Information for individual filing. Includes popular topics, online services, top forums, and other services.
California Income Tax Return Forms, CA Refund Status. Start Federal and California State Tax Returns Start California State Tax Return Only Prepare and efile Your California State Tax Return. The e. File tax software makes it easy for you to prepare and efile your California state tax return. Your basic state tax return forms will be automatically populated with the data you entered on your federal tax return.
Any additional state forms will be listed for you and will be ready for you to complete and efile. You can prepare and efile your California state tax return (resident, nonresident, or part- year resident) together or separately from your federal tax return. View the federal tax return filing requirements. You can prepare and efile multiple state tax returns on efile. California Income Tax Filing Deadline. The regular tax deadline to file/efile a California state income tax return is April 1. Tax Deadline Date.
Type of Income Tax Return. Filing Deadline/Due Date Description.
The mission of the State Board of Equalization is to serve the public through fair, effective, and efficient tax administration. Prepare, Print and File your Taxes for Free. FreeTaxUSA, Pricing, Questions and Answers, Why FreeTaxUSA, Customer Support, Prior Year Products and Sign In. File a Return. Depending on your type of business, the BOE offers convenient online filing services for eligible accounts. For those tax or fee payers who have. When Should I Prepare and File My California Tax Amendment? You should file a California amendment form within a period of 4 years since the original income tax.
April 1. 8, 2. 01. California State Income Tax Return. Due date for California State Income Tax Returns- income tax filing deadline. April 1. 8, 2. 01. California State Tax Extension. Due date for California automatic extensions.
October 1. 5, 2. 01. California State Tax Return. Last day to efile a 2. California State Income Tax Return for tax extension filers and late efilers.
- View all state tax return filing deadlines here. Find federal income tax return filing deadlines here. CA State Tax Forms. All of the following California state tax.
- Skip Left Navigation Individuals. Refunds and notices. Check your refund status; Refund information; Refund notices; File income tax. Who must file; Free e-file options.
View all state tax return filing deadlines here. Find federal income tax return filing deadlines here.
CA State Tax Forms. All of the following California state tax forms are supported by the efile. Form/Schedule. Description.
Can I efile this form?Form. California Miscellaneous Credits.
Form. Nonresidency Demographics/Military. Form 5. 40- ESEstimated Tax for Individuals. Form 5. 40/5. 40. NRAdjustments to Withholding. Form 5. 40/5. 40. NRContributions. Form 5.
NRMain Form. Form 5. NRNonrefundable Renter's Credit. Form 5. 40/5. 40. NR Schedule PAlternative Minimum Tax. Form 5. 40. XAmended Return.
Form 3. 50. 6Child and Dependent Care Expenses Credit. Form 3. 80. 0Tax Computation for Children with Investment Income. Form 4. 80. 3EHOH (Head of Household) Attachment.
Form 4. 80. 3EQuestionnaires (1, 2, 3)Schedule CAIncome Adjustments. Schedule SOther State Tax Credit. Worksheet. Sales and Use Tax Worksheet. CA State Tax Forms that Cannot Be efiled.
California State Tax Withholding Form. Form/Description.
Instructions. Form DE- 4. California State Personal Exemption Worksheet CA Tax Extension. Extension Form. California Extension Instructions. How to File. No Form. California grants an automatic 6- month extension of time to file a state income tax return (through October 1.
You don't have to apply for the extension, and no form is required. If you owe taxes, you must still pay the amount due by April 1. If you file later than October 1.
Work with a Tax. Pro. Important Reminder! If you are efiling a California tax extension, you may need to efile a federal tax extension as well. CA Tax Amendment. California state tax amendments cannot be efiled; they can only be mailed.
Learn how to prepare and file an amended California tax return. Past Year CA State Forms. California state tax forms for past Tax Years cannot be prepared and efiled. You will need to print, fill out, and mail the tax forms to the California Franchise Tax Board. Form/Schedule. Description. How to File. Form 5.
ESEstimated Tax for Individuals. Work with a Tax. Pro. Form 5. 40. Resident Income Tax Return. Form 5. 40. NRNonresident or Part- Year Resident Income Tax Return.
Form 5. 40/5. 40. NRNon- Refundable Renter's Credit. Form 3. 50. 3Natural Heritage Preservation Credit. Form 3. 50. 6Child and Dependent Care Expenses Credit.
Form 3. 50. 7Prison Inmate Labor Credit. Form 3. 80. 0Tax Computation for Certain Children with Investment Income. Form 3. 80. 1Passive Activity Loss Limitations. Form 3. 80. 3Parents' Election to Report Child's Interest and Dividends.
Form 3. 80. 5EInstallment Sale Income. Form 3. 80. 5PAdditional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and Other Tax- Favored Accounts. Form 3. 80. 5VNet Operating Loss (NOL) Computation and NOL and Disaster Loss Limitations- Individuals, Estates, and Trusts. Form 5. 80. 5Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals and Fiduciaries. Form 5. 80. 5FUnderpayment of Estimated Tax by Farmers and Fishermen.
Form 5. 87. 0ATax on Accumulation Distribution of Trusts. Schedule SOther State Tax Credit. Where's My Refund? Check Your California State Tax Refund Status. If you efile a California tax return, your refund will generally be processed in 7- 1.
Your refund may take 8 weeks to process if you file on paper. Check your official CA tax refund status online. CA efile Error Codes. View a list of all California State efile Income Tax Return Error Reject Codes. California Tax Facts.
CA Income Tax: Individual income is taxed across several tax brackets at graduated tax rates. For single filers and married people filing separately: 1% for the first $7,8. For married couples filing jointly and heads of households, the income brackets are doubled (though the tax rates stay the same).
There is an additional 1% tax (The Mental Health Services Tax) levied on taxable incomes of $1 million and above. CA Sales Tax: California has a state sales tax rate of 6. Certain food items are nontaxable. More information on California Sales Tax.
CA Personal Property Tax: In California, all real property is taxed based on the fair- market value, and property taxes are collected locally. Odd Tax Fact: A "jock tax" is a special income tax levied on traveling athletes, entertainers, and other nonresident performers who worked in the state at some point during the year. There are now "jock taxes" in more than 4. California. The tax was originally levied in 1.
Michael Jordan's income after the Chicago Bulls beat the LA Lakers in the NBA finals. CA State Tax Agency: For more information, you can visit the website of The California Franchise Tax Board. U. S. States: Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming. U. S. territories and protectorates: American Samoa | Guam | Northern Mariana Islands | Puerto Rico | U.
S. Virgin Islands.