Extraction failed. See log for details.
Force Batch File To Run Minimized Switch
This demo batch file will run a command-line program and set the position and size of its Command Prompt console window. The general theme of this batch is the same. First let's take a look at a batch file I created that will just open Excel, Calculator and Firefox: NOTE: Examples and file paths are from Windows Vista. Save the following as wscript, for instance, hidecmd.vbs after replacing 'testing.bat' with your batch file's name. Set oShell = CreateObject ('Wscript.Shell') Dim. I wolud like to run my batch file always on top. Is it possible. I hate it when my batch file prompts me with a 'Press Any Key' and it's minimized.
I am trying to run a.vbs file, however I can't figure out how to execute it silently from a batch file, the reason I'm using a batch file is that I have additional. I think this is the easiest and shortest solution to running a batch file without opening the DOS window, it can be very distracting when you want to schedule a set. Here’s a snippet of code I wrote that will force a Windows batch script to run in a minimized window. Insert it at the beginning of the script.