�x: You will be teamed with Xion again today. Roxas and Xion enter Twilight Town by way of Side Street. They enter the. Sandlot to find a horde of Deserters running about.
They defeat them all and. Roxas: I've got someplace to be again today, so go on ahead without me. Roxas starts to walk toward Station Heights). Xion: R.. Roxas.. He turns around). Roxas: What did you say? Xion faces him). Xion: Your name..
Roxas, isn't it? Roxas: Yeah, Xion. That's right. (Roxas gets a flashback to the moment he was given his name. He sits alone on. Roxas: My name.. Was that the first thing Xion's ever said?
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. I teamed up with No. XIV again today. We finally talked a little- -Xion even. Afterwards I had ice cream by myself again.
The lady at the shop said you can. WINNER stick for an extra bar. But I can't eat more than one. Secret Report: Zexion- -.
Marluxia has succeeded in leading the Keyblade master to the castle. I sense. multiple threads at work, but details on each of the projects are scarce. I suspect some alleged Organization projects are secretly private.
Marluxia seems especially suspect. Roxas walks into The Grey Area and sees Xion, who is still hooded).
Roxas: Morning, Xion. Xion says nothing).
Roxas: Umm.. Something the matter? Xion: Good.. morning, Roxas.
Xaldin is seated on one of the couches). Xaldin: This place is refreshingly quiet with Demyx gone. Sa�x walks in and sees Roxas and Xion). Sa�x: Both of you, finish your preparations as soon as possible. A giant. Heartless has surfaced. It must be exterminated today.
Roxas talks to Xion). Xion: When do we get to go? Roxas talks to Sa�x). Sa�x: Your mission today with Xion is of critical importance. I've arranged. for you to be allotted additional slots as you complete missions for us. The. harder you work, the more panels you will be permitted to install.
Roxas and Xion arrive in Twilight Town on Side Street). Xion takes her hood off, revealing her black hair and blue eyes). Xion: Good luck today. Roxas: Th- thanks. You too, Xion. (They enter the Station Plaza and a Darkside appears before them). Roxas: What is THAT?
Xion: Our target! Roxas: You ready for this? They fight the Darkside. The giant Heartless slams his fist down and Roxas. Keyblade. The blow knocks the blade out of Roxas's hands, and.
Xion. It vanishes from the ground and reappears in her hand. Xion, at first surprised, runs at the Darkside and slashes at him.
It falls to. the ground and the Keyblade vanishes from Xion's hand). Roxas: Whoa! Xion, I didn't know you could use the Keyblade.
Xion: Yeah.. neither did I. Roxas: You did great. In fact, you deserve a little something extra. Roxas walks up to the station). Xion: Something extra? Roxas: Yeah, the icing on the cake.
C'mon. There's this place.. They sit on the clock tower). Xion: How'd you find such a great place? Roxas hands Xion an ice cream bar).
Roxas: Heeere ya go. Xion takes it). Roxas: Sea- salt ice cream. She looks over at him). Roxas: Well? Go on, try it. She takes a bite and thinks for a bit). Xion: It's sweet.
But kinda salty, too. Roxas: It's really good, right? Me and Axel always meet up here for ice. Roxas takes a bite). Roxas: Sea- salt is Axel's favorite. Xion (giggling): Sounds like it's yours, too! Roxas: Heh, yeah.
I don't remember it too well, but Axel said he took me. Organization. And then he bought me some. Said it was the "icing on the cake.". Xion: A little something extra? Roxas: Exactly. Xion: You guys must be close. Roxas: Axel's my first friend. Xion: Your.. friend?
Roxas, do you think I could be a friend? Roxas: When Axel gets back, let's ask him. Then all three of us can have ice.
They continue to eat and watch the sunset). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. Today was my third day with Xion. I've gotten to know a little more about her. That's right- -she's a girl, with black hair, and she can use the Keyblade.
I took her out for ice cream afterwards, but I'm saving the WINNER stick. Axel deserves a reward when he gets back. Xion wants to have ice cream with. Maybe we'll be friends.
Secret Report: Lexaeus- -. Pressing Zexion for answers would be a waste of time. I know that, but this. What's happening on the upper.
What ought we be doing down here? They hug their truths close and. Zexion talks of the bond we share as an. Organization, but how could such a thing exist?
Still, he remains the only. I can trust. (Roxas awakes in his room). Roxas: Wonder what today's mission is. I hope it's with Xion.
Roxas walks into The Grey Area, overhearing a conversation between Demyx. Xaldin: .. Then what in blazes did happen? Demyx: Don't look at me, man! I just found out minutes ago.
Roxas walks over to Xigbar). Roxas: Is everything okay?
Xigbar: Okay? As if. Word has it at least one of the folks we sent to Castle. Oblivion has been terminated. Roxas: Terminated? But that means.. (Sa�x walks over). Sa�x: Roxas, your mission. Go with Xigbar to Agrabah.
Roxas: Is it true about Castle Oblivion? Sa�x: That's no concern of yours. Roxas: But what about Axel? Sa�x: Who knows. Perhaps he is among the lost. Roxas (gasping): But.. Roxas looks crestfallen). Xigbar: No buts. There's work to be done.
Get yourself ready. Demyx sits down on a couch).
Demyx: Can you believe it? Terminated.. Talk about a bad scene. Xion: I guess we're not working together today. Roxas spots a moogle floating near the entrance, but it says nothing. Oddly it is also wearing a black cloak.
Roxas walks over to Sa�x). Sa�x: Roxas, in light of your excellent performance, we have decided to. Have I neglected to mention the new shop? Conduct. your business there before missions. Roxas is awarded the rank of Novice. He talks to the moogle). Moogle: Greetings, kupo.
What.. is your name? Roxas: Roxas. What's yours? Moogle: .. My name is of no importance, kupo.
Roxas: But.. Hrm. Moogle: Are you here to shop, kupo? Have a look, kupo, at my wondrous wares.
Roxas: Okay, let's see what you've got. Roxas finishes his business with the moogle and talks to Sa�x again). Sa�x: I'm sending you and Xigbar to a new world today to conduct recon. They arrive at the Palace Gates of Agrabah). Xigbar: Ugh, I'm already frying out here. C'mon, kiddo. Let's get this.
Roxas says nothing). Xigbar: What's wrong? Dazzled by the new scenery? Roxas: Do you think it's true- -about the members stationed at Castle Oblivion? Xigbar scratches his neck).
Xigbar: Ha ha, is that seriously what's eating you? Roxas: We might have lost a comrade. Maybe multiple comrades. That doesn't. bother you at all?
Roxas says nothing). Xigbar: Look, the faster we get this mission done, the sooner you can RTC. Xigbar: Let's go, kiddo.
They check out the palace gates). Roxas: Big door.. Xigbar: Probably leads right to the royal palace. Roxas: Probably? Are you just guessing? Xigbar: As if. Take a good look. High walls, ornamental carvings.. The. construction's different than the rest of the city.
They examine an empty stall). Roxas: Is this a shop? It's deserted.. Xigbar: Yeah, as in "full of desert.".
They examine a pile of sand near the palace). Roxas: A sand dune, here? That's kind of odd. Xigbar: Different strokes, I guess.
Maybe they like beach volleyball. Roxas: You really think that's it?
Xigbar: Ha ha ha, no. No, I don't. (They examine another stall's goods). Roxas: These dishes are covered in sand. They see some wooden boards stacked against the entryway to Agrabah Street). Roxas: What's all this lumber lying around for?
They notice the entryway is blocked by a large metal gate). Roxas: This gate is blocking the way. Xigbar: And what a gate. This city must be big on security. Roxas: Well, we have to do something about it if we want to get past. They find a lever and the gate opens. Once on Agrabah Street, they examine.
Roxas: This stall is half- buried in sand. Xigbar: Remind me to build MY city someplace less dusty. Roxas: There are signs here of somebody trying to clear the sand. Roxas examines another stall's goods).
Roxas: Are they selling pottery.. Roxas finds a wooden bridge along a wall. A rung of rope lies on it).
Roxas: The wall here is falling apart.. I guess it's an old city? Xigbar: As if. Look closer.
The bricks aren't eroded. The damage was all. Roxas: By what? (He sees the rope). Roxas: A pile of rope? Hunh. Lumber, rope..
What's all this for? He find another bridge). Roxas: No sand piles up here. Xigbar: Which means they must've just built this scaffold. Roxas sees some wood planks against a stall).
Roxas: Is this wood for scaffolding? They enter Agrabah Gate, where the sand dunes are most numerous). Xigbar: This place is swimming in sand. Roxas says nothing). Xigbar: I guess them's the breaks when you build your city in the middle. Roxas still says nothing). Xigbar: Past that, not much to mention, though.
Seems like a pretty normal. Xigbar: Still with me there? I've seen you spaced out before, but this is. Roxas: What? I'm fine. I'm fine.. Xigbar: Let me guess. Castle Oblivion? (Roxas says nothing).
Xigbar: Like I said: the longer we take here, the longer you're gonna have. They examine a wooden door). Roxas: This door is boarded shut.. They find an enormous sand dune). Roxas: Look at the size of this dune. Xigbar: It's 'cause we're next to the city gate. Okay, so we've got an.
What do you make of it, Roxas? Xigbar: Yes, you.
How do you think it ended up like this? Roxas: Hmm, maybe because of the city's location.
I mean, we are in the. Maybe this is normal. Xigbar: Heh heh normal? As if. Look at the city walls. They built them. high to prevent exactly this from happening.
Roxas: Okay, fine. The city was hit with a sandstorm. That would explain. Xigbar: Attaboy, Roxas. You're right on the nose.
This place got hit by. And not just once or twice, from the look of it.
I guess. the high walls around the city weren't high enough. Now, how 'bout the. Roxas, gimme a damage assessment for the city. Roxas: Well, from the look of it the city was devastated. This whole. place is a wreck. Xigbar: Yup, and that's not all. All the building supplies lying around.
They've been rebuilding. Roxas: "They," who? The citizens? Xigbar: Who else? And it looks like a major effort. There may be somebody. Roxas: You think so? Xigbar: All right, Roxas.
We've got what we came for. Let's RTC on. (They peer through the large gate leading to open desert). Roxas: Check out all this sand.. I don't think we're going outside. Xigbar: Another storm is brewing. These people will never be able to.
Heh heh, glad I don't live here. Roxas: Plus they have to deal with all the Heartless.
Xigbar: Aha! You picked up on a juicy bit there, Roxas. Xigbar: The storm and the Heartless.. It's possible they're not.
Roxas: You think there's a connection? Xigbar: All right, I think that's all we're getting for one day.
Let's RTC. (They walk back to the Palace Gates). Two people are in conversation). Xigbar: Those must be the locals. Normally, I'd be able to just slip on. Well. Roxas (thinking): Thanks. Xigbar: It'll cause a big scene if we're spotted.
We'd better take the. They find an entrance on a high platform). Jasmine: You should get some rest, Aladdin.
Aladdin: I'll be okay. Besides, the sandstorm's finally let up- -now's our. Jasmine: That's true, but still.. You'll run yourself ragged at this rate. Aladdin: Jasmine, you don't need to worry- -I'm fine. And since we don't.
Jasmine: If only Genie were around.. Aladdin: I miss him, too, but this isn't a job for magic. Agrabah's. our city.
We need to be the ones to fix it up. Jasmine: Of course, you're right.. Aladdin: Now, I should get back to work. Jasmine: Wait. I'll help, too. Aladdin nods and the two leave the area). Xigbar: So that guy must be spearheading the city repair efforts. The question is, why him?
He doesn't look like royalty. Roxas: Does he have to be? Xigbar: It's not easy getting people to follow you, especially when it.
It's the kind of thing you'd expect somebody in the palace. They already call the shots, right? Xigbar: But he definitely wasn't royalty..
The girl next to him- -now. SHE was royalty. Roxas: ..
So what now? Do we look around inside the palace? Xigbar: No need. We have our answers, and we even got a peek at their leaders. Roxas: Good, then we can go home? Xigbar: Why, Roxas?
Did you leave the toaster plugged in? Roxas (looking down): You know why. Xigbar: Heh heh. C'mon, let's RTC. They jump down to the main area. Roxas looks at the large palace gates). Roxas: Did those two come through here? Xigbar: This door's pretty solid, and the wall's high.
The locals might be. They approach the corridor entrance, when a Scarlet Tango appears behind. Roxas. Xigbar shoots it with his arrowgun and continues walking). Roxas: Hey, where do Heartless go when they're destroyed? Xigbar: They don't go anywhere.
They're gone. Only the hearts they held. But the hearts go somewhere: Kingdom Hearts. Roxas: So what if a person without a heart is destroyed- -a Nobody like. Does some part of us remain? Xigbar: As if. We're not even supposed to "be" in the first place. What's. there to leave behind? Roxas: Then whoever it was at Castle Oblivion- -.
Roxas: And I'll never see them again? Xigbar (smirking): Nope. Roxas (head down): Oh.. Xigbar: You coming? Roxas: Huh? Oh.. yeah.
Xigbar walks into the dark corridor. Roxas suddenly feels strange). Roxas: Nngh!? What's going.. He collapses to the ground, seeing images of Axel, Xion, and a mysterious. Roxas: Who are you? Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2.
I only remember part of this day. I heard somebody sent to Castle Oblivion. Sa�x said it may have been Axel. I tried to ask Xigbar about it on the day's mission, and he said nothing's.
Nobodies once we're gone, because we have no hearts to leave behind. I don't remember much after that. They say I collapsed and wouldn't wake up.. The Dark Margin~. On a dark moonlit beach a cloaked figure walks up to another figure sitting. I've been to see him. The seated figure turns his head toward the other).
He looks a lot like you. Who are you? ??????: I'm what's left.
Or.. maybe I'm all there ever was. I meant your name.
My name is of no importance. What about you? Do you remember. My true name is.. You have been with us for six days now.
The seated figure stands and removes his hood). The time has come.. He walks past the other and places a hand on his shoulder. Time seems. to pass slowly and all sound drops).
Xemnas (soundless): .. Sora. (The hooded figure stands and watches him leave.
In his bed, Roxas lay. Xemnas and Sa�x). Sa�x: Namin� must have begun her work.. Xemnas: Will he wake from this?
Sa�x: I am told he will- -provided she strips the hero of all his memories. Xemnas: Then much hinges on Castle Oblivion. Sa�x: We needn't stop collecting hearts. Number XIV has gained power over. Keyblade, just as we intended.
Xion can fill Roxas's shoes for the. Xemnas: And the chamber? Have you found it? Sa�x: No, sir. I would say progress is slow.. Sa�x leaves the room, and Xemnas looks back at Roxas). Xemnas: So, sleep has taken you yet again.. Roxas remains asleep.
Xion visits him). Xion: I went to a new world today.
Roxas, you should've seen it. It was. (She places something on his bedside). Xion: Well, I'll visit you tomorrow, okay? Bye, Roxas.. (She leaves and we see twenty seashells next to his pillow. In his sleep. Roxas sees a boy with spiky hair clutching an item tight as he's encapsulated.
Familiar Sound~. ?????: I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here. Roxas wakes and sits up. He walks into The Grey Area and sees no one around.
He walks out and goes to Twilight Town to sit on the clock tower). He looks over to see her. She walks over to him). Roxas: Xion.. What happened to me?
Xion: You were sleeping- -a long, long time. Sa�x told us not to get our. That you might not- - Well, you're awake now. That's what counts.
Roxas: Ugh, I feel like a zombie. Guess there's some things a nap can't cure. They laugh. Xion sits next to him).
Xion: Here, I brought you this. It's a seashell. (She gives it to him). Xion: I've been picking one up every time I go out on a mission.
Hold it. up to your ear. Roxas does. He gets a flash of a girl and a boy on the docks on. Destiny Islands).
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 5. I must have missed a lot. It's like I had the longest dream.
I woke up to find. I counted them- -one for each day they said. I was wondering who left them there, but then when I got to the clock tower. Xion gave me another one. I held it up to my ear, and I could hear the. Why did it sound so familiar? The stuff I dreamed about felt strangely familiar, too.
I remember being in. And there was a girl's voice- -she said I knew I'd be "snoozing." Why would. The voice was a little like Xion's. Secret Report: Xion- -. Roxas woke up today. I think he was dreaming the whole time. Being with him. feels strange.
Familiar. Like listening to the waves crash up against the. But why? (Roxas enters The Grey Area). Moogle: I heard you collapsed, kupo. Gotta pace yourself, kupo. Who else am I. going to swindl- -talk to, kupo? Xigbar spots him).
Xigbar: Well, good morning, sunshine. During your beauty nap, we found out. Castle Oblivion team is toast. Sa�x: You're awake. Roxas: Did you ever find out what happened at Castle Oblivion?
Sa�x: We're looking into what befell them. Roxas: "Them"!? How many?
You still don't know? Sa�x: What I know is that I don't owe you any explanations. Now get to work. You'll be on your own for a while. Wherever our other members are, they're.
Roxas leaves for Agrabah and arrives in the Agrabah Street area, overhearing. Jasmine: Another sandstorm? Are you sure, Aladdin?
Aladdin: Unfortunately, yes. All the merchants were talking about it. Jasmine: This is terrible.. Aladdin: And that's only one of the things that's got me worried.
Jasmine: Why? What else is wrong? Aladdin: The Heartless- -they've been showing up all over Agrabah. Jasmine: Heartless!? Aladdin: Yeah. They always appear right before a sandstorm hits. I thought it. was just a coincidence during the last storm, but.. Jasmine: Oh no.. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Aladdin and Jasmine walk off.
Roxas defeats seven Fire Plants and enters the. Agrabah Gate area). Aladdin: Hey! Get back here, Abu!
Roxas sees Aladdin chasing after a monkey). Aladdin: I told you, you can't just take things from the marketplace!
Aladdin takes a stolen item from the monkey, who tries to argue with him. Roxas has a flash of the spiky- haired boy again). Aladdin: Uhp! No excuses! We made a promise: no more stealing!
Now c'mon. let's go give this back. They walk back to the marketplace. Roxas leaves Agrabah and enters the clock.
Twilight Town. He sees it's empty and sighs. He sits alone. - -Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 5.
It sounds like the worst has come to pass: the whole Castle Oblivion team. It's hard to come to grips with the idea that Axel is. I feel.. choked up? I don't know what you'd call it. I've never had. this kind of sensation. I went up to the clock tower to have ice cream, but nobody else showed up.
Roxas enters The Grey Area. He talks to Xigbar). Xigbar: If they're gone, they're gone. No point in crying over spilt milk. Sa�x: You will be conducting missions solo for the time being, until we can.
Roxas travels to Twilight Town and defeats the Tailbunker). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 5. I sit up on the clock tower, but no one comes. Not Axel, not even Xion. That. weird lump in my throat won't go away. Something else is bothering me. This is gonna sound crazy (good thing this.
Not. all the time, just sometimes.. Ever since I collapsed. It happens when I'm awake, too- -on missions- -so I don't think it's a dream. Where are the pictures coming from? Roxas travels to Agrabah to collect Organization emblems for a. Roxas travels to Agrabah to defeat Deserter Heartless). Roxas walks into The Grey Area, hanging his head).
Xigbar: Heh heh, here come sourpuss. Why the long face? Roxas: Nothing, okay? Xigbar: You gotta admit, the castle's a lot quieter. Half as loud, you might.
But I could get used to a smaller, more tightly knit group, how 'bout you? Demyx walks in). Demyx: Hey, Roxas, man, did you hear? No survivors! Everybody at Castle. Oblivion got KO'd! Heavy stuff. Roxas: Then they're really gone. Demyx: Gone with the wind- -right, Xiggy?
Whew, I really dodged a bullet there. Xigbar: Lucky you. Heh heh, now you get to double your hours to help pick up. Demyx: Blegh! Roger that. Remind me to under achieve twice as hard from now on. Roxas speaks to the moogle). Moogle: I hear they're letting you take on Challenges now, kupo.
Save up the. Challenge Sigils you earn and I'll reward you with freebies, kupo. I'm nice. like that, kupo.
Roxas speaks to Demyx). Demyx: Everybody's out in the field pulling double duty. Hard workers. (Roxas speaks to Xigbar).
Xigbar: You pulling your weight, kiddo? Not that you weigh anything. What. are you, around a buck five? Here, better take this in case you pass out. Xigbar gives Roxas a Hi- Potion). Sa�x: Finish your preparations and be on your way.
Roxas travels to Twilight Town and appears in Side Street. Roxas eliminates. He walks toward the corridor. Hey, Roxas! (Roxas turns around and sees Axel). Axel: How's it hanging? Roxas's eyes widen and Axel walks closer). Axel: What's the matter?
You look like you've seen a ghost. Roxas: Axel? But..
I thought you were gone! Castle Oblivion- -the whole team. Axel: Correction: the weaklings were annihilated. Roxas shakes his head).
Roxas: You had me worried. Axel: Worried? Well, that's a neat trick, considering you haven't got a.
Roxas: W- wait here. I'll go buy us some ice cream! Roxas runs off. Later, Axel and Roxas sit on the clock tower eating. Axel: I gotta check in with the boss, or he's gonna let me have it. Roxas: You haven't RTC'd yet? Axel: Hmm? Nah. Roxas: Well, why come here?
Axel: Guess I needed some time to sort out my feelings. Roxas: Whatever, mister I- don't- have- a- heart. Axel: Hey, your ice cream's melting. Eat up. (He takes a bite). Roxas: You know, I started inviting Xion up here while you were gone.
Axel: Xion? Really? Roxas: Yeah. I promised her the three of us could have ice cream together- -.
Me and her are friends now. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 7. After work, Axel turned up. Just like that, out of nowhere. I didn't know. what to say. I thought we'd lost him for good.
We went up to the clock tower and talked for a while. I told him about Xion. The choked- up sensation has gone away. Secret Report: Xigbar- -.
Sa�x had a hand in what went down at Castle Oblivion- -well, more like a whole. Which means Axel was in on it as well. It's a fact that Xemnas ordered. Axel to take out the traitors, orders which went through Sa�x. No specific. names were given, but naturally Xemnas knew who the turncoats were right from.
Axel stands in his room, looking out the window. Sa�x walks in). Sa�x: Why didn't you report in? Axel: Oh, good to see you, too. You're welcome, thanks for the kind words. Sa�x: I'm told Namin� has gone missing. Axel: There one minute, gone the next.
I don't know how she got out. Sa�x: You searched every room, I expect? Axel: You're kidding, right? That's like counting grains of dust in a building. Sa�x: What about the chamber? Did you find it? Axel: Come on, I would have told you that much.
I gotta hand it to you.. You. were right. About Marluxia, the traitors.. You knew exactly what was up. Sa�x: All I did was find a place to send everyone who was getting in the way. Axel: Well, it's nice to know where I stand! Sheesh.. Sa�x: Did you come back in one piece or didn't you?
Sa�x starts to leave). Axel: I disposed of Zexion. Axel: That's how you wanted it, right? I'll play it your way..
Later, Roxas walks into The Grey Area and sees Axel). Axel: Hey, get this: they paired me with you today as a "slap on the wrist.".
Roxas: What? Why am I a slap on the wrist!? Axel: Well, they just know how much I loathe babysitting.. Roxas: Oh, thanks! Axel: Would it kill them to give me a day off? Look at these bags under my. Pfft. All right, c'mon, partner.
Roxas: Right behind ya. Axel: Let's get this show on the road!
Roxas talks to Demyx). Demyx: Xion? Search me, man.
Probably out on a mission, no? Roxas talks to the moogle).
Moogle: Greetings.. All smiles today, aren't we, kupo.
Roxas talks to Sa�x). Sa�x: I'm sending Axel with you today. Roxas and Axel enter Agrabah by way of the Palace Gate area). Axel: Whaddaya say we make this quick? Roxas has a flash of Sora, Donald, and Goofy).
They enter Agrabah Street and see a large cat- like person walking around). Pete: Where is it? It's gotta be around here somewheres.. Axel: Now who is that? And what's he up to?
Roxas: He wasn't here the last time I came by, that's for sure. Pete: Grrr.. Well, I ain't givin' up till I find a way in! And once I. find the lamp that's stashed down there.. Heh heh heh.. All my wishes'll. Axel: He thinks some lamp is gonna grant his wishes? Roxas: Yeah, strange guy. Axel: Change of plans, Roxas!
Our new mission is following Lunkhead there. Roxas: What? But.. Won't we get in trouble. Axel: Looking into any suspicious characters you come across is an important.
Roxas: But wouldn't you still call it disobeying orders? Axel: No, I'd call it flexible thinking. Got it memorized? Plus, we'll still.
No harm, no foul. Roxas: I guess.. Axel: Good, then we're agreed. Now the key here is to keep your eyes on him. Roxas. Just make sure he doesn't lay eyes on you, follow? Roxas nods. They follow Pete, but get a little too close). Roxas (thinking): Ack! Roxas and Axel run behind a wall before Pete swerves around).
Pete: I coulda swore somebody was watchin' me.. Next I'll be jumpin' at my. Grrr.. Great! I had to go and lose my place! Now I gotta start.
Axel: Hmm, he's sharper than he looks. Be careful not to let him out of your. Roxas. And obviously you'll need to stay out of his. Roxas nods. They follow Pete to the Agrabah Gate area, where he inspects.
Roxas: What's he staring at that wall for, anyway? Axel: Roxas, we wouldn't be investigating if we knew all the answers. Pete: Bingo! Heh heh heh! I finally found it! Pete punches a part of the wall.
It slides in and over, revealing a hole). Pete: Open sesames! He walks inside, and Axel and Roxas move closer). Roxas: A hidden door in the middle of the city?
Why? Where does it lead? Axel: I think our friend there is about to show us. Keep tailing him.
And try. to be subtle about it. They follow Pete through the desert to the Cave of Wonders. They stare up at. Roxas: Never would've guessed this was here. Axel: I'll say. This is a nice little bonus. They enter and look around).
Axel: This cave's bigger than it looks from the outside.. Hey, I think we. Roxas: So, what now? Axel: Guess we'll have to give up for now. Switch back to heart collection. Roxas: You don't want to look for him?
Axel: Nah. I would've liked to know what he was up to, but hey. Just finding. out about this cave is enough of a feather in our cap for today.
Plus. searching a place this big would be a royal pain. Roxas: What happened to this being an important part of the job? Axel: Like I said, flexible thinking. Roxas: Ha ha. Oh, I see.. Axel: Hey, let's just get this mission over and done with. They defeat all the Heartless in the room, but are unable to go any further.
They search the room for clues). Roxas: There are some deep gashes in the floor here.
Axel: Yeah, like somebody dragged something heavy across it.. They move pillars and pull switches to enter the next room. They find a. carving on the wall). Roxas: There's an indentation in the middle. Axel: Looks like some kind of mechanism. They enter the Pillar Room and fight more Heartless. After finishing. they return to the corridor).
Axel: That takes care of that. Ready to go? (They sit on the clock tower, eating ice cream).
Axel: You're more outgoing now, you know that? Roxas: Yeah? Well you are, too. Axel: Me? You think? Guess he musta rubbed off on me.. Roxas: Huh? Who did?
Axel scratches his head). Axel: Heh. Let's just say you can thank yourself that we get to sit here. Roxas laughs and takes a bite.
Axel eats his ice cream, and Roxas looks. Roxas: I guess Xion's not gonna show today.
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 7. Me and Axel went to Agrabah. He seems different now that he's back from. Castle Oblivion. Ice cream was just the two of us today.
I wonder when me and Axel and Xion will all get to have ice cream together. Secret Report: Axel- -. The longer you know someone, the less you need to speak in clear terms. Everything gets across with a wink and a nudge, a little reading between. When it comes to what befell our late comrades at Castle. Oblivion, ambiguity suits me just fine. But the Keyblade master and Roxas.
Maybe that's human. Roxas walks into The Grey Area and looks around). Roxas: Where is she? Axel walks in). Axel: Hey, Roxas. Roxas: Axel. You seen Number XIV?
Axel: Xion? Hmm.. Now that you mention it, no. Roxas: It's been days now..
Ten days, at least. Axel: Wish I could help, but I took off for Castle Oblivion almost as soon as. Xion joined up. There's a lot I missed. Roxas: I feel bad. I promised we'd all get together for some ice cream. Axel: The two of you are friends, right? Tell ya what. I'll pick Sa�x's brain.
I can find out. Roxas: Thanks, Axel. Luxord sits in a chair, while Xaldin stands by one of the couches. The moogle. floats by the entrance, as usual). Luxord: I didn't return until late yesterday night. It has been tough with so. Roxas talks to Sa�x). Sa�x: I'm having you visit a new world for your mission today.
Roxas enters the corridor and arrives on the Bridge of Beast's Castle). Roxas: This is the castle.. He hears a loud roar echo from the building). Roxas: What was that roar? It came from inside..
Maybe it's the Heartless I'm. I guess I'll find out. Time to head in and take a look. Roxas enters the Courtyard and walks up to the large door of the castle. He. tries to open it). Roxas: It won't budge.. Must be locked from the inside.
Roxas finds a secret passage into the castle. He makes his way through the. Upper Level of the Entrance Hall to the interior of the castle). Roxas: It's awfully quiet.. Is nobody home? (He looks toward the stairs and a Sergeant appears). Roxas: There's my target! He defeats the Sergeant).
Roxas: Mission accomplished. Time to RTC. (He hears a roar). Roxas: Huh!? What was that? Another Heartless? Or.. something besides the.
Heartless? Hmm.. Well, Sa�x's orders were to RTC as soon as the mission was. I'd better call it a day. He sees a lock on the back of the front door). Roxas: Looks like this is the only way out. I'll just unbar the door.. Roxas unlocks the door and returns to the corridor on the Bridge. Late, he. sits on the clock tower, taking a bite out of his ice cream).
Roxas: Where's Axel? I hope Xion's okay..
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 7. After I finished my mission I wanted all three of us to have ice cream, but. I couldn't find Xion.
It's been at least ten days since I've seen her. Axel said he'd ask Sa�x what was going on.
Speaking of Axel, I didn't see him. Roxas walks into The Grey Area. Luxord stands near the couches, while Demyx. Axel greets Roxas).
Axel: Rise and shine, sleepyhead. Roxas: Sorry.. I was up late. Couldn't sleep. Axel: I asked Sa�x about Xion.
Axel (shaking his head): Your friend was sent out on a mission, but never. Roxas: But.. why not? Shouldn't the mission be done by now? Axel: I dunno. But we'll find out what happened soon enough. Roxas: Why's that? Axel: You and me get to go track Xion down. That's our mission today.
Roxas: You mean it!? Axel: No, I made it all up. Go back to bed.. Yes, I mean it! Hurry up and. get ready, will ya? Roxas talks to Luxord). Luxord: Xion's whereabouts?
Shall I ask the cards for you? Demyx: Would it kill them to give us a day off now and then? Axel: They think Xion's in Twilight Town somewhere. We'll go when you're ready. Sa�x: Don't come back until you find out what happened to Xion. They enter Twilight Town on Side Street).
Roxas: Where do you suppose Xion is? Axel: Well, the mission in question was to take out a giant Heartless.
Roxas: That could be anywhere. Axel: Let's start by digging up info around town. If we can find that. Heartless, there's a good chance we'll find Xion, too. They walk into the Sandlot and see Hayner and Olette in conversation). Hayner: You sure you heard that right?
Olette: Yes, I'm sure. I told you! Hayner: And you heard it where again?
Olette: The tunnel! I was just there, and I heard a weird, low moan. Hayner: Did ya see what was making it? Olette: Are you kidding? I was scared! I got out of there as fast as I could. Roxas: A low moan? Axel: Could be our Heartless.
Roxas: Or it could be Xion- -injured, unable to make it back to the castle.. Axel: I'm sure Xion is just fine. C'mon, let's go check it out.
Hayner: You need to get your ears checked, Olette. Olette: I'm not making it up! Roxas and Axel enter the Underground Passage to get to the Tunnel. Something. peculiar catches their eye). Roxas: Something's scribbled on the wall: "IT'S THERE.. IT'S HUNGRY.. DON'T TURN AROUND!". They enter the Tunnel and look around).
Roxas: No Xion.. Axel: No Heartless, either. Pence (entering): Huh? What are you guys doing down here?
You lose something? Axel: You could say that, yeah. We heard rumors of a strange moaning sound? Pence: Strange moaning.. Oh! Are you talking about that vent up there? The. wind coming through it creates a lot of echoes.
It sounds kind of like a moan. Axel: What? Ugh, for crying out loud.. Pence: So.. you guys said you lost something? Roxas: Some- ONE. A friend of ours. Pence: Oh, I'm sorry.
Hope you find them soon. Axel: So what's your story?
Why are you down here? Pence: Me? Heh heh, that's a secret. Hey, I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Pence. If you ever need anything, I'm always happy to help. Roxas: Um, thanks. Pence: Sure. I'll catch you later. Hope you find your friend.
Axel: Well, that was a dead end. Roxas: Yeah, all we really learned was that guy's name. Axel: Time to hit the town again.. They walk out of the Underground Passage to the Tram Common and see another. Roxas: Somebody scribbled something here: "IF YOU CAN READ THIS. YOU ARE A NINJA". They walk through Station Heights).
Bulletin Board: You asked for it- -you got it! Scoop up some sea- salt ice. They enter the Sandlot again). Hayner: Olette, what's Pence up to?
Olette: He said he was off on another of his "investigations today. Hayner: He's been acting pretty dodgy lately- -all this sneaking around? I wonder what he's up to. Olette: Beats me. He freaked out when I swung by the usual spot yesterday. Whatever he was looking at, he hid it in a hurry.
Hayner: Hmm, now why would he do that? Roxas: I wonder where their "usual spot" is. Axel: Guess we'll have to hunt around. Hayner: Aw, crud.. I think I forgot to shut the fence outside the usual spot. Olette: Hayner, it's on a side street. Who's gonna go anywhere near it?
Whose idea was it to have the usual spot be under the tracks? You need. earplugs in there. They find The Usual Spot on Side Street and look around).
Roxas: These crates were just thrown in a pile here. They're all empty. This stepladder's ancient. It squeaks like crazy. I see the dartboard.
This sofa's seen a lot of use. Some of it recent. Huh? There's something behind this oil drum.
Roxas pulls out something). Roxas: Hey, I found a piece of paper.
Axel: It's some kind of map. Roxas: Somebody's scribbled some notes on it. Axel: "Spooky Steps"? Friend from Beyond the Wall"?
Hey, this one about. Roxas: Sounds familiar, huh?
Axel: There's more. The Doppelganger".. The Animated Bag".. Roxas: A ghost train, a haunted mansion.. There's seven altogether. Axel: What's it all mean? Roxas: I think we know just the guy to ask.
If nothing else, he seemed to. They return to the Tunnel and speak to Pence). Pence: Hey, guys. Something I can help you with? Axel: Yeah, actually.
We had a question. Pence: Okay, shoot. Let's see if it's anything I know. Axel: Is anything.. You know, in the town. I mean. there are lots of little quirks and mysteries, right?
Like, say.. the Spooky. Pence: Ohhh.. So you guys are like me, investigating the town's Seven. Axel: Uh, yeah, something like that. Pence: Hmm.. I wasn't planning to talk to anyone about it until I'd finished. All right. I'll tell you what I've got so far. That is. IF you can answer the following questions! Pence: They're about the town.
I want to see how serious you are about. What's at the top of Station Heights? What's written on the bulletin board in Station Heights? Scoop up some sea- salt ice cream.
How many cars are in the train you can see from Station Plaza? Pence: Correct! All right, a promise is a promise. I'll tell you what I know. So, I've been digging around, and I've learned that the town's Wonders are all. In.. the sense that they're all made- up. Nothing but stupid urban.
Pence: Like those stairs you mentioned? Total sham. The truth about that one. Axel: Just another sleepy town, huh? Pence: Sorry, guys.
You're wasting your time. Well, except maybe for the. Eighth Wonder.. Roxas: There's an Eighth!? Pence: The one about the tree. Out in the woods? There's one tree where. Swish, swish, SWISH!
Weird, huh? I still haven't seen it firsthand, so I can't tell you much. But people have said they feel like they're being watched there- -even though. Roxas: Pretty strange.
Pence: Wouldn't be much of a Wonder if it wasn't! I'm planning to go figure. Axel: Good luck with that. Pence: Thanks! Well, I should get back to my investigation. Try to keep this. Roxas: That was uninformative.
Axel: Maybe, maybe not. Axel: He said people have been feeling some kind of presence in the woods. Maybe that's Xion's target. Roxas: Right.. Let's go check it out. They enter The Woods and inspect a tree, who's leaves are constantly. There is a rustle in the trees). Roxas: Is.. is something there?
Axel: Heh, looks like we got a live one here. An invisible entity jumps from tree to tree, before running to the grounds. The Old Mansion). Axel: Hurry, Roxas.
Don't let it get away! They enter the grounds and the Veil Lizard drops its camouflage). Roxas: You think that's the one? Axel: No wonder Xion had trouble. It was blending right into the scenery. Roxas: So, where is Xion? Axel: Still out trying to find it, probably.
Roxas: What do you suggest? Axel: Well, a target's a target. Doesn't matter who takes it out.
I say we do. it now, before it vanishes again. Axel: Here we go! They fight the Veil Lizard for a moment, before Xion runs across the field. Xion (stopping): Roxas!?
In Xion's distraction, the Veil Lizard's tongue lashes out and knocks her. Axel: Focus, Roxas! We have to take that thing out first!
They defeat the large Heartless). Roxas: Xion! Are you okay? Xion wakes up). Xion: Nngh.. R.. Roxas? (Roxas helps her up). Roxas: That looked like it hurt. Xion: I'm fine.. Thanks. It's just.. Axel: You can tell us all about it- -but first, let's find a place to sit down.
They sit on the clock tower. Axel hands them some ice cream). Axel: There ya go.
They sit and eat for a moment). Roxas: Eat up. It's gonna melt. Axel: What's wrong? Not hungry? (Xion says nothing).
Roxas: You wanna talk about what happened? Xion still says nothing). Axel: We're here for you if you want to get it off your chest. Right, Roxas? Roxas: Yeah. That's what friends are for. Xion: I can't.. I can't use the Keyblade anymore.
Axel and Roxas look surprised). Xion: And without it. I can't do my job.
Roxas: What happened? Xion: I don't know. But if I don't defeat Heartless with the Keyblade.. Heartless instead. I swat. them in one place and they just pop up in another. I'm supposed to be. Those are my orders.
Without the Keyblade.. I'm useless. Roxas: Is there anything you can do, Axel? Axel: Wish there was. But.. it's just like Xion said. No Keyblade, no can do. Xion: They're gonna turn me into a Dusk once they find out they don't need me. Roxas: C'mon, Axel, think of something!
Axel: Hey, I'm racking my brain here, and there's just no way to- - Wait. Roxas: What? Tell us. Axel: What if you worked double duty, Roxas? Xion: What do you mean, Axel? Axel: Xion, stick with Roxas until you can control the Keyblade again. Make. sure your missions are with him. Then, he can collect the hearts and nobody.
Roxas: Axel, that's brilliant! Axel: Ah ah ah. BUT.. Roxas, that also means you have to collect twice as. Roxas: I can do it. Xion: You don't mind?
Roxas: Of course not! Axel: Hey, friends have gotta be able to lean on each other now and then. Ain't that right, Roxas? Xion: Thanks.. So.. Axel, does that mean you and I can be friends?
Axel: Well, yeah. Was there ever any doubt? Any friend of Roxas's is a.
Xion: Thank you.. Roxas, Axel, thank you! Axel: Eat your ice cream.
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 7. My job today was to help Axel find Xion. It turns out she had gone missing. We finally got to all have ice cream together, which was nice, but Xion. Keyblade anymore. Axel says friends help each other out, so. I'm gonna go on missions with her until she remembers how to work the.
Keyblade herself. Secret Report: Axel- -. Honestly, I never got why Roxas was so crazy about Xion. I know they both. Well, I saw. it today. All of a sudden, No. XIV up and takes off..
Xion is a. girl, and she looks just like Namin�. Roxas walks into The Grey Area and sees Xion). Xion: Morning, Roxas. Xion: You ready to give this a shot? Roxas: Yeah, c'mon. They speak with Sa�x). Sa�x: Together? Xion: Yeah, is it a problem?
Sa�x: What in the world would possess you to ask at a time like this? We're. shorthanded as it is. And yet you expect me to say yes? Roxas and Xion look crestfallen. Axel walks in). Axel: Why not? Seems like a good idea to me.
Put two half- pints together and. Sa�x says nothing). Roxas: If you let us pair up, we can do tougher missions for you, no problem. Sa�x: Hmm.. Fine.
As you wish. (Roxas talks to the moogle). Moogle: Working as a pair now, kupo? Do this moogle proud, kupo. Roxas talks to Xaldin). Xaldin: Hmph.. Off with you. Roxas talks to Axel).
Axel: You and her will make it work. Just keep it subtle, yeah?
Sa�x: You had better prove that two people can work like three, or this. Roxas and Xion travel to Agrabah. They arrive near the Palace Gates).
Xion: So our orders are to investigate a cave this time? Roxas: Right. Axel and I found it the last time we were here. There's a hidden. Xion: Wow, how'd you stumble across that?
Roxas: By accident, mostly. We spotted somebody acting fishy and Axel.
Xion: And that led you to the cave.. Good call on Axel's part. So, you ready. to go explore it? Roxas: Yeah. The hidden door's down that way. C'mon. (They enter the Agrabah Gate area). Xion: Uh- oh. We're not alone. A Heartless is floating around Abu, who is rolled up in a corner).
Roxas: Heartless.. Xion: What do you wanna do? Roxas: Like we have any choice.
Let's clear them out! Xion: Roger that! They defeat every Heartless and rescue Abu. The monkey runs away from them). Roxas (thinking): That monkey.. I saw him here last time, too.
Xion: Hey, Roxas, look.. They see a round jewel on the ground). Xion: He must've dropped it. Roxas (thinking): Where'd he swipe something like this? Xion: What do you think? Should we just leave it?
Roxas: It's up to you, Xion. We may not get a chance to return it, but if. Xion: Hmm, then I guess I'll hold onto it. It might come in handy.
Xion picks it up, examines it, and places it in her pocket). Roxas: Okay. Let's head for the cave. Out in the Desert, Roxas gets a flash of Sora.
They enter the Cave of. Wonders and look around for anything suspicious. They find an eroded piece. Roxas: Why is just this one part of the wall crumbling? Xion: Feel that? A draft. There must be a chamber on the other side. They reach an upper ledge and examine a plaque).
Xion: Hey.. What do you make of this? Roxas: There's a hole here.. It's like something's meant to fit inside. Xion: Hunh, it looks about the same size as the gem I found. She takes it out of her pocket and places it in the hole.
In other areas of. Xion: No way! It clicked right into place! Roxas: Guess that explains where the monkey found it. Xion: If it was here to begin with, it should probably stay here.
Ready to. dig a little deeper? Xion: We've combed this whole area. What's next? Roxas: Let's head further into the cave. They enter the Pillar Room and find one of the keystones on a high platform. It bears a single cross indentation).
Roxas: What is this thing? Xion: Hmm.. When in doubt.. Roxas hits it, causing it to light up and spout fire. They make their way to. Entrance Hall and find another keystone, this one.
Roxas: Another one of those blocks. Xion: Try hitting this one.
Roxas hits it, and it lights up just as the first one did. They notice. something odd about the ledge they're on). Roxas: The floor is cracked. Xion: Yeah, this looks like it was all built ages ago. Roxas (looking down): Hey, this is the hall we passed through to get in.
It's all connected? Xion: The cave must be like a labyrinth. They move to another ledge). Roxas: Nothing out of the ordinary here. Xion: I think we've seen what there is to see here. Wanna head back down? They return to the Abyss and find another keystone, with three indentations.
Roxas: Hey, it's another one of these blocks. Xion: Yeah, would hitting it work? Roxas strikes it, and a bridge appears leading across the chasm). Xion: Hunh. So the switches were for those steps. Roxas: Let's see where they lead. They cross the bridge and enter the Hidden Room.
They find a large statue of. Roxas: What's this statue? Xion: It's holding a jewel or something. I think that's about all we're gonna. Roxas: Yeah. I don't see any more doors or switches.
We must be at the end of. Xion: So what's the verdict? Roxas: Well, we searched the cave top to bottom. Let's call it a day and RTC. Xion: Sounds good to me. Pete: Hey, who are you bozos!?
They whirl around and Roxas summons his Keyblade). Roxas: Uh- oh.. I know you..
Roxas lessens his grip and the Keyblade vanishes). Pete: Hmph! Here for the magic lamp, are ya? Roxas: What magic lamp? Pete: Don't try and play dumb with me! You listen up an' listen good!
That. lamp is official property of Pete- -that's me! Ya got it? So you goons can. Pete fights them and loses badly). Pete: Rrrrrrgh.. Ya puny little punks! First I can't find the dag- blasted. I gotta deal with these weirdos..
It just ain't fair! He stomps the ground. A rock falls from the ceiling and hits him on the head.
He recovers and looks up as more rocks come tumbling down, shaking the cave). Pete: Zoinks! This can't be good! I'm outta here! (Pete runs away). Roxas: H- hey, wait! Xion: Come on, Roxas! We can't stay here! Roxas: Yeah, you're right.
Hurry! (They escape to the Desert, panting with exhaustion, and see a sandstorm. Xion: Whew.. We made it. Roxas: Just barely. Xion: So, I take it that was the guy? Roxas: The one me and Axel saw?
Yeah. Pete, I think he said? Xion: Yeah. He kept going on about some magic lamp.
Roxas: Wonder what he meant. Xion: Ah! Roxas, behind you! He turns around to see an extravagant carpet waving itself before him. He. gets a flash of Sora also standing before the rug). Roxas: Aaack! What.. I looking at? Xion: You okay? Roxas: Yeah.. It doesn't seem hostile.
It continues waving in front of him). Xion: I think it likes you. Roxas: Figure that one out. Genie: Yeah, figure that one out!
A large blue genie appears out of nowhere). Xion: Wh- who are you!? Genie: Who am I? You want to know who I am!? Genie: Well all right, then! One personal introduction, coming right up! The. name's Genie- Formerly- Of- The- Lamp..
He waves his arms in a wide motion and whistling applause is heard). Genie: And this is my good friend, the Magic Carpet!
The carpet bows and applause is heard again). Genie: Nice to meetcha! Genie holds out an extra large hand to Roxas). Roxas: Uh, y- yeah.. Likewise. Genie: Hey, come ON now, you can do better than that! I mean, why so glum? Feeling a little blue?
Believe me, I can relate. Roxas: No doubt. Genie: So, uh, who are you kids?
Carpet starts waving before them again). Roxas: Errr, we're..
Xion: Psst! Roxas, change the subject! Roxas: We're, umm- - (thinking) Change it to WHAT? Genie: Me, I was just swinging by Agrabah to check in..
When, all of a. sudden, Carpet here decides to put the tassel to the metal and take off! Says. he spotted a friend. Roxas: A friend? And that friend is me? Genie: I know, crazy isn't it? I tag along all ready to reminisce about old. But I have no idea in the cosmos who you are!
You sure this is a. Rugman? (Carpet waves, as if nodding). Roxas: Anyway, uhh.. Agrabah is that city over there, right? Genie: That's the one! My buddy Al's hometown. Why, when we first met, Al and.
I were inseparable.. Roxas: Inseparable? Genie: Yep! Until Carpet and I took off on a well deserved vacation. What you. might call a mini world tour.
The Carpet flies around in front of him). Genie: But we got to worrying about how Al was doing..
Roxas: Why were you worried? Is there something to worry about? Genie: Well, sure! It's only natural to worry about your friends. I worried. about how things were going with Jasmine, how the city was holding up.. And once I get something on my mind, I can't knock it out- -tried everything. Xion: Well, I don't know about anybody named Al, but..
The city's in rough. They've been fixing it up. Roxas: Right, they keep getting hit by sandstorms. Genie (sweeping backward): What!?
Why do these things always happen the. I leave town!? (Carpet flies in front of him again). Genie: All right, stand back! A little magic, and I'll have this place.
Roxas: Your friend Al said this isn't a job for magic. Genie (sweeping backward again): He what!? Roxas: He said the people living there should be the ones to fix it up. Genie: Oh.. Well, if that's Al's final word, I guess that's that. Roxas: You're not going to help out? Genie: Al said no magic, right?
I'd love to just fix the place, but even a. Roxas: Hmm.. I guess so. Xion: We should get back, Roxas. Genie: Still, I doubt he'd mind a teensy- weensy speck of help! Genie waves his hand around and magic sprouts from it. The raging sandstorm. Genie: There we go.
Now the city's safe. And with THAT out of the way..
Enough stalling- -who are you two? He turns around and sees no one).
Genie: Okay, forget "who." WHERE are you two!? Roxas and Xion sit on the clock tower, taking bites of their ice cream. Axel: Hey, mission go okay? Xion: Yeah, I think it's gonna work.. Thanks, Axel. You and Roxas are.
He sits down next to them). Axel: So where'd they end up sending you? Roxas: That place you and me went before.. Uhh, what was it again.. Axel: Oh, that city in the desert. Xion: We sure ran into some interesting characters this time, huh?
Roxas: You mean Pete and Genie? Xion: Genie sounded really worried about his friend- -some guy named Al. But. I guess you can't always jump in and do everything for your friends- -. Axel: That's right. People need their space. Roxas: So then, why did Genie say he and Al were "inseparable"? Xion: Yeah, it's not like they were joined at the hip.
Axel: Well, I think you can be inseparable even if you're apart. Axel: Sure, if you feel really close to each other. If you're best friends.
Roxas: What's it like having a best friend, Axel? Axel: Couldn't tell ya.
I don't have one. They eat their ice cream and watch the sunset). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 7. Me and Xion are working together now. The Genie we met in Agrabah said he and. Al are "inseparable." Axel told us best friends can be inseparable. I thought Axel knew everything.
Oh well.. That reminds me, those weird pictures flashed through my head again while I. Agrabah. The guy in red I wrote about before.. Has he been to Agrabah. Secret Report: Xion- -. Roxas has been coming along on my missions to help out, since I can't use the. Keyblade. Axel is covering for me, so I should be safe for now.
But what am I. going to do if I never get the Keyblade back? I can't lie forever. Roxas walks into The Grey Area. Xaldin stands next to one of the chairs while. Axel leans against the window). Axel: You and Xion play nice, now! Xaldin: Wasting two members on a single mission..
Amateurs. Xion: Let's go, Roxas. They travel to Twilight Town in another mobility assessment of collecting.
Organization emblems). Roxas enters The Grey Area. He and Xion go to Agrabah to eliminate Shadow. Roxas enters The Grey Area and departs with Xion to Beast's Castle. They. arrive in the Upper Level of the Entrance Hall).
Xion: We have to investigate this castle today, right? Xion: We'd better be careful not to let anybody here see us. Roxas: I guess. Xion: You guess? Roxas: Yeah, I mean.. I was here, the place seemed deserted. All I. heard was- - Never mind.
Roxas: I heard this roar. Like an animal.. A big one. Xion: Really? What was it? Roxas: I don't know. I guess we may find out today. Xion: I guess so!
Well, let's get started. They find a pile of crates). Roxas: This crate's covered in dust. Xion: Guess it's been a while since they used this room. They come across a painting of the castle in a thunderstorm). Roxas: It's a big stained- glass window. They exit the hall and search the Courtyard.
Roxas spots something on the. Roxas: Are these.. Xion: Maybe someone laid them out as food for the birds? Roxas: Then the castle isn't deserted after all. They walk past a statue). Roxas: I was able to use these statues to open up a secret passage over there.
Xion: Wow. What made you think to do that? Roxas: I dunno.. Things just sort of clicked into place. They see some footprints). Roxas: Footprints? Xion: Could be Heartless. Roxas: They're big.
Whatever this thing is, let's be careful. They enter the main Entrance Hall and examine a locked door). Roxas: The door's locked. He sees something on the wall). Roxas: Take a look at the gashes on the wall. Are these claw marks? Xion: Some Heartless that got restless, maybe?
They see some dirt on another wall). Roxas: This wall is filthy.
Xion: You think the Heartless did it? They enter the West Hall and hear a voice). The master is in quite an unfortunate mood today. Roxas: I heard it too.
Lumiere hops down the hallway, Roxas peeks around the corner). Lumiere: If only he would leave his chambers.. Xion: What did you see? Roxas: Would you believe.. Xion: Oh, come on.. Xion takes a look). Xion: Whoa, you weren't kidding.
But.. how can it.. Roxas: Beats me. But it did say something about a master. Xion: So you figure it's one of the castle's servants? Roxas: Sounds crazy, but.. Xion: Well, that covers pretty much everywhere we can get to.
Roxas: Okay, let's think this through.. That candelabra mentioned something. Xion: Yeah, that he won't leave his chambers. Maybe whoever this "master" is.
Roxas: Wanna go find out? Xion: What? But we- -. Roxas: We just need to slip by without being noticed. Xion: You really think we can?
Roxas: Well, I know we can't go back empty- handed. Sa�x wouldn't be too happy. As long as we're careful, we should be fine. Xion: Okay.. If you say so.
They attempt to sneak past Lumiere but get a little too close). Roxas (thinking): Uh- oh! They run back around the corner before Lumiere whirls around).
Lumiere: How strange.. The light- -it must be playing tricks on me.. Heh heh. Roxas: Whew.. He almost spotted us. We need to be more careful.
They sneak by him and notice some cleaning tools). Roxas: A bucket and a mop? I can't imagine trying to keep a place this. Xion: Exactly. Which means they must have a lot of servants.
They enter the West Wing and scan the walls). Roxas: More claw marks.. Xion: The Heartless must be really out of control here. They spot some footprints). Roxas: Footprints.. Xion: Big ones.. Heartless?
Roxas: I dunno.. They lead into that room back there. They examine the doorway). Roxas: Think this is the master's room? They hear a loud roar, which startles them). Xion: Wh- what was that?
Roxas: Maybe just barging in is a bad idea. Xion: Can you get a look at what's going on inside from here? Roxas nods and peers inside. He sees a dark room with torn curtains and.
And a beast..). Roxas (thinking): Wh- what IS that thing!? Beast (roaring): How dare she not join me for dinner! This is MY castle! And. Roxas (thinking): "My castle"? Is he serious? Xion: Well, Roxas?
Roxas: There was a.. He moves to let her look). Xion: Whoa.. What is he? Roxas: I don't know, but get away from the door. I don't want him to see. Xion: Roxas, that monster- -. Roxas: It sounds like this castle belongs to him.
Xion: You think!? Roxas: He called this place "my castle." It doesn't get much clearer than that. Xion: Ah, then I guess he must be the beast. Beast's Castle? Makes sense. Do you think he's fighting the Heartless, like us? Roxas: It's too soon to say.
Xion: You're probably right. We shouldn't jump to conclusions. Roxas: Although, those gashes in the wall..
Xion: You think he made them, not the Heartless? Roxas: He must've been fighting something, that's for sure. Xion: A beast with his own castle and a candelabra for a servant.. Roxas: This place must have quite a story behind it. Xion: Well, we know what the master looks like. I think we can report back. Xion: Want to RTC?
They return to the Entrance Hall. Roxas stops near a locked door). Roxas: Huh? I hear noises. Xion: Really? I don't hear anything. Maybe you're imagining it. They pass another locked door). Roxas: I hear rustling on the other side of the door.
Who's in here? Maybe. I can get a peek.. Xion: Roxas! Don't open it! Roxas: Oh.. Right, sorry.
We should play it safe. They pass a third locked door). Roxas: Voices.. I can't make out what they're saying. Xion: Well, if somebody's in there, we'd better steer clear. They pass the final locked door). Roxas: I hear a voice.. Someone's in there.
The master insists.. Belle.. Roxas: Somebody else who lives here, maybe?
We'd better stay out of this room. Xion: Hey, Roxas.. There's something I think everybody in this castle has. Roxas: You mean that none of them are human? Xion: Right. There was that walking candelabra, and the master is some kind. Roxas: There are no signs of people living here, but I hear something behind.
They might be more servants. Xion: I wonder what happened in this castle.
Roxas: That's a question for next time. Xion: Yeah, you're right. Roxas: C'mon, let's RTC.
Roxas enters The Grey Area. Roxas and Xion return to Beast's Castle on.
They enter the Entrance Hall and hear someone speaking). She doesn't seem to have made any different. The. master's tempter is as bad as ever. Xion: Someone's coming. They run off to a corner). Cogsworth: If only he would make an attempt to be suave or genteel. Surely. then he'd see..
Xion: Is that a.. Roxas: Yup. A walking clock. Xion: He mentioned a master. You think he's a servant here in the castle? Xion: Well, what are we going to do?
The way he's pacing around.. Roxas: Yeah, we'll have to keep out of sight while we take out Heartless.
They try to sneak by Cogsworth, but they get too close). Cogsworth: Mmm? Roxas (thinking): Uh- oh!
They escape before Cogsworth turns around). Cogsworth: How peculiar. I could have sworn.. Oh well. Perhaps the master's. Roxas: Whew.. He almost spotted us.
We need to be more careful. They continue across the hall silently and walk up the stairs to the. East Wing. They defeat Heartless throughout the castle and RTC). Roxas walks into The Grey Area, seeing it empty.
Sa�x walks in). Sa�x: Lord Xemnas has summoned us. They walk out and meet the rest of the Organization at the Altar of Naught). Xemnas: The time has arrived.
Look to the skies! He raises his arms high). Xemnas: There hangs the heart of all hearts- -Kingdom Hearts- -. See the countless hearts that have gathered?
Hearts full of rage.. There, in the sky, hangs. He lowers his arms and faces the group).
Xemnas: My friends! Remember why we have organized- -all the things we hope to. The strength of the human heart is vast. Soon, though.. we will have.
Never again will it.. They continue to stare at the great moon.
Later, Roxas returns to. Xion: Good luck today. Xigbar: There it is, right out that window: Kingdom Hearts. What do you make.
Sa�x: Kingdom Hearts thirsts for hearts.. Keyblade. (Roxas and Xion are sent to Beast's Castle. They appear in the West Wing). Roxas: The Heartless we're after is called a Neoshadow, right? I hope we. don't wind up searching all day.
Xion: Let's head out through this hall. They enter the West Hall and see Lumiere walking around).
Lumiere: Surely there must be some way to get Belle and the master to. Xion: It's that candelabra. Roxas: Yeah, the one we saw before.
Lumiere: If they don't.. I shall be a table decoration forever! No- -I will. speak to Mademoiselle Belle. Perhaps she can talk some sense into him.. Roxas: I don't get it. The candelabra doesn't want to be a candelabra?
Xion: So this Belle person lives here in the castle. Roxas: He said something about getting her and the master to forgive each. I guess they've been arguing. Xion: She'd have to be brave to stand up to a beast like that. Roxas: You're assuming Belle's human. So far nobody else seems to be.
Xion: Good point. Roxas: Well, we're not here to worry about her. Let's find the Heartless. They see that Lumiere is looking around much more carefully and quickly). Xion: Roxas.. I don't think we'll be able to sneak past him this time.
Roxas: Yeah, maybe we should look for another route. Xion: A castle this big must have a few secret nooks and crannies. They find a door at the end of the hall leading to the Undercroft.
From. the Undercroft, they enter the Secret Passage and search around. A Neoshadow. appears at the top of a set of stairs).
Xion: Roxas, up there! Roxas: Let's take it out. They defeat the Neoshadow). Xion: Mission accomplished. Xion: Ready to head back?
We can stop for ice cream and- -. More Neoshadows appear behind them). They hear the Beast roar. He jumps in and slashes at the two Heartless.
Beast: The Heartless do not belong here- -not in my castle! He leaves the Secret Passage). Roxas: So he has been fighting the Heartless. Xion: Apparently. Roxas: Guess this castle plays by different rules than ours.
Xion: What do you mean? Roxas: That beast is the master here, right? Roxas And Xemnas is our master, right? Xion: Right..? Roxas: But if Heartless showed up in our castle, we'd be the ones to get rid. Xemnas. Xion: Well, yeah. That's our job. Roxas: Exactly. I figured it worked like that everywhere.
I thought that's. After all, he's got servants here. He shouldn't. Xion: I don't know that I'd call us Xemnas's servants, exactly.. But you're. right. If he's taking the Heartless on himself, he must have a good reason.
Roxas: Like what? Xion: Like.. maybe he has something he wants to protect.
Xion: Let's call it a day, Roxas. Axel's probably waiting. Axel sits on the clock tower, waiting for them and eating ice cream. Axel: Hey, you two. How'd work go? Think you can keep pulling off double duty? Roxas: So far so good.
Xion: Roxas took today's Heartless our in no time flat. Axel: Well, great. Keep it up. (They sit down next to him and bite into there popsicles).
Roxas: I don't know why we need to continue fighting Heartless like this. Axel: Sure you do. We have to finish Kingdom Hearts. We finally got our first. Roxas: Yeah, but what is it? The heart of all hearts"? Xion: It's where all the hearts you and I collect wind up.
Axel: Exectly. It's because of you two and the Keyblade that we're finally. We might finally get hearts of our own. Xion: "The strength of the human heart is vast," Xemnas said. Roxas: Yeah, but what do we need with it? Axel: Are you crazy? Roxas: I just don't understand why having a heart is so important. Do you? Axel: Kind of a strange time to bring it up..
Roxas: But don't you ever stop and wonder? We're fighting for something we. Xion says nothing). Axel: Roxas.. We're fighting because we want to know what it's about. Roxas: Yeah.. Yeah, I guess you're right.
They continue watching the sunset). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 9. Xemnas summoned us. Nothing he says ever makes sense to me. He showed us. Kingdom Hearts, a big heart- shaped moon floating up there in the night sky. Great.. I guess? So why are we trying to get hearts again?
Axel said I'll understand better once I have a heart, but I'm not so sure.. Secret Report: Sa�x- -. The hearts collected by our two Keyblade wielders, Roxas and Xion, have. Kingdom Hearts waxes large in the night.
Our efforts have come to bear fruit, nearly ripe for the plucking. All plans proceed smoothly- -alarmingly so, in fact, though this is no time. Roxas walks into The Grey Area).
Axel: Good luck with work. Xion: Ready for another day? Roxas and Xion travel to Agrabah on heart collection. Once they defeated. Heartless, they returned to the corridor).
Roxas: C'mon, Axel's waiting. They sit on the clock tower with Axel). Axel: Another successful day? Roxas: Of course! Where'd they send you, Axel? Axel: The place you guys hit yesterday.
Xion: You mean the castle with the talking candelabra? Axel: That's the one. They needed me to do a little digging through the dust.
How 'bout you? Roxas: Heart collection in Agrabah. Same as usual. Axel: You're really getting the hang of working together, huh? Xion: I don't know how much longer we can fool the other members, though. Roxas: Relax, we'll be fine.
Axel: Don't be too sure. They're not stupid. Xion: Guess we'll just have to cross our fingers. Roxas: Well, maybe Sa�x and Xigbar are tough to fool, but come on- -Demyx? Axel: Ouch! Roxas, that's not cool. Roxas: But look at him! All he does is play his sitar all the time.
Axel: I don't think you give him enough credit. He works just as hard as- -. He stops and thinks). Axel: Okay, no he doesn't.
But I'm pretty sure he has a job. Xion: You know, I've seen Demyx out in the field, rocking out on that sitar. Roxas: What does that accomplish?
Axel: Hey, for all you know, he's out there fighting Heartless and doing. Roxas: But I've heard him say he wasn't cut out for combat. I guess everybody. Organization is good at different things. Axel: That's right. Everybody's unique. Xion: Even Nobodies?
Don't you need a heart to be unique? Axel: Oh, I think we have other things that set us apart. Like our pasts. Xion: What past? Roxas: You remember stuff from before?
Axel: That's one of the things that makes the Organization members special. Unlike lesser Nobodies, we remember who we were. Roxas: I don't. Xion: Me neither. Axel: Well.. maybe that right there is what makes YOU unique. Roxas: What kind of person were you like before you were a Nobody?
Axel: Me? Oh, I dunno. Same guy, more or less. Roxas: Lucky. I wish I could remember. Axel: Trust me, you're not missing much. Who needs baggage, right? Roxas: But I can't remember anything- -not even my first week as a Nobody.
Axel: Man, whatever. You have trouble remembering things from five seconds ago. Roxas: Oh, thanks! Xion: I'm like you, Roxas. I don't remember much from the beginning either. Axel: You two do have a lot in common.
Roxas: I wonder what kind of guy I was before.. They sit silently for a few seconds. Meanwhile, a girl in white and a man.
The Old Mansion). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 9. I went to Agrabah today with Xion. We make a pretty good team now. Afterwards me and her and Axel talked about us and the other Nobodies. The. ones who make it into the Organization are powerful enough to keep their.
But me and Xion can't remember our pasts. What was I like? - -Secret Report: Xion- -.
Neither Roxas or I have any memory of our human lives. I don't even remember. Nobody. Roxas said he was the same, but I'm not so sure.
For me, it's a total blank. I can't even remember the day I met Roxas, or. Axel. It's all a blur. Xion's Keyblade~.
Roxas enters The Grey Area and is greeted by Xion). Xion: Hey, Roxas.
Roxas: Morning, Xion. Xion: You ready for another day? Sa�x: Xion, Roxas. I need you on separate missions today. Xion: What? Why? Sa�x: Two major Heartless targets have surfaced in two separate worlds. Roxas, you take Beast's Castle. Xion, you go to Agrabah.
Xion: But how can- - Never mind. Axel: Whoa, you're gonna send Roxas to Beast's Castle?
I dunno.. I was. just there yesterday for recon, remember? I saw the Heartless you're talking. You don't want to pit Roxas against that that. Not by himself. Sa�x: If I send them both, who's going to handle the Heartless in Agrabah? Axel: Sure, I'm a big boy.
Sa�x: Except you can't collect hearts. Axel: So what? I'll keep the Heartless out of trouble, then they can hit it. Roxas: Is that okay with you, Sa�x? Sa�x: Fine. But this is the last day.
Starting tomorrow, you both work solo. Roxas: All right.
Sa�x walks away). Axel: Looks like you bought yourself another day. Xion: I dunno about this..
Roxas talks to Sa�x). Sa�x: Let me be clear: today is the last day I will permit you to work as. Roxas and Xion enter the corridor). Sa�x: Don't think for a minute I believed that. Axel: Believed what?
Sa�x: That reprehensible performance. Axel: Uh- huh, well.. I'd better get over to Agrabah. He opens a corridor and enters it.
Roxas and Xion enter Beast's Castle. Secret Passage). Roxas: You okay? Xion: I don't know what I'm gonna do starting tomorrow. She tries to summon the Keyblade, but it doesn't appear). Xion (sighing): It's no use..
Roxas summons his Keyblade). Roxas: What about my Keyblade?
Can you control mine? He gives it to her. She makes a slash in the air). Xion: I guess.. I can.
Roxas: Then go ahead and use it for the day. Xion: But Roxas- -. Roxas: Maybe it'll help you remember how to summon your own.
Xion: What are you gonna use? He picks up a large stick from the ground). Roxas: I can improvise. Xion: Roxas, that's a stick. Roxas: Hey, you managed without the Keyblade. You think I'm not up to it?
Just take it. It's fine. Xion: Okay, if you're sure. Thanks, Roxas. (They make their way to the West Hall, but are stopped by Cogsworth). Cogsworth: Those horrid creatures plaguing the castle have kept the master.
Belle for days.. There has to be some way to bring the two of. Xion: The clock..
Roxas: He mentioned Belle. Xion: Remember the last time we were here? The candelabra was talking about.
The servants seem awfully interested in making sure Belle. Roxas: You think it's strange? Xion: Only that they seem to be in such a rush about it. Roxas: True.. Well, let's just focus on our target. Roxas: We have to slip by here without being seen.
They attempt, but get too close in the narrow hallway). Cogsworth: Mmm? Roxas (thinking): Uh- oh! They run away before he turns around). Cogsworth: How curious.. I was certain.. Hmph!
Pull yourself together. Cogsworth. The whole castle is enchanted, after all. Roxas: Whew.. He almost spotted us. We need to be more careful.
They sneak past him and make their way to the Ballroom). Xion: I'm sorry, Roxas.. My taking your Keyblade must make things harder.
Roxas: It's fine. No need to worry about me. How about you? Has using it. Xion: Nothing yet.. Sorry. Roxas: Don't be.
I'm sure it'll come back to you soon. Don't sweat it. Xion: Yeah.. Thanks, Roxas. (A Bully Dog appears). Xion: Look! Over there! Roxas: That's our Heartless! You ready, Xion? Xion: Any time! They defeat the Bully Dog).
Xion: Thanks, Roxas. You can have this back. She returns it to him). Roxas: Did it help? Do you remember how it works now? She shakes her head).
Xion: I don't know.. Let me give it another try. She holds out her arm and concentrates. The Keyblade flashes into it to. Roxas: You did it!
Roxas and Xion both hold her Keyblade and jump excitedly). Xion: I don't believe it!
Roxas, it worked! Thank you so much! Roxas: I can't wait to see Axel's face when we tell him about this. C'mon! (Axel sits on the clock tower). Roxas and Xion arrive). Axel: Hey hey! What are you grinning about? Roxas: How was your mission?
Axel: Oh, loads of fun.. Would it kill the Heartless to hold still?
I fell right on my butt chasing the stupid thing. Roxas: Nice. Didn't I hear you tell Sa�x you were a big boy? Axel: Very funny. How'd your caper go? Xion summons her Keyblade proudly). Roxas: Ta- daaah! It vanishes and she giggles).
Xion: I'd like to dedicate this Keyblade summoning to my good friends. Roxas and Axel. Axel: Pfft, me? I didn't do anything. Xion: Sure you did. If you hadn't spoken up for us this morning, me and. Roxas would've had to split up.
Roxas: And then Xion might never have remembered how to use the Keyblade. Xion: Thanks, Axel. Axel: Ahem.. How 'bout an ice cream, then? Axel: Buy me one, and we'll call it even. Xion: Heh, you got it. Wait here, I'll be right back! She runs off and returns with ice cream.
They sit down and watch the. Roxas laughs and takes a bite).
Roxas: I hope we always have each other. Axel: What's gotten into you? Roxas: I just.. want these days to last forever. Hanging out, the ice. Axel: Nothing lasts forever, man. Least of all for a bunch of Nobodies.
But you know, we'll still have each other.. Axel: As long as we remember each other, we'll never be apart. Got it. Roxas: Ha ha, wow, Axel. That sounded ridiculous. Axel: What? I thought it was pretty deep.
Axel scratches his head while Roxas and Xion laugh). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 9. Today's mission was with Xion, in Beast's Castle. I tried loaning her my.
Keyblade, and she had no problem using it. That meant I had to fight. Afterwards Xion remembered how to summon her own Keyblade, so I guess. When we were done, we all had ice cream together. Secret Report: Axel- -. Xion regained her ability to wield the Keyblade.
I don't know how or why. Maybe there's more to the Keyblade master they're not telling me about. I feel like I've been spending more time talking to Roxas and Xion lately. Sa�x. This has to have been what it was like, friendship.
Roxas enters The Grey Area). Moogle: Working solo again now, kupo? I salute you, kupo. Xaldin: Hmph. Finally able to hack it on your own? Demyx: I could reeeally use a break. Roxas talks to Sa�x).
Sa�x: You'll be working solo again starting today. I've prepared new.
Roxas travels to Agrabah to defeat the Antlion. He arrives at the Palace. Gates area and sees Aladdin and Jasmine in conversation). Jasmine: What do you mean, "it disappeared"? Aladdin: It's just like I said- -the sandstorm moving across the desert. Now we can finally go outside the city again.
Jasmine: Well, that's wonderful! What a relief. Aladdin: Hold on..
We still need to watch out for the Heartless. They've. been sighted around Agrabah even after the storm cleared up. You'll have. to be careful, Jasmine. I'm gonna go make sure everything's okay. Jasmine: All right. I want you to be safe too, Aladdin. They leave. Roxas makes his way to the Sandswept Ruins, where a giant.
Heartless is swimming through the dunes of sand. After a tough battle. Antlion collapses and a giant heart floats out of it. Roxas walks. back to the Palace Gates, where Aladdin and Jasmine are).
Jasmine: How did things look? Aladdin: Eerily quiet. There are definitely fewer Heartless out there. Jasmine: You make that sound like a bad thing! Now we can finally relax. Aladdin: Or at least focus on getting things rebuilt.
Genie: I'd say that's another case closed! Roxas looks up and sees the Genie and Carpet next to him). Genie: Oh, stop. I'm not that scary.
Are you trying to give me a complex? Roxas: It's not my fault you pop out of nowhere! Genie: This, from the guy who vanished into thin air the last time we met! Well, anyway.. I'm glad to see Al's doing all right. Now I can enjoy the.
Roxas: You're not going to say hello? Genie: Nobody ever told you that three's a crowd?
Well, it's time for the. Genie and Carpet fly away). Roxas: What's that guy's story, anyway? He said he used to be a genie. Genie: You really want to know? Genie appears). Genie: It's a long story, amigo? Long, long ago, before time was time..
Roxas: Never mind, then. Genie: Aww.. Okay, then. This time, it's so long for real!
Genie and Carpet fly away for real. Roxas meets Axel and Xion on the clock. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 9. Every day, after work, the three of us have been going to our place on top. We don't talk about much, but I wouldn't. I wonder if Axel and Xion feel the.
Do the other Organization members have their own routines? It's hard to. - -Secret Report: Demyx- -. Every day it's work, work, work. I'm dead bored, and I'd kill for some vacay. A Nobody needs his rest, am I right? And when I get it, it's gonna be nothing. Sigh.. (Roxas performs in an assessment of luck in the Hall of Empty Melodies).
Roxas travels with Demyx to Agrabah to eliminate four Aerial Masters. Afterward, he has ice cream with Axel and Xion). Roxas: Keyblade still working?
Xion: Yeah, everything's fine now. Roxas: That's good. Xion: I owe it all to you and Axel. Axel: Eat your ice cream before it melts. Roxas: Hah, look at Axel!
He's bright red! (Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Axel: Xion left already. Roxas talks to Xaldin). Xaldin: If it's instruction you seek, perhaps another time. Roxas travels to Beast's Castle on heart collection. He has ice cream with.
Axel and Xion afterward). Axel sits alone in his room. Sa�x comes in). Axel: Ever hear of knocking?
Sa�x: Tell me what Xion has been doing. Axel: How should I know? I'm not spying on her. Sa�x: .. But the two of you are close.
Axel: So what, now I've gotta rat on my friends to you? Get out of my. Sa�x: You and Xion will be executing your next mission together. Axel: Yes, sir, thank you, sir. You paid me a personal visit just to tell. Sa�x: .. We also need you to go back to Castle Oblivion. Axel: We, or you? Sa�x says nothing.
Axel looks back at him). Sa�x: The castle hasn't given up all its secrets. And there's one in.
Lord Xemnas is especially interested in. Axel: You mean the chamber.
We turned that place inside out. If it's there. we're not gonna find it by just looking. Sa�x: Hmm.. Then let me give you another incentive. Namin� isn't. the only one who can trace her beginnings to Castle Oblivion.
Xion comes. from there, too. Sa�x: Two of your favorite people.
Still think another visit is a waste. Axel: Hmph.. Whatever.
You're the one who wants me to go. Don't try and. dress it up as a favor. Axel: Let me guess.. That chamber will tell you everything you don't know. Xemnas's true agenda.
Is that the idea? Sa�x: The Chamber of Repose, and it's antipode, the Chamber of Waking.. Xemnas isn't telling us something. And the missing chamber, the Chamber. Waking- -it holds all the answers. We need those answers to gain the.
Axel: Hmm.. Look, I knew Vexen and Zexion would be obstacles. That's why. they're not here anymore. When have I ever complained about the dirty work? Sa�x says nothing). Axel: I cleared the way to the top for you.
Just do me a favor and don't. Sa�x turns to leave). Sa�x: A solo mission in Castle Oblivion.. Expect the orders soon. Axel: Namin�.. and Xion? Roxas walks into The Grey Area and sees Xigbar and Demyx). Demyx: Hey, man, you missed your amigos.
Team Axel already left. Roxas: Team Axel? Demyx: Yeah, he and Xion teamed up for the day. Which means they get to. Which is so totally unfair. Xigbar: Today you get to work with me, tiger.
Roxas: Don't call me "tiger.". Xigbar: Heh! You like "kiddo" better? Or maybe you're mad because Poppet. Roxas: Ugh, never mind. Xigbar: Today we get to go explore a new world together. Pack up, tiger. and let's get moving.
Demyx: How come I don't get a nickname..? Roxas talks to Sa�x). Sa�x: Roxas, in light of your excellent performance, we have decided to.
Additional goods can be had at the shop now. I've. also authorized you to synthesize your own weapon panels- -a skill I. Roxas is awarded the rank of Rookie). Sa�x: I'm sending you and Xigbar to a new world today to conduct recon. Roxas and Xigbar arrive in Olympus Coliseum).
Xigbar: All right. Let's make with the investigating and haul it back home. Roxas: What are we investigating? Xigbar: We're investigating what's to investigate. Maybe there's new. Roxas: New recruits?
What kind of people does the Organization look for? Xigbar: Nobodies. Roxas: You mean.. N. Xigbar: Bingo. You know somebody turns into a Heartless if the darkness.
Well, say this person's heart is strong- -real strong. Sometimes, you wind up with a sort of byproduct: a Nobody. Take the strongest. Organization. Roxas: I didn't know everybody was such an elite.. Xigbar: Heh heh..
Elite? As if. You and Xion are the real exceptional ones. Roxas: What? Why? Various Heartless appear). Xigbar: Wuh- oh. Looks like conversation hour's over. Time to tidy up, Roxas. Roxas nods. They defeat all the Heartless). There you are! I been waitin' for you!
A satyr walks over to them). Phil: What took you so long!? I got everything set up! C'mon, hop to it.
You wanna be a hero, and that takes time. Roxas: What? But I'm- -. Phil: Here to train, I know!
Save your breath, kid. You're gonna need it. By the way, nice moves back there.
Herc told me you had potential. Gotta. hand it to him, he's got an eye for talent!
I don't coach just anybody. Hope you came ready to sweat, kid! Roxas: Um, no!? I think you've got the wrong guy. Xigbar, tell him- -. He looks beside him).
Roxas: Xigbar!? Where'd you.. Phil: Your fighting's better than your standup routine, kid.
Stick to. what you know. You got a name? Roxas: Um, Roxas.
Phil: Okay, Roxas. I gotta go double check the training equipment.
Meet me. inside the Coliseum when you're ready- -and don't take all day! Xigbar: Wow, Roxas. Moonlighting as a wannabe hero now? Roxas looks beside him again). Roxas: Xigbar! Why'd you leave me like that? Xigbar: To hide, duh! In case you forgot, the Organization runs a stealth.
Roxas: Well, yeah, but.. Xigbar: Still, this worked out pretty well, wouldn't you say? Roxas: How do you figure that?
Xigbar: You don't have to sneak around now that you're one of them. I'm. sure you'll be the best wannabe hero they've ever had. Roxas: Wannabe? What's that supposed to mean? Xigbar: Heh, what indeed? He opens a corridor). Roxas: Hey, you're bailing on me?
Xigbar: As if, I just don't want to get in the way of your valuable training. I care about your future, Roxas. He enters the corridor. Roxas turns around). Roxas: Ugh, fine. I'll handle this myself.
I should do some recon here first. Coliseum. (Roxas examines the large doors of the world exit). Roxas: Columns around the door.. Maybe this is some kind of temple? They. use lightning bolts as a symbol.
He finds a large board posted up on the wall with a picture of a man with. Roxas: There are a bunch of names on the board with numbers next to them- -. He finds three more board posted up on another wall). Roxas: It's a leaderboard.. First place: "Hercules." Hmm.. What are all. these leaderboards for? He examines another one).
Roxas: It looks like a leaderboard.. First place: "Sora." Hunh. Roxas walks up to a giant gold statue of a warrior holding a sword and shield). Roxas: The statues, the architecture..
Everything about this place is. This building has gotta be the Coliseum.
He examines an identical statue). Roxas: I have to jump just to touch this statue's knees. Good thing no real. Roxas looks through a window in one of the walls). Roxas: Are those- - Yeah, there are clouds right outside the window! Where is this place!?
Roxas enters the Coliseum Vestibule and notices trophies along the walls. He examines the Pegasus Cup trophy).
Roxas: There's a trophy sitting here. This one's kind of elaborate.. Are those horns? (He examines the Phil Cup trophy). Roxas: This trophy is shaped like a shield. He examines the Hades Cup trophy). Roxas: This trophy looks different from the others.
He looks at the Hercules Cup trophy). Roxas: Look at all these trophies.. This one here definitely outshines. I saw these lightning bolt symbols on the doors outside.. On the wall, he spots a green- bordered poster and reads it).
Roxas: "How to Train Like a Champ. You can't train if you don't chain! Wanna rack up points? Then chain, chain, chain. No chain, no gain!".
Okay.. I think they want me to chain. He searches the rest of the room, but finds nothing else suspicious. Roxas: I think I've got a pretty clear picture now. The Coliseum must. That would explain all the trophies. They look. like something you'd win in a sporting event. Plus, those boards outside..
Those must be the winners. Who was the guy who came in first again? I know I saw his name..
Hercules? Yeah, one of the boards definitely said. Hercules." I guess he's the toughest guy in town. Wonder what he's like.. Anyway, it seems kind of quiet for an arena. I don't hear any cheering. The competition must be over for now.
So much for sneaking into the stands. If I wanna do anymore recon, I'll have to pretend I'm here to train.
Well, it couldn't hurt to try.. Could it? (Roxas talks to Phil). Phil: Finally! Let's get started already! You ready for training, kid?
Roxas competes in Phil's Training). Phil: Not bad, kid! Not bad at all! Next time, I want you to go for 2. Later, after some more training. Roxas is tired). Phil: All right, Roxas. Let's call it a day.
Not too bad for your first. Coliseum. Keep up this pace, and you'll do just fine, kid! Which is good, because we need all the help we can get..
Roxas: Help with what? Why are you looking for new people to. Phil: I guess you could say we're understaffed. Roxas: So there aren't any strong people around here? Phil: What are you, crazy!? We got ourselves a bona fide hero!
The champ in. these parts is my prize student. Maybe you've seen him in the Coliseum before? Roxas: What does he do here? Phil: Wait, are you sayin' you signed up for hero training without even. Games are!? Oy.. Lemme break it down easy for ya, kid.
There's a hero and a ginormous monster.. He looks over at the trophies on the wall). Phil: They fight, people come to watch, and that is what this whole place. At least, until those Heartless started showin' up in droves. With back- to- back matches in the Games and taking out the Heartless, our. Roxas: So the Games are like a tournament? Do I get to enter?
Phil: You? In the Games!? Ahh ha ha ha! Roxas: What's so funny about that? Phil: I got two words for you, kid. Outta. Your. League.
Roxas gets a flash of Sora, Donald, and Goofy also talking to Phil). Phil: You got promise, I'll give you that. But you'll need a lot more. Roxas: So that's what this place is for: some kind of "Games." I saw stands. People must come to watch.
I wonder if they'd let me. I kept up with the training. Either way, I think I can RTC now. I've had a pretty good look around. Roxas looks at the trophies again).
Roxas: These must be trophies for the Games. Are these the actual trophies? Do the winners not get to take them home? Roxas passes by Hercules on the way out of the Lobby).
Hercules: Hey, Phil! I'm back! Phil: It's about time, Herc. That new trainee you scouted showed up already. Hercules: Really? Wow. He said it would take him awhile to get here. He. must've made record time! Phil: He probably just couldn't wait to start training with yours truly.
Not that I can blame him. The kid's got guts, I'll give him that. Wait'll. you hear this..
Roxas sees the warrior statues). Roxas: Now I know why they have these big warrior statues out front. What's with the swords, though? Do you have to use a sword in the Games? He walks over to the Hercules Cup leaderboard). Roxas: Let me just double check..
Okay, first place was Hercules. Got it. Hmm, the Games must be held pretty often.. And if people are competing. Xigbar was right. We might be able to use. Wonder how long it'll be before the next one..
Well, I'm. sure I'll be back. Especially with Heartless on the loose.
I should RTC. I don't want Xigbar to think I'm having too much fun here. Axel and Xion sit on the clock tower, eating ice cream). Xion: Roxas must be working late.
Axel: Hope Xigbar isn't giving him too hard a time. Xion: Yeah.. Hey, Axel.
Xion: You know how you were talking the other day about how we all have pasts? When I sit here with you guys, it's weird.. I get the strangest feeling.
I used to watch the sun set with somebody else. Or when I'm by the sea.. She takes out a seashell). Xion: When I look at the water, and hear the waves lapping against the shore..
I can hear another voice. Axel: So.. you mean you remembered something? Xion (shaking her head): No.. It's not quite like that. Well, I dunno. Maybe these ARE memories.. It just seems weird that they're mine. Axel: Hey, don't ask me.
Xion: But you have memories, don't you? Axel: Yeah. Not that they've ever done me any good. Xion: I guess I'm more like Roxas. Neither one of us remembers much. Axel says nothing and takes a bite of his ice cream). Xion: I wonder if he and I had this much in common before we were Nobodies. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1.
Today it was me and Xigbar. Axel and Xion went out on their own mission. Xigbar told me that Xion and me are "exceptional"- -- you know, like, special.
Nobodies. Because we can use the Keyblade? Work dragged on late, so I didn't make it up to the clock tower. I wonder if. Xion and Axel made it. Those pictures started flashing through my head again on the mission. The boy. in red.. What's it all about?
Maybe when Xigbar called me "special" he meant. Seriously, though, is Xion experiencing the same thing? It feels weird to ask. Secret Report: Xigbar- -.
Roxas is maturing at an impressive rate. His face, the way he handles the. Keyblade, it's all exactly the same.
The worlds seem so divided and alone. And we Nobodies. can never escape the things we did as humans. So it goes. (Roxas walks into The Grey Area and sees it empty. He walks over to the window. Operations Closed For Vacation"). Roxas: "Vacation"?
What's that? (He walks around the castle and finds Axel at Naught's Skyway). Axel: Oh, hey, Roxas. You hear about this vacation? About time we had a. Roxas: I've never had a vacation before.
Axel: Is that right? Roxas: What's my job during vacation? Axel: What's your- - Roxas, you're really missing the point. Roxas: It's not my fault I've never had one. I don't know what to do. Axel: Do what you like.
Roxas: But.. I don't know what I like. What are you gonna do, Axel? Axel: Me? Sleep. And one I'm done with that, roll over and sleep some more. Roxas: Don't you spend enough time in bed? Axel: You kidding? I'd nap six times a day if they'd let me. All right. snooze- land is calling.
Enjoy your time off! Axel walks away. Roxas thinks to himself. He finds Xion at Twilight's View).
Roxas: Oh, Xion! Xion: Hey, Roxas, good morning. Roxas: Did you see the notice posted? Roxas: What are we supposed to do with a day off? Xion: Well.. I was thinking I'd practice.
Roxas: Practice? Xion: Yeah, I want to get really good at using the Keyblade. Why don't. Roxas: Nah, I'll pass. Xion: Really? Okay, then. Come find me if you change your mind. Xion leaves. Roxas wanders around The Grey Area). Roxas: What am I supposed to do? Hmm.. What do I WANT to do?
He thinks a bit). Roxas: Ice cream. Roxas travels to Twilight Town. Hayner, Pence, and Olette are in the Sandlot).
Olette: Woo- hoo! Go, Hayner! Pence: Keep it up!
Roxas walks into the Sandlot). Hayner: Augh! No more! Huff, huff.. I'm done.
Pence: That was amazing, Hayner! A new record, for sure! Hayner: Ugh, now I'm all tired.
Olette (seeing Roxas): Huh? Pence, who's.. Pence (also seeing Roxas): Hey, I know you. How's it going? Pence: On your own today? Oh, did you find your friend? Roxas: Huh? Oh, yeah. Olette: Friend of yours, Pence? Pence: Yeah, I bumped into him a little while back.
Olette: Oh. Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Olette. Roxas: Nice to.. Pence: And I'm Pence. But you already new that.
Hayner looks away). Roxas: What are you all doing? Pence: Watching Hayner here practice his Grandstander act.
Roxas: Grandstander? Olette: Yeah, you keep hitting a ball in the air and try to keep it from. Pence: Hayner's one of the best in town.
Hayner walks over, holding a Struggle bat). Hayner: You new around here? How come you're bothering us?
Roxas: Bothering? I'm not- - Sheesh, I was just passing by.
Hayner: Uh- huh. Well, keep passing by then. We're busy here. Olette: Hey! Hayner, don't be rude! There's no need to be mean. Pence: Sorry about that. I'm sure he didn't mean to offend you. He's just- -. Hayner: Hey- -you try it.
Let's see your juggling act. Olette: What will that prove? Hayner: It's not gonna kill him. Here. (He hands him the bat). Olette: Wow, you're good!
Pence: Yeah, you'd give Hayner a run for his money! Hayner: I guess you're all right. We're cool, man. Roxas: Uh.. Hayner: Sorry for railing on you before.
Pence: Hayner was only acting all grumpy because Seifer beat his record. Hayner: Hey! That's enough from the peanut gallery! Olette: Hee hee.. Hayner: That includes you! Roxas: Heh heh. Hayner: Oh great, now even the new guy is laughing at me. Pence: So, you said you were passing by.
Does that mean you have to head. Because if not- -. Roxas: No, I do. I should go. Hayner: All right. Sorry for holding you up. We should get going too. Pence: Yeah. Anyway, we'll see you later.
Olette: Bye for now! Hope we can practice Grandstander again soon! Later, Roxas has ice cream on the clock tower. He looks down, seeing.
Hayner and Olette chasing Pence). Hayner: There he goes! Olette: I'll catch him! Pence rests for a bit). Pence: Huff, huff.. Why.. do we have to play games..
He starts back running again). Hayner: You're not getting away! After him! (Axel arrives on the clock tower). Axel: Fancy meeting you here.
Roxas: Hey, Axel. Axel: Whew, I slept like a log. Axel sits down next to him). Axel: What's going on down there? Are the kids here on summer vacation?
Nah, can't be. It's too early. Roxas: Summer vacation? What's that? Axel: A dream come true, that's what- -a whole month off. Roxas: A month!? How do they hang on to their sanity? I can't even figure. Axel: Well, they do get a little help.
Their teachers dish out plenty of. Trust me, it's over before you can blink. Roxas: Hmm.. I could deal with a week, maybe. Axel: Most kids spend summer vacation just goofing off with their friends. They save the homework till the end and then help each other finish it. Roxas: That sounds fun, I guess. Axel: Yeah. I hadn't really thought about it much since becoming a Nobody.
So how'd you spend the day? Xion: Hey, guys. How did I know you'd be here? Xion sits down on the other side of Roxas). Roxas: So, did you end up going anywhere? Xion: No- -why? Did you guys go somewhere without me? Roxas: Axel went somewhere.
He went to sleep. Xion: Ha ha ha! What kind of vacation is that? Axel: Hey, unlike you two lazybones, I work myself pretty hard!
Xion: Hah, maybe you're just out of shape! Axel: Tomorrow, it's back to work.
Xion: Hope we get another vacation soon. Axel: Oh, before I forget..
I might not see you guys again for a little while. Roxas: Huh? Why not? Axel: They're sending me out on recon for a few days. Axel: Can't tell. Roxas: What do you mean, "can't tell"? Axel: It's classified. Xion: But I thought we were friends.
Axel: Hey, I'm not about to tell you ALL my dark secrets. Got it memorized? I bet you keep a thing or two from me. Roxas: I don't have any dark secrets.
Axel: Ha ha, relax, would ya? I'm kidding. I just gotta keep my mouth shut. Sa�x will get on my case. You know how he gets. Roxas: Heh, yeah. Axel: Try not to bungle everything while I'm gone.
Xion: Now, why would we do that? Axel: Well, considering your track record.. Xion: Hey! Don't make me come over there! They laugh. Later Sa�x finds Axel as he walks through Nothing's Call).
Sa�x: Hmph. What took you? Axel: It's my vacation. I can take all the time I want. Since when do I have. Sa�x: You're letting yourself get too attached to them. Axel: Yes, sir, whatever you say.
Sa�x (turning around): You've changed. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. Today was my first vacation ever. I didn't know what to do with it. Axel. said to do what I like, but all I like is having ice cream with my friends- -. I ended up doing.
Axel leaves tomorrow for some kind of mission. Which reminds me- -I still. WINNER stick yet. Secret Report: Axel- -.
Talking to Roxas and Xion always brings back memories of my human life, back. I was a kid. It's a weird sensation. I ought to be able to share all this with Sa�x, but I just don't feel like it. It's strange, but I'm content with just missing what's gone. I'm not the one who changed. You did. (Roxas enters The Grey Area. Xaldin, Xigbar, and Luxord are lounging on the.
Xaldin: Are you training? Daily effort is the only path to strength.
Luxord: Have you been customizing your weapons? A smart player knows how to. Axel's whereabouts? I have no clue. (Roxas speaks to Sa�x). Sa�x: Depart as soon as you are ready. Roxas leaves for Beast's Castle with Xaldin to investigate the Beast. They. arrive in the Entrance Hall.
Xaldin gazes around). Xaldin: Hmph, still as dark and empty as ever. It's practically a cave. A fitting home for a beast. Roxas: The castle's master? Xaldin: You've seen him haven't you?
Every inch a monster. Roxas: So you've done a little exploring here on your own, then. Xaldin: Yes.. I suspect it was some kind of spell that left him. Roxas: A spell? Xaldin: The data we've collected suggests he was human, originally. The exact. sequence of events is unclear, but it was a spell that forced him to live.
Roxas: Wow.. That can't be fun. Xaldin: We're here to analyze, not sympathize. Let's begin hunting for clues. Roxas: All right. Xaldin: We'll leave the beast's chambers for later. Let's search the rest.
Roxas: If you say so. They find claw marks on a pillar). Roxas: Scratch marks.. Xaldin: Work of the beast's claws, no doubt.
He's not what you'd call a. It looks as though he was fighting a losing battle. Roxas stops at a large locked door). Roxas: Shh.. I hear voices. Somebody's in here.
Master won't even.. Belle.. Xaldin: "Master"? Then it must be the servants. Come away, lest you draw. Roxas finds another door). Roxas: Let's see what's behind Door Number Two.. Xaldin: Roxas! We have to keep a low profile, you fool.
No more throwing. I won't have it. (They enter the Courtyard and find footprints). Roxas: Tracks.. The beast's footprints.
Xaldin: He must have battled Heartless here. Roxas: Why would he want to fight them, though? What's in it for him? Xaldin: If I had the answers, I wouldn't be here listening to your questions. Roxas sees the southern door).
Roxas: This way leads out to some kind of bridge. Xaldin: The only route into the castle.. Remember that, Roxas. If a giant. Heartless were to attack, it would be through here. Roxas: Okay.. But that's kind of a big if. They examine a crack in the tile).
Roxas: Look at the way the stones have been kicked up. Another sign the. Heartless? Xaldin: And also a sign that his power far exceeds anything I anticipated..
They travel through the Upper Level of the Entrance Hall and enter the. Ballroom). Roxas: It's pretty here. Xaldin: How would you compare it to the rest of the castle?
Roxas: Hmm.. It's brighter, I guess. Most of the castle's pretty dark. Xaldin: This room will be too, in time. Dark with the beast's despair. They drop down to the main floor of the Ballroom and examine the door. Roxas: There's a balcony outside the doors here. Xaldin: Fascinating, Roxas.
Can you see anything else? Roxas: Not really. Just the stars. Xaldin: Anything else USEFUL? Roxas: What do they use such a big, open room for?
Xaldin: Why, it's a ballroom. And quite a lovely one, at that. No place. for a creature as hideous as our host.. Roxas: How do you figure? Xaldin: There are Heartless here, but I see no traces of a struggle. I can. only take that to mean that he is avoiding this place. They leave the Ballroom and find their way to the East Wing).
Xaldin: Wait.. Something is there. Cogsworth walks down the hall). Cogsworth: Another day of the master skulking about the castle, chasing.
At this rate, he'll go the entire day without. Belle at all.. Again.
This can't go on much longer.. We're. running out of time! Roxas: Running out of time for what? Xaldin: Ah, but you see? This is one of the castle's residents.
And like. the beast, a human once. Roxas: You think he's under a spell, too? Xaldin: If I had to venture a guess. And from the sound of it, this spell. Roxas: What happens when time runs out?
Xaldin: What indeed? Let's continue our search. And stay out of sight. They attempt to sneak past Cogsworth, but are heard). Cogsworth: Mmm? Roxas (thinking): Uh- oh!
They swiftly run away as Cogsworth whirls around). Cogsworth: I was certain that something was there..
Lumiere! If that's you. Roxas: Whew.. He almost spotted us. I need to be more careful. They sneak past him more quietly this time and examine the bench below the. Roxas: Nice sofa.
Xaldin: No breaks, Roxas. Roxas: No, I wasn't- - I didn't mean- - I was just saying.. They find a door nearby). Roxas: This room.. Xaldin: Yes, what about it? Roxas: This room looks just like the beast's. Xaldin: Hmm, I sense someone may be inside.
Whoever it is must be important. Peer inside and. see who it is, Roxas.
Roxas looks inside and sees a tidy room with a four- poster bed and a. Belle: I wonder if he's off chasing those horrid creatures again.
He's had. to do that every day for weeks.. I wish there were some way I could help. Perhaps I'll ask Cogsworth and the others. I'm sure that together we can. Roxas: I don't believe it. The woman inside- -she's human! Xaldin: Really? Just when I thought this castle was all freaks and.
Then she must be Belle. Roxas: How do you know? Xaldin: All the servants speak highly of her. It's only fitting someone. Roxas: She's pretty, isn't she? Xaldin: Hmph.. We've had a good look around. I'd say we've gotten to.
You remember the way to his room, yes? Roxas: I think so. Xaldin: Take me there. They enter the West Hall).
Xaldin: Stop. We're not alone. Lumiere walks through the hall). Lumiere: It is horrible.. This monstrous infestation has to end! If only. there was some way we could be rid of them for good.. But like this.. What can I do!?. I don't even have arms to hold a sword!
Roxas: He must be like the others- -another human under the spell. Xaldin: It would seem everyone here underwent some sort of transformation. Roxas: How do you suppose they wound up under a spell? Xaldin: I couldn't say. We may find some clues in the beast's room.
Roxas: That's just past here. Xaldin: Then let us be going. Don't get spotted, Roxas. Roxas walks down the hall, and is nearly caught).
Roxas (thinking): Uh- oh! Roxas runs away before Lumiere spots him). Lumiere: Cogsworth! Is that you? (They find a mop and bucket). Roxas: Cleaning supplies..
Xaldin: Stop wasting time. Roxas sees a wall full of claw marks). Roxas: These gashes.. Signs he fought here? Xaldin: Signs he fought hard.
They find more footprints on the stairs). Roxas: The floor is all torn up. Xaldin: He fought tooth and nail to stop the Heartless here.. There must. be something ahead.
They enter the West Wing and look over statues lining the walls). Roxas: Weird statue, huh? Xaldin: Art is beyond our ken, Roxas. It takes a heart to feel moved. Roxas (examining another statue): Did this get knocked over in an earthquake? Xaldin: Use your eyes. These are claw marks.
The beast destroyed this himself. It was victim to either a stray blow whilst he fought the Heartless, or else. Roxas finds some stray picture frames).
Roxas: These picture frames have been knocked all over the place. Xaldin: The beast can't control his rage. It muddles the heart. They come upon a door at the end of the hall). Xaldin: This is the beast's room? Roxas: Yeah. I'll take a look inside..
The room is as dark and torn up as before. The beast is nowhere to be seen). Roxas: Looks like he's out.. There's something at the far side of the room.. He spots a rose floating under a glass case. Xaldin teleports into the room). Xaldin: My, my.. Roxas: Huh!?
Xaldin, how did you.. Xaldin: The rose..
I sense a power in it. The beast must hold it quite dear.
He opens another corridor and exits the room, appearing behind Roxas). Xaldin: Well, well.. We have made quite the discovery, haven't we? Roxas: You mean.. What do you care about some flower? Xaldin: Well, tell me what you make of it. Roxas: It looked important to him.
He obviously takes really good care of it. Xaldin: Precisely, Roxas. That is no ordinary rose. To him, at least. You saw the. room. It was in tatters- -save one corner.
Roxas: Maybe that's why he's been fighting the Heartless. He wants to. protect the rose? Xaldin: Of course.
Some strange power surrounds it.. The Heartless are. Roxas: Then his fight is far from over.. Xaldin: Our work here is done, Roxas. The beast's weakness is clear.
Xaldin: To hold something dear is to let it hold you. His heart is in. thrall to it, don't you see? And that, Roxas, is ample weakness. Roxas: I'm not sure I follow. Xaldin: Nor should you. You have no heart to love with.
Come. We return. (Xaldin turns around. Roxas says nothing). Xaldin: Are you coming? Roxas: I still have some questions about that rose. Xaldin: Now is not the time. Leave it. (Roxas says nothing). Xaldin: What now, Roxas?
I bade you return. Roxas: This Belle person..
Why do you suppose she's here? Xaldin: You think she isn't simply a prisoner?
Roxas: It didn't seem that way to me. Plus, she mentioned helping him. Xaldin: Help that beast? Hah, if I had a heart, I'd be laughing. You. look like you have more to say. Roxas: It's about Belle. She's obviously more important to the beast.
Xaldin: The servants seem more concerned with her than the beast does. They seem to be of the opinion she matters somehow to their master.
Roxas: Right, but how? Xaldin: Enough speculation. We have what we need. It's past time we returned. They return to the corridor.
Xion sits at the clock tower eating ice cream). Roxas: You're here early. Xion: Work was easy today.
Roxas: I guess Axel's still out on that classified mission, huh? He sits next to her). Xion: So where'd they send you, Roxas? Roxas: Beast's Castle, with Xaldin. You remember the castle's master, Xion? Xion: Yeah, the beast we saw.
Roxas: Well, you were right. He does have something he wants to protect. Something he cares about.
Roxas: Yeah, but Xaldin says that's a weakness. Xion: Why would caring about something be a weakness?
Roxas: I dunno. I didn't get it either. They eat ice cream and watch the sunset). Xion: I hope Axel comes home soon.
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. Axel has been gone forever. It's been just me and Xion at the clock tower. While me and Xaldin explored Beast's Castle, we found something he wants. Xaldin says that's a weakness, but I'm not so sure. What. does it mean to care about something that much? I don't, so it's hard to.
Secret Report: Xaldin- -. Watching that foolish beast flail about only deepens my disdain for humans. We became Nobodies. It was only later that we.
Nonetheless, I see nary a pleasant thing about it. Roxas enters The Grey Area and sets out for Olympus Coliseum on heart. He arrives in the Coliseum Gates area). Roxas: Hmm, I'm not on recon today, so I should probably steer clear of. Coliseum. All I have to do is defeat some Heartless and then I can. He defeats a few Heartless).
Phil: Roxas! You have got good timing, kid! Roxas turns around as Phil runs up). Phil: We got a Heartless situation in the Coliseum. Phil: You heard me.
And Herc's nowhere to be found! I know this is no job. I ain't got much of a choice! This is the real deal. Phil: Hey, hold on. Let me give ya two words of advice.
Don't. Get. Careless! Roxas: Um, right. Roxas enters the Coliseum and fights the Clay Armor. He has a flash of. Sora fighting Heartless during the battle).
Phil: Nice going. You looked pretty good out there! Roxas: Um, thanks.. Phil: Now that you're warmed up, how about startin' in on today's training?
Phil: You're serious about gettin' into the big leagues, right? Well, there. are two things every hero hopeful has to remember.
Train. Every. Day! Roxas: But I'm telling you, I'm not- -. Phil: No "buts," kid!
Now get training! Let me know as soon as you're ready. Roxas says nothing. Later, Roxas talks to Phil). Phil: All right, let's get this show on the road. You all set to train, kid?
Roxas performs well in Phil's course). Phil: About what I'd expect. Try for 1. 50 points next time, all right? Later, after some more training. Roxas is tired). Phil: All right.
That's enough for today. Actually, it's more than enough. Between givin' that Heartless pest a pounding and all the training you. Ya know, you could really..
Roxas: Uh- huh? Could really what? Phil: Could really use more practice. Trust me. You're gonna need it. Roxas (thinking): Well, I've collected enough hearts. I guess I'll RTC.
Roxas walks past Hercules while exiting the Lobby). Hercules: Phil, I'm back! Phil: Where ya been, Herc!? We been drownin' in Heartless while you were. Zeus- knows- where!
Hercules: Heartless? Where? Let me at 'em, Phil! Phil: Too late. The new rookie took care of 'em. I'm tellin' ya, Champ.
Roxas and Xion have ice cream). Roxas travels to Olympus Coliseum to defeat a horde of Deserters).
Roxas teams up with Xigbar to eliminate a Morning Star in Olympus. Coliseum. Afterward, Roxas and Xion have ice cream). Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Xaldin: It seems an Organization imposter has surfaced- -one who wears our coat.
Roxas talks to Demyx). Demyx: Xion? She's probably working. Like ALWAYS. I mean, good for her and. Roxas talks to Sa�x). Sa�x: I'm sending you to a new world today.
Roxas departs for Halloween Town and arrives in the Guillotine Gate area. Jack Skellington paces, thinking). Jack: No.. It's still missing something! Something new. Something fresh.. I want this Halloween to be a festival of fantastical frights! Hmm.. There must be something.
Roxas collects the hearts he needs and returns to the corridor entrance. Lock, Shock, and Barrel sneak up behind him). Lock: Trick or treat! Lock throws an exploding pumpkin at him).
The tricksters laugh). Lock: Ah ha ha ha! We got you! (They run away). Roxas: They ran off..
What was that all about? I should get back.. He enters the corridor. Jack is still pacing around).
Jack: Something fresh.. Something trembling with terror, erupting with. Hmm.. Mmm? (He sees the corridor close). Jack: What was that?
A swirl of sinister smoke, there one minute, then. That's never been here before. Something unfamiliar, popping.
Popping.. Eureka! Lock, Shock, and Barrel walk into the Graveyard). Barrel: That was fun! Lock: Wonder who it was. Shock: Don't know! Don't care! Barrel: If we see him again.. Lock: He'll get another trick!
They laugh. Lock and Shock run ahead. Barrel spots something and. Barrel: Huh? What's this thing? Hey! Come see! (Roxas eats ice cream on the clock tower). Axel: Hey, Roxas! Roxas looks up). Roxas: Axel.. You're back! Axel: Yup, I just got home.
Axel sits next to him). Axel: How ya holding up? Where's Xion? Roxas: She's not here yet. Roxas: It's getting late.
This isn't like her.. Xion sits alone in her room, curled up on her bed). Xion: How could he say that.. She has a flashback of a confrontation on the Bridge of Beast's Castle. She strikes out her Keyblade and runs forward, but is struck down. Keyblade disappearing.
There is a glimpse of silver hair and a. Xion: He's wrong.
It's not a sham.. I. - -Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. Today's mission took me to a new world.
It was a weird place. I was up. on the clock tower afterwards when Axel turned up after being away forever. He said he finished that long mission. But this time Xion didn't show. I was gonna give Axel that WINNER stick, but I should wait until I get. It wouldn't be fair to leave Xion out.
A cloaked figure appears. The Keyblade is thrown to the ground. Xion. calls out in silence. The silver- haired man tosses the Keyblade.
The cloaked figure removes its hood and is revealed. He wears a blindfold, concealing his eyes.. Roxas walks through Twilight's View). Xion: Just give me another chance!
He looks up and sees Xion speaking with Sa�x). Sa�x: We can't afford to expend any more chances on you. He turns around). Sa�x: You were a mistake we never should have made. Xion looks down to the floor.
Roxas walks over). Xion runs away from him. Later, Roxas enters The Grey Area).
Xaldin: You are my charge for the day. We leave once you've prepared. Axel: Didn't take 'em long to give me more work. Where's my vacation?
Sheesh. Sa�x: Go with Xaldin for your mission today. Roxas and Xaldin travel to Beast's Castle. They arrive in the Courtyard).
Xaldin: I'd like to keep this quick. Don't drag your heels, Roxas. They enter the Ballroom. A Gigas Shadow and other Pureblood Heartless appear). Xaldin: Hmph.. Weaklings.
Come, Roxas. We'll end them here. They defeat all of the Heartless). Roxas: Whew.. That takes care of them.
Xaldin: Enough dallying. We've wasted enough time here as it is. Let's find. our target and be done with it.
They enter the West Hall, and the Dark Follower appears). Roxas: Look at the size of it! Xaldin: There you are..
Let's begin. (They defeat the Dark Follower, and it falls to the ground and disappears). Xaldin: Hmph.. Toothless.
Come, Roxas. Our mission is over. The Beast roars loudly). Roxas: What was that!?
Xaldin: Our beastly host, I'd imagine. Roxas: It came from his room.. Did something happen? They look toward the West Wing doorway). Xaldin: Hmm, I wonder. Come. We'll take a look. They enter the West Wing and the Beast roars again).
Beast (slamming his fist): The last rose petal is about to fall.. When it. does, I'll lose- - No! I can't bear it- -I don't even want to think about it!
Roxas: The rose? Xaldin: How fascinating. Then his beastly form must be tied to it somehow. Roxas: It's related to the spell? Xaldin: Yes. It seems if he doesn't complete some task in the rose's. Roxas: One of his servants did mention something about time running out.
Xaldin: The key to his cursed form.. Heh heh, this morsel will prove useful. Roxas: What do you mean? Xaldin: I'd only waste my time attempting to explain it to you. Come along. We must return.
Later, Roxas and Axel have ice cream). Axel: Where's Xion? Roxas: Haven't seen her today, either. Roxas: Hey, Axel..
Roxas: Is there anything you couldn't bear to lose? Axel: What? Where'd that come from? Roxas: I ran into somebody today, and.. Well, he had something like that. Something so important to him he couldn't bear to lose it. Why don't I have.
Axel: Because you don't have a heart. Roxas: Uhh, I guess.. But Demyx doesn't have a heart, and I bet he'd get. Axel: Hmm, true, but..
I don't think that's quite the same. I guess the. closest thing we Nobodies have got is our past. You know, memories of the. Roxas: Oh.. Too bad I don't remember MY past. Axel: Well, what about your present? Axel: You've got memories from here in the Organization, right?
Roxas: Yeah.. I do, don't I? I couldn't bear to lose my memories of. Axel: Well, see? There ya go.
Everybody's got something they want to. Roxas: It's scary to think I could lose you guys. Axel: Scary? Scary's a feeling, man. Roxas: Yeah, I know I can't feel, but..
It's still a scary thought. Axel: A thought, then. But not a feeling. Roxas: Are you sure? Axel: Maybe you just remember what it's like to feel scared, and.
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. Xion didn't come to the clock tower again today. She and Sa�x had. Axel and I talked for a while about the things we can't bear to. Axel thinks that for Nobodies, it's our pasts, because that's. I don't. remember my past, but the idea of losing the present- -Axel or. Xion- -scares me.
Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Axel: I just saw Xion a little while ago. She was heading out, though. Xigbar: I look into Poppet's eyes, and I see determination. C'mere. let's see your game face.
Luxord: What this game needs is a few thrills. Don't you agree? (Roxas talks to Sa�x). Sa�x: Today we need you to exterminate a powerful Heartless. Go in prepared. (Roxas travels to Twilight Town and arrives in the Station Plaza. He. looks up at the clock tower to see..). Roxas: Hey, isn't that.. Xion stands alone on the tower.
Roxas goes up to meet her). Roxas: Hey, Xion! Xion: Roxas? Don't you have a mission? Roxas: Yeah. They sent me here today.
Xion: Really? Me too.. Roxas looks toward Xion, but looks away. Xion, then does the same. She stares at the ground).
Xion: Roxas, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run off like that yesterday. Roxas: Whatever, it didn't bother me. Xion: I was upset. I messed up a mission really bad. I don't suppose. you heard about the guy pretending to be one of us?
The Organization. I was ordered to take him out..
I couldn't beat him. Sa�x was so mad, he called me a "mistake.". Roxas: Oh.. Gosh, I'm sorry.. Xion: Don't be. That jerk can say whatever he wants. I can take it. Roxas: Hey, Xion..
Why don't we work together today? Xion: Huh? How? Roxas: Let's double up on our missions.
If we team up, we should be. Xion: Well.. okay. Maybe we'll finish early and have more time for. They collect all the needed Organization emblems and proceed to. Sandlot, where they defeat the Avalanche. They return to the. Roxas: So how 'bout that ice cream?
Xion: Okay.. Yeah, sure. They sit on the clock tower, ice cream in hand).
Roxas: Wonder where Axel is. Guess we got the work done a little bit.
Xion says nothing. Her flashback returns.
The Keyblade flies to the. Xion is on her knees, panting. She collapses. The silver- haired. He kneels over her and. He lifts one side of his blindfold, showing a. She tries to get up. Your face.. Who are you really?
And why do you have a Keyblade? She puts her hood back on). Xion: Tell me first..
He walks over to her Keyblade, stuck in the ground). To make sure my best friend.. He pulls the Keyblade from the brick). I don't know who you're supposed to be. But.. you can't fight. This Keyblade, it's a sham- -worthless. He tosses it aside.
Xion gasps). Xion: My Keyblade is not a sham! What gives you the right to say that? She snatches the Keyblade from the ground and runs at him, shouting. He moves left to dodge her attack, and slams his fist into her bruised. She falls to the ground and the Keyblade disappears. He stands up). ????: Find a new crowd. Trust me. Those guys are bad news.
He walks away. She struggles to her knees). Xion: Why? You're the real sham. She clutches her side in pain). Fair enough. You could say I am.. He walks away and Xion screams). Roxas: Xion? Hey..
Xion! (He snaps her from her flashback). Roxas: What's the matter with you today? Xion: Sorry. My mind's on other things.
Roxas, why are we doing all this? Working for the Organization? Roxas: What do you mean, why? So we can get hearts of our own, right?
Xion: Why? What do we need hearts for? Roxas: I don't know.
But I figure once we have them, we'll be in a. Right? Xion: Maybe. I just wish I knew what I was doing here.
How I got here.. I started having the strangest dreams. Xion (nodding): I can never remember what they're about.
I just wake. up feeling like.. Roxas: Well, if it makes you feel any better, Xigbar said you and me. Exceptional," he said. Xion: .. Special just means different. Because I'm a mistake.
Roxas (shaking his head): You're not a mistake. Xion stands up). Xion: Well, we may both be exceptional, Roxas. But I don't think. She walks off). Roxas: Xion, wait- -. Roxas sits alone until Axel arrives). Axel: Heya, Roxas! Roxas: Hey, Axel.
Axel: Xion couldn't make it again today? Roxas: You just missed her. Roxas has a flash of Sora on a moonlit road). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1.
I ran into Xion in Twilight Town. I guess she messed up a mission pretty. We went up to the clock tower afterwards. She said me and her are.
I don't. think that's what she meant. A lot seems to be on her mind, and.
Secret Report: Xion- -. I wasn't ready to see Roxas again.
I can't help but compare us. We both use the Keyblade, but we're so different. Does he dream? It seems like that's all I do anymore. Last night I dreamt of the. I was drowning. ~The Wrong Buttons~.
Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Xaldin: You don't need a heart to know how to manipulate one. Remember that. Xigbar: I sure hope Poppet pulls through. That was one tough mission. Demyx: Yaaawn.. So, when's our next day off?
Roxas talks to Sa�x). Sa�x: One of the missions I have for you requires you to visit a new. Go in prepared. (Roxas travels to Halloween Town on heart collection, he arrives in. Guillotine Gate area. He walks to the entrance of Halloween Town Square).
Roxas: That's weird.. He turns around and looks). Roxas: Where did all the Heartless go? I should've seen some by now. And what's that thing? He walks over to a ribboned balloon with a wild smile on it). Roxas: That wasn't here last time.
He enters the Town Square and sees Jack Skellington with Dr. Finkelstein. A balloon floats in front of them). Jack: Well, Doctor? What do you think!? I've put a few new "ideas". Halloween. Dr. Finkelstein: Oh?
Jack: These balloons contain a terrifying trick! Anyone who touches. Dr. Finkelstein: I see, I see! Interesting.. Be sure to tell me about. Jack. Jack: I will, Doctor! The doctor wheels himself back to his lab).
Jack: Hmm.. It's not enough, though. My perfectly petrifying Halloween. Jack walks off and Roxas enters). Roxas: Terrifying trick? Is there something inside? Roxas examines it and the balloon magically disappears.
He walks to. the Graveyard and sees Jack with his ghostly dog Zero). Jack: What could it be.. What's missing? (Zero tries to get Jack's attention). Jack: What is it, Zero? I'm busy brainstorming..
Zero flies over to the balloon and sniffs it). Jack: Is there something special about that balloon? The balloon vanishes and a Hover Ghost appears in its place. It floats. away into the air). Jack: Well, that was unexpected! A Heartless popped out.
How strange. I certainly didn't put anything like that inside. Aha! Someone else. Heartless. inside!
I'd better keep brainstorming, or they'll think of all the. Wait! I've got it! Zero looks excited). Jack: You were trying to give me a hint, weren't you, Zero?
What a good. boy! You deserve a treat. Jack takes out a bone and tosses it to Zero).
Jack: I'm going to run over to Dr. Finkelstein's lab right now! This new. idea is really going to wow him! Jack leaves and Roxas enters). Roxas: So that floating doggy thing can sniff out Heartless? Maybe if. I give it a bone, it'll help me track them down.
Roxas gives Zero bones and he helps track down Heartless in the Graveyard). Lock: Found ya! (He turns around to see the three pranksters).
Lock throws an exploding pumpkin at Roxas). Lock: Ahhh ha ha ha ha! Got you again! Shock (running): Run away!
Barrel (running): Where to? Lock (running): Our secret hiding spot! Roxas: What in the world.. Those are the same kids that messed with me. What's their problem? Roxas defeats the last of the Heartless with Zero's help. Afterwards. he has ice cream in Twilight Town.
Axel walks in). Axel: Hey! No Xion? Roxas: Don't hold your breath. Axel sits next to him).
Axel: Did something happen yesterday? Roxas: Nah, it's nothing. Axel: .. Girls sure are complicated, huh? Roxas: How did you know that's what I was thinking?
Axel: Because you're not so complicated. But don't take it personal. Most Nobodies aren't. Roxas: You mean.. Axel: Well, sure!
Especially if they're real and female. That's like a. double dose of complicated.
Roxas: So.. what about a Nobody girl like Xion? Axel: Single dose. Roxas: I am so lost. Axel: Well, the important thing to remember when dealing with girls is. Got it memorized? Roxas: Hmm.. yeah..
Wish you'd told me that before. Axel: Well, just give her some time. Axel: Because if you rush in there and try to fix things, you'll just. Roxas: Fine, whatever. Axel: Ha ha. You're all right, kid.
Roxas: Don't call me "kid"! Roxas: Stop laughing! Axel (nodding): You'll patch things up with her. Trust me. Roxas: I hope so. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. I think Xion might be mad at me, but I don't know why. Axel says girls. are complicated.
You can't press the wrong buttons. Like I'm supposed. Secret Report: Axel- -. Roxas and Xion must have had it out over something. Knowing them. it's something dumb, but still. Watching them, it's like they're human. It's. messing with my head.
I kind of wonder if Roxas understood all that about. I get the sense a lot of it went right over his head.
Disjointed Days~. Roxas enters The Grey Area). Sa�x: Depart as soon as you are ready. Roxas joins Demyx on heart collection in Olympus Coliseum). Demyx: We're out on heart collection today, right?
Sigh.. I'm so not. Would it kill them to give me a recon mission or.. I don't know, something un- violent? Roxas (thinking): The Coliseum's our best bet for finding a whole pack. Heartless at once.
He stops looking at the Coliseum and turns to Demyx). Roxas: Follow me, Demyx. Roxas leads him to the Lobby entrance). Roxas: We'll find the Heartless in here.
Demyx: Okay, right on.. Ooh, but should we just go waltzing in? Won't someone see? Roxas: Don't worry.
We'll just say you're another aspiring hero here. Trust me, it'll be fine. Demyx: Wait, training!? That sounds like work, which means sweating.
Which is gross. Roxas: It's that, or stay out here. Demyx: Hmm, actually..
Yeah! Demyx: We'll split up! And, uh.. form two strike forces! I'll handle the. Heartless out here. You take the ones inside.
Covering a broader range. Roxas: I guess? Demyx (thinking): And while you collect those hearts, maybe I can collect.
Roxas: What's the matter? Demyx: Nothing! Well, good luck in there, Roxas. Roxas enters the Coliseum Vestibule). Roxas: Huh? He's not here.. He hears a voice).
Phil: C'mon! Is that all you got!? You call yourself a hero and use form. Roxas: It's coming from the arena. Roxas walks into the arena.
Hercules stands holding a longsword). Phil: Put some zing into it! Stay focused! (Herc practices some sword swings and strikes the blade to the ground). Phil: All right, next exercise!
Keep moving! No breaks! Later, Phil stands with his arms crossed on top of Hercules, who is doing. Phil: C'mon, you can take more than this! Demyx: Blegh.. What a tyrant! Demyx: I'd be running out the door in tears after ten minutes of that.
Roxas: Done with all the Heartless outside already? Demyx: The what? Oh, right, uh.. Yeah, they sure picked the wrong guy.
I finished early, so I thought I'd drop by and see how you. Roxas: I'm still not done. Demyx: Yeah? Well, no biggie!
I'll just find a comfy spot and kick back for. He leaves the Coliseum. Roxas looks back toward Hercules).
Roxas: That guy is getting trained way harder than I was. Why's he getting. Is he that much. stronger than me? Roxas leaves the arena).
Phil: All right, Herc. That's it for today. Rest up for the next time! Phil enters the Lobby and sees Roxas).
Phil: Hey, there's my rookie! Ready for today's training, kid?
Just say. Roxas: Um, okay. Roxas defeats Heartless in Phil's training). Phil: Nice work. That's a good run for one day. I gotta tell ya, kid. I'm. impressed. I think you're ready for the big time.
So, I'm clearing ya to. Games! Roxas: You are!? Phil: Yup. You can try for the Rookie Cup, anyway. I figure, you may not. In the meantime, we'll. Roxas: Speaking of which, who was that you were training before me?
Phil: Oh, Herc? He's another student of mine. Been at it a long time now. Roxas: Why were you working him so much harder than you do me?
Is he that. Phil: Well, sure. He's a hero, kid. If I put a squirt like you through that.
And it's not just that. Phil: Of all the heroes I've trained, he's special.
Maybe the best. I got. He's gonna be "the one"! Roxas has a flash of Phil talking to Sora, Donald, and Goofy). Phil: Ahem.. Enough talk about Herc. You just worry about getting in shape. I got two words of advice for ya..
Eat. Sleep. Train! Remember, I got expectations for you too, kid. Roxas (thinking): So people work you harder when they have expectations? The. Organization expects me to do hard missions all the time. Aren't expectations.
Phil: Sorry, kid, but I can't stick around anymore today. I got some errands. Roxas: I guess that's it for now, then. I'll just have to RTC. Roxas walks outside to the corridor, where Demyx is standing). Demyx: Hey, Roxas.
You done? Roxas: Huh? Yeah.. Demyx: What's up, man?
You look out of it. Roxas: What kind of missions do you usually work? Demyx: Me? Recon stuff, mostly. Roxas: No taking out Heartless? Demyx: Nah, it's rare that I do anything that strenuous. Roxas: But aren't you expected to?
Demyx: Ha, they know better than that. They wanna keep the machine running. Roxas: And that's me? The right tool for the job? Demyx: Something happen in there, man? Roxas: No, I just- - Nothing. Our mission's complete.
Let's RTC. (Roxas has ice cream alone). Roxas: All by myself today, I guess.. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. It's hard spending time with Xion, and Axel seems busy, too.
I've been having. All I taste is the salt, and my.
It's like I'm going through the motions of eating it. I can throw the stick out and get on with life. I must've had about a. I still haven't found another WINNER. I never did find a way to ask Xion about the pictures that go through my head. I don't really know what to do about anything right now.
Secret Report: Demyx- -. I've got me a new hit single! X- face is always barking at me to work, but. I mean, stop and. Roxas enters The Grey Area.
He travels to the new world of Wonderland on. Sora once he enters the Rabbit. Hole. He sees a White Rabbit with an oversized pocketwatch and suit. White Rabbit: Oh, my fur and whiskers! I'm late, I'm late, for a very. He skids to a stop and checks his watch). White Rabbit: Dear me!
I mustn't make Her Highness wait- -. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!
He runs further down the hallway). White Rabbit: No time to say goodbye- - Hello!
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! Roxas: What's his big rush? Maybe I should have a look up ahead. Roxas continues having flashes of Sora as he walks down the hallway.
He enters a Bizarre Room). White Rabbit: Oh, I'm so late..
I'm so very, very late! Roxas looks down and sees the White Rabbit scurry along the floor and. Roxas: Did he.. shrink? Doorknob: He drank from the bottle, you see.
Roxas: Huh!? Who- -. Doorknob: Down here. Roxas realizes the voice is coming from the Doorknob and he kneels to.
Roxas: A.. talking doorknob? Doorknob: Of course..
And a rather sleepy doorknob at that. Now, if. you'll excuse me, I'll be going back to my nap.
Roxas: Wait, you said he drank from a bottle. What bottle? Doorknob: The one on the table. Why don't you try?
Roxas looks toward the table and sees two bottles, one blue and one orange). Roxas: You mean those? Doorknob: Presumably.. Now I really would like to be getting back to my nap.. Roxas walks over to the bottles).
Roxas: The one with the blue label has a picture of a big tree shrinking.. Here goes nothing. He picks up the bottle and drinks from it. He shrinks in size until he's. Roxas: Whoa, it actually worked! He walks toward the Doorknob). Roxas: Hey, that rabbit when through here a minute ago, right?
Doorknob: Snrrrk.. Phewww.. Roxas: What's behind this door? Doorknob: Hrrrnk.. Phewww.. Roxas (thinking): Hmm, guess I won't be finding out anytime soon.
Roxas defeats several groups of Heartless. He looks toward one of the walls. He gets closer and sees that the chair is also moving. He strikes it. and it turns back into the Lurk Lizard. He defeats it and drinks from the. Before entering the dark. Roxas (thinking): I wonder where that white rabbit went.
He was sure in. (He leaves Wonderland and has ice cream on the clock tower). Axel: All by yourself again?
Axel sits down beside him, ice cream in hand). Axel: They've been keeping me busy lately. Xion, too. Roxas: Yeah, no kidding.
Axel: C'mon, what's with the face? Roxas: What face.. Axel says nothing). Roxas enters The Grey Area. He travels with Xaldin to Agrabah to defeat.
Solid Armor in the Cave of Wonders). Roxas enters The Grey Area. He travels with Xigbar to Beast's Castle on.
Roxas enters The Grey Area). Xigbar: Poppet? I wonder. Axel: Xion? She left, man. What, you missed her again?
Demyx: Hunting missions are seriously not my scene.. Roxas speaks with Sa�x and departs for Beast's Castle to defeat an. Heartless. He appears in the Ballroom and hears.
Beast roar). Roxas: Whoa! That was the beast.. Did something happen?
Roxas walks into the Courtyard and hears him roar again). Roxas: That sounded close.. By the bridge!? (He walks towards the doorway to the Bridge). Beast's body flies over the archway and onto the ground in front of him. He lies motionless, but still breathing). Roxas (thinking): What could do this to him?
He looks toward the archway to the Bridge). Roxas: What.. what's out there? Roxas runs to the Bridge to see an enormous Infernal Engine Heartless.
After a grueling battle, the Heartless collapses. Roxas: Mission accomplished. Time to head back. He walks back to the Courtyard and hears a voice). No! Oh, no! Roxas (thinking): Someone's coming.
Belle runs out of the castle toward the Beast). Belle (worried): What happened? Are you all right? Beast: .. Belle.. Get back inside.. It's too dangerous..
Belle: I'm taking you with me. Beast: No.. I have to stop.. Belle: But they're gone. You don't have to fight any more. Beast: Good.. That's good. I managed to keep them from..
Belle: Please- -you must stop doing this. It's too much. If something were. I don't know what I'd.. Beast: Belle.. I couldn't bear to see you.. A master. protects his castle..
I don't want to lose you. Belle: I'm right here..
Roxas (thinking): So he wasn't fighting to protect the rose. He was. protecting the people in the castle. Protecting her. She's what matters. But.. Xaldin said it was the rose. Xaldin: Feh. Cloying nonsense.
Roxas looks back to see Xaldin standing behind him). Roxas: Xaldin.. When did you get here?
Xaldin: That's none of your concern. Hmph. Love, from a beast?
How utterly. Roxas: Love? What's that? Xaldin: It's an emotion. The one deluding those two as we speak. Xaldin: They think the power of love will save them?
That's the stuff of. Roxas: Love is a power? Xaldin: None you or I will ever grasp. Nor will they, for long. The love. between them will wither and die.
Love never lasts. Roxas: But you don't have a heart. How would you know? Xaldin: I have eyes, and a brain. We have no further business here. Try. (Xaldin leaves). Roxas: That still doesn't explain what love is..
Is love fighting to. Where does its power come from? Later, Axel sits on the clock tower eating his sea- salt ice cream. Roxas walks in). Axel: Hey, here comes the hard worker.
Roxas sits next to him). Roxas: Xion around? Axel: Haven't seen her.
Axel: Somebody's gotta talk to that girl. Roxas: It's her choice if she wants to come with us or not. Axel: I guess that's fair.
Roxas: Axel, I need to ask you something. Axel: What's up? Did something happen?
Roxas (shaking his head): Nah, it's just.. This is gonna sound stupid. Do you know what love is? Axel: 'Scuse me? Roxas: I found out about love on today's mission- -that it's something.
Axel: That's true. It is. But I'll never get to experience it. Roxas: Nobodies can't love? Axel: You need a heart, man. Roxas: Right.. Axel: Love is what happens if there's something really special between. Roxas: You mean, like, if they're best friends?
Axel: Well, you can care about your friends, I guess, but that's not what. I'm talking about. Roxas: So then.. love is like a step above friends? Axel: Yes.. Well, no.
There aren't "steps.". Roxas: I don't get it. Axel: What does it matter? We'll never know the difference. Roxas: If I had a heart, you think I could love somebody? Axel: Once Kingdom Hearts is complete, you'll be able to do all kinds.
Roxas: That's good. They stare off into the twilit sky).
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. On my mission at Beast's Castle, Xaldin told me about "love" and the.
I tried to ask Axel about it, but his explanation didn't make any sense. Every time I ask him about this kind of thing, he tells me I need. It's like he's dodging the questions. Sound of the Surf~.
Roxas walks into The Grey Area and is greeted by Luxord). Luxord: Roxas. How has the game been treating you? Roxas: Uhh.. fine, I guess. Luxord: Sa�x shuffled us together for today's mission. I wager we'll make. Roxas: I don't see why not.
Luxord: Oh, by the way, did you hear what happened to Xion? Roxas: No, what!? Luxord: She bungled her last mission and has been in a deep sleep ever since.
Can't win them all, I suppose. He turns to run out of the room, but Sa�x stops him). Sa�x: And where do you think you are going, Roxas? Roxas: To see Xion. Sa�x: But you have a mission. Roxas: Which I'll do! Sa�x: You cannot help your comrade.
Xion will not wake up. Roxas looks down and shakes his head). Roxas: That's not the point! I should still be with her. He tries to run again). Sa�x: What do you care? The creature is broken.
Defective. (Roxas stops and turns around). Roxas (angrily): Don't call her that! Sa�x: I'll call that thing whatever I want. How we deal with Xion is no. Roxas: I didn't ask you if it was!
Sa�x: Look at you, Roxas. Up in arms over a nobody. Roxas: We're all Nobodies!
Sa�x: Settle down. Xion's failings won't affect your standing with us.
You've nothing to worry about. Roxas: Won't affect my- - What is WRONG with you? Look, I'll do. my mission- -later. He runs to her room and stands by her bedside). Roxas: Oh, Xion..
He leaves a seashell by her pillow, as she did for him. Later, he. returns to The Grey Area). Xigbar: What, are you still worried about Poppet? She'll wake up when. Luxord: Ready to begin?
We can leave whenever you're ready. Demyx: Hey, did you hear about Xion? Word is, she fought one tough. Ugh, the thought of bumping into a guy like that..
See why. recon's important? Not that you'll catch me enjoying it.
Hey, how about. you show me how it's done? Go scout out Mission 4. Heartless. Examine any spot that looks fishy. Track them all down- -. I'll make it up to you! And get to kick back in the meantime.). Roxas does and returns to speak to Demyx).
Demyx: Ooh! You found 'em all! Investigating suspicious spots is the first. Recon 1. 01! (Getting somebody else to do it for you is lesson. I just hope I don't bump into any nasties out there.. Sa�x: Roxas, in light of your excellent performance, we have decided to.
Roxas is awarded the rank of Agent). Sa�x: You'll be teamed with Luxord today. Depart as soon as you are ready. Roxas speaks to the moogle). Moogle: The latest and greatest merchandise is in, kupo. Have a look, kupo.
Roxas travels with Luxord to Wonderland to take out the Pink Concerto. Heartless. They arrive in the Rabbit Hole). Luxord: So, we're here hunting specific game today, hmm?
Roxas: What? Oh, right. Luxord: What's wrong? First time here? Roxas: No, I was here on a mission a little while ago. And I ran into. this white rabbit in a huge hurry to get somewhere. Luxord: A rabbit? Really? Roxas: I lost sight of him before I had a chance to see what the deal.
Luxord: Luck's like that. A window of opportunity can open and close in.
It's whether or not you can jump on the chance when. Let's hope we stand up to the. Roxas: Er, right. Luxord: Let's get started.
They enter the Bizarre Room and drink the shrinking potion. They make. their way to the Lotus Forest). Cheshire Cat: Lose something? Roxas: Huh? Who's there!? The striped cat appears on a high lily pad). Cheshire Cat: Who, indeed? Roxas: Uhh.. a cat?
Cheshire Cat: A cheshire cat, if you please. Or if you don't. (Roxas gets a flash of Sora, Donald, and Goofy speaking to the cat).
Roxas: Did you have a point? Cheshire Cat: Yes, of course. But then, I also had none at all.
Which. would you prefer? Roxas: I.. I'll be asking the questions here! Cheshire Cat: Well then, ask away.. Of course, the answers may be a bit.
The cat vanishes into thin air). Roxas: What was that all about? They search around the forest but come up empty). Roxas: Still no Pink Concertos..
Cheshire Cat: Looking for something? The cat appears upon a large rock). Roxas: You again? Cheshire Cat: Whom did you expect? Whatever it is you're looking for?
If I were you, I'd ask.. Roxas: You know where the Heartless are? Cheshire Cat: Naturally.. But then it would be in my nature to lie. Of course, the question is- -should I lie about in flowers, like the. The cat vanishes). Roxas: What a weird cat..
Luxord: Still, he gave us a nice reveal. Roxas: What do you mean?
Luxord: Come on. Let's go find those Heartless. They defeat four Pink Concertos, when the Cheshire Cat appears again). Cheshire Cat: Bravo! Bravo! It appears you've found what you were looking.
Of course, there's still one more to find. Hmm.. I wonder if you. Roxas: We'd find it easy enough if you told us where to look, but I'm not. Cheshire Cat: Oh, but you must! That would be loads of fun! But then. you'd have to be mad.. Mad enough to hide within a birdcage, perhaps?
Or mad.. like.. me.. He disappears, giggling). Roxas: That was helpful.. They find the fifth Pink Concerto in the birdcage in the Queen's Castle. They defeat it swiftly).
Luxord: Game, set, and match. Roxas: Another mission down. The Cheshire Car appears on the Queen's throne, almost dancing upon. Cheshire Cat: Quite brilliant indeed! Your sight's been set and found. Roxas gets another flash of Sora).
Roxas: How did you know where they'd be? Are you connected to the. Heartless somehow? Cheshire Cat: Yes, am I?
Or aren't I? You'll have to decide. Roxas: That cat is a walking question mark. Luxord: Nobody's going to reveal his hand from the get- go. You have to. outwit your opponent in the give and take to figure them out. And frankly. I don't see you outwitting that cat anytime soon. Roxas: Well, excuse me.
Luxord: Heh. Let's head back, Roxas. They return to the corridor entrance.
Later, Roxas sits on the clock. Axel joins him). Roxas: Axel, about Xion..
Axel: Sa�x told me what happened this morning. Roxas: Why does he hate her so much? Axel: Listen to you. How come you do that? Talk like you're a real person. Roxas: Why? What did I say? I don't know how real people talk.
Axel: I mean, sometimes you sound like you really are heartsick or something. Roxas: When I saw her lying there.. I couldn't stop thinking that she'll. Axel: She will. Roxas: Sa�x called her "broken.". Axel: Hmm.. Well, if it cheers you up, I'm probably a lot more broken.
Roxas: Sa�x knows something about her. Why me and her are special Nobodies. Axel: Well.. If it's gonna keep you up at night, I could ask him for you. Roxas (standing up): Really!? Axel: Yes, really! Sheesh, sit down.
I'll ask, but don't get your hopes up. Straight answers aren't exactly his specialty.
Roxas: He's more likely to tell you than he is me. Roxas: I just hope she wakes up soon.
Later, Axel speaks with Sa�x at Nothing's Call). Axel: .. Hey, that was uncalled for! Sa�x: I warned you to keep out of this. Axel: And I told you I can't. I have to know what Xion's deal is. Why can't. you be straight with me for once?
Sa�x: Just like you're always honest with me? Axel: Okay, you've got me there. Sa�x: Xion has no right to be among our number. Sa�x: What is it you two see in that thing? Just look at it. (Xion sleeps. Two seashells lay by her pillow). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1.
Xion failed her mission and now she's in a deep sleep. I thought they were. I went to see her, and she really was. I left a seashell by her pillow, just like she did for me. Sa�x hates her. I don't know why. Maybe he knows more about her than the.
Those pictures flashed through my mind again on today's mission (the same. I guess he's been to Wonderland.
I'm still trying to. I'm seeing. - -Secret Report: Axel- -. There has to be something to what Sa�x said. Why isn't Xion qualified to be. He said to just look at her, but at what?
The fact that she looks. Namin�? Xion and Namin� must be connected. Whose Nobody is Xion, anyway?
What is Sa�x hiding? Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Axel: Hey, Roxas.
Roxas: Find out anything about Xion? Axel: I talked to Sa�x. Roxas: Really!? What did he say? Axel: His.. his lips were sealed. Sorry, man, I tried. Roxas (sadly): That's okay.
Axel: But he did say he would take back calling her broken- -IF she proves. The best thing you can do for her now. Roxas: I will! Thanks, Axel. That's great news!
Roxas walks away). Axel: Ugh, sorry, Roxas..
Roxas speaks to Luxord). Luxord: Another day, another game, eh?
Axel: Let's take care of business so we can get to the fun stuff. Demyx: Is Xion still doing the Rip Van Winkle thing? Man, what happened?
Sa�x: One of the missions I have for you requires you to visit a new world. Depart as soon as you are ready. Roxas travels to Halloween Town on heart collection. He arrives in the.
Guillotine Gate area. He walks to the Graveyard and sees Jack and Zero).
Jack: That should do it! What do you think, Zero?
I had the Doctor build. They stand before a large unlit lantern). Jack: On Halloween, I'll light these lanterns and make my grand entrance!
They're in for quite a surprise. Oh! I'm almost late! I better hurry to. Be a good boy, Zero.
Jack leaves. Roxas makes his way to Moonlight Hill). Roxas: Wha- -? Who's there!? Roxas gets hit with an exploding pumpkin). The tricksters laugh). Roxas: Ah! It's you kids again! They run to the curly hill). Lock: You can't go past here!
Shock: Road block! He tosses an exploding pumpkin, but Roxas dodges it and it explodes behind. He summons his Keyblade).
Roxas: Rrgh.. Stop getting in my way! Roxas uses force. They sit on the floor tired from the fight). Lock: Okay, okay! We give up! Shock: Take it easy! Roxas: Tell me why you're blocking the way. Barrel: If we didn't, you'd go back there and see the- -er, nothing.
Roxas: The what? What's back there? Lock: N- nothing! Shock: Yeah, a whole lot of it! Barrel: We promise we won't pull any more pranks!
Please let us go, pleeease! Roxas: Pranks? Getting in my way was a prank? Why even bother? Lock: Because it's fun! Roxas: Fun? I don't really see how it's- -. Shock: Well, it is! Barrel: Pranks are the best! They jump to their feet).
Lock: See for yourself! Roxas gets an exploding pumpkin in the face). Barrel: Now's our chance!
Shock: Run awaaay! They run awaaay. Meanwhile, Jack is standing in the Graveyard, thinking).
Jack: Hmmm.. I like the lantern idea well enough, but.. I wish there were. The wall of the graveyard bursts open and the three pranksters come running. Lock: Run away! Shock: Where to? Barrel: Our secret hiding spot! Jack: Those three..
Up to no good again, I'm sure. Wait a minute. Something with oomph.. Explosions? That'll be perfect! Roxas examines the hole in the Moonlight Hill side of the wall). Roxas: I'm too big to fit through. Roxas defeats Heartless with Zero's help and returns to the corridor. Later. he has ice cream with Axel).
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. I've decided to work harder while Xion is asleep to pick up some of the. Axel said he asked Sa�x about her, but no dice. He did say that. Sa�x was having second thoughts about calling her broken, though.
I just hope we get all this drama ironed out soon, so she doesn't have to. Secret Report: Luxord- -. I find myself envying the children. Perhaps some fundamental difference. Nobodies as adults and otherwise. The longer. you have lived, the more you are positioned to lose with such a gamble.
But a child can look forward, unafraid even in the face of immeasurable. I doubt they even see life as a gamble the way we do. Action, Reaction~. Roxas walks into The Grey Area).
Sa�x: Finish your preparations and be on your way. Roxas is sent to a new island world. There is a pirate ship waiting. Roxas: So this is Never Land.. What was that Heartless I'm looking for. A Wavecrest? It's gotta be around here somewhere.
He walks to a further part of the island). Captain Hook: Faster, Smee! Put your back into it! Smee: Aye, aye, Captain Hook! He looks over to see a pirate captain with a large plumed hat and a. In his other hand, he holds a large piece of.
A short stoutly man is digging a hole in front of him). Captain Hook: There's no mistaking it this time!
The treasure's most. Smee: That would be a nice change from the last dozen places, eh, Captain?
And with the luck you had finding all those treasure maps at once, we'll. Captain Hook: Heh heh heh.. Some poor fool must be cursing himself now.
Roxas (thinking): Treasure maps? Captain Hook: Enough blabbering, Mr.
Smee! Get that shovel digging! Smee: Aye, aye, sir!
Smee continues digging until his shovel hits something). Smee: Captain! Captain, I've struck something! Captain Hook: Oh!? Ha ha! Show me what manner of treasure we've found!
Smee puts the shovel down and pulls out a wooden chest, which he opens). Captain Hook: Blast! Another dead end!
Smee: Now, now, don't you worry, Captain. We still got a whole pile of. Captain Hook: Confound it.. If we don't find the right one soon, someone. A strange aura surrounds him). Captain Hook: That gold is mine!
Nobody else can have it! Nobody! Smee: C- Captain, sir? Heartless appear).
Captain Hook: Gah! More Heartless!? Run, Smee! Smee: Yikes! Aye, aye, sir! They both run away towards their ship). Roxas: Good. Now's my chance to take out those Heartless.
He defeats them and walks toward the chest, which is glowing with a dark aura). Roxas: Junk and more junk.. So why'd those Heartless pop up like that?
Was this "treasure" some kind of trap? Or did something else cause them. Something about that guy did some a little.. He looks toward the Jolly Roger). Roxas: Hmm.. Is that their ship? He walks in the direction of the pirate ship. Captain Hook and Smee are.
A small pixie in green hovers near the ratlines). Captain Hook: Set a course, Mr. Smee! Smee: Where to, Captain? Captain Hook: To wherever the next map says the treasure is! I'm not giving. up till I've struck gold! You'll find me that treasure, Smee, even if it.
The pixie acts angrily towards this and flies off toward the island. She. looks back toward the ship, and bumps into Roxas). She flies back up and looks to the ship. Roxas has a flash of Sora, Donald. Goofy meeting this pixie.
She flies around him). Roxas: Umm.. can I help you? The pixie points toward the ship). Roxas: You.. want me to go to that ship?
Roxas: But how? It's too far. I can't just sprout wings and fly there.
The pixie thinks for a moment, and then flies around Roxas, spreading. Roxas: Hey, what is this stuff? It's glowing.. (She points to the ship again. He looks down at the water below). Roxas: Y- you want me to jump!?
Wait.. Are you.. Are you saying I can fly? Roxas: Well.. all right..
I believe you. (He closes his eyes and sees himself as the boy in red. He jumps off the. Sora doing the same. Before hitting the water. Roxas: I- I did it! I can fly! (The pixie flies over to him). Roxas: But.. was it just that stuff you sprinkled on me?
The pixie then flies away toward the ship). Roxas: Um.. good- bye. So, now what? Should I go to the ship? No, I'm. here to take out that Heartless.
I feel bad not helping her, but I can't. The mission comes first. He searches other treasure chests that have been dug up and finds the. Wavecrest hidden on a rock separate from the island. He defeats the flying.
Heartless and returns to the corridor). Roxas: Hmm.. She went to that ship all by herself. I hope she's okay. Maybe I should have gone with her..
Sa�x wouldn't like it if I got mixed. But then again, without her I.
I wonder why she picked me. Roxas: It's like.. It's like she knew I would believe her- -that I could. Funny.. I almost feel like I've done it before. Roxas leaves Never Land and sits on the clock tower.
Axel walks in). Axel: All done with work? Axel sits next to him). Roxas: Axel, you're not gonna believe this. I flew today. Roxas: Yeah, like a bird! Well, sort of. It's hard to explain.. Axel: I can imagine. Roxas: There's just no way to describe it.
I've been waiting all day to. Xion! Roxas: Flying felt so natural- -like I'd done it before. Weird, huh? (Roxas takes a bite of his ice cream). Roxas: I wish Xion would wake up so I could tell her all about it. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. Xion hasn't woken up, but I'm pulling double duty to make up for it.
Me and Axel talk about the dumbest stuff now. Afterwards we head back to. I leave a seashell by Xion's pillow. It would please me. Those pictures flashed through my head again in Never Land. And when I flew. it felt like I'd done it before.
Has the guy in red flown before, is that it? Roxas enters The Grey Area. He travels to Halloween Town with Demyx to. Dual Blade Heartless).
Roxas enters The Grey Area. He travels to Wonderland with Luxord for a. Organization emblems. Afterward, he has. Axel). (A light appears and a heart flows out of Sora's chest and into the. Kairi's, giving off a shine.
The Keyhole and Sora glow as. Sora's eyes start to close. Sora starts to fall back, splitting into. Kairi awakes and runs to grab him. As she does. the light scatters and fades away while she shouts his name. The memory. over, Xion opens her eyes and sits up, stunning Roxas, who has been. Roxas: Whoa! Xion..
Good morning. Xion: Morning.. Roxas: You startled me. Xion: S- sorry.. (She sees something beside her pillow). Xion: You brought me seashells. She holds one up to her ear).
Roxas: Do you hear it? Xion: Yeah, the sound of the waves. How long was I asleep?
Roxas: About twenty days. Xion: That long!? Roxas: Yeah. Me and Axel were getting worried. Xion: I'm sorry. I feel bad. Kind of.. weird that we can feel anything. Without hearts to feel with.
Xion: Hey, don't you have work? Roxas: Huh? Oh, I'm about to head out. Xion: Can I come, too?
Roxas: But.. don't you need more rest? Xion: After sleeping for three weeks? I'll be fine. C'mon, take me with you. Roxas: All right.. Sure. (They both walk into The Grey Area. Sa�x approaches. Xion stares at the. Roxas holds her hand).
Sa�x: Well, well. It lives. There's just no keeping you down. Xion: Sa�x, I want to go with Roxas today on his mission.
Sa�x (shaking his head): You belong in your room. Axel: Oh, hey, Xion! About time you crawled out of bed.
Xion: Morning, Axel. Sa�x: Roxas will team up with Axel today, as scheduled. Xion, I'm afraid. I neglected to pencil you in. Xion: Don't keep me pent up in here. I need the exercise. Axel: I'll look after her.
I promise not to let her out of my sight. Sa�x: Hmm.. Fine.
Go, if that's what suits you. Roxas and Xion nod to Axel). Xion: A three- man team? That's a first. Axel: Let's go, huh? Before Sa�x changes his mind! Roxas talks to Xaldin). Xaldin: Get back to your mission.
Don't dawdle, Roxas. Sa�x: Finish your preparations and be on your way. Roxas, Axel, and Xion travel to Twilight Town to take down a Heat Saber.
Destroyer. They arrive on Side Street). Xion: This should be fun, huh?
Tripling up like this. Roxas: Yeah, I think this is my first three- man mission.
Axel: Just remember it's still a mission. We're not on a field trip, guys. Xion: Yeah, yeah. It sure is nice to be back on my feet.
Axel: Just don't push it, you hear me? We'll pick up the slack. Xion: I hear you.
Thanks. (They head into the Sandlot and find the Heat Saber. They defeat it and. Station Plaza. Xion collapses). A nostalgic wind blows. Kairi is blown toward Sora's outstretched arms. He glows in resonance with the Keyhole in Hollow Bastion. Kairi gives the. Oathkeeper keychain to Sora).
Kairi: It's my lucky charm. Be sure to bring it back to me! Axel holds Xion. The Destroyer appears behind Roxas, who whirls around. Axel. Axel nods). Axel: I've got Xion.
You take out the target! He defeats the Destroyer and runs to Xion). Axel: It's okay. She's not hurt. Roxas: But Axel- -.
Axel: Let's just RTC, all right? They return to the castle. As they walk through Twilight's View, they.
Sa�x). Sa�x: Well, that didn't take long. Did it break again? Roxas: She's not an "it"! Axel walks past Sa�x). Axel (to Sa�x): Keep your mouth shut. Roxas follows him). Sa�x: You have changed..
He turns around and looks up). Sa�x: Something at Castle Oblivion changed you. Does the past mean. They lay Xion down on her bed in her room, the great moon shining. Roxas: Are you worried about her, Axel? Axel: Of course I am. Roxas (smirking): Doesn't seem like you.
Axel: What do you mean? Roxas: You hate complications. Axel (thinking): Roxas.. I meet up with you two every day for ice cream. Why do I do that? Axel: I mean, you think about it, I don't need to go out of my way, right?
Roxas: I guess not. Axel: You wanna know why I do? Because you're my best friends. The three. of us.. Axel: That's right- -get it memorized.
And you know what? Best friends are. Roxas (nodding): Yeah.. Yeah, you said it.
Xion: Heh heh.. Thanks, Axel. You're sweet. (Axel scratches his head).
Roxas: Feeling better? Xion: I just got a little dizzy. Sorry to worry you guys. Axel: Try not to scare us like that anymore, huh? Axel: And you take it easy today.
Xion: I will. Thanks. A girl in white sits in a White Room, drawing a picture of Roxas, Xion. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 1. Xion's awake now. The three of us were gonna go get some ice cream after our. I talked with Axel in her room until she woke up. He said the three of us.
Secret Report: Xion- -. I finally wake up, just to pass out again? Why? Because I'm a failure? I dreamt the whole while I was out. It was something nostalgic, but what?
Why can't I remember? It could be a key memory from my human life. All I can remember is the sound of waves, gentle, in the distance.
Like It Should Be~. Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Xigbar: Good to have Poppet back, eh? Xion: Sorry I worried you.
I'm fine.. really. Axel: I vote we keep our missions short and sweet. Luxord: How will this round play out? Sa�x: Here are your new missions. Depart as soon as you are ready.
Roxas and Luxord travel to Wonderland and see the White Rabbit again in. Rabbit Hole). White Rabbit: I'm late! I'm late! I simply must get back. Oh dear! My report. He runs through the hallway). White Rabbit: Even if she's curious, she's sure to be most furious! For I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!
Roxas: It's that rabbit. Luxord: The one you mentioned the last time we were here?
Roxas: Yeah.. What's got him so tense? I'm a little curious. Luxord: Well, curiosity is essential to carving your own path through life. Get too curious, though, and it'll be a short walk.
No one can say whether. Roxas: Isn't that a little dramatic?
Following him won't change anything. We're still here to hunt Heartless.
Luxord: Heh heh. Well, if you're that certain.. Let's go after our harried. Roxas: You're okay with it, then?
Luxord: Following him won't change anything. You said so yourself. They enter the Bizarre Room). White Rabbit: Oh dear, I'm here..
I should be there! I'm late, I'm late. He scurries across the floor and enters the Hedge Maze Entrance. Roxas. and Luxord drink the shrinking potion and follow him. They enter the. Hedge Maze, where two Card Soldiers are guarding the entrances to various.
Playing Card: This garden belongs to the Queen. And it's private. No. trespassing. Thank you.
They enter the Queen's Castle after the Rabbit. The Queen is seated upon. Card Soldiers standing at attention. The White. Rabbit skids to a stop and addresses her). White Rabbit: R- reporting in, Your Majesty! So far, our search has failed. The only place. left to look is in the royal Rose Garden.
Queen of Hearts: Nrrrgh.. She pounds her heart shaped gavel on the court bench). Queen of Hearts: Then go! I want those suspicious scoundrels brought here. Sentences must be served!
The Card Soldiers about face and walk through the Hedge Maze into the. Luxord: Looks like there's been trouble here. Roxas: Yeah, bad time to drop in.. Who's this suspicious trio they're. Are we not the only outsiders here? Luxord: Ahh.. Perhaps we were right to choose your busy bunny friend. Roxas: Why's that?
Luxord: Time to get to work, Roxas. Let's uncover this tricky tierce. The Heartless we're after must be in the one place they haven't looked yet. They return to the Hedge Maze Entrance and notice that the White Rose Hedge. Maze is now able to be entered. They search the Maze). Roxas: So, this is the Queen's Rose Garden..
It's like a maze. Luxord: Our marks are in here somewhere. Roxas: A suspicious trio..
You really think she meant our Heartless? Luxord: I'm betting on it. Now, let's get looking. Roxas nods. They walk on ahead but are caught by a Card Soldier).
Playing Card: There's a search on here for some suspicious suspects, and. Run along now, please. Several Card Soldiers are posted around the maze as guards).
Roxas: We can't get through. Luxord: Can't we? Roxas: But there's a guard. The guard yawns). Luxord: There are odds for everything.. The trick is in the timing.
Hit. the window just right, and a long shot will pay off big. Roxas: Ohhh! So you mean if we wait till he's not looking, we can. They continue through the maze sneaking past Card Soldiers and defeat. Commander Heartless).
Luxord: Let's head back, Roxas. Roxas: Yeah.. But wait.
If we just took out the trio those card soldiers. Roxas has a flash of Sora). Queen of Hearts: You STILL haven't found them!?
Someone's head will. Luxord: All the searching in the world won't help them now. Roxas: So it was the Heartless, then. Luxord: I think our luck beat theirs today.
In the end, your curiosity. Roxas: They key to carving a path through life, huh?
Luxord: And all the way to the grave. Roxas: Cheery thought.. Luxord opens a corridor of darkness). Luxord: Now, for one last shortcut. They enter the corridor. Meanwhile, Axel searches through books in the.
He opens one and reads: "The Truth About Namin� - Vexen". Xion sits on the clock tower eating ice cream.
Roxas arrives). Roxas: You're here early. Xion: My mission wasn't that hard. He sits next to her and looks at the sunset). Roxas: So, how ya feeling? Xion: I think I'll be okay now. Roxas: That's good. They take a few bites of their ice cream).
Roxas: Hey, where's Axel? Xion: I haven't seen him. The clock tower bells ring). Xion: It's getting late.. I don't think he's coming. Roxas: You wanna wait a little longer?
Xion: Okay. You and him are always there for me. Roxas: Aw, I don't do anything special. Axel's the one who sticks up for us.
Xion: Well, I'm just glad the two of you are in the Organization with me. They eat some more).
Roxas: Hope Axel turns up. Roxas enters The Grey Area. He travels with Axel to Never Land. They arrive. at the Rocky Expanse).
Roxas: Feels like it's been forever. Axel: Since what? Roxas: Since we got to talk like this. Axel: Has it been that long?
Time sure flies. Speaking of which.. Isn't. this the place? Roxas: Oh, yeah, this is it! Here, just watch! Roxas closes his eyes and tries to lift off from the ground).
Axel: Uhh, what are you doing, Roxas? Roxas: Huh.. That's so weird. I could fly before. I guess I must need that. Captain Hook: Blast it all! Not again!? (Roxas has a flash of Sora, turning to look.
A Heartless appears before. Captain Hook and Smee). Roxas: I know that voice.. Captain Hook: You dig and dig, and all I guess it more Heartless. They're. taking up too much of me time! We need to find that treasure before someone.
He glows with a strange aura). Captain Hook: Why it.. He turns and leaves).
Smee: Captain!? Where are you going, Captain? Captain Hook: Back to the ship! I'll blast these scurvy meddlers into.
Then maybe I can get back to having you dig in peace. Smee: If you say so, Captain!
The Heartless comes closer and they run back to the ship). Axel: What's their story? Roxas: Not sure, but they mentioned something about treasure maps last time. Axel: So what, they're digging for buried gold? From the looks of it, all. Roxas: Yeah. For some reason, Heartless spring up wherever they dig.
Axel: You mean Heartless are hiding in the ground? Roxas: I'm not so sure that's it. Axel: You got a better explanation?
Roxas: Look, I'm just saying. All I saw in the hole they dug was a wooden.
Axel: And the Heartless were in the chest? Roxas: I dunno. I think maybe something else is causing them to show up. Roxas: Didn't something seem kind of off to you about the guy in red? Axel: Off? Off how? Axel: Well.. right now we're just guessing.
Let's start by checking the. Who knows, maybe we'll find out targets down there.
Roxas: Yeah. Stranger things have happened. They find a hole with a chest and the pixie flies over). Roxas: Oh! Um.. hello.. The pixie acts angrily toward Roxas). Roxas: Wh- what? Are you mad at me? Roxas: Oh, because I didn't follow you to the ship before..
Axel: Hey, Roxas.. Who have we got here?
The pixie quickly hides behind Roxas and peeks out at Axel over his shoulder). Roxas: I'm not sure, but we met the last time I was here.
I don't think she. She's the one who helped me fly. Axel: Yeah, I already saw your demonstration. Roxas: It's true!
Roxas looks toward the pixie). Roxas: Here, help me show him. Could you give us some more of that. She thinks for a bit and then sprinkles them with pixie dust. Roxas lifts. off from the ground). Roxas: See? I told you!
Axel: How are you doing that? Roxas: I can't really describe it. Once she sprinkles you, just think. I can fly," and boom! Axel: "I can fly," and boom, huh?
Roxas: Look, just give it a try. Axel: All right..
Axel closes his eyes and tried to lift off from the ground. Nothing happens. He tries again. Not a thing). Axel: I'm not feeling it, Roxas. Roxas: C'mon, try again. Believe me on this, Axel! Axel: Okay.. I believe you.
He closes his eyes and lift into the air). Axel (surprised): I can fly.. I can fly!? Roxas (smiling): You can fly.
The pixie flies up to them). Roxas: I think she still wants me to go check out that ship.
Axel: Doesn't it belong to those guys from before? What, are they your friends?
She pushes her hands down in disgust). Roxas: Apparently not.
Then why is it so important we- -. A cannonball flies right at them.
They quickly dodge out of the way). Roxas: Yeeeagh!? What was that? Captain Hook: Fire!
Fire at will! Blow those Heartless right to. Davy Jones's Locker! Smee: Aye, aye, sir! Smee continues shooting cannonballs out of the ship's cannons). Roxas: They're attacking us? Axel: No.. I think they've just mistaken us for Heartless. Roxas: Great.. (The pixie flies toward the ship).
Roxas: H- hey.. wait up! Roxas starts to fly after her). Axel: Roxas! Are you nuts?
Get back here. Roxas: But she- -. Axel: We don't know what she's after. The mission comes first. Let's find. those Artful Flyers.
Roxas: Oh, all right. Axel: Keep your eyes open. I don't want to have to scrape you off a cannonball.
They fly around the Rocky Expanse and search various dug up holes for. Artful Flyer Heartless). Axel: Mission accomplished.
And what a strange mission it was. He looks around at the cannonballs flying through the air).
Axel: Heh, you have to at least give them points for trying. Roxas: I wonder if she's okay.. Axel: Hmm? Oh, your tiny friend?
Roxas: Yeah. Maybe we should have gone with her. Axel: I don't think we had much choice. We're not getting anywhere near.
Roxas looks to the ground). Axel: Cheer up. She looked pretty determined. She'll be fine. Roxas: Yeah.. I guess so. Axel: C'mon, let's RTC. They enter the corridor. Pete walks over to an empty treasure chest).
Pete: Heh heh heh.. Those blockheads are actually diggin'! My plan's goin'. perfectly!
Muh? That's weird.. Where'd the Heartless go!? Axel and Roxas have ice cream). Roxas: You think that sparkly dust would work in other worlds? Axel: I dunno about that.. Xion: Wow, you two sure flew through your mission.
Xion walks in). Roxas: Heh, if you only knew. Xion: Sorry I'm late. I had my hands full today.
She sits next to Roxas. Later, she has her own ice cream bar). Roxas: So I was about to tell you, today me and Axel actually flew! Xion: You flew? Roxas: Yeah. There's this sparkly dust that makes it possible. Xion: I was wondering why you two looked so happy.
Lucky.. Roxas: What's wrong? Did something happen again? Xion: Nah, it's nothing.. Roxas looks to Axel, then looks away). Roxas travels to Twilight Town on a special mission to gather synthesis. Roxas travels to Never Land to defeat an Avalanche Heartless. Afterward. he has ice cream alone).
Di. Z meets Namin� in the Pod Room). Di. Z: You seem to be struggling. Namin�: A Nobody is interfering, I think. Namin�: I keep trying to piece his memory back together, but what if some.
There would be no way for me to finish. If that. happened- -and they found their way into someone else- -he'd never get them back. Di. Z: Oh, I think he can do without a memory or two. Namin�: But what.. What if they're the key?
Di. Z: Namin�.. You are a witch who has power over Sora's memories and. Are you seeing something I cannot? Namin�: If his memories become her memories.. Xion sits alone in her bedroom, curled up on the bed. Later, Roxas walks.
The Grey Area). Axel: Hey, Roxas. I hear it's you and Demyx today. Gooooood luck with that..
Demyx: Hey, even us Nobodies need our rest, right? Exhaustion kills! Sa�x: I'm sending you with Demyx today. Try to inspire in him a little of. Roxas and Demyx arrive in the Coliseum Gates of Olympus Coliseum).
Demyx: Heartless duty again today? I keep telling them I'm not cut out for.
Roxas: This time we're after a specific target. Sa�x said it was strong. Demyx: Yeesh.. Is it too late to go home? It's because I'm partnered up. I keep getting saddled with these combat missions!
Roxas: Wanna split up the search like last time? Demyx: Are you crazy!? And risk actually finding that thing? I'm not. fighting it alone! Roxas: Then let's move out. Demyx groans. Roxas and Demyx defeat Heartless outside). Demyx: I'm gonna stay out here and, uh..
Nobody's. exiting on my watch. Except maybe me..). Roxas says nothing and enters the Lobby). Phil: I've been waitin' for ya, kid! Today's the big day, huh?
Roxas: Big day? Phil: Don't worry. I already got you signed up for the Games. Now you just. gotta go in there and put all that training to use! Roxas: But- - All right.. They're holding the Games today? Then the only. way I can search the Coliseum is by entering).
Phil: Snap out of it, kid! I need you sharp out there. Just tell me when.
Roxas readies himself and speaks to Phil). Phil: Okay, head into the Coliseum. Just remember my sure- fire way to win- -.
Never. Ever. Lose! Phil enters the Coliseum.
Roxas has a flash of Sora, Donald, and Goofy). Demyx: You entering some kind of contest, Roxas? Roxas turns around to see Demyx). Roxas: Sort of. These Games are the only way to get inside the Coliseum.
Demyx: Ahh, I follow you. Roxas: I wish you would.
Roxas battles through round after round, getting flashes of Sora in his. Phil: You're doin' great, kid! Win the next match, and the title's yours!
Phil: I don't know much about the guy you're up against in the finals, but.. I'd say he's been through a few fights. Stay sharp! Phil: You've come this far! Don't let anybody else walk outta here with your.
Remember- -I'm expectin' stuff from you, kid! Roxas: Expecting.. You mean you order me to win? Phil: Order you? What are you talkin' about? It means I have faith you can win. Roxas: Faith.. Phil: Right.
Now get out there and knock some heads! They look toward the arena. Roxas walks in with his head down. The first. thing he spots is a pair of black boots beneath an equally black- -). Hey there, kiddo.
Xigbar: Looks like you're doing pretty well here. Roxas: Xigbar!? What are you- - Don't try and tell me you're a trainee, too?
Xigbar: As if! I just dropped in to see how our little wannabe hero is doing. I care about your future, Roxas. Roxas: Just dropped in? You could have told me you were entering!
Xigbar: Try to make it look real, Roxas! He summons his arrowguns. He fights a bit with Xigbar, who mostly dodges. He adjusts his neck and faces Roxas. A gigantic suit of armor drops from the sky, and Roxas has a flash of. The arms click. in place, followed by the legs, and the armor crashes to the ground.
The. spiked head falls out of the sky onto the top of the torso, and the Guard. Armor faces Roxas and Xigbar). Roxas: Hey.. Is that the- -. Xigbar: Well, well..
Looks like our target's here. Phil: Uh- oh.. Looks like the finals just got postponed!
Hey! Forget about. Just find someplace safe while I go get Herc! Phil runs out of the arena). Xigbar: Well, Roxas? Ready to show me all you've learned? Xigbar takes a place in the stands. Roxas is unable the shake the feeling.
Heartless gives him. He pictures the boy in red fighting. After a long battle, he defeats it and Xigbar walks up). Roxas: Mission complete. Xigbar: Not bad! Our little Roxas is growing up so fast.
Roxas: Are you making fun of me? Xigbar As if! That was a compliment. He opens a corridor of darkness). Xigbar: I'll see you back home. He walks into it). Demyx: Nice work out there, man!
Roxas: Demyx! You were here? Why didn't you come and help? Demyx: I was, uh.. Couldn't you hear me? Gimme an "R"! Gimme an- -.
Roxas: Are you blind!? That wasn't part of the Games! Demyx: Right!? And what a shocker to find out Xigbar was the other finalist!
Demyx: What's up with that.. I can't imagine he was here on a mission. You never can tell what that guy is thinking.. Roxas: Maybe he just wanted an excuse to fight me.. To test me. Demyx: No way, man! I wouldn't read into it too deep.
Besides, the mission's. All's well that ends well, man! Roxas: I.. guess so, but.. Demyx: Anyway, I'm beat! Let's call it a day.
He opens a corridor and they walk into it. Phil runs back in). Phil: Hurry, Herc! Ya gotta take out the Heartless that crashed the.
Huh? (Hercules walks in). Hercules: Uh.. what Heartless, Phil? Phil: Where'd it go? And where's Roxas? Hercules: Roxas? Who's that? Phil: The new trainee you scouted! I been talkin' about him for days now.
Good learner, shows a lot of promise? Ring any bells? Hercules: Yeah, I remember what you said, but the guy I scouted wasn't. Hercules: And he said it would take him a while to get here.
He's probably. still on his way. Phil (totally stunned): What? But.. then.. Who was..
Who have I. been training!? Later, Xion has ice cream on the clock tower). Roxas: Hey, Xion. Get here early? Xion: Yeah. I breezed right through my mission. He sits next to her).
Xion: So, how'd your day go? Roxas: Ugh, you'll never believe what Xigbar did.. Axel: Hey hey. Oh, Xion, what are you doing here? Axel walks in). Xion: What, do you want me to leave? Sheesh. Axel: C'mon, that's not what I meant.
He sits next to Roxas). Xion: Hey, Axel? Xion: You've been to Castle Oblivion, right? Xion: What's it like? Axel: The Organization uses it as a research facility. Roxas: Seems like people are getting sent there all the time. Especially you. Xion: But they never send me or Roxas. Axel: Well.. they probably just don't need you there, that's all.
Roxas takes a bite of his ice cream). Xion: Maybe... (She stands up). Xion: I gotta go. Xion has a flash and suddenly feels dizzy. She falls forward off the clock.
Roxas catches her in time and pulls her back up). Roxas: Are you feeling all right?
Maybe you need to rest. Xion: No, it's nothing like that. No one knows what to say. They're silent for a few moments). Axel: I've got it!
Roxas: Huh? Got what? Axel: Let's go to the beach next time we get a day off. Xion: The beach? Where did that come from? Axel: What, don't you want to go somewhere different for a change? Roxas: So.. it would just be the three of us? Axel: Yeah, exactly. Xion: .. I'll join you..
I can. Roxas: Of course you can, Xion. Axel: You'll have a blast, trust me. Xion: Well.. all right, sure. Let's do it. - -Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. I think something's wrong with Xion. Is she not feeling well again?
Axel said we should all go to the beach next time we get a vacation. I think. he senses something is wrong, too. That's why he suggested the beach- -. Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Demyx: Who's ready for a vacation? I'm ready for a vacation.
Axel: Sa�x only gives days off when he's in a good mood. Which is never. Sa�x: Roxas, in light of your excellent performance, we have decided to award.
Roxas is awarded the rank of Expert). Sa�x: The Heartless grow ever more powerful.
I have more work for you. Depart. as soon as you are ready. Roxas travels to Halloween Town. He arrives at Guillotine Gate). Roxas: I should make this quick and get back home. He is hit with an exploding pumpkin). The pranksters laugh).
Lock: Ahhh ha ha ha ha! Got you again! Shock (running): Run away! Barrel (running): Where to? Lock (running): Our secret hiding spot! Roxas: Rrgh.. Those kids are getting to be a real pain. And what's this about.
What are they hiding? He walks into Halloween Town Square and sees Jack with Dr. Finkelstein). Dr.
Finkelstein: Ahh, Jack. I've completed the items you asked me for. Right. (The Doctor wheels himself over to an odd blue pumpkin. Jack follows). Jack: Thank you, Doctor! This Halloween will truly be one to remember!
Dr. Finkelstein: No doubt.. You really are in fine form this year. Jack: I've been drawing a lot of inspiration from the world around me! The Doctor nods). Dr. Finkelstein: Very good. Keeping a keen eye trained on your surroundings. Now, as you've been exploring, have you seen.
Oogie's three rugrats? I hear they're up to something on the outskirts of. Any idea what it is this time? Jack: Not a clue.. Dr. Finkelstein: Sally said she spotted them the other day.. Bah, she must. have imagined it. She's always been a worrywart.
Roxas makes his way to the second Boneyard and defeats the Carrier. Roxas: That takes care of that mission. Time to RTC. (Meanwhile, Lock, Shock, and Barrel cower before a strange black creature. Roxas returns to the corridor and feels a presence behind him. The earth is. upturned in a line heading for him and a long spiny creature shoots out of. It attacks Roxas with its thorns, but Roxas defeats it in a puff of smoke).
Roxas: What was that!? Hmm, I'd better tell Sa�x about this. He leaves Halloween Town and meets Xion on the clock tower. He sits down. but she hesitates). Roxas: Aren't you gonna have some ice cream?
She says nothing). Xion: Oh, sorry. I guess I'm just tired. Roxas: You wanna sit down? Xion: No, I'm gonna go.
See you later. (He takes a bite of his ice cream. Axel walks in). Axel: What, all by your lonesome? Roxas: Hey, Axel. Axel sits next to him and pulls out his own ice cream bar, taking a bite). Axel: Where's Xion?
Roxas: She left. Roxas: She's been acting kind of weird lately, don't ya think? Axel says nothing). Roxas: Maybe she's not feeling well.
Axel: She'll be okay. Don't stress it. Roxas: If you say so. Hope we get some more vacation soon. We could all use.
Meanwhile, Xion is in a computer room typing at a keyboard. Data is. progressing on the screens in front of her). Xion: No, no.. (She continues typing). Xion: Where is it?
She pulls up a large data screen with the symbol of the Nobodies on it). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2.
Okay, now I'm really worried about Xion. I told Axel, but all he said was. He knows something is wrong. I bet he's just telling me that to put my mind.
Well, it's not working. Secret Report: Xion- -.
My body feels heavy, and my head aches. I'm too busy dreaming to get any. Axel knows something. He's hiding some secret. It must be. in Castle Oblivion.
That's where I was born. Roxas travels to Wonderland with Xion to destroy Shadow Globs). Roxas travels to Never Land with Axel to defeat an Emerald Serenade). The Longest Day~. Xemnas, Sa�x, and Xigbar sit Where Nothing Gathers). Sa�x: I sent Axel to Castle Oblivion last night on short notice, to help.
I also instructed him to clear out our. He should RTC soon.
Xemnas: And Namin�? Sa�x: Still missing, sir. Xigbar: Missing indeed. Ha ha! Wherever could she be? Sa�x: Why, Xigbar.. It almost sounds as though you know.
Xemnas: What else? Sa�x: Somebody accessed our main computer without authorization. Xigbar: "Somebody"?
Are we all gonna pretend we don't know who? Little Poppet. is turning into a problem- -and I think you catch my meaning. Sa�x: Nonsense. I see no problem whatsoever. Xigbar: Ha ha! Well no, apparently you don't! Sa�x: Something you find amusing? Xigbar: If people see with their hearts, Sa�x, then you're even blinder than. Xemnas: Our plans remain unchanged.
Axel, Roxas, and Xion will play the roles. Kingdom Hearts has chosen for them. Sa�x: But sir, Xion..
If we don't take steps- -. Xemnas: Take steps? How can you not see how perfect this is? Xion is marching.
The only steps we need take are two: watch.. Meanwhile, Xion enters Castle Oblivion. She has a flash). Xion: Nngh.. my head.. A memory comes to her.
She is standing in a white hall of Castle Oblivion. Sa�x: This is the last you'll ever see of these walls, Xion. The memory ends and she falls to her knees, clutching her head. A corridor. opens and Axel steps out). Xion: Axel.. What are you..
Axel: Orders. Nothing to do with you. I'm not sure what you thought you'd. Xion: Don't lie to me!
I know this is where I come from! The answers are. Axel: Weren't you given some other mission? She says nothing). Axel: You can't just throw orders to the wind, Xion. Xion: Or else what?
They'll turn me into a Dusk? Axel: Not even a Dusk. They'll skip right past that and destroy you outright. Xion: Because I'm useless?
Axel: No, I didn't say that. She stands up). Axel: Turn around and go home, Xion. Xion: Axel, I'm remembering things.. About who I was. Axel: Well, stop remembering.
Nothing good will come of it. Xion: I have dreams every night.
You're in them, Axel! Axel: Then they sure ain't memories. How could I be part of your past? Use. your head, Xion. Xion: You can't fool me. We've met before, Axel, right here in this castle!
Axel: Have not. Go home, Xion. Don't keep Roxas waiting.
Xion: Please, Axel, just.. I need to know who I am. She runs through the hall to a golden door). Axel: Hey- -stop! Xion, stay out of there! The doors open and she enters them. Later, Roxas enters The Grey Area and.
Luxord). Luxord: It's game time. We can leave as soon as you're ready. Sa�x: You'll be teamed with Luxord today. Roxas and Luxord travel to Wonderland). Luxord: Yet another mission here. Roxas: Let's hope things go as smoothly this time around.
Luxord: Heh. Don't tempt fate. You'll send Lady Luck running with talk like. Time to ante up and play. They enter the Queen's Castle and see the Queen of Hearts on her throne. Card Soldiers. Roxas gets a flash of Sora, Donald, and Goofy. Queen of Hearts: STILL nothing!? If I lost my temper..
Understand!? Roxas: Are they still searching for the Heartless we took out last time? Cheshire Cat: You might say they'll look for absolutely nothing until they. The cat appears on a nearby hedge).
Cheshire Cat: And if they don't find it here, perhaps they'll find it there.. Unless, of course, they decide to look for the new shadow. But that seems unlikely to me, does it to you? Roxas: Wait.. The next maze? There's more than one? Cheshire Cat: Oh, didn't you know?
Here, a maze is a maze of mazes. Isn't. (He disappears). Roxas: He's gone.. Cheshire Cat: Not quite. I've one more quick quip. If four switches you. Luxord: A "new shadow," is it?
Hmm.. Let's check the maze for those. Roxas. (They enter the Hedge Maze Entrance and notice that the door to the Red. Rose Hedge Maze has been opened. They enter it and see Card Soldiers. They run up to a switch on the ground and.
A wall lamp in the Bizarre Room turns on). Roxas: That leaves three.. They find another switch in a separate part of the maze. Another light in. Bizarre Room turn on after pressing it). Roxas: Two to go.
They sneak by several guards and find a third switch. When pressed, the. Bizarre Room flickers on).
Roxas: Just one more. Playing Card: Oh no! I forgot the assembly! They see the Card Soldiers filing out of the maze). Playing Card (marching): Hurry up! Don't be late! Playing Card: Ack!
If I'm late again, the Queen is sure to say, "Off with. Roxas: What was that all about? Luxord: My guess is they're headed to see that queen of theirs. Heh heh, it. seems the house here is a stickler for rules. They find the last switch and press it. The third wall lamp turns on).
Roxas: That should be all of them. Cheshire Cat: How wonderful! How simply wonderful! Roxas gets a flash of Sora). Cheshire Cat: Now the lights are lit, the shadow's permit to come out and.
Hooray!" I say. (Roxas looks around). Roxas: I don't see any shadow.
Cheshire Cat: Well, the lights aren't lit here. They're lit over there. Roxas: Over where!? Never mind, I know you won't tell us.
Cheshire Cat: Oh, but today's the day I might. Today's the day to say. He vanishes. They walk to the Bizarre Room, where a Novashadow appears. They defeat it swiftly). Luxord: Let's head back, Roxas.
Roxas nods and they leave Wonderland. Later, Roxas sits alone on the. Axel: You're early. Roxas looks up to see Axel standing at the corner entrance). Roxas: No, you're just late.
Axel sits down next to Roxas and smiles. Some moments pass and they have. Roxas: Today makes 2. Axel: What's that about? Roxas: It's been that many days since I first joined the Organization.
Man, time flies. Axel: So, you got the number memorized, do ya? Roxas: Yeah. Have to hang onto something, right? It's not like I have. Organization. Don't you remember?
I acted like. (Axel puts his hand on Roxas's shoulder). Axel: Right, that first week you could barely form a sentence. But come on. you're still kind of a zombie. Axel gives him a playful pat on the back). Roxas: Oh, thanks! Axel: Hey, Roxas. Bet you don't know why the sun sets red.
You see, light is. And out of all those colors, red is the one that. Roxas elbows him). Roxas: Like I asked! Know- it- all. (They laugh again.
More time passes and Roxas finishes his ice cream. Axel. rests on his back). Roxas: Seriously, where is she?
He looks to the corner entrance, which is empty. Axel's face turns serious. Axel: Roxas.. I'm not sure she's gonna show today. Roxas (worried): Did she collapse again? He looks away from him, thinking). Axel: .. What, didn't you hear?
She got sent on a really important mission. Pretty cool, huh? Roxas: Oh.. So when's she coming back? Axel: Well, I guess that depends on how well she does her job, right? Roxas: Heh, fair enough. Xion looks into an orb in a room of Castle Oblivion). Xion: No.. Then..
I'm not.. The person I was before.. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. I had ice cream with Axel after work today, but Xion didn't show. Axel said she got sent on an important mission, but he wouldn't look at me. I've been wondering what's wrong with Xion all this time.
I stop and think about it, Axel's not himself either. The Organization are seated in the Round Room). Xemnas: Xion is gone. They all turn their focus on Xemnas). Demyx: What!? Whoa whoa, time out.. You mean she, like, flew the coop? Xaldin: Hah, preposterous.
What would drive her to choose her own demise? Xemnas: On the contrary. No one is to go looking for Xion without my express. Roxas: What? Why not!? Sa�x: Your "friend" will be left alone. Or would you rather we find some. Roxas: I'd rather you get her back!
Sa�x: And why would we do that? Xemnas: All will be revealed when the time comes. Axel: Hmm.. Which means, if the time doesn't come, things can stay as.
Sa�x: Lord Xemnas has spoken. Obey, or face your end. Roxas looks disheartened. Later, he enters The Grey Area). Demyx: Where could she have gone? Luxord: Only a fool bends to the cards.
We shape our fates through action. Sometimes fun and games can make a serious difference in life.
Xigbar: Get your behind out on those missions. Sa�x: Here are your new missions.
Stay focused. (Roxas travels to Halloween Town to investigate a sudden drop in Heartless). Roxas: Huh? Where'd all those weird balloons go? He walks into the Town Square). Roxas: No balloons here either. Or Heartless.. There's gotta be some. A Creepworm Heartless appears). Roxas: A Heartless!
A black thorny creature shoots from the ground). Roxas: Whoa! That's.. The strange claw grabs the Creepworm and devours it). Roxas: What!? It.. Heartless? (Several other claws extend from the ground.
Roxas defeats them). Roxas: What ARE those things? What kind of creature feeds on Heartless? I guess that explains the drop in Heartless population..
Maybe I should. see what's happening outside of town. He enters Moonlight Hill and sees Lock, Shock, and Barrel running down. Lock: Run awaaay! Shock: I told you not to pick that thing up!
Barrel: How was I supposed to know it would growl? Roxas: What are they running from? Roxas runs to look, but is stopped by several more claws appearing). Roxas: Well.. One thing at a time. He defeats the claws and looks over at the ladder).
Roxas: Time to find out what's back there. He climbs the ladder and enters the Manor Ruins past the Suspension Bridge). He sees an enormous Heartless springing out of the ground.
After a grueling. Leechgrave's flower burst and the coffin dissipated, leaving a. Roxas: Mission accomplished. Time to RTC. (Jack watches him leave). Jack: A black coat..
Dark, creepy tentacles.. Yes, yes, yes! I've got it! Roxas returns to the Town Square to see Jack and Dr. Finkelstein in. Jack: There, it's perfect! Wouldn't you say, Doctor? Dr. Finkelstein: Hmm, yes, it is quite something..
Jack: A harbinger of terror and torment! Jack shows off a scarecrow made out of a broomstick and black cloth with. Jack: Stealthy and clever, it appears out of nowhere with spooky, black. Under its cloak, it conceals a countless. A fiend like this is guaranteed to plunge everyone into the. Dr. Finkelstein: Fascinating. And you plan to make this the centerpiece of.
Halloween? Jack: Yes! The idea occurred to me just moments ago. Dr. Finkelstein: Well, you have my full support. Quite a novel idea you've. Jack. Jack: I'm glad you like it. I can't wait to get busy building more of them! Jack and the Doctor leave.
Roxas walks over to it). Roxas: Wait a second.. Is this thing supposed to be.. I'm really. (Roxas walks to the corridor in Guillotine Gate).
Lock: Trick or treat! Lock throws an exploding pumpkin at Roxas). Lock: Ah ha ha ha! We got you! (They run away). Roxas: Again!? Ugh.. They haven't changed a bit. He enters the corridor and has ice cream on the clock tower).
Roxas: Axel could've shown up at least. Axel stands at the entrance in silence, his arms crossed and head down).
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. Xion has gone missing, but nobody said anything about her being hurt, so.
I guess. Did she run off? That doesn't make any sense. Xemnas told us not to go after. The way Sa�x explained it, it's almost like they don't think she's worth. What is going on?
Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Demyx: Can't say I blame the girl for wanting to bail on these missions, but.. I'm not about to go get myself turned into a Dusk over it. Sa�x: Much remains to be done. Stay focused. (Roxas travels to Wonderland with Xigbar to defeat an Emerald Serenade. Afterward, he goes to the clock tower but sees it's empty again).
Roxas: Xion.. Axel.. Where are you? (He sits alone and waits). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. I want to talk to Axel about Xion, but I can't seem to get ten seconds with. What am I supposed to do?
I can't believe he's avoiding me. We're supposed. - -Secret Report: Luxord- -.
The air is charged. I can feel it. You go out on a big gamble at a time like. That said, it's betting against the worst. I'm eager to see how this hand plays out. Roxas travels to Agrabah on heart collection). Roxas stands on the beach at Destiny Islands.
He remembers Sora and Kairi. He looks around and sees a cloaked figure on the bridge to the smaller. He gasps and runs to it. The figure walks to the small island and. They stand silent for a moment before the cloaked figure turns to face him. It takes off its hood and Roxas is taken aback. Something snaps in his mind.
Zexion is revealed). Zexion (lifting an arm): Surely you must've known that this was going. Roxas stands stunned). Riku (lowering his arm): Why would I know? Riku walks in from the bridge. Roxas switches his gaze through the two. Zexion: Because, in your memory, you've been to a number of worlds before.
Zexion and Riku start to walk around Roxas). Zexion/Riku (their voices becoming one): And of course, in those worlds.
The world starts to flash and fade. Roxas clutches his mind). Zexion/Riku: That's all that's left in your heart, the darkest of memories.
Roxas falls to his knees in agony). Zexion/Riku: Your memories of home are gone- -every one.
He thrusts out a hand to catch his fall and the flashes get more intense). Zexion/Riku: That's a lie! I remember everyone from the islands! Xion continues to clutch her head in pain). Zexion/Riku: They're my.. She falls to her side).
Zexion/Riku: And who threw away those friends? Maybe it's your own actions.
Riku continues to squirm in pain). Zexion/Riku: It was you who destroyed your home! Sora's eyes are wide in agony, his head throbbing. Later, Xion is held in. Xion: Who am I? What am I.. The silver haired man brushes her hair aside and recalls a conversation.
Namin�. They sit in a White Room, at opposite ends of the table). Namin�: I wasn't sure I'd see you again. Riku: You made me a promise.
Namin�: To look after Sora. I remember. I'm sorry.. I'm not sure I've. Riku: What happened?
Namin�: Some of Sora's memories are missing. Riku: How can that be? Namin�: They're escaping through Sora's Nobody into a third person- -. Riku: You can't get the memories back out. Namin�: If they're still separate.. I think so. (She looks at the sketchbook on the table of the picture of Axel, Roxas.
Namin�: But if they join with her memories, things get a lot more complicated. I would need to untangle her memory before I could finish Sora's.. What was. supposed to take months might take years. Di. Z would be furious. Riku: So what's the solution?
Namin�: If I try to just jump in and rearrange her memory.. I risk Sora. waking up to find out that nobody remembers him anymore. I can't do that to. It's too late either way. His awakening will have to be delayed. I never. imagined Sora's Nobody and the other one would fight so hard to be their own. Unfortunately, the only real solution..
Namin�: Did you know her face was blank at first? Only now can you see. That proves some of Sora's memories are inside her. Some inside. her, some inside Sora.. Sora's Nobody.. I can't sort it out.
All I can do is pick up the pieces once what has to be done, is done. Riku: All right, then.
The blindfolded Riku looks up to see someone running into a dark corridor. He looks back at her. She has a dream of her, Roxas, and Axel watching the. Destiny Islands). Xion: Is it that I'm not supposed to exist? Roxas and Axel look over at her).
Axel: Well, what do you want to do, Xion? Xion: I want.. I want to be with you two.
She folds her hands in her lap and Roxas places his hand on hers). Roxas: Then come back with us.
Xion: I can't.. Not the way I am now. But.. what would it take for me to be. Meanwhile, Axel sits on the clock tower, when Roxas walks in). Roxas: Wow, you're actually up here. Axel: Been that long, huh? Roxas (sitting next to him): I got to go to the beach today for my mission.
There was this girl there who looked kind of like Xion.. I couldn't get. close enough to tell for sure. I probably imagined it. To be honest, I'm not. I feel like I just woke up from a. This is gonna sound crazy, but you know how we promised. Well, I think I only saw her there.
I wanted her to be there. Axel stands up). Axel: You wanna go look for her? Roxas: Huh? But Xemnas's orders..
Axel: Orders, shmorders. Starting tomorrow, let's use our spare time between.
Xion. Roxas (standing up): Okay.. Yeah, it's a deal! They look toward the sunset. Axel looks down). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. I don't remember much about today's mission- -just that it was by the beach.
Or was it? The mission didn't even feel real. Me and Axel agreed to start looking for Xion tomorrow. Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Demyx: Ugh, why do they give these jobs to me, of all people? Axel: I'll go look for her after work today.
You do the same. Luxord: Up to something? You have a terrible poker face.
Roxas talks to Sa�x and leaves for Wonderland. As he walks through the. Rabbit Hole, the Cheshire Cat appears).
Cheshire Cat: All alone today, are you? Roxas: Look, did you have something to tell me? Because if not- -.
Cheshire Cat: You might say I do, or you might say I don't. What do you say? Roxas: I say see you around. I've got work to do. I have to go. (He walks past the cat). Cheshire Cat: Ahh, but go where? To see the large shadow, perhaps?
Roxas: There's a Heartless here? Cheshire Cat: Indeed, but to find this shadow you must scour the shade. He disappears. Roxas enters the Bizarre Room and drinks the shrinking potion. Cheshire Cat: It's nearly here now. Are you quite prepared? If not, well.. (The cat vanishes and the Crimson Prankster lifts from a shadow on the.
Roxas defeats them and they drop their matchsticks. A giant heart floats away and the cat.
Cheshire Cat: Bravo! Bravo! The shadow's no more- -even it can't shine in.
Roxas: .. So who are you, anyway? If you're going to help me, why talk in. Are you a friend or an enemy? Cheshire Cat: Neither..
It's quite up to you. Roxas: Up to me? Cheshire Cat: Why, yes. Once you believe, the truth and a lie are quite.
Let your heart decide- -it's in your heart you must confide. The cat disappears).
Roxas: Easy for him to say.. How am I supposed to do that when I don't.
I have no idea what to believe in. Roxas searches Beast's Castle for Xion, but turns up empty). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2.
I've looked everywhere for Xion, in every world, but there's just no. Where is she? Why did she leave the Organization? I don't get it, any of it. Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Axel: Don't forget to go look for her after work today. Roxas talks to Sa�x and leaves for Beast's Castle with Axel to take down. Deserters. Afterward, Roxas searches Halloween Town for Xion.
Roxas takes an endurance run to evaluate his combat ability in the Hall. Empty Melodies). (Roxas travels to Halloween Town on heart collection with Luxord. Afterward. he searches Agrabah for signs of Xion, but finds nothing). Roxas walks into The Grey Area).
Xaldin: Stop thinking and act. There's work to be done. Xigbar: Heh heh.. Keep running wild and somebody might have to throw a.
Axel: I'll look again after work today, see if I can find her. Sa�x: Roxas, in light of your excellent performance, we have decided to. Roxas is awarded the rank of Master). Sa�x: Depart as soon as you are ready. Roxas takes the corridor to Olympus Coliseum).
Roxas: So today they want me to enter the Games and take out Heartless? Sounds more like exercise than anything else. Well, the sooner I get it. I can go find Xion.
He enters the Lobby and notices it's empty). Roxas: Hmm.. I wonder how I'm gonna get signed up. Phil: Am I seein' things!? Rookie, is that you? Phil walks in). Roxas: Huh?
Oh, uh.. hey. Phil: I haven't seen you in ages. How are ya? Roxas: I'm hanging in there. Phil: That's good.
Cause that vanishing act you pulled at the end of the. Games had me worried. Roxas: Sorry.. Phil: Well, I figured you musta pulled through. No lousy Heartless is gonna.
Speakin' of which, when ya plannin' to. Herc sent? Roxas: Well, if you'd have just liste- -.
Roxas gets a flash of Sora, Donald, and Goofy talking to Phil). Phil: This whole time I thought you were the Champ's top pick! Okay, let's. start over, Roxas.
Where ya really from? Who sent ya? Roxas: Umm.. He averts his eyes). Roxas: I, uh.. Hmm. Phil: Say no more.
I get the picture. Roxas: You do!? Phil: Sure, everybody's got a thing or two they wanna keep hush- hush. Forget it- -doesn't matter. Let me get to the good news!
Roxas: Oh yeah? What good news? Phil: The Games are bein' held again today. You got perfect timing, kid. You want in? This time you might even walk home with the title. Roxas: But- -you sure you don't mind? Phil: Sure I'm sure! Just gimme a holler when you're all set.
Roxas readies himself and enters the Games. He defeats Heartless in. Phil: Attaboy, Roxas! That's what I like to see!
You musta been stickin'. Trust me, kid, it shows. Keep up those. workloads, and you're gonna get a lot stronger. Phil: Good. Now, I gotta head back inside to get ready for the next match.
Phil: Nothin', nothin'. Well, all right then.. I'm gonna go. (He exits and Roxas turns to leave). Phil: Hey, Roxas.. Phil: Don't be a stranger. Roxas: What, he wants me to come back?
For what? More training? Hunh, weird. Well, the mission's done. Time to go grab Axel and see if we can find Xion. Later, Roxas and Axel sit on the clock tower). Roxas: It's no use. We're never gonna find her.
Axel: You sure there isn't someplace you're forgetting to check? Roxas (shaking his head): I've been everywhere I know how to get to.
Axel (scratching his head): Right.. Roxas: The only place I haven't looked is Castle Oblivion. Axel lifts his head). Roxas: Xion was asking about it, remember? And the day before she disappeared.
Axel: Yeah, but.. The place has been cleared out, man. There's nothing there. Roxas: Xion might be there. Axel: You know.. that's where she comes from. Castle Oblivion. Roxas: What? Really!? Axel: That's probably why she was asking about it.
Roxas: I had no idea.. Axel: Hey, neither did I. I only found out about it a little while ago myself.
Roxas: She must have a lot of questions. Poor Xion.. - -Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. There's one place we haven't checked yet to see if Xion's there- -. Castle Oblivion. When I brought it up with Axel, he surprised me by. Castle Oblivion is where Xion comes from.
I guess he just. found out himself. Is that where she is?
Secret Report: Xigbar- -. None of us really know everything that's going on in Castle Oblivion. Some. rooms even Xemnas doesn't know about. Not many are ever aware that Xion was. I wonder if the truth about that place will ever surface. Roxas walks into The Grey Area and overhears a conversation between Sa�x. Sa�x: The impostor has been sighted again.
Roxas: Impostor? You mean the one that Xion.. Sa�x: He's prowling about Castle Oblivion as we speak. Roxas: Castle Oblivion? I'll go. Sa�x: Not by yourself, you won't.
This target is extremely dangerous. Axel: Then how 'bout I tag along? I know Castle Oblivion better than anybody. Sa�x: All right, better.
Go, then, and teach this fraud the price for. Sa�x walks away. Roxas and Axel nod to each other). Axel: Castle Oblivion, huh? Ask and ye shall receive. Sa�x: I've reassigned you to Castle Oblivion for the day. Axel will be. accompanying you. Axel and Roxas depart.
They enter into a white hall). Roxas: So, this is Castle Oblivion.. Roxas suddenly clutches his head).
Roxas (falling to his knees): Agh, my.. Axel: Hey, easy man! C'mon, let's retreat for now and- -. Roxas: No.. We have to..
Xion.. Wh.. what's happening? The world goes white). Roxas: All these..
Axel: We're leaving. Now! Roxas: No, wait.. There's something.. I can almost.. (Roxas collapses.
Axel holds his arm over his shoulder and helps him into. Giving up already? I thought you were stronger than that. Roxas (waking up): RIKU! Axel and Roxas are on Side Street in Twilight Town). Axel: Whoa, you okay there? Roxas: What happened to me?
Axel: You collapsed right inside the castle doors. Don't you remember? Roxas: I remember going in, that's it. Axel: Hey, you should take a breather.
Roxas: I'm fine. We need to go back to Castle Oblivion. Axel: Hah, I don't think so. Someone stands watching them). Axel: Who's there? They see two cloaked figures). One lowers their head and opens a corridor, walking inside). Roxas: Xion, wait!
Roxas runs over but the other figure steps in the way as the corridor closes). Roxas: Rrgh.. Get out of the way! The figure says nothing and runs). Axel: Roxas, wait up! They chase the impostor through the Underground Passage. He opens a grate. Tunnel). (They follow him until he reaches the grate to Sunset Terrace, where he.
They arrive just when it closes). Axel: I thought the impostor was sighted in Castle Oblivion! What's he. Axel: Ain't no way that was Xion! Roxas: The other one was. The one who escaped before. But.. I don't get it.
Why would she run from me? She hides around the corner, overhearing them. The impostor walks up to her. Riku: You want to go back? Xion says nothing and looks in their direction. Later, Roxas and Axel have.
Roxas: Why would she do that? Axel: At least we know she's safe.
She'll come home when she's ready. Roxas: But won't they turn her into a Dusk? Axel: Not necessarily. Roxas: Who was that guy she was with? Why is she cooperating with him?
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. I went to Castle Oblivion to find Xion, but I don't remember anything about. Axel said I collapsed as soon as I got there. I woke up in Twilight Town, and incredibly enough, Xion was there. But she. wasn't alone- -there was this guy with her, and he was wearing the.
Organization's cloak. I could tell by his build that he wasn't one of us. Who is he? - -Secret Report: Axel- -. The man they're calling the imposter, that fake Organization member? It's. Riku. Roxas could very well remember that, somewhere deep in his memories. Still, it's too soon to report this.
I need to know why Xion was with him. If she's siding with the hero, it could easily mean her erasure. What are you planning to do, Xion? Roxas walks through Nothing's Call when he hears a voice).
Axel: You're ordering me to what!? Sa�x: Tell me what choice is left, now that Xion has had contact with that. Sa�x looks in Roxas's direction, Axel following. Sa�x walks away when Roxas.
Roxas: Um, Axel? (Axel says nothing, turns, and walks away. Later, Roxas enters The Grey Area. Axel leans against the window, silent). Sa�x: Xion has betrayed us. Roxas: What? No! Sa�x: You saw the creature consorting with that impostor. What more evidence. Roxas: That's not evidence!
Who knows why she was with him? He looks over to Axel, who has no response). Sa�x: I think we all know, and you just don't want to accept it. Roxas (head down): He might be forcing her. Sa�x: Ha! Spare me your repulsive displays of would- be sentiment. Roxas: It's not a display!
Why is it such a crime to give each other the. Axel walks closer and shakes his head). Sa�x: The impostor has resurfaced in Twilight Town. Go and destroy him. Roxas- -like I expected you to do yesterday. Sa�x: Axel, you bring Xion back. Gagged and tied up, for all I care.
If. that proves too troublesome, then you are authorized to adopt a more. Roxas: What? Sa�x, no! Sa�x: Get going. Axel: Well, this is pretty icky, huh? Roxas: You're not actually gonna follow those orders? Axel: Relax. I'll think of something clever once I find her. You just. worry about yourself, huh? That guy in the coat didn't look like the.
Roxas enters Twilight Town by way of Side Street. He walks to Tram Common). Roxas: I know that was Xion I saw yesterday. But.. who was the guy with her?
Why didn't she try to get away from him? He spots the impostor on a tall building). Roxas: Huh? Hey! (The impostor runs). He chases the impostor into the south alcove. The figure turns around and. He walks up to her).
Roxas: Where have you been? Axel and I have been looking all over for you. Xion: You have? Sorry.
Roxas: Let's go home. If you come back voluntarily, Sa�x will let all this. He has to. (Axel stands with his arms folded on a ledge around the corner, listening). Roxas: I don't care what he said to you. I'll be there. Me and Axel will. She takes a step back as he holds out a hand).
Xion: I really can't. Roxas: Why not? Come on..
He tries to grab her, she backs further away. She looks down and tries to run). Roxas (grabbing her arm): Wait! She stops.. and summons her Keyblade, pointing it straight at him. He lets. go of her arm.
A chakram flies in, but she blocks it and it shoots into the. Axel walks in). Axel: Well, hello there.. Xion. (Xion lunges for him).
Roxas: No, wait! (Xion takes a strike at Axel, who summons his chakrams in a swirl of fire. Roxas stands helpless as the two exchange blows. Xion blocks an attack and. Axel. Xion runs for him again). Xion hesitates, looking over at Roxas, before getting a smack from behind. She falls forward, but Axel grabs her, and her. Keyblade falls to the ground with a metal clang, vanishing).
Roxas runs to her. Axel carries her over his shoulder and exits through a. Roxas by himself, running at nothing. Later, Roxas takes.
The Grey Area). Axel: Oh, hey, Roxas. Roxas: Where is she? Roxas: How could you do that to her?
Roxas: You didn't have to use force. Axel: Didn't I? Roxas: No.. Of course not! We're supposed to be best friends. Axel: This isn't about friendship.
He scratches his head. Roxas just looks at him).
Axel: If that's all, I gotta go. Roxas (thinking): If that's all!?
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. I don't believe it. Axel attacked Xion. There had to have been some other way. I know she's acting weird, but I hardly recognize Axel these days either.
What's going through their heads? I feel so left out.
Secret Report: Sa�x- -. Axel failed to report that the imposter and Xion are working together.
Instead, that news came from Roxas. The boy is far more easily handled. Axel, but now Axel has captured Xion and returned her to us. His. motives are impossible to read. Our plans can be altered if necessary. Axel and Sa�x talk on the upper level of the Hall of Empty Melodies). Axel: You're sure things are better this way?
Sa�x: I never expected you to question it. If you could save one of them.. Axel struggles with his thoughts). Sa�x: Or put it this way. Which would you rather suffer the loss of: some. Axel looks away).
Sa�x: Things are finally right again. Of course we're better off this way. Xemnas is exasperated from all the "fixing" we've had to do. We have to set. things right. There is simply too much on the line..
Lea. (Axel walks out). Xaldin: Xion? Why would I know where she is? He walks away. Roxas sees Luxord enter The Grey Area). Roxas: Have you seen Xion? Luxord: I wasn't aware she had returned. Roxas: So you haven't seen her around? Luxord: That is generally what "wasn't aware she has returned" means, yes.
Luxord walks away). Roxas: Doesn't anybody know what happened to her? Unless HE does.. (Xemnas sits in the Round Room. Roxas appears on his chair). Roxas: I need to ask you something. Xemnas: And what would that be? Roxas: What happened to Xion?
Can you tell me? Xemnas: Put your mind at ease. Xion is a valued member of the Organization. Roxas thinks about the conversation at The Dark Margin. Roxas stands hooded.
Xemnas walks past him, placing a hand on his shoulder). The memory ends). Roxas: .. Sora. (Xemnas says nothing). Roxas: Who is Sora? Xemnas: He's the connection.
Roxas: The what? Xemnas: He is what makes you and Xion a part of each other's lives. Just as. he is the reason I placed Xion among our number.
And if you want her to stay. I must insist you get your mind off these needless distractions. I. will have Xion return to her duties tomorrow. Today, you must focus on yours. Roxas: All right.
He leaves the Round Room and walks through Twilight's View. He sees Axel. Axel: Hey, Roxas. Roxas says nothing and walks past him to The Grey Area). Xigbar: I bet you're relieved to have Poppet home, eh? Xaldin: To fret so, over something so insignificant..
I cannot understand. Sa�x: If you have time to mope, then you have time to work. Focus, Roxas. (Roxas is sent to The Night Sea in Never Land to hunt down Shadow Globs. Sa�x meets with Xemnas in the Round Room). Sa�x: Are you certain we've taken suitable measures with Xion and Roxas? Xemnas: I will admit, Xion has strayed from our original designs. But this. unpredictable behavior is proving to have an interesting side effect.
Xemnas: We wanted the Key. Xion's exposure to Roxas effected a transfer of. Had things stopped there, Xion would have.
But then, through Roxas, Sora himself began to. Xion a sense of identity. I was ready to scrap. Then, it occurred to me: Xion is keeping Sora's memories. Keeping her close to Roxas will prevent. Sora from ever waking. Sa�x: I see. And what do you want to do about the impostor in black?
Xemnas: That gadfly? See that he stays away from Roxas.
He only poses a threat. Xion's ears. Sa�x: Then we are back on track. Outside, in the Dark City, Riku stands atop Memory's Skyscraper.
He looks. over to the moon. Xion sits, curled up in her room). Xion: Riku, what should I do?
She looks toward the moon outside her window). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 2. Xemnas told me that "Sora" is the connection between me and Xion. But just. who exactly is Sora? Secret Report: Axel- -.
Roxas doesn't trust me after the whole Xion incident, but I can't tell him. So I keep lying. It's no big deal when you're a Nobody. There's no guilt, no feeling at all. So why does it still sting, just a. I lie to him? All my dealings with Roxas give me this bizarre.
Roxas enters The Grey Area. He is sent to Never Land. He arrives at. night. The pirate ship is docked at a large rocky expanse). Roxas: There's that ship..
Captain Hook: Caught you! Roxas: And there's those guys. The Captain and Smee are on one of the rocks nearby. Smee is holding a bag.
Captain Hook: I've finally clipped your pestering little wings, eh, Tinker. Bell? Serves you right for buzzing about in me business!
Planning to interfere. Well, change of plans! Smee! We're. returning to the ship. Smee: I'm right behind ya, Captain! The bag continues to move around).
Smee: There there, now, Miss Bell. Be a good little pixie for us, won't you? They walk back to the ship). Roxas: Tinker Bell?
Is that her name? They caught her!? I have to help her! But.. she doesn't really have anything to do with the mission.
So what. I'm going. She helped me fly before. And all I did was keep blowing her off.
I can worry about today's mission once I know she's safe. Roxas walks onto the Deck of the Jolly Roger).
Roxas: Did somebody use this mast for sword practice? It's full of gashes. He finds a mark near the door of the Captain's Cabin). Roxas: There's a stain. Somebody must've spilled something here.
Captain Hook: Confound this useless map! Smee: But Captain, are ya sure ya want to tear it up like that? Captain Hook: Aye, we checked this one the other day. It's worthless! Smee: If you say so, sir. Captain Hook: Set a course, Mr.
Smee! Take us to the next treasure spot! Smee: A- aye, aye, Captain.. Roxas: Sounds like they're inside.
Inside the Cabin, Tinker Bell is trapped inside a lantern). Smee: B- but, sir.. We've done a. good bit of digging already, and all we've found is pieces of junk and them. Heartless creatures.. Captain Hook: Stop whining, Smee, and think! Why were there so many maps? I'll tell you why.
Whoever buried the treasure made fake maps to lead me. Smee: Oh! Then one of these maps is sure to be the real one, right? Captain Hook: Aye, and the only way to know which it is is to follow them all! The Heartless must have been planted at the marked spots as guard dogs. The Captain glows with an aura).
Captain Hook: Well, no one outwits Captain Hook. That treasure is mine- -mine.
Now, get a move on, Smee! Smee: Aye, aye, Captain! They walk back to the Deck). Smee: Oh! But what about Tinker Bell? Captain Hook: Hmph.
Let her get acquainted with her new home- -that lamp. Look lively, Mr. Smee! They walk away). Roxas: Okay, the coast is clear.
Roxas enters the Captain's Cabin and see's Tinker Bell inside the lantern. Roxas: Just a minute. I'll get you out of there. He opens the lid of the lamp and she flies out). Roxas: I'm glad you're okay.
You can take care of yourself from here, right? I should get going.
He starts to leave but she flies up to him. He gets a flash of Sora with.
Roxas: Huh? Is there something else? She flies over to the desk and points to a piece of paper on it). Roxas: This must be a piece of that map they were talking about. He really. (Tinker Bell makes a few motions with her hands). Roxas: Um.. Sorry, but I don't know what you're trying to tell me. She gets flustered). Roxas: There's a spot marked on this map piece.
Hmm.. Everywhere they dug. Heartless popped out. And they've been digging based on these maps.. Maybe. I'll find more Heartless if I check these spots.). Roxas: Hey, could you help me fly again? I need to go look at the spot. Tinker Bell nods and sprinkles her fairy dust on him).
Roxas: Thanks. I should really get back to my mission now. Be careful those.
She nods. Roxas sees writing on the wall near the windows). Roxas: Something's been scribbled here, but I can't make it out. He finds another shred of paper on a sofa).
Roxas: Hey, another piece of the treasure map! He finds another piece of the map in the corner of the room). Roxas: What, does he collect these?
He leaves the Cabin and finds another at the helm. Roxas leaves the ship.
He uses his Keyblade to dig. Roxas: This is one of those wooden chests they keep digging up. Let's see. what kind of Heartless pop up. Maybe it's the one I'm after!
He opens the chest). Roxas: Huh? Nothing.. He dispels his Keyblade). Roxas: Are they not connected? But then why do Heartless always appear when. Unless it's him. That guy in red.
Maybe he's. connected to the Heartless. Hmm.. Only one way to find out. Let's see. what those two are up to. He finds them on a nearby rock). Captain Hook: Keep digging, Mr. Smee! Smee: Aye, sir. The Captain glows with a strange aura again.
The Phantomtail Heartless. Captain Hook: What!?
Another Heartless? Smee: Wh- what do we do, Captain? Captain Hook: This one looks formidable.
Run, Smee! Smee: Running, sir! They run back to the ship. Roxas defeats the Phantomtail). Roxas: So it was him. He must be what's drawing all these Heartless. I'm. not sure why, but I guess that's a question for another day. Pete walks up to a hole in one of the rocks).
Pete: That's strange.. The hole they dug's here, plain as day, but not a. Heartless in sight.
That pirate's greed oughta have every Heartless for. Rrgh.. Somebody must be goin' around and taking 'em out! Whoever it is, they're ruinin' my perfect plan! This calls for a new. I'll give that pirate somethin' he can reeeally be greedy about.
Then I'll summon a great big whopper of a Heartless! Roxas sits on the clock tower. Axel and Xion join him. They sit in. silence. Namin� stands in the Pod Room).
Namin�: Oh no.. (Di. Z walks over). Di. Z: What has happened? Namin�: It's Sora.. His memory has stopped. Namin�: Unless something is done, he'll never wake from his slumber. Di. Z: Then so be it.
The gloves must come off. Namin�: But.. what'll happen to.. Di. Z: Those Nobodies had no business existing in the first place- -as you. Namin�. - -Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 3. For the first time in a while, the three of us met up on the clock tower.
None of us really knew what to say. We used to talk each other's ears off, but I guess those days are gone.
So much has happened lately that I've been forgetting to write about those. Now it happens even when I'm not on missions. More. They even show up in my dreams. Xion told me she has dreams, too.
Is all. of this connected? Secret Report: Xion- -. We watched the sun set today. The three of us. I didn't think we'd ever be.
It's like that dream I had- -the one where I was by. Roxas and Axel, watching the sun set over the water. I just. want to stay with them.
But how? What should I do? Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Axel: Hey.. Everything going okay? Xion: I'm fine. I'm.. I'm sorry, Roxas.. Xaldin: Are you applying yourself, Roxas?
I cannot abide sloth. Hmph. Watch. yourself out there. Roxas talks to Sa�x and leaves for Never Land to defeat a powerful. Heartless. He arrives at Skull Rock). Roxas: Hmm, doesn't look like I'll be able to cross without flying. Tinker Bell appears). Roxas: Hey, perfect timing!
She sprinkles her fairy dust on him and points to Skull Rock). Roxas: You want me to go over there? She flies to it). Roxas: I wonder why.. He flies closer and sees that Smee and Captain Hook are still digging). Roxas: Those two are still at it? Captain Hook: Well, Mr.
Smee? This is the last spot. Me treasure MUST be here. Smee: I'll have it uncovered in a jiffy, sir! He stops digging and jumps out of the hole). Smee (excited): Captain! Captain! I found it! Captain Hook: What?
Let me see! (They see a skull- encrusted treasure chest next to a saber). Captain Hook: Good work, Smee! Oh, the lengths I've gone to find this treasure! He glows with an aura). Captain Hook: It must be priceless! The chest starts to glow as well).
Smee: C- C- Captain? Captain Hook: What is it now, Smee? Smee: The treasure ch- chest, sir! It's.. Captain Hook: What!? The chest shakes and turns into a huge Ruler of the Sky, the chest as it's.
Captain Hook: Blasted Heartless- -still insisting on getting in me way! You. know what to do, Smee.
Run! (The Captain runs away). Smee: As always, Captain! The Heartless circles the island. Roxas jumps back and summons his Keyblade). Pete: So, it's you what's been goin' around takin' out my Heartless! Roxas: Huh? What are YOU doing here?
Pete: Listen pal, nobody messes with Pete's private army and gets away with. Now my new giant Heartless is gonna pluck you clean outta. Let's see how you like that! Roxas flies into the sky and battles the Ruler of the Sky). Captain Hook: Faster, Smee!
Smee is rowing himself and the Captain toward the Jolly Roger). Captain Hook: A few rounds from the Long Tom will show that monster who- - Mm? Smee: Captain! Look! The giant Heartless falls through the sky, letting out a roar while. Jolly Roger. the ship buckles and.
A giant heart floats out of the ruins). Captain Hook (in complete astonishment): H- how did- - Why is- -? Me ship. it's.. it's in tatters! Smee: Aw, cheer up, Captain.. Our luck will turn around soon enough, I.
Tinker Bell laughs at them). Pete: Nngh, dag- nabbit!
I'll get you for this! Pete runs away). Roxas: Private army, huh?
What does he want an army of Heartless for? Later, Roxas sits on the clock tower alone). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 3. I dream all the time now, but I don't sleep well. I wake up tired every day. I guess that makes them nightmares, not dreams.
Xion and Axel don't come to the clock tower anymore. I thought maybe if I got. I might stop having the nightmares.. Secret Report: Axel- -. Xion is burning through missions at full tilt.
She seems frantic. Why, I. don't know. And speaking of, I still don't know what to say to Roxas. Even. without my orders from Sa�x, I'd do anything to stop Roxas from being erased. I just don't know if I can stand by and let that happen to Xion, either.
Roxas enters The Grey Area. He speaks with Sa�x and travels to Halloween Town). Roxas: Today I'm supposed to take out some kind of giant Heartless..
First. I should track down Xigbar. He's already in the field. Roxas enters the Town Square, where a horde of Hover Ghosts appear). Roxas: So much for just strolling through.. He walks into the Graveyard, where an even bigger horde of Mega- Shadows. Roxas: Oh, yeah, this is fair.
A shot comes from above). Several more arrows spew from the sky and eliminate the Heartless). Xigbar: Well, well. Look who decided to drop in.
Xigbar walks in and flaunts his weapon). Xigbar: Hey, Roxas. Taking in the sights? Roxas: Don't be ridiculous. I'm here to back you up! Xigbar: You're here to- - Ah ha ha! As if! Ha ha, Sa�x has got some sense of.
Roxas: What's so funny about that? Xigbar: Kiddo, the only thing you'll ever save me from is boredom. Let's. get this over with, huh? Roxas nods. They make their way to the Suspension Bridge, where they find. Heartless. A Snowy Crystal appears with a loud thud).
Roxas: That looks giant enough to me. C'mon! Xigbar: Heh heh.. Right. Just keep your head on straight.
They defeat the Snowy Crystal and its Icy Cube cohorts). Roxas: Mission accomplished. Xigbar (looking up): Or is it? Roxas: Huh? Oh, come on, quit playing ar- -. Xigbar pushes Roxas out of the way of an oncoming sword of ice). Roxas: Whoa! What.. The Chill Ripper stands upright).
Xigbar: Now see? This is more like what I'd call a giant. They defeat the Chill Ripper). Xigbar: There. Now you can say, "Mission accomplished.".
Roxas: You could have just told me that ice cube Heartless wasn't our target. Xigbar: But because I didn't, you learned a hard and valuable lesson. And for. the record, I did warn you to keep your head on straight. Roxas: Well, yeah, but.. Xigbar: Heh heh. Come on, kiddo.
Let's RTC. (Roxas travels to Beast's Castle in a luck assessment). Roxas travels to Wonderland to eliminate an Emerald Serenade). Roxas has a dream about Sora losing his Keyblade to Riku. A tear falls from. Roxas: Wh- what.. Did something get in my eyes? He enters The Grey Area).
Xigbar: Why the long face? You have a bad dream or something? Xion: Roxas, are you okay? You don't look so good..
Sa�x: I'm deploying you and Xion together today. Roxas and Xion arrive in the Palace Gates area. Roxas summons the Keyblade). Xion: What's wrong? Roxas: Nothing. Xion: You look pale.. Roxas: You're imagining things. Let's go. Xion: Well..
They explore more rooms in the Cave of Wonders. They reach the lamp chamber.
Keyhole). Roxas: End of the line. Xion: I remember this.. Xion: It's a keyhole. See? (Xion has a flash of Sora sealing the Agrabah Keyhole. She feels faint, but. Roxas catches her). Roxas: You okay? Xion: Y- yeah..
She looks into his eyes). Xion: You look so much like him. Roxas: .. What? (A Heartless appears.
After a short time, Xion strikes it and the heart. Xion: H- how.. How did I just do that? Where did that power come from?
She sees Roxas, exhausted). She runs over to him). Xion: Hey, are you all right? Roxas: Yeah.. Using the Keyblade these days.. I don't know what's wrong. I just run out of steam.
Xion: You.. you do? Roxas: You know what, never mind. I'm probably just overworked, heh. Xion: You sure you're okay? Roxas: 'Course I am. C'mon, Xion, let's RTC.
Roxas enters the corridor, Xion hangs her head and enters after him. They. have ice cream together).
Xion: You're really, really okay? Roxas: Okay, you're starting to weird me out.
Roxas: Since when do you ever worry about me? Xion: Well, excuse me!
Roxas: Just feels strange, that's all. Usually, I do all the worrying over. I don't think it's ever been the other way around before.
Xion: Well, for your information.. I worry about you all the time, Roxas. Roxas: I'm glad you're back, Xion. I just wish Axel didn't have to be so. Xion: I guess he's not coming today.
Roxas: You want him to? Xion: What, did you two have a fight? Roxas: I can't believe that jerk would actually attack you. Xion: So he's a jerk now?
Roxas says nothing). Xion: Roxas, I wouldn't be sitting here with you if Axel hadn't done that. Roxas still says nothing). Xion: He's your best friend.
Roxas: So are you. Xion: It's just not the same without all three of us.. Later, Axel walks through Naught's Skyway). Axel: You need something? Xion: What? No.. I just.. Something's wrong with Roxas. I thought you might.
He says the Keyblade wears him out now when he goes to use it. And suddenly I find myself fighting the same way he does.. Axel: Well, you know him better than me. Xion: Why.. why would you say that?
Axel: Ask yourself what's doing it to him. Xion: I'm not sure. Axel: Oh, you're not sure? What, did they forget to build you with.
Axel: Oh, come on, don't look shocked. You already know you're a Replica. A puppet whose original purpose was to duplicate Roxas's powers. If he's. getting weaker and you're getting stronger.. Well, that just means you're. Xion: .. What should I do, then?
Axel: I can't make that decision for you. You're no puppet in my book. You're my best friend. Mine and Roxas's. Got it memorized? Xion: Yeah.. Can I ask you one other thing?
Axel: What's that? Xion: I saw a boy today who looks just like Roxas. Is he who I think he is?
Xigbar stands around the corner overhearing the conversation). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 3. I feel so tired- -almost disconnected from my body. The dreams have gotten. Now I wake up with water on my cheeks. I don't know how it got. I think there's something really wrong with me.
Today I was teamed up with Xion. She seems to be in a lot better shape than me. We had ice cream together, something we hadn't done in a while. Secret Report: Xion- -. Axel's always helping me out, so I just assumed he would again. How long has. he known about me? Maybe since long before we met in Castle Oblivion.
But he. told me to think for myself. I was so happy. But now, as I get stronger. Roxas keeps getting weaker. I shouldn't exist anymore.
They say that Nobodies. I'm the real affront. But before I'm gone, I. Roxas and Axel. Even just a little.
I think the boy I saw today. Sora from my memories. Sa�x, Xigbar and Xemnas sit in the Round Room). Xigbar: Sora is having a powerful effect on her.
Xemnas: Yes, it was not supposed to gain a mind of its own- -nor become the. But in the end, it only proves the puppet is the more worthy. At last, the time has come. Sa�x, are the devices ready? Sa�x: All three will be operable in a matter of days. Sa�x: What do you want to do with Roxas? Xemnas: Both of them have connections to Sora, but we only need one of them.
Let Xion take from Roxas the rest of what he has to give.. Or, let him destroy her first and get it all back. It makes no difference to. Either way, Sora's power will be ours. Roxas enters The Grey Area).
Luxord: What good is luck if you never stop to enjoy it? You should take. Axel: Hey.. Don't get yourself into trouble. Xion: Please, Roxas, don't.. Don't do anything crazy.
Luxord: Passion is a virtue, but no game was won by overeagerness. Xigbar: Ain't Xion just a peach now? The face of an angel. Just gotta be. careful- -girls her age have many faces.
Roxas talks to Sa�x and enters Beast's Castle by way of the Courtyard). Roxas: All right, Xaldin.. Where are you? (He enters the Ballroom to see Belle by the window). Belle: He just isn't himself lately.. I wonder what's happened. I'll go. ask the others. Maybe they know of some way I can help.
Roxas: The beast has been acting strange? Why do I get the feeling this has. Xaldin.. (He walks into the East Wing and sees Cogsworth and Lumiere in the hallway). Cogsworth: Lumiere, the master is out of sorts- -again. Have you any idea what.
Lumiere: No, I am completely in the dark.. Cogsworth: Hmm.. I wonder if it has anything to do with that stranger. Mrs. Potts spotted in the castle.
Lumiere: A stranger, you say? Cogsworth: Yes. She said it was a man in a black coat with black hair. Lumiere: And you suspect he may have antagonized the master? Surely no one. would be so foolish. Cogsworth: Still, the possibility remains. We must sweep the castle for signs.
Roxas: That sounds like Xaldin, all right. He could still be around somewhere. I should keep looking.
He enters the West Wing and walks to the Beast's Room). Roxas: Xaldin seemed awfully interested in the beast..
Maybe he's in here. He looks inside and sees the Beast pacing about his room). Beast: No.. I won't believe it. He must have been lying. Belle, betray me?
He said she would take everything from me. That's not possible. I trust her! Roxas (thinking): He, who? Xaldin? (He turns around). Roxas: It sounds like Xaldin made some kind of contact.
Then he might still. He returns to the corridor only to see..). Xaldin: Roxas.. Why are you here? Roxas: You never RTC'd from your last mission.
I came to get you. Xaldin: Hmph. How presumptuous. Roxas: What's kept you here so long? Xaldin: Just making a few preparations.
Roxas: Preparations for what? Xaldin: It won't be long now. Things here should become quite interesting. Roxas (thinking): Is that why he made contact with the beast?
Xaldin: A shame you've wasted your time. We return immediately. They enter the corridor.
Later, Roxas has ice cream). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 3. I had another dream. My head feels heavy. I want to have ice cream with Xion and Axel again.
Roxas enters The Grey Area). Xion: Roxas, try not to.. Just.. don't push yourself too hard. Sa�x: You've not a moment to rest.
Roxas travels to Olympus Coliseum with Xigbar to take out a Scorching Sphere). Roxas travels to Wonderland on heart collection. Afterward, he eats ice. Roxas takes a mobility test by collecting Organization emblems in Never Land).
Roxas travels to Halloween Town to eliminate the Windstorms). Xion stares at the moon outside her window).
Xion: I'm going to wreck everything.. What's the right thing to do?
Riku. (Xion thinks back to when Riku found Xion in Castle Oblivion. She wakes up. Xion: Are you..
Riku: Riku. Sora's friend. Xion: Sora? You know Sora? He stands and offers a hand to help her up). Xion: Thank you. You saved me..
I don't know why you did. Riku: I guess I just felt like it. Xion: Riku, please.. Tell me more- -about Sora and that girl he's always with. Riku: You mean Kairi. Xion: Kairi.. That's right.
She's the one who looks so much like me. Riku: To Sora, she's someone very special. Xion: It's just.. I remember things about the two of them. But I'm nothing. more than a puppet- -something that somebody created. So why would I have.. Do you know where Sora is now?
Riku: That secret stays with me. Xion: Why's that? Riku: Xion.. your memories.. Sora. Xion: So you mean.. I'm like a part of him?
Riku: When his memories were scattered, some of them found their way. Now, Sora has been put to sleep so that we can piece together. Except.. Xion: You can't, because part of it is inside of me. That means.. he can't wake up. Riku: Yeah. You got it.
But, if you go with me to Sora right now, we could. Xion: So, do you hate me for taking your friend away from you? Riku: Nah. I guess.. I'm just sad. Xion: I'm sorry, but.. I can't go with you. It's my friends- -they need me.
And I need them, too. Riku places a hand on her shoulder). Riku: Maybe.. you should take some time and think about it. Figure out who. really needs you more. And where you belong. Xion: How will I know where I belong, truly?
I'm not sure I can promise you. I'll come up with the right answer. Riku: Well, the answer you come up with can't just be right for you. It has to. be one that works best for everybody, you and your friends and everyone else. Xion: I'll try. Xion: Thank you, Riku.
On her bed, she pulls out a seashell and looks at it). Xion: I have to make the most of the time he's given me.
She looks back at the moon. Roxas walks into The Grey Area). Roxas: Hey, Xion, good morning. Xion: Good morning. Roxas: Listen- -. Xion: Sorry, I gotta go.
She leaves. Roxas sighs and Sa�x walks over). Sa�x: Roxas. How are you feeling today? Roxas: Same as always. Sa�x: I have an urgent mission especially for you and your Keyblade. There's. a Heartless that's surfaced in Halloween Town.
I was hoping you might. Roxas: S.. sure.. Leave it to me! Axel: Hey, whoa whoa whoa.. Roxas, you really wanna do that? Roxas: Why wouldn't I? Axel: It's just, lately you- -. Sa�x: Shouldn't you already be out on your mission, Axel?
Roxas: Yeah, I need to get ready, too. Let's catch up later! Sa�x: Can't you just let things run their course?
Axel says nothing). Xigbar: Heh heh. Girls, am I right? Life's biggest mystery.
One thing that. IS clear, though, is that no girl wants to be with a guy weaker than she is. Luxord: Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Of course, this isn't a game. Sa�x: Head to Halloween Town and exterminate that Heartless. Axel: Hey.. Watch yourself out there. Roxas arrives in Halloween Town). Roxas: Xion looked really upset when she left this morning.
I wonder what's. on her mind.. I should go talk to her once I finish up here. He walks into the Town Square).
Roxas: No sign of the Heartless here.. Guess I'll check further in. He proceeds to the Graveyard). Roxas: Still no Heartless. Where is this thing hiding, anyway?
An Orcus appears out of nowhere). Roxas: Wh- what!? How could it get this close to me without me noticing? He summons his Keyblade and fights the Heartless. Even blow after blow, the. Heartless seems unfazed). Roxas: It's.. it's too powerful.
I've gotta finish this now, before it wears. It's all or nothing.. A flash and the sound of flames. Axel blocks Roxas and Xion's attacks). Axel: STOP, both of you! Xion: Roxas? Wh.. The Heartless I was fighting- -.
Axel: This mission was a setup. Axel: It was rigged so you two would battle each other.
Roxas: Me and Xion? But.. Xion: They would do that? Later, they eat ice cream on the clock tower).
Xion: Brain freeze, ha ha. Roxas: Been a while since we all hung out like this, huh? Axel: Well, we have had our share of drama. Hey, I just remembered- -did you.
Xion: Really? For what? Axel: Once you finish your ice cream bar, check the stick. It might say WINNER. Roxas: Hey, wait a second.. Oh yeah! Axel: "Oh yeah" what? Roxas: Uhh.. n- nothing.
So what do you win? Axel: Heh, beats me.
Roxas: Ha ha, you don't know? Axel: It's gotta be something good, if you're a WINNER! Xion: Heh heh heh.. Wow. The sun sure is beautiful.
I know we've seen. If only things. stayed like this. Axel says nothing). Roxas: What if we all ran off?
Roxas: The three of us. Then we could always be together. Xion: We don't have any place to run. Axel says nothing). Roxas: I know. Heh, I was just thinking out loud. Axel: Well, even if things change, we'll never be apart- -. Xion: As long as we remember each other..
Don't worry, Axel- -we got. Axel: Just checking. Xion: I'll have these moments memorized for a long time.
Forever, I hope. Roxas: Me too. Forever.. (Namin� stands in the Pod Room). Namin�: Sora.. (Di. Z walks over). Di. Z: It appears we've come to a standstill.
Di. Z: This has gone on long enough. Riku.. (He turns around to face Riku).
Di. Z: I think you know what needs to be done. Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 3. Me and Xion and Axel had ice cream.
The sunset was beautiful. I don't have to write anything else down, because I'll never forget this day. Secret Report: Xion- -.
Riku gave me this time. Axel told me to spend it thinking for myself. The. Organization is determined to erase either me or Roxas. They'll never allow. I love Roxas and Axel. I'm sure Sa�x would scoff at that. Call it a trick of my artificial memories.
But the time I spent on that clock. I wish the three of us could stay together, just like this.
But I have to end this. I'll never forget today's sunset. Even if. Roxas and Axel do, I won't forget. Axel walks through Twilight's View). Sa�x: You've meddled again. Axel: Sorry, did you say something? Sa�x: We don't need them both.
Just one. And pretending won't change it. Axel looks away). Sa�x (walking past him): Think about that. Roxas enters The Grey Area and sees Axel, Xion, Xigbar, and Sa�x in. Xion's hood is covering her face once again).
Axel: Now here's an unlikely trio. Me, Xigbar, and Xion? Xigbar: Worried I'll slow you down? Axel: 'Course not.
Touchy, touchy.. It's just not every day we get to go. II himself. Ain't that right, Xion? Roxas: Hey, you three are teamed up for the day? Sa�x: You have your own mission, Roxas. Roxas: I can't trade with Xigbar or something? Sa�x: What an extraordinarily childish notion. Do you need Axel to walk.
Roxas: No.. I didn't- - Never mind. Xigbar, Axel, and Xion leave). Sa�x: They can handle their mission. You hurry up and see to your own. Today's mission requires that you go solo.
Roxas disembarks for Twilight Town to eliminate multiple giant Heartless. Meanwhile, Xigbar, Axel, and Xion are in Wonderland). Xigbar (knocking away an attack): Ha ha! Talk about a blast from the past. Xion is poised and ready to fight, Keyblade out). Axel: Cut it out, Xion! Xigbar summons his arrowguns).
Xigbar: Of all the faces.. Why do I look at her and see yours? Xion appears similar to Roxas). Xigbar: Do you always have to stare at me like I just drowned your goldfish? Axel watches. Xion stamps a foot on the ground, becoming invisible. Xigbar. looks around furiously but is hit by Xion's swift leftside appearance.
Xigbar. falls to the ground, and Xion dispels her Keyblade and opens a corridor). Xion: Axel, I'm sorry.
Axel: Have you flipped your lid? Xion: Please.. let me go. I have to do this, or else- - Look. She removes her hood and Axel gasps). Axel: What the.. (She puts the hood back on). Xion: Please, Axel. You have to take care of Roxas.
Axel: But how are you.. He thinks for a moment and then nods toward the corridor). Xion: Thank you. (She runs into the corridor of darkness and it closes behind her. Axel looks. at Xigbar lying on the ground and sighs. Meanwhile, Roxas appears in. Roxas: Just me and the Heartless today. Well.. better get it done.
He succeeds at his mission and returns to the corridor). Roxas: I wonder if Xion and the others are back yet. In The Grey Area, Sa�x is speaking with Axel and Xigbar). Sa�x: Explain yourself, Axel.
Axel: I didn't let her go. The old man needs to get his eyes checked.
Anyway, she wasn't taking no for an answer. Xigbar: I'll give him that. Can't toss the blame around when I couldn't stop.
Roxas walks in). Sa�x: And now we're left with the one we can't use.. Roxas: What was that all about? Where's Xion? Xigbar: She flew the coop.
Flamsilocks here couldn't trouble himself to clip. Axel says nothing). Roxas: Axel, he's kidding, right? Axel remains silent). Xigbar: As if. Your friend sat there sucking his thumb while Xion walked. I'm going back to my room. Xigbar leaves. Roxas walks closer to Axel).
Roxas: What happened out there? Axel: Look, nothing. Roxas: Xion's gone!
How is that nothing? Axel: It's just like Xigbar said. I couldn't stop her from going. Roxas: Don't give me that! Why not? Axel (crossing his arms): Roxas.. Xion is like a mirror that reflects you. Axel: The Organization made her to duplicate your powers.
She's a puppet. Roxas: Have you gone nuts? Xion's a person, not a puppet. Axel: She's smoke and mirrors, Roxas.
And when I looked in the mirror.. It wasn't you I saw. Roxas: I don't know what you're talking about, but Xion is Xion.
You can't. expect her to be me. Axel: That's not what I mean, Roxas. It was only a matter of time before. Roxas: You mean destroy her. Axel looks away). Roxas: Answer me! Axel: Roxas, if somebody doesn't, you'll..
You won't be you anymore. Roxas: I'll always be me! Your best friend- -just like Xion!
Axel (shaking his head): Roxas, you're.. Any of it. Roxas: Ugh, forget this. Roxas starts to leave). Axel: Why can't you understand..
Xion arrives on the Bridge of Beast's Castle and sees Riku). Riku: Did you find the right answer?
Xion: Yeah. I did. I'm on the verge of losing everything I ever cared about. I can't let that happen. Tell me what I need to do.
Riku: Go to Twilight Town. You'll find a girl there by the name of Namin�. Xion: Namin�? What's she like?
Riku: You'll find out. I don't think you'll have much trouble tracking. Xion: All right. Thanks, Riku. Good- bye.. (She enters the corridor).
Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 3. Axel let Xion leave the Organization. Like he wanted her to go. She's a puppet? A mirror that reflects me? He's talking nonsense. I can't. trust him anymore. Secret Report: Axel- -.
I couldn't tell Xion she was wrong, and I can't bring myself to end her. But it's either that, or I have to erase Roxas. There's no future where the.
I know Roxas will never. I don't want to acknowledge it myself. Xemnas assembles the remaining Organization members in the Round Room). Xemnas: Xion has vanished again.
Xaldin: Do we know where she is? Xemnas: "It," not "she." Xion is just a Replica.. Luxord: Puppet? Someone made her? Sa�x: Puppets generally don't make themselves. Xigbar: The Replica Program was one of our little pet projects. Demyx: Replica whatza?
Xaldin: Perhaps you'd care to enlighten us about this "pet project.". Xemnas: The goal was to duplicate the Keyblade wielder's memories, and. Vexen oversaw the project.
Castle Oblivion. However, our efforts were severely derailed by his. And this particular Replica- -the one we called Xion- -. Sa�x: That caught us off guard. If anything like that happened before, no one. Castle Oblivion ever reported it.
Did they Axel? (Axel remains silent). Xemnas: Fortunately, the puppet has no means of dashing our plans now, even. Still, she knows our secrets.
We need to shorten her leash.. And perhaps tighten it.
Roxas: You don't mean- -. Axel looks toward Xemnas). Xemnas: Seeing as how she escaped on your watch, the onus is on you to.
I am willing to overlook and nicks and. Just ensure she still functions on arrival.
Xaldin (shaking his head): Why you would allow a deserter back under our. She should be eradicated! Sa�x: "Deserter" is hardly the term for a broken specimen who wandered out. Xemnas: Axel, you have your orders. Dismissed. (Xemnas vacates his chair). Xaldin: Bring her back?
It's sheer madness.. Xaldin leaves). Demyx: All this time, I've been talking to a puppet.. Intense. Xigbar: So now we just sweep it all up? Heh.. As if. (Xigbar leaves). Luxord: If only the whispers at the top of the ladder carried to the.
Luxord leaves). (Axel looks up). Sa�x: Those orders were absolute. Axel silently leaves). Sa�x: Still here, Roxas?
Proceed with your mission. Roxas (shaking his head): Xion is one of us. Sa�x: A puppet, one of us? Don't be absurd. Count the seats. When have we. ever been more than thirteen? Sa�x exits, leaving Roxas seated alone. Later, in The Grey Area, Axel.
Roxas runs in). (Roxas walks over to him). Roxas: I don't think Xion's safe here anymore. You're not really gonna. Xemnas says? Axel: I have to, or else I'm not safe here either.
Roxas: Well.. could you at least try not to hurt her this time? Axel: That's up to her. Roxas.. Xion is dangerous.
Roxas: Dangerous how? Axel: Have you got all your strength back? Roxas: Not yet.. How long have you known about her? Axel says nothing and looks away).
Roxas: You knew all this time, and kept it from me? Axel remains silent and enters the corridor). Xaldin: Hmph.. Things have taken a vexing turn of late. Luxord: It's tough being at the bottom of the food chain. But what's chess. I just hope luck sees fit to allow us both to carry on. Demyx: I never would've guessed about Xion..
That's some puppet! Sa�x: Today I have a special project for you. Roxas is given a device to place in Agrabah and takes his leave. He enters. the Cave of Wonders and makes his way to the Lamp Chamber). Roxas: This is the place.
He sets up the strange device in the middle of the room. It hovers with a. Roxas: Wonder what this thing even does..
Heartless appear). Roxas: Heartless! They must be after the device.
He takes care of them quickly, though he is out of breath). Roxas: What am I doing? Getting worked up over some device. Like I've got. any clue what the Organization even uses it for.. Everything's a mystery.
They didn't even tell me about Xion. Hmph, the biggest mystery is me- -the. He leaves the Cave and returns to the corridor entrance).
Roxas: Why am I doing this? Why am I going back to the castle? There's. nothing there for me. How can I keep working for them if they're gonna.
What am I saying.. This isn't about them, or Xion.
It's about me. Whatever "me" is. He looks up at the stars in the night sky).
Roxas: I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't know. Have I got anything.
Any place I really belong? Any friends.. I still belong with?
His eyes water and he wipes his tears, puts his hood on, and leaves Agrabah. Meanwhile, in The Woods of Twilight Town, a hooded King meets a tall cloaked. The figure takes its hood off to reveal a man with long white hair. The King jumps back and summons his Keyblade. They stare. at each other for a few minutes, anticipating the other's next move. The man. puts a blindfold on his eyes and is covered in a dark aura. His body begins. to change form, grow younger, and his hair turns to silver.
Surprise appears. King's face as he stands before..). King Mickey: Riku? He dispels his Keyblade and walks closer). Riku: Your Majesty.
King Mickey: Gosh, have I been worried about you! Where've you been all. Riku: Searching, for a way to conquer the darkness within me- -while we wait. Sora to awaken. King Mickey: For a second there, you looked just like.. Riku: You don't have to worry.
I'm getting the hang of keeping the darkness. King Mickey: That's great to hear. But, you said that Sora hasn't woken up. Did something go wrong? Riku: There's a reason the Organization has been quiet since our battle at. Castle Oblivion- -and it's not because we weakened their numbers. What they. did to Sora back there- -the point wasn't just to take his memory apart.
They. went out of their way to make it hard to put back together. King Mickey: Gosh, I guess that explains things. It's almost like they're. Riku: Exactly. They want Sora's memories.. Namin� isn't the. And as long as they've got their hands.
Sora's most precious memories- -the ones of Kairi- -I don't think Sora. King Mickey: Well, then you have to let me help!
Maybe I could get the. Riku: I've got that covered, Your Maj- -I mean, Mickey.
Maybe you could. do me a favor, though. King Mickey: Sure. Just tell me what you need. Riku: I have to face one of the Organization's members soon.
I might not. survive the fight. And if I do, it might only be because I gave in to the. That means you're the only one who will be there for Sora. Donald, and Goofy- -the only one who can guide them when they awaken. King Mickey: Don't say that, Riku.
Riku: Promise me, Mickey. You have to be there for our friends. The King thinks about the request for a moment).
King Mickey: Of course, Riku. I promise. - -Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 3. I don't understand the Organization. I don't understand Axel.. I understand myself least of all.
Why do I keep coming back to the castle? Me and Xion are special, connected by "Sora." If she's a puppet. I am, too. I don't know what I am. Secret Report: Xion- -. I wanted to see Roxas one more time, but couldn't. What would I say? Did. I ever really exist?
Even if not, I just hope that those times we spent. I know Namin� will tell me how to get back. I belong. I should hurry to see her. Unsaid, Unheard~. Roxas awakes in his room). Roxas: It's all just too much..
Xion was part of that Replica Program. Made to copy my Keyblade..
And when she left us, Axel helped her. Like. he wanted her to go. If he knew, why did he wait so long to tell me? Is. it because I'm the same thing? Xion and I are both special Nobodies. What. if they made me, too? Xemnas said.. Sora was what connects her and me.
But who's Sora? And who am I to him? Axel knows. I'll bet he's been sitting. He doesn't even have the guts to. Roxas walks into The Grey Area to confront Axel, who is leaning against. Axel: Hey, Roxas. They stand silent for a moment). Roxas: You find Xion?
Axel: Like it's gonna be that easy. Roxas: I know.. (Axel says nothing). Roxas: Have you been keeping the truth about her from me this whole time? Axel: .. Not the whole time.
Roxas: When did you find out? Axel: Oh, I dunno. Somewhere along the way.
Roxas: Didn't get it memorized, huh? Axel.. Who am I, really? Axel says nothing). Roxas: I'm special, like Xion. I know that. (Axel remains silent). Roxas: But the Organization wanted me out of the picture.
Axel: Yeah.. They did. Roxas: Is it because Xion copied by Keyblade and they didn't need me anymore? Axel continues to say nothing). Roxas: And you feel the same way.
Axel: No, you've got that part wrong. You'll always be my best friend. Roxas: Best friends are honest with each other! Who am I, Axel? (Axel looks away).
Roxas: Xemnas said me and Xion are connected to Sora. Who is that? Tell me! Am I a puppet like Xion? Roxas: What, then? Axel: You really think the truth is going to make you feel better? It won't. Roxas: What makes you so sure? I have a right to know who I am!
How did I. get here? Why am I special? Where did I learn to use the Keyblade? I deserve. Roxas (sighing): Are you gonna tell me or not? Axel.. Who am I? Axel: You've just gotta trust me, Roxas. He turns around). Roxas: I don't. Axel: Hey, c'mon..
Roxas: If I can't get answers here, I'll get them somewhere else. Somebody. knows where I came from. That'll be the person I trust.
He walks back to his bedroom and looks at the winning popsicle stick). Roxas: I tried, but.. The answers are. (He leaves his bedroom and makes his way down through the Castle That Never. Was until he is intercepted by Sa�x). Sa�x: We don't accept resignations. Roxas: I've got nothing to say to you.
Sa�x: Then let's keep this short and sweet. He summons his Claymore and a heated battle ensues.
Roxas defeats Sa�x and. Sa�x: Nngh.. How much longer.. Roxas dispels his Keyblade and walks past him).
Sa�x: Kingdom.. Hearts.. Will your strength never be mine? Roxas leaves the Castle and walks through the neon- lit streets of the Dark.
City, passing Axel, who is leaning against a building). Axel: Your mind's made up? Roxas: Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know. Axel: You can't turn on the Organization! You get on their bad side, and. Roxas: No one would miss me. He walks away). Axel: That's not true..
I would. - -Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 3. I have to know who I am..
I am DONE WITH THIS. Secret Report: Xigbar- -. The gears of Xemnas' plans have begun to spin wild since the loss of half. Castle Oblivion. The results are there, but can this state. If Kingdom Hearts can be said to.
Xemnas- -no, rejecting. Xehanort. Roxas left the Organization today. Place to Belong~.
The curtains in the White Room gently sway as two young girls sit at a. The girl in black removes her hood). Namin�: Nice to meet you.. Xion. Xion: Namin�, you can see my face? Namin� (nodding): Yes.
Xion: What do you think I should do? Namin�: What do you want to do? Xion looks over at the sketch of her, Roxas, and Axel hanging on the wall).
Xion: I thought I knew at first. I wanted me and Roxas and Axel to be. But then I started to realize these memories don't.
Namin�: That's because you're Kairi. At least, the Kairi Sora remembers. Xion: The more I remember, the more I feel like I'm in the wrong place.. Like I need to go back. Namin�: Back to Sora?
Namin�: If you return your memories to him, you'll disappear. And since. everything about you was built on those memories.. There won't be any "you" to remember. I can't save you.
Xion- -even a memory of you. Xion: I know. I'm ready. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. Roxas belongs with. Sora, too. But.. I don't think he would understand. Not yet. Namin�: He can't feel Sora. But he will. Xion: Namin�, will you watch over Roxas once I'm gone?
You won't be alone. I asked somebody else to look after him, too. It's just.. there isn't. I can do for him. Namin�: All right. Xion: Thank you.. Namin�: If you're ready, let's go see Sora.
Di. Z enters the room by way of the dark corridor). Di. Z: Namin�, they've found us! They are on their way!
That blasted puppet. See what you get for trusting it? Xion: I'll get rid of them! Namin� (standing up): No! Xion.. (Xion leaves The Old Mansion and searches around for the intruder. Axel. enters through the corridor).
Axel: Why do I always get stuck with the icky jobs? He stops once he sees Xion). Axel: Xion.. what are you gonna do? Xion: I've decided that I have to go back to where I belong. Axel: Well, to be honest, I always felt that was best, right from the very. But you know, it still really bugs me. Something about this.
He clenches his fist in anger). Xion: It's for the good of everyone. Axel: But how do you know that? Everybody thinks they're right.. Xion: This is right.
Axel: They're gonna destroy you! She summons her Keyblade and Axel gasps). Xion: Please don't hold back, Axel.
Promise. Axel (struggling hard): What's your problem? You both.. think you can do. Well, I'm sick of it.
Go on, you just keep running. But I'll always be there to bring you back! He summons his chakrams and they fight a heavy battle. Later, Axel carries. Axel: Man.. Why you always gotta.. He struggles to walk and falls to his knees, dropping Xion.
They both. lay unconscious at Nothing's Call. Xemnas arrives and picks up Xion as. Secret Report: Sa�x- -. Our plans never accounted for the possibility of both Xion and Roxas leaving.
How did this come to pass? When did Roxas grow strong enough to outmuscle me?
What were you really after, Lea? We joined the Organization at the same time. At this point, it's just an idle fantasy. Everything changed. You, and me. (In Twilight Town, Hayner, Pence, and Olette are running once again.
Hayner. stops and turns to them. Pence is trying to catch his breath). Hayner: Pence! Olette! What's the matter?
Olette: Slow down, Hayner.. Hayner: You know the rules! Last one there buys ice cream! Pence: What!? Not this again! Hayner: If you don't want to shell out, I suggest you get running! They start to run again). Roxas: I guess.. not all friendships fall apart.
Maybe I'll stop by the. Seems as good a place as any.. He walks to the Station Plaza and finds the Moogle there). Moogle: I couldn't let you leave the castle alone, kupo! Your munny always. Roxas turns around). Roxas: The clock tower..
I wonder if anybody's up there. I guess I could. go take a look.. He climbs makes his way to the top and sits alone, thinking).
Roxas (chuckling weakly): Where did I think I could go? What a joke. (He buries his head in his arms. A hooded Xion enters and sits next to him). She hands him an ice cream bar and he smiles softly). Roxas: Thank you.
They sit quietly and watch the sunset). Xion: Roxas.. I'm out of time. She stands up and takes her hood off. Roxas's eyes widen and his jaw drops). Xion: Even if I'm not ready.. I have to make this choice.
You have poured. so many memories into me.. I feel like I'm about. Look at me, Roxas. Who do you see? If you see somebody else's. I'm almost ready. This puppet will. Roxas.. This is him.
It's Sora. (Roxas is speechless. Xion walks off into the air, remaining suspended. She puts her hood back on and faces him. He stands). Xion: You're next, Roxas. I have to make you a part of me, too.
She holds out her hand and dark tendrils move around her). Xion: Don't you see? This is why I was created.
The dark tendrils and smoke envelop her and she becomes an armored being. She shoots out a hand and causes the world to go black. Roxas covers his.
He opens his eyes and notices he's standing on the. Bizarre Room in Wonderland. He looks around and sees an. Organization device hovering on the table above. Xion's armored form. There is a flash and her power increases).
Xion: Now you'll see! Roxas fights her and she reverts to her first form. She holds up her. Roxas finds himself at the Manor Ruins. Halloween Town, where another device is located. Xion glows silver again.
Roxas fights her again and her strange weapon. She punches the ground and the world goes black a third time. Roxas stands in the Lamp Chamber of Agrabah, where the device he had placed. Xion four sabers. Roxas fights this third form and she loses her. Darkness surrounds her and she floats in the air, sending out a.
Roxas runs through the darkness to. Xion in her unarmored form. As he reaches her, the darkness. Clock Tower in Twilight Town. He can see the ground far below him, yet he does not fall through the.
He turns around to see a large form of armored Xion. Xion: Is that all you've got? Stop holding back! Get ready, Roxas!
He engages her. After a painful and heavy battle, Xion falls to her knees. Something snaps in Roxas's mind, he falls. The barrier weakens and shatters like glass, spilling both Xion and. Roxas to the ground. Xion has returned to her original form.
Roxas holds his. head while walking toward her. She remains on her knees). Roxas: Who are you.. It's weird. I feel like I'm forgetting something.
Xion: You'll be.. Roxas. (She falls over, and Roxas catches her in his arms. She starts to splinter.
Roxas: Am I.. the one who did this to you? Xion: No.. It was my choice.. Better that, than to do. Xemnas have his way. I belong with Sora.
And now, I am. going back.. Roxas.. (She places her hand on his). Xion: I need you.. All those hearts that I've captured.. Kingdom Hearts.. Set them free. Roxas: Kingdom Hearts..
Free them? (Xion's legs start to become crystalline. Roxas gasps). Xion: It's too late.. But you can't let Xemnas..
Kingdom Hearts. You can't. Good- bye, Roxas. See you again. I'm glad.. I got to meet you.
Oh.. and of course, Axel, too. You're both my best friends. She places a hand on Roxas's cheek). Xion: Never forget. That's the truth.
Roxas continues to hold her as her eyes close. She drops her hand, but he. Roxas (pleading): No!
Xion.. Who else will I have ice cream with? The crystal envelops her entire body. She is bathed in warm light until. Roxas touches it and remembers her smiling. Tears fall from his eyes.
Meanwhile, Axel lay in his bed). Axel: How did this happen? He sits up and sees an envelope on his windowsill. He opens it and takes. He stands there, unmoving.
Later, Xemnas. and Sa�x appear in the Round Room). Sa�x: Xion is no more. Xemnas: It is probably for the best. Get me back my Keyblade wielder.
Fetch me Roxas. (Sa�x nods and leaves his chair). Roxas's Diary Entry: Day 3. I'm going to set Kingdom Hearts free and find my way to Sora.
I'm going to. get Xion back. The three of us will have ice cream together again- - I know it. Secret Report: Axel- -. Roxas left. It's so like him to just leave that WINNER ice cream stick. Come tomorrow, I'll probably get the order to hunt him down, but.
I wish the three of us- -three? No. That the two of us could share some ice cream again someday.
That's what. it is to be friends. A hooded Roxas walks through the Dark City streets.
His destination: The. Castle That Never Was. He takes out his two Keyblades. A horde of. Neoshadows appear and he holds the blades up in a cross- shape, they become. Oathkeeper and Oblivion.
He strikes down the Heartless effortlessly. Memory's Skyscraper.
It begins to rain. Neoshadows emerge from. The neon lights of the city buzzing in his. He takes out the Oathkeeper. Oblivion, spins them, and strikes them together as if challenging.
Heartless to attack. The Neoshadows fall to the deadly blades. The. Heartless continue to appear. Roxas stands at the base of the skyscraper. Riku stands atop the building, over the large flickering.
Roxas jumps to the side of the building and runs up the. Neoshadows as they follow him upward.
Roxas tosses the Oblivion upward as Riku dives down to. As he does, he gasps from the flood of memories of Xion pouring. Flashes of a wounded Xion on a Bridge, and in his arms. Island. Riku and Roxas pass each other over the large video screen. Roxas reaches the top of the skyscraper and looks down at the ground.
More. Heartless emerge around Riku, who clutches his head. A Neoshadow lunges. Roxas jumps from the top of the building. Heartless without a sound. The darkness is. dispelled and Riku's memories of Xion flicker. They turn toward each other. Roxas: Who are you?
Riku: What does it matter? I'm here for you. Roxas: Why are you trying to stop me? Riku: Because I want back the rest of Sora's memories. Roxas: Sora, Sora, Sora! Enough about Sora! Riku: Do you have some kind of plan?
Roxas: I'm going to set Kingdom Hearts free! Then everything can go. Me, and Axel, and.. Riku (looking at the Oblivion): Her? You mean Xion? It's a struggle just.
Either way, I can't let you go doing. Roxas: I have to find this Sora person, and freeing Kingdom Hearts is. I want Xion back. I want my life back!
Riku: If you try and make contact with Kingdom Hearts, the last thing. The Organization will destroy you.
Roxas: Shut up! (Roxas attacks Riku. After a powerful and emotional battle, Roxas stands. Riku, who is sitting on the ground.
Memories of Roxas, Axel, and. Xion having ice cream fill Roxas's head). Riku: Why!? Why do you have the Keyblade? Roxas looks at the Oathkeeper, but shakes it off). Roxas: Shut up! (Roxas attacks Riku, but Riku knocks him away, the Keyblade tossed from.
Riku walks up to the body of Roxas and slams his Keyblade into. He stands there for a moment. He gasps as Roxas struggles.
Oblivion for support. He stands and pulls it out. Riku, who shoots a Dark Firaga spell at him. Roxas blasts through the spell and lunges at Riku, who jumps away).
Roxas: Why don't you quit? Riku: Come on, Sora. I thought you were stronger than that. Roxas: Huh? Get real! Look which one of us is winning. Roxas is surprised at this outburst). Riku: So it's true.
You really are his Nobody. Guess Di. Z was right after all. Roxas: What are you talking about? I am me! Nobody else!
Roxas summons both Keyblades and runs to strike him again. Riku dodges the. first attack, but misses to block the second one and gets hit in the arm. He hears a voice).
Xion: Riku, please! You have to stop him! Roxas: How many times do I have to beat you? Riku struggles to stand, holding his arm weakly). Riku: All right. You've left me with no other choice. Riku: I have to release the power in my heart- -.
He stands and takes off his blindfold, letting it fall to the ground). Riku: The dark power that I've been holding back. Even.. if it changes. He lets out a scream as pillars of dark energy surrounds him. Roxas. readies his Keyblades once again. The energy clears to reveal the body.
Guardian counterpart, hovering in the air. Riku teleports in front of Roxas and the Guardian grabs him by the torso. Keyblades. They clatter to the ground. Riku: I have accepted it.
Later, Riku stands over Roxas's body. The memories of Xion begin to. Roxas and Axel sit upon the clock. Di. Z enters through a corridor of darkness and Riku puts his hood up). Riku: Di. Z.. he could feel Sora. Di. Z: Oh, he told you how he "felt," did he? Ridiculous. A Nobody cannot.
Riku: If he had met Sora, things might have been different. Xion: Roxas, don't be sad. I came from you and Sora. I am you.. the same.
I am Sora. You'll forget me, but the memories themselves will. Memories of you and me will always be together.. Secret Report: Xemnas- -. With luck, we can bring Roxas back into our fold, but even if Sora should.
Keyblade, he is bound to keep unlocking hearts. If he should come to target us, we need simply subdue him and use his powers. I must become one with Kingdom Hearts. I will become a. higher existence. All of my true ambitions begin there. The First Day~. (Roxas awakes in his new bedroom in Twilight Town. He sits up). Roxas: Another dream about him..
He hears the bells ring at the Clock Tower and he opens the window to. Later, he runs through the streets of Twilight Town). Roxas: Maybe.. today we'll finally hit the beach! He runs to The Usual Spot).
Roxas (narrating): Only seven days to go, and then my summer vacation's over. Alternate Recon Dialogue (AKA Roxas being slow). Day 1. 2 - Twilight Town. Roxas: Wow, what do they sell here? Vexen (extremely unamused): That's your job to find out, idiot. The point. isn't to wander around gawking.
Analyze what you see. Roxas: Umm.. Well, there are a lot of shops. Roxas: Business seems to be booming? Vexen: What, because you saw a couple of shops? Day 2. 6 - Agrabah. Xigbar: Okay, so we've got an entire city under a layer of sand.
What do. you make of it, Roxas? Xigbar: Yes, you.
How do you think it ended up like this? Roxas: Hmm, maybe because they need the sand for something? Sand comes. in handy..
Xigbar: Ha ha, right, if you're trying to build the world's biggest. Think. The sand's placement is too random to have been. Roxas: Okay, fine. Then maybe this was all some kind of prank? You know. somebody's idea of a joke?
Xigbar: Some sense of humor you've got! Remind me never to make you mad.
Xigbar: .. Roxas.. This is the work of a sandstorm. Multiple sandstorms.
I guess the high walls around the city weren't high. Now, how 'bout the lumber and rope? Roxas, gimme a damage assessment.
Roxas: Well, from the look of it, things could've been worse. It's just a. little wind and sand, right?
Xigbar: As if! Get your eyes checked, Roxas. All the building supplies lying. That means they're repairing the city, which. Roxas: "They," who? The citizens? Xigbar: Who else? And it looks like a major effort.
There may be somebody. Roxas: You think so? Xigbar: All right, Roxas.
We've got what we came for. Let's RTC on outta here. Day 7. 8 - Beast's Castle. Xion: Well, Roxas? Roxas: There was a.. He moves to let her look). Xion: Whoa.. What is he?
Roxas: I don't know, but get away from the door. I don't want him to see. Xion: Roxas, that monster- -.
Roxas: He must've eaten the castle's master. Xion: You mean he, like, took over the castle?
Roxas: Hmm, wait, though.. He said, "This is my castle." He sounded pretty. Xion: Then this must have been his castle all along. Beast's Castle. He must.
Do you think he's fighting the Heartless, like us? Roxas: He must be. Xion: Then the gashes in the walls must have happened in the process. Roxas: That's my theory, anyway.
Xion: A beast with his own castle and a candelabra for a servant.. Roxas: This place must have quite a story behind it. Xion: Well, we know what the master looks like. I think we can report back. Xion: Want to RTC? Day 1. 17 - Olympus Coliseum. Roxas: I think I've got a pretty clear picture now.
The Coliseum must be. It's certainly built like one. But hold on.. What are. God of the Year? No, they hold some kind of.
The winners were listed on the boards outside. Who was. the guy who came in first again? I know I saw his name..
Sora.. cles? Anyway, it seems kind of quiet for an arena. I don't hear any cheering. The competition must be over for now.
So much for sneaking into the stands. If I wanna do anymore recon, I'll have to pretend I'm here to train. Well, it couldn't hurt to try.. Could it? Day 1. 19 - Beast's Castle. They find a door nearby). Roxas: This room.. Xaldin: Yes, what about it?
Roxas: This should be the beast's room. Xaldin: "Should be"?
Your words don't inspire much confidence. Hmm, I. sense the room may be occupied.
Look in and see, Roxas. Roxas looks inside and sees a tidy room with a four- poster bed and a. Belle: I wonder if he's off chasing those horrid creatures again. He's. had to do that every day for weeks.. I wish there were some way I could.
Perhaps I'll ask Cogsworth and the others. I'm sure that together. Xaldin says nothing). Roxas: Oops. Guess I had the wrong room. Xaldin: Hmph, useless. Roxas: I just got a little turned around. Forget about that.
The woman. inside- -she's human! Xaldin: Really? Just when I thought this castle was all freaks and.
Then she must be Belle. Roxas: How do you know? Xaldin: All the servants speak highly of her. It's only fitting someone. Roxas: She's pretty, isn't she? Xaldin: Well, well.. We have made quite the discovery, haven't we?
Roxas: You mean.. Belle, was it? Xaldin: Ah, yes, Belle. Indeed, there may be meat to pick there.
I sense. she has some role to play in this castle's farce. But I spoke of that rose. What do you make of it? Roxas: It looked fake. No rose is going to survive long under glass.
It's. Xaldin: Ah, but then you're making an assumption: that it's just another. To him, at least, it seems to hold more value than anything else in. You saw the room. It was in tatters- -save one corner. Roxas: Maybe that's why he's been fighting the Heartless.
He wants to. protect the rose? Xaldin: Of course. Some strange power surrounds it.. The Heartless are. Roxas: Then his fight is far from over.. Xaldin: Our work here is done, Roxas.
The beast's weakness is clear. Xaldin: To hold something dear is to let it hold you. His heart is in. thrall to it, don't you see?
And that, Roxas, is ample weakness. Roxas: I'm not sure I follow. Xaldin: Nor should you. You have no heart to love with. Come. We return. (Xaldin turns around.
Roxas says nothing). Xaldin: Are you coming? Roxas: I still have some questions about that rose. Xaldin: Now is not the time. Leave it. (Roxas says nothing). Xaldin: What now, Roxas?
I bade you return. Roxas: This Belle person.. Why do you suppose she's here? Xaldin: You think she isn't simply a prisoner? Roxas: It didn't seem that way to me. Plus, she mentioned helping him. Xaldin: Help that beast?
Hah, if I had a heart, I'd be laughing. You. look like you have more to say. Roxas: It's about the rose.
Okay, so it's not an ordinary flower. Don't. you think we should find out why? Xaldin: I thought you'd have figured that part out by now. It probably. has to do with the spell he's under. Xaldin: Enough speculation. We have what we need.
It's past time we returned. A name defines an object. Describes the span of it.
Gives it purpose. We. embarked upon the Replica Program to ensure our new power stays ours. Now. our shadow puppet, "No. It needs a name. Something to define it. To give the hollow vessel purpose. Xion is being monitored.
Roxas, meanwhile, has begun his training exercises. It is imperative we keep Xion from having undue contact with Roxas until we. Vexen's convictions are to be trusted. As for the Keyblade master. Marluxia will no doubt be keeping an eye on him. The Program is largely on target. No. i, my finest Replica, has proven an.
I intend to take the other vessel- -. Castle Oblivion, where I will subject it. One thing is clear: could these Replicas not be. Nobody? Day 2. 6 - Zexion. Simple deduction suggests Axel's outwardly inscrutable actions are the result. Sa�x. Why else eliminate Vexen? He simply wanted to.
Did we not all stand to gain from the fruits of his Program? What is Axel thinking? Day 2. 7 - Marluxia. Axel is in the way, though I don't know if he's aware of our plot.
Vexen. had no part in our plans- -why eliminate him, assuming Axel's orders were. Organization? Discerning his motives merits.
I've uncovered most of what I need to know about the Replica Program, but. I can't find any trace of it. Vexen was caught. Pitiable, but unavoidable. I could not risk his Program. Of greater concern are the traitors.
Not the. obvious turncoats, but the ones who will get in his and my way. The Keyblade. master is not our enemy. I've lost track of the Keyblade master and the other intruders. I'm the only. one left in the castle. Everybody else has been destroyed. My orders were. to end the traitors, but I think by this point, I fit that bill better than.
There's one last thing I need to look into while I'm here. I can�t use the Keyblade anymore. I don�t know why. I don�t know what to.
It feels like I stopped being able to use it suddenly. If I. can�t collect hearts, I�ll be absolutely worthless. What should I do? That man wearing the Organization's coat- -that jerk! He's too powerful. I can't beat him unless I get stronger. And I'm not a sham.
I'M NOT. He. is. He's the one pretending to be something he isn't! As expected, the duplicate is starting to show its limits. The Program. showed promise, but a puppet is just a puppet: something to be toyed with. I am utterly at a loss as to what Roxas and Axel see in. How best to dispose of it merits my consideration going forward.
Xion failed to complete its mission. If this continues, destroying it. Replica as the Duplicate would undoubtedly yield a.
No. i was among the initial lot, which naturally raises. At present, it is nothing short of broken.
I cannot fathom why Xemnas would want to keep it. Xion continues to sleep. All analysis on its function suggests no marked. The copying appears to be working, but a Replica is a Replica. My latest report to Xemnas on this net me no clear answers. He simply stood. smiling. At times I find his thinking impenetrable.
I thought I'd never see the word "Replica" again. Any rational man would. Riku Replica was not likely unique, but I'm the only one in the. Organization who knew of his exceptional copying functionality, and that he. The fact that I knew all that and still. Xion speaks to how remarkable a Replica she. But my questions remain unanswered.
Who is she a Replica of? Namin�? Kairi? Or perhaps someone entirely different?
Why did the Organization admit her. And why would such a fine Replica fall unconscious or. Keyblade? Even if Xion is a Replica- -a puppet- -she's still Xion. I understand that. I interact with her now? Riku- Replica was just a tool.
I can't just use Xion. No, I was wrong to have just used Riku- Replica. How is a man- made puppet any less worthy than a Nobody. They're both ambiguous. Tenuous at best. And she's my friend.
Even if. neither of us should exist, that doesn't invalidate the bonds we form. Next break we get, I told her we'd all go to the beach. I hope we get the. Our little summer vacation. I know if we can get together and laugh. Day 2. 55 - Xemnas.
Xion's appearance should vary based on the relation of the viewer to her. Sa�x sees her simply as a puppet. The Program approaches completion. Through. Roxas, Xion is assembling a copy of the hero of the Keyblade. As proof. she sometimes appears to take on his form to my eyes.
Day 2. 56 - Xigbar. Xion's disappearance is fascinating. If she really is breaking from our. It seems. Sa�x doesn't truly "see" her.
I'm curious to know how she appears to the. I see her as.. him, though I suspect that Xemnas sees entirely. Xion is gone. Roxas still doesn't know anything, but Xion found out. That's. why I need to find her.
We don't have hearts, so we accept the facts we're. But something far more important lies behind that truth. Sa�x would laugh at people with no hearts calling one another friends. As the Nobody of the hero of the Keyblade and the Replica of that Nobody. Unique in every sense of the word.
But that doesn't. Nothing will. Got it memorized, Xion?
Axel and Roxas are up to something. No plot they concoct will change the. Organization has cast off Xion, though. Our plans have split. The No. i project and Replica. Program merely paved the way. Our true goals lie elsewhere.
Day 3. 22 - Xemnas. Be they a puppet or the hero's Nobody, we merely need a functional Keyblade. The details are unimportant. The puppet has developed to a point. Keyblade may be entirely redundant.
Indeed, perhaps. we ought never allow Sora to awaken. He cannot be controlled. He will. rise up against us. We must move our agenda ahead with that firmly in mind.
KINGDOM HEARTS 3. DAYS COPYRIGHT OF SQUARE ENIX AND DISNEY. Any comments or feedback, please email me at dj_firewolf@hotmail. FAQ Display Options: Printable Version.